Design For Humanity Through Human Centered Design
Identifying Fundamental Problems
Design for Humanity through Human Centered Design is the most precised way of solving the problem. Besides not all problems can be solved. Studies shows that fundamental problems is essential to be considered first since the root cause is solved. In addition, carrying out research and identifying fundamental problems needs a lot of time and a dedicated team to do that job (Bekker, Sturm, 2009). But despite all difficulties, this is the only way sing if not taken care of or skipped then it will lead to wrong problem solving (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008).
To obtain the right and perfect solution then you have to carry out your prototype using real people so that you can collect relevant information and also know where your design needs to be improved and how. The most important thing also to consider is this test should not be carried out using yourself or employees or family members since consumers have different test and preference hence it should be them who are suppose to be carried out and collect there views. The design should target there needs only (Bekker, Eggen, 2008).
In sociology, we define social interaction as the dynamic social actions between the groups or individuals who mutually changes there actions and reactions because of the actions by there interaction partners. These interaction forms a basic basis of the entire social structure. Also within this social interaction, social cultures are identified (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008).
Design interaction between people and object is mainly the physical part of interaction. People can interact with objects like a laptop, phone or a remote or any other object. This interaction is what makes the object design to be useful by the consumer since at this stage people will make use of such designed products to fit there needs. Therefore in this case, for the product to be useful and fully utilized by the people then they have to be in physical contact with them (Bekker, Eggen, 2008). Governments should play major role and take the initiative of educating the public through media and also varies organization. If the government can play major role then its possible to overcome because through there initiatives public can quickly understand because of the trust they have in the government. If possible the government should set the laws and policies which will govern the rights of public opinions before any constructions of industries or greenhouse all over the country.
Prototype Testing and Relevant Information Collection
In social sciences research, evidence are required to test the theories which should be obtained from relevant source of information carried out through problem research to evaluate and perfectly describe the related phenomenon (Acuff , Reiher, 1997). The main function of the research design is to ensure that all the evidence which are obtained can effectively address research problem as much as possible. Mistakes made by researchers is that they normal begins there investigations too early without actually collecting all the relevant and critically thinking of the problem. These may result in inadequate address and weak unconvincing conclusion to be made by researchers (Bekker, Sturm, 2009). The first and the main remedy is to educate the public about the importance of keeping the environment clean without pollution. Governments should play major role and take the initiative of educating the public through media and also varies organization. If the government can play major role then its possible to overcome because through there initiatives public can quickly understand because of the trust they have in the government. If possible the government should set the laws and policies which will govern the rights of public opinions before any constructions of industries or greenhouse all over the country. Governments should play major role and take the initiative of educating the public through media and also varies organization. If the government can play major role then its possible to overcome because through there initiatives public can quickly understand because of the trust they have in the government. If possible the government should set the laws and policies which will govern the rights of public opinions before any constructions of industries or greenhouse all over the country.
The following are such relations:
- Over-packaging is caused by incorrect measurements. This is due to the researchers not giving enough and accurate information on the quantity of the products to be packed. In real life this should not happen because research can be done perfectly and this can be greatly avoided (Bakker, Markopoulos, & de Kort, 2008). Industries should use modern technology in processing also waste products management. By use of technology all processes and steps will involve use of electricity be it burning or any other activity. This will greatly reduce release of the waste gases and other waste products. Also if we can use such technologies at home for cooking and water boiling, we will reduce the burning of firewood hence the forests will be preserved.
- Built-in obsolescence is the mistakes done when the outdated product is packed. Modern and the most recent products should be on the market. These errors are committed by lack of proper knowledge on the market and also assumption made by researchers on field work by just collecting few statistics then filling out other data by themselves. This can be avoided by collecting enough data and also moving with the current technology (Bandura, 1997).
- Toxic materials are mainly cause when the product expires very early while still on the market before reaching the consumer. Proper analysis on the product about its dates of expiry should be carried out and also to know the market demand of the product to avoid the surplus of the product (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008). Government and environmental organizations encourages recycling of waste products which prolong the use of materials that cannot decompose easily like plastics materials. This product can be used in several ways depending on its utility. Technology has also make waste handling easy and less dangerous to humans.
- Sustainable materials is how the raw materials can sustain the market without any insufficiency. Research should be done appropriately to actually know the quantity of materials to be used which can sustain the market and also there will be no waste of products (Bekker, Eggen, 2008). Also the paper work can be greatly reduced by use of this technology. As the demand for papers reduce then paper industries will reduce there production or complete shot down leading to less demand of woods which will conserve our forests. This will greatly contribute to the environment conservation. The first and the main remedy is to educate the public about the importance of keeping the environment clean without pollution. Governments should play major role and take the initiative of educating the public through media and also varies organization. If the government can play major role then its possible to overcome because through there initiatives public can quickly understand because of the trust they have in the government. If possible the government should set the laws and policies which will govern the rights of public opinions before any constructions of industries or greenhouse all over the country.
- Damaging processes normally occurs when the products are not well handled. Proper methods of handling the products should be used after the proper analysis of the fragility of the product and the best methods to be used while handling it (Acuff , Reiher, 1997). Waste products can be properly utilized by use of technology. Due to many innovations and demand of new products, it has really lead to less waste disposal by industries. Recycling is perfect way of handling waste products which are also used in other productive ways. Government and environmental organizations encourages recycling of waste products which prolong the use of materials that cannot decompose easily like plastics materials. This product can be used in several ways depending on its utility. Technology has also make waste handling easy and less dangerous to humans.
In all cases proper research is required and also level of accuracy should be achieved so that everything done should give out positive output.
Multi-faceted research approach is used to obtain an in-depth of a complex issue understanding in our real-life context (Acuff , Reiher, 1997). It is the design that is used in extensively wide disciplines, and mostly in social sciences. It is sometimes known as naturalistic design because it explore data in real depth and in more natural context. It is therefore contrast with experimental design since this involves manipulating variables (Bakker, Markopoulos, & de Kort, 2008). Government and environmental organizations encourages recycling of waste products which prolong the use of materials that cannot decompose easily like plastics materials. This product can be used in several ways depending on its utility. Technology has also make waste handling easy and less dangerous to humans. Built-in obsolescence is the mistakes done when the outdated product is packed. Modern and the most recent products should be on the market. These errors are committed by lack of proper knowledge on the market and also assumption made by researchers on field work by just collecting few statistics then filling out other data by themselves. This can be avoided by collecting enough data and also moving with the current technology (Bandura, 1997).
Social Interaction and Culture
Environmental Change Study
Environmental changes has been the main topic across the world. Scientists, policy makers, politicians, church leaders and public in general have become more concern about rapid change in environment which has cause risks such as global warming. Scientists from various respective disciplines have been carrying out studies on what is the main cause and how can be overcome without reaching the potential catastrophic effects. In recent past years, this subject has been all over the news media for some times. The main concern is it has direct impact on the human race and also distinct of other species due to this changes (Bakker, Markopoulos, & de Kort, 2008).
According to the research i did on this topic, the following are the information I collected:
Human Activities
I collected several data through interviews and questionnaires in public and also the environmental experts. The data I collected led me to draw a summary and came up with the main cause and also the remedies.
Human activities such as greenhouses farming, burning fuels, increase number of industries, charcoal burning among other activities are the main contributors. The polluted gases released into the environment has lead to the destruction of the Ozone layer which protects the earth from the direct harmful sun rays. Industries also has contributed to water pollution since waste products are released into water with affects the life of aquatic plants and animals. Several organizations that are concerned have tried there best to regulate the this kinds of pollution’s but they still experience so many challenge(Bandura, 1997s.
Remedies To Human Activities
Human behavior to the environment
The first and the main remedy is to educate the public about the importance of keeping the environment clean without pollution. Governments should play major role and take the initiative of educating the public through media and also varies organization. If the government can play major role then its possible to overcome because through there initiatives public can quickly understand because of the trust they have in the government. If possible the government should set the laws and policies which will govern the rights of public opinions before any constructions of industries or greenhouse all over the country (Bakker, Markopoulos, & de Kort, 2008). Sustainable materials is how the raw materials can sustain the market without any insufficiency. Research should be done appropriately to actually know the quantity of materials to be used which can sustain the market and also there will be no waste of products (Bekker, Eggen, 2008). Also the paper work can be greatly reduced by use of this technology. As the demand for papers reduce then paper industries will reduce there production or complete shot down leading to less demand of woods which will conserve our forests. This will greatly contribute to the environment conservation
Design Interaction Between People and Object
Improvising Technology Change
Industries should use modern technology in processing also waste products management. By use of technology all processes and steps will involve use of electricity be it burning or any other activity. This will greatly reduce release of the waste gases and other waste products. Also if we can use such technologies at home for cooking and water boiling, we will reduce the burning of firewood hence the forests will be preserved (Bandura, 1997. Built-in obsolescence is the mistakes done when the outdated product is packed. Modern and the most recent products should be on the market. These errors are committed by lack of proper knowledge on the market and also assumption made by researchers on field work by just collecting few statistics then filling out other data by themselves. This can be avoided by collecting enough data and also moving with the current technology (Bandura, 1997). By use of technology it can handle it properly.
Improving public transportation facilities
In major cities public transport should be reduced as much as possible to reduce congestion and air pollution. Number of vehicles should be restricted in major cities. Use of electric trains also should be encourage in long distances and also within the city. This will result in air pollution and also sound pollution (Acuff , Reiher, 1997).. Proper use technology in such sectors will help a lot to over come such challenges. Also by use modern cars, the engines produce less smoke and also the noise is reduced. Generally, everything should be technologically controlled even the traffic should be able to be controlled by use of CCTV cameras hence improving security and safety because of its accuracy.
Telecommuting and Teleconferencing
Telecommuting and Teleconferencing can also contribute since people can communicate and do business through the phones without traveling hence there will be less fuel burning which causes air pollution (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008). Also the paper work can be greatly reduced by use of this technology. As the demand for papers reduce then paper industries will reduce there production or complete shot down leading to less demand of woods which will conserve our forests. This will greatly contribute to the environment conservation (Acuff , Reiher, 1997)..
Improving the Technology of Waste Recycling and Handling
Waste products can be properly utilized by use of technology. Due to many innovations and demand of new products, it has really lead to less waste disposal by industries. Toxic materials are mainly cause when the product expires very early while still on the market before reaching the consumer. Proper analysis on the product about its dates of expiry should be carried out and also to know the market demand of the product to avoid the surplus of the product (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008). Recycling is perfect way of handling waste products which are also used in other productive ways. Government and environmental organizations encourages recycling of waste products which prolong the use of materials that cannot decompose easily like plastics materials (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008). This product can be used in several ways depending on its utility. Technology has also make waste handling easy and less dangerous to humans (Acuff , Reiher, 1997).
Multi-faceted Research Approach
Research issues relation to design has really lead to both society and the environmental impact. Society depends on the environment in all aspects of life including food, water, oxygen among other basic needs (Bandura, 1997). Due to a lot of research and innovation, the environment has been polluted through large masses of waste products released on the environment. This waste products has lead to destruct ions of natural habitat, water pollution and air pollution. Environment has been destroyed by this harmful wastes. This has lead to diminish the life quality on earth (Bakker, Markopoulos, & de Kort, 2008). Government and environmental organizations encourages recycling of waste products which prolong the use of materials that cannot decompose easily like plastics materials. This product can be used in several ways depending on its utility. Technology has also make waste handling easy and less dangerous to humans. Governments should play major role and take the initiative of educating the public through media and also varies organization. If the government can play major role then its possible to overcome because through there initiatives public can quickly understand because of the trust they have in the government (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008). If possible the government should set the laws and policies which will govern the rights of public opinions before any constructions of industries or greenhouse all over the country.
In Human centered designs we have seen how people can interact with objects with aim of facilitating and easing the activities done by people in real-life. This has been made possible by proper research and innovations . We have also seen the relationship of this research in society and environment in general also there impacts (Bekker, Sturm, & Barakova, 2008). Use of technology in environmental conservation can real leads to positive impact despite the miner negative implications.
Acuff DS, Reiher RH (1997) What kids buy and why: the psychology of marketing to kids. Free Press Google Scholar
Bakker S, Markopoulos P, de Kort Y (2008) OPOS: an observation scheme for evaluating head- up play. In: Proceedings of the 5th Nordic conference on human-computer interaction (NordiCHI)
Bandura A (1997) Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. Freeman, New York
Bekker T, Sturm J, Barakova E (2008) Designing for social interaction through physical play, In: Extended abstracts of conference on fun and games 2008, pp 62–67
Bekker T, Eggen B (2008) Designing for children’s physical play. In: CHI 08 extended abstracts on human factors in computing systems, pp 2871–2876
Bekker T, Sturm J. (2009) Stimulating social and physical activity through open-ended play. In: Proceedings of interaction design and children, IDC 2009, Como, Italy, pp 309–311