Design And Implementation Of Project Management Systems For Contracting, Administration And Management Of Projects And Programs
Literature Review
Project delivery system is a model that is used to develop a suitable plan on how a project will be executed and delivered. There are different types of project delivery models that are basically selected based on the nature, type and scale of the project. In this particular case analysis, the Melbourne city council has handed over a project to MRPA (Melbourne Road Projects Authority) for installation of piezo electric speed bumps at various locations of the central business district of the city. Accordingly, some parameters have been set in the project and MRPA needs to select a suitable project delivery model that will suit the best interests of both the involved parties.
In this report, a literature review has been conducted based on piezo electric speed bumps and project delivery systems. In addition, a detailed study has been conducted to develop a final project delivery system report including a timeline and estimated cost for delivering the project to the Melbourne government.
According to Chen et al. (2017), There exists three type of modules and this includes the speed bump associated with the spring module, two stacks of cantilevers with piezoelectric plate or the Piezoelectric cantilever module and the last module is associated with the gathering of the voltages, rectification and conversion of this into direct current. The first module includes the speed bump with associated with the spring module which contains a speed bump pair and this has been depicted in the figure provided below. One of the speed bumps present in this module is consisting of four springs and a knocker. Whenever a car passes the speed bump this module would be associated with shifting the corresponding mechanical energy to the other module by making use of knocker.
Fig 1: Speed bump mechanical module
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
From the works of Shin et al. (2018), it can be found that the second module consists of two stacks of cantilevers associated with the piezoelectric plates and this has been shown in the figure provided below. This module is consisting of ten cantilever pairs, piezoelectric plates, loads and magnets which are spread all across the two stack platforms. The platform is supported by the four springs so whenever a knocker gets hit the platform and the cantilevers are associated with vibrating extensively. In this each of the piezoelectric plate gets glued to each cantilever. These vibrations is responsible for the deflection of the plates and every plate is associated with production of the electrical voltage impulses. Besides this the addition of the magnet pair in between the platform and the cantilever is associated with the production of the repulsive force which prolongs the vibration.
Figure 2: Working of the Speed Bump
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
Shin et al. (2018) also show that the third module is associated with the gathering of the generated voltages, rectifying and conversion of this voltages is done into direct current. This is followed by the collection of the corresponding electric charges into a capacitor. The are the functions which gets controlled by the buck converter circuit and a capacitor. For monitoring the electrical energy that the capacitor collects, the microcontroller and the data virtualization software are used.
According to Guo & Lu (2017), modelling of the mechanical interactions between these modules are done so as to act as a multiple mass-spring-damper which has been depicted in the figure provided below. Whenever it is seen that the car is running over the speed bump its weight that is the Wv is associated with pushing the cover of the speed bump that is the msb along with the springs. These springs are having the total spring rate that is the ksb and rate of damping that is the bsb. The displacement obtained due to this is ysb. This displacement then gets transferred throughout the knocker towards the platform of the cantilever that is the mcp. The springs present in the platform are consisting of smaller elasticity as well as damping constants that is the kcp and bcp. This is done so as to make sure that each and every knock is vibrating the platform as well as the cantilevers intensively. The vibration is further extended by the interactions taking place between the cantilevers (parameters includes: mc1, kc1, bc1) and the repulsive forces of the magnets (Fma).
Fig 3: Mass-spring-damper schematic of speed bump system
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
Samn et al. (2018) state that the deflection of the cantilevers that the yc1is also associated with deflecting the piezoelectric plates that is ypz., here the equal to the hyc1. Where the h is considered to be the fraction of the deflection that is taking place at the cantilevers. This lastly produces eth voltage Vpz and the major reason behind this is due to the changes taking place in the deflection.
The equation for the corresponding state space has been given below. The equations acts as the basis of the modification which is associated with the production of the modules depicted in the figure 1 and figure 2. is the permeability medium that the magnets are having is represented as µo the magnetic constant is represented as Br and the distance of the magnets is represented as D.
Speed bump module:
As depicted in the figure 1 and in the equation 1, is associated with indicating the fact that for the purpose of producing more instances of the vibration in the cantilevers, the weight of the vehicle that is the Wv should be applied as per the discussion provided below. Besides this it is also to be made sure that the maximum deflection that is allowed is ysb along with which the corresponding hit of the knocker should always be around 4 cm.
Track of the Speed Bumps:
For the purpose of producing the instantaneous Wv Force it is essential to make sure that the speed of the vehicle is being increased (Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016). This can be realized by lengthening of the speed bump tracks so as to comply with the speed bump that is having the maximum slope and it is around 15% as required by the regulations of particular country.
Speed bump Springs:
For the purpose of pushing the knocker towards the depth that is intended and to make it returns immediately to the initial position from where the designing the of the springs of the speed bumps have been done. This is done by considering the average weight that the cars are having. These springs are made up of steel which is having a shear modulus that is G=79.3 GPa (Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016). This is to make sure that the corresponding spring rate k is working as the function of the diameter of the wire d, diameter of the outer coil D, index of the spring C and number of coils acting Na gets satisfied. The formula for this has been provided below:
Equation 3
The springs are to be manufactured at the workshops present locally which would be made to pass through the mechanical compression tests. The results of the test has been provided in the figure provided below and besides this the figure also depicts the fact fact that all the springs are getting deflected linearly with the force being applied and is consisting of similar spring rates as provided in the table.
Figure 4: Force-deflection curve of four speed bump’s springs
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
Spring |
Spring Spring Rate (N/m) |
A |
17569.87 |
B |
17850.96 |
C |
17929.64 |
D |
18339.80 |
Total |
71690.27 |
The figure provided below is associated with depicting one of the speed bumps that has been implemented assisted by as slope of 13.6% having a height of around 12cm. the overall length that the speed bump is having is around 80.90cm and the tracs are made up of thick iron plates of 4mm. the knocker has been associated with pointing the tips that are needed for the purpose of intensifying the pressure that the second module is having.
Fig. 5. The implemented speed bump module
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
Cantilever and the Piezoelectric Module:
As per indicated by the equation 2, each of the modules is consisting a set of parameters known as the m, k, b. this are associated with effecting the corresponding deflection y. this in turn is associated with the propagation of these into the resulting electric voltage that is Vpz. So it can be stated that the designing of the springs along with the varying of the length and thickness of the cantilevers would be having a huge impact upon the final piezoelectric deflections as well as upon the corresponding output voltage as well (Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016).
By rewriting the last two lines of the equation 2, it is possible to provide a describe of the output voltage that gets produced at the cantilevers and the piezoelectric plates are associated with producing
Equation 4
For equation 4, Ftot is considered to be the total force which the platform propagates along with the repulsive force that the magnets are having. The first right hand term of equation 4 is considered to be a low pass filter which is having the natural frequency of ωn. This is associated with indicating the vibration number in accordance to the time and the damping constant ζ is associated with indicating how long the vibration would get dissipated. Due to the reason that the goal of cantilever and piezoelectric module is to generate large as well as prolonged vibration so it must be made sure that the ωnis always greater and the ζ needs to be small (Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016).
Figure provided below depicts the top view of the cantilever platform.
Fig. 6. Top view of cantilever platform
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
Fig.7. Force-deflection curve for four springs on cantilever module
(Source: Ekawati, Mardiah & Parmana, 2016, pp. 154-159)
Different types of project delivery model:
Design-Bid-Build (DBB) or Design-Award-Build (DAB)
This is the type of model which involves the development of the contract documents by the owner by taking assistance from one of the architects or an engineer. The document is consisting of various sets of blueprints along with the detailed specifications (Klakegg, 2017). Solicitations of the bids are done by the contractors and this bidding is dependent upon the documents developed by the owners. After this bidding the contract is handed over to the bidder who is seen to be responsible and is of lowest responsive.
DBB with Construction Management (DBB with CM)
When the contract document is partially completed the owner would be associated with the hiring of the contract manager who would be responsible for working as an agent. When the substantial portions of the documents get completed the contract manager would then be associated with the solicitation of the bids from the subcontractors who are suitable (Martin et al., 2016). This in turn would be associated with allowing the construction process to proceed more rapidly along with allowing the owners of the document to share some of the risks that have been inherited by the project after the appointment of the construction manager.
Design-Build (DB) or Design-Construct
In this type of process the owner would firstly be associated with the development of the conceptual plan for the project which would be followed by the solicitation of the biddings coming from the joint venture of the architects or the engineers and the builders (Hughes & Herndon, 2018). This is done generally for the design and construction of the project.
Design-Build-Operate-Maintain (DBOM)
Design-Build-Operate-Maintain is associated with moving the Design-Build DBOM one step further. This is generally done by the inclusion of the operations along the maintenance of the project that has been completed within the same original contract.
Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
BOT or the Build-Operate- Transfer is associated with the complete representation of the integration related to the delivery of the project. In this type of process the same contract is utilized for the purpose of governing the design along with using this for construction, operations, financing, and maintenance of the project (Carrato & Wilson, 2016). Once the concessionary period is over, the project is again transferred to the original owner.
General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM, GCCM, or CM/GC)
The owners would be associated with the hiring of the contractors who would be acting as the combined agent as well as the general contractor. Due to the reason that the substantial portions of the documents are completed the general contractor or the construction manager would be associated with the solicitation of the biddings done by the suitable subcontractors (Hughes & Herndon, 2018). The biddings done may be open or maybe done via an alternative subcontractor selection process.
Beside this the subcontractors along with the sub-CCM are contracted at a frequent rate to the GC/CM or CM/GC. However, they might also be directly contracted by he owner as well. This might be associated with associated with allowing of the accelerated construction along with receiving confirmations regarding the flexibility, pricing, sharing of risk between owner and contractor, as well as in the investigation, procurement and sequencing of the construction.
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)
This is the project delivery method that is associated with attracting the interest of the primary members of the team and is also responsible for aligning this interests so as to make sure that the members can be integrated in order to to have an optimal performance of the project. This in turn would be associated with proving results in a collaborative way (Carrato & Wilson, 2016). Along with this the value-based process would be associated with the delivering of high-outcome results for the entire team associated with building.
Public-private partnership (PPP, 3P, or P3)
A public–private partnership is the project delivery model which is consisting of a cooperative arrangement that exists between one or more public entities and also in between another entity for the purpose of designing, building and financing (Greenhalgh, 2016). Sometimes, this is also done for operating and maintenance of the project from the owner’s behalf for a specified time period.
In addition to the types of project delivery systems, there are also different types of contracts that are being used for hiring a particular contractor or partner for the project. Some of the contract types are as follows.
Fixed Price Contract: This contract mainly involves a fixed price that the parent company will pay the contractor for a particular project work (Cullen et al., 2017). Once the contract is agreed and signed, the parent company will not pay any extra money more that the agreed price and thus, the contractor will have bear any additional expenses encountered in the project.
Cost Reimbursable Contract: Cost reimbursable contract is a type of contract when there is no specific amount of budget agreed between the two parties. In this case, once the project is finished, the company pays the contractor all the costs encountered in the contract plus additional amount for the profit of the contractor.
Time and Materials: In this type of contract, the budget is based on “rates” rather than fixed values (Turner, 2017). While there is no fixed value for the budget of the project, the rate is fixed and the total payment is made based on the total time of work in project (rate of work) and / or total materials bought in the project (rate of material costs).
Based on the analysis for this project, it can be seen that the Government has developed a fixed budget and timeline for the project. Hence, the type of contract most suitable for the project is Fixed Price Contract.
Major Road Projects Authority performs some major projects that are related to the construction, modification and repair works on the roadways in various cities in Australia. The Melbourne government has handed over a project order to Major Road Projects Authority for major works in the Central Business District of the city. As per the project order, MRPA will need to install 25 new speed bumps at various points of the area and additionally, they will have to add Piezo electric circuits under each speed bump. These circuits will be able to capture the mechanical energy from the cars that will pass over the bumps. In order to proceed with the project, MRPA will require a proper initiation plan for the delivery of the project. The initial plan includes the following aspects.
The project objectives are as follows.
- To select an appropriate project delivery system for the project
- To sign contract for the project as per the selected delivery system
- To accept the project
- To build speed bumps at the selected locations on the roads
- To install the piezo electric circuits under each of the speed bumps
- To develop maintenance plan for the piezo electric circuits
- To monitor the working of the piezo electric circuits
The project contract is mainly based on the construction of 25 speed bumps at various locations in the district and the installation of piezo electric circuits for capturing the mechanical energy from the friction with the car wheels. The project is set at a budget of $500, 000 and the Government has also set a timeline of 2 months for the project. The contractor can choose one or both of construction and maintenance contracts (for the maintenance contract, the contractor will receive appropriate compensation based on the expenses on the maintenance works). If the project outcome is satisfactory, the government will hand over a bigger contract of 200 more piezo electric speed bumps.
There are some additional needs and requirements for the project. These are listed as follows.
- In order to construct the piezo electric speed bumps on the roads, there is a need for a traffic control team across the city as the vehicles will have to be diverted through free lanes.
- An electrical engineer needs to be hired who will plan and supervise the implementation and activation of the piezo electric circuits.
- A control room is to be set up to monitor the working of the piezo electric speed bumps.
- A small power station needs to be set up to collect and distribute the harvested energy from the speed bumps.
As discussed previously, there are several delivery systems that are mainly chosen based on the type of the contract and the ability of the contractor to proceed with the project. In order to select the most suitable delivery system, some SWOT Analyses have been conducted on the major delivery models.
Design Bid Build
Strength: Bids can be processed after analysing the design, thus setting bid value accordingly
Weakness: No scope of extra work in the developed design even if it has loopholes
Opportunity: Chance to increase profit margin by developing the design at low costs
Threat: Can be outbid by other rival contractors
Design Build
Strength: The contractor can apply suitable inputs on the design
Weakness: Bidding is done before the design is developed and hence, the bid amount may not be suitable for the project
Opportunity: The design can be modified to suit the contract amount and the requirements of the project
Threat: Unrealistic bid for an unknown design may result in financial constraints later on
Build Operate Transfer
Strength: One single contract for governance of design, operations and maintenance
Weakness: The requirements are not well defined due to focus on different parts of project
Opportunity: The contractor is able to input own works and designs in the project
Threat: The contractor may misuse the value of the contract
Private Public Partnership
Strength: Mutual understanding between two parties, both parties can have equivalent benefits without clash of interests
Weakness: Most of the control is held by the public sector, no scope of input in the project by the private partner
Opportunity: Chances of further partnership if the project is successful, future collaborations
Threat: Public sector is vulnerable to external threats like market crash and this will affect the private sector as well
Based on the SWOT analysis of the project delivery methods, it can be said that the most suitable delivery method for the project is Design Bid Build (DBB).
Since there are different project delivery and administration models and systems, it is important to determine the most suitable one for the type and nature of the project (Brady, MacAulay & Steen, 2017). The most important selection criteria for the selection of optimal project delivery and administration process are discussed as follows.
Scale of Project: The first important factor in selecting the project delivery method is the scale of the project. For instance, if the project is of short scale and is not of extreme importance, the company can simply hire a contractor who will deliver the project based on DBB delivery model.
Nature of Project: Nature of the project is also an important factor in deciding the suitable delivery model. Some projects require private-public collaboration while others can be only private or only public venture only (Hawkins et al., 2016). For instance, let a government wants to set up new railways system in a particular region but does not have sufficient technical expertise or human resources for conducting the project. In that case, the government will hand over the project to a private construction agency as a part of the project contract and delivery model deal that will benefit both the parties.
As per the final announcement by the Government, MRPA will need to deliver 25 completed piezo electric speed bumps along with a collection station where the mechanical energy harvested in the speed bumps will be collected in the form of electrical energy. MRPA will also have to work with $500,000 budget within 2 months time period post contract signing (Brady, MacAulay & Steen, 2017). If MRPA fails to meet the deadline or exceed the budget, it should be responsible for additional expenses. However, in case of unforeseen incidents or accidents, suitable compensation will be provided by the government.
The project will follow DBB (Design Bid Build) project delivery model. Using this model, the project will be executed by the contractor and administered by the Government after a suitable contractor is chosen through bidding process. After all installations are complete and it is seen that sufficient amount of electricity is generated in the piezo electric speed bumps, MRPA will receive contract offer for the installation of more piezo electric speed bumps. The government will also provide sufficient compensation to MRPA for maintenance and monitoring works of the speed bumps.
As a part of the project delivery plan, a suitable project timeline that also includes the estimated cost of the project is shown in the appendix section.
From the timeline, it can be seen that the total estimated cost is $481,060, which is within the budget limit set by the government. In addition, the main planning and execution part of the project can be completed in (21+32) = 53 days that is also within the 2 months period to be provided by the government. Hence, the project delivery can be done within this particular timeline and budget.
This report mainly involves the study on piezo electric speed bumps, project delivery systems and the development of PDS report based on the selected project delivery model. Piezo electric speed bumps are the speed bumps on traffic roads that contain piezo electric circuits below them. These circuits harvest the mechanical energy generated by friction during the interaction of the car wheels with the speed bumps and convert them into electrical energy for other uses. The Melbourne city authority has decided to install some piezo electric speed bumps at various locations in the Central Business District of the city. The project contract is mainly based on the construction of 25 speed bumps at various locations in the district and the installation of piezo electric circuits for capturing the mechanical energy from the friction with the car wheels. The project is set at a budget of $500, 000 and the Government has also set a timeline of 2 months for the project. The contractor can choose one or both of construction and maintenance contracts but they should ensure the deadline and budget are both met and also the highest quality of project is delivered in the end.
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