Design And Functioning Of ATM System: Use Case Model And Class Diagram
Components of an ATM machine
The ATM systems were introduced to increase the accessing of the cash directly from the machine without going to the bank for transaction of withdrawing or depositing. The long queues were shortens with the management of ATM system. The banking facilities can be easily drafted and formulated by the association of core banking system in the designing of the ATM machine (Purchase, Colpoys, McGill, Carrington, and Britton, 2014). The development of the ATM machine involves the architectural design which is incubated with the equipment like cash dispenser unit, visual display unit with touch screen facility, ATM card reader, printer, and keypad. The formulation of these unit increases the effectiveness of the transaction process with the use of ATM machine. The Collins ATM machine is designed for facilitating customers with variety of services provided to them related to transaction of money.
The aim of this project is to develop a design of use case model to focus on the functioning of the ATM system which is under consideration. The class diagram of the proposed project of Collin ATM machine helps in getting the details of relationship between different class entities. The development of the Collins ATM machine provides the functional program of operating directly through the ATM machine without going to the bank branches for performing the transaction related to the withdrawing and depositing of the cash.
The project of Collin ATM machine is proposed with the key objectives of providing numerous cash handling facilities to the customers, operator, and the bank officer. The objectives of the proposed system are highlighted below:
- Development of the use case model for analysing the flow of operation performed between customers, bank officer, and ATM machine.
- The development of class diagram of the proposed project of Collin ATM machine helps in getting the details of relationship between different class entities.
- Proposing the facilities modules provided to the customers such as cash withdraw, cash deposition, change PIN, balance enquiry, and others
- The designing of the facilities provided to the bank officer are automatic upgrading of the customers database, calculation of cash withdraw, calculation of cash deposition, total amount left, total cash withdraw from the machine, total cash deposited in the machine, total amount of cash left in the ATM machine, and others.
- WITHDRAW: The customer can withdraw fixed amount limit of cash from the ATM machine within 24 hours. The user will collect the money from the cash dispenser slot provided in the ATM machine (Wang, Zhang, Sheu, and Guo, 2010).
- DEPOSIT: The facility of depositing the cash is provided to the user through cash or cheque
- BALANCE INQUIRY: The user can do the balance inquiry for knowing the details of account after withdrawing or depositing of cash.
- PIN NUMBER: The PIN number is the confidential information which is provided to the customers by the bank for carrying out transaction from the ATM machine.
- CHANGE PIN: For security purpose, the customers are provided with the facility of changing PIN number according to their own choice.
- Verification of the ATM card: After entering the ATM card, the card number is get verified and linked with the customer’s account for carrying out further transaction.
- Verification of the PIN number: The customer can perform the transaction after PIN number get verified from the bank by matching the PIN number which is stored at the database.
- TRANSFER: The money can be transferred from the customer account to the other account.
- INVALID PIN REJECTION PROCESS: The invalid PIN number entered by the user will result in blocking of the ATM card for security purpose. The user is provided with three chances of entering PIN number.
- SESSION TIME OUT: The session of the customer will be expired if he is not able to perform the verification process in the limited time period which is given by the bank to carry out the transaction (Vachharajani, and Pareek, 2014).
Non Functional Requirement:
- The performance of the ATM system can be measured by satisfying the customer requirement (Scold, 2014)
- The current information should be provided of the amount of balance left in the customer account.
- Reliability of the Collins ATM system can be measured by providing the cash amount to the customers
- Accuracy of the ATM can be measured by the updating process undertaken for the database
- Integrity: The core banking facility helps in providing data integrity by using the card of ther bank in the Collins ATM machine
- Confidentiality of the PIN number should be kept secret by the bank authorities and customers
The use case model helps in providing the clear concept view of relationship described between customers, bank entities, operator, and the Collins ATM machine for managing operation between them (Okafor, Udeze, UgWoke, Ifesinachi, and Nnaemeka, 2014). The following USE CASE MODEL present the complete scenario of the working process of Collins ATM machines and its related functionality:
The following use case model determines the interaction between the customers and the ATM machine for carrying out respective function:
The following use case diagram shows the functional model carried out between customers, ATM, operator, and bank officer.
The following use case provides the scenario of interaction between customers and the bank operator for checking the availability of sufficient fund in the cash dispenser machine or not.
START UP of the ATM machine: The bank operator switch on the machine by checking availability of the cash in the cash dispenser unit of the ATM machine (Saleh, 2015). The sequence diagram for starting up of the ATM machine is depicted below:
Use Case Model of Collins ATM machine
The operator will check the availability of the customer when there are no customers than he can the shutdown the machine. The customer will not be able to make any transaction related to withdrawing and deposition after shutting down of the system because it close out connection with the bank.
The session of the customer start when the customer enters the card in the ATM machine. He will enter his PIN number after the verification of the card for carrying out transaction (Merugu, and Akepogu, 2011). The bank will verified the PIN number to select the facility of the ATM machine according to their requirement such as withdrawing, depositing, transfer, and balance inquiry. The session of the customer will be expired if he is not able to perform the verification process in the limited time period which is given by the bank to carry out the transaction (Nair and Nahar, 2015).
The customer can withdraw fixed amount limit of cash from the ATM machine within 24 hours. The user will collect the money from the cash dispenser slot provided in the ATM machine. The withdrawing process will collect amount of cash at the cash dispenser unit and ends with the generation of receipt for the transaction.
The working model of the Collins ATM machine requires an initialization of various units such as cash dispenser unit for providing cash to the customers, Slot for deposition is used for depositing the amount through cash or cheque, keypad for entering PIN number for verification of the card, and a printer to generate a final receipt of the complete transaction carried out at the ATM machine. The Switch is provided for switching on and off of the ATM machine on the basis of amount in the cash dispenser unit and the availability of the customers. The touch screen video display unit should be incorporated for providing the facility of touching to use the menu provided for carrying out required function. The network management is the core structure of developing efficient working system of the Collins ATM because the communication between the customers and bank officer should be managed so that the proper updating in the database of the customers can be done for preserving the accuracy of the data stored in the database. The automatic upgrading of the database can be done due to the availability effective network management system.
The designing element of the Collins ATM machine helps in providing efficient services to the customers according to their demand. The designing element focuses on the users of the system, performing action, storing the information on the database, attaching security features with the Collins ATM transaction, and flow of data between different entities.
Class diagram of Collins ATM machine
The GUI system is designed for facilitating the customers with the touch option of the menu displayed on the Video display of the ATM system. The customer can effectively chose the option directly from the icons presented or displayed (Meridji, AlMakhadmeh, Sarayreh, Abuljadayel, and Khalaf, 2015).
It is the unique ID provided to the user |
Name of the user |
Address of the user |
Creation of unique ID |
Available amount of user |
Bank Account Table of the customer
ID of the bank account |
Unique number of the bank account |
Type of account for selecting saving and current account |
Available balance amount |
Active or inactive account |
PHP is used as front end language for creating bank transaction. MYSQL database is used for managing database of the user account. The most preferred operating system are Window 7 and 8.
Front End Tool: PHP
Back END Tool: MySQL Database
Operating System: Window 7 and 8
It has been analysed that the effective communication can be maintained between the various entities which are customers, operator, bank officers, and ATM machine. The session of the customer start when the customer enters the card in the ATM machine. He will enter his PIN number after the verification of the card for carrying out transaction (Hooda, 2016). The customers are facilitated with various services like withdrawing of the cash, depositing of the cash, transferring of the cash, change PIN for security purposes, and others (Hota, 2013). The network management is the core structure of developing efficient working system of the Collins ATM because the communication between the customers and bank officer should be managed so that the proper updating in the database of the customers can be done for preserving the accuracy of the data stored in the database. The use case model helps in providing the clear concept view of relationship described between customers, bank entities, operator, and the Collins ATM machine for managing operation between them (Briand, Labiche, and Miao, 2013).
The flow of communication can be effectively analysed with the class diagram, Use case model diagram, and subsystem representing the sequence diagram of action. The banking facilities can be easily drafted and formulated by the association of core banking system in the designing of the ATM machine. The withdrawing process will collect amount of cash at the cash dispenser unit and ends with the generation of receipt for the transaction.
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