Demonstrating Knowledge And Understanding Of OBHRM, Logistics, And Supply Chain Management
How can you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of OBHRM functions?
Section 1 How can you demonstrate you can evaluate the key integrated functional areas in organisations and their supply chain operations that shape their complexity? (LO1)?
Advice from the Individual Synoptic Essay: This is to be introduced within the introduction, analysed in the main body of the work and evaluated within the conclusion. How have your provided the overview of the core business offers as well as Siemens key functions?
The functions and the nature of the company Siemens has been analyzed for the purpose of this report. The company’s functions have been further analyzed for the purpose of identifying the goals of the supply chain management at Siemens. It can be noted that Siemens is German Multinational company. It has its headquarters in Munich and Berlin. It can be noted that Siemens is one of the biggest industrial manufacturing companies in the world that carries out its operations in the field of healthcare, industry and energy. (2018). Siemens Website. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2018].
How have you introduced and evaluated supply chain operations?
The supply chain management operations at Siemens have been analyzed in order to assess whether the company has sufficient availability of resources which is necessary for meeting the demands of the customers. It can be said that for the purpose of evaluating supply chain operations of the company, the systems, structures and processes to execute the flow of goods and services to the customers have been analyzed. It can be said that both internal operations and extended suppliers and customers have been taken into consideration for the purpose of evaluating how effectiveness of the supply chain management of the company. In addition it can be stated that the Six Sigma theory has been applied to assess the supply chain management of the company.
Höller, S., Schneller, P. and Thonemann, U.W., 2017. Supply Chain Segmentation at Siemens Healthineers. In Supply Chain Segmentation (pp. 55-63). Springer, Cham.
How have you developed interlinking dialogue demonstrating organizational complexities?
It can be stated that complexity control is essential for every business. The negligence of complexity control affects the bottom line of the company. It can be said that organization for the purpose of gaining competitive advantage and maintaining market existence might be required to shift focus from producing goods in high volume to producing specialized goods in order to maintain a balance between the products produced in high volume and specialized products. However in the report the organizational complexities have not been discussed in details.
How can you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of logistics functions?
Bryman, A. and Bell, E., 2015. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA.
Section 2 How can you analyse and evaluate a range of business data and analytics using appropriate methods and techniques for the level of study (LO2)?
Advice from the Individual Synoptic Essay: This will be analysed in the main body of the essay and summarised in the conclusion How can you identify appropriate business data and analytics to use?
Identifying appropriate business data and analytics is very important to assess the performance of an organization. It can be mentioned data analysis is also known as data analytics and it is referred to as cleaning, transforming and modeling data for the purpose of obtaining useful information. Data has obtained and assessed by the use of several methods and techniques
What methods and techniques can you use to analyse data and analytics?
It can be mentioned that Data analysis refers to breaking down components of data for the purpose of individual examination. Data analysis can be done by the following phases: Data Requirements, Data collection, Data processing, Data Cleaning, Exploratory data analysis, modeling and algorithms, data product and communication.
Chambers, J.M., 2018. Graphical methods for data analysis. CRC Press.
What methods and techniques can you use to evaluate data and analytics?
For the purpose of evaluating data and analytics the following need to be followed:
- Checking Raw Data prior to evaluating them
- Performing important calculations with the columns of data and formula driven from them
- Confirming the sum of the subtotals
- Checking relations between the numbers
- Breaking components by analyzing the factors
Section 3 How can you demonstrate an understanding of core OBHR and logistics and supply chain knowledge and functions through applications and practices (LO3)? Advice from the Individual Synoptic Essay: This will be analysed in the main body of the essay and summarised in the conclusion
How can you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of OBHRM functions?
It can be said that organizational behavior of a company is responsible for bringing the culture of ownership to life. It can be said that the actions of the staff of the company Siemens sets a benchmark for entrepreneurial behavior. The behavior of each and every member of the company contributes to the organizational behavior and is responsible for improving and evolving internal behavior. The aforementioned company has the belief that working with people will help nurture the values of the company and will be instrumental in establishing the diversity of experience
Protopappa-Sieke, M., Thonemann, U. and Thonemann, U.W., 2017. Supply Chain Segmentation. Springer.
How can you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of logistics functions?
I have learned that logistic functions of a company include movement of goods across the supply chain of a company. It can be mentioned that this process consists of several stages which include order processing, inventory control, warehousing, transportation, Storage and Material handling, Logistical packing and Information.
How can you develop knowledge and understanding of interlinking themes with OBHRM, logistics and supply?
Gattorna, J., 2015. Dynamic supply chains. London: Pearson Education Limited.
How can you develop knowledge and understanding of interlinking themes with OBHRM, logistics and supply?
It can be said that Organizational behavior and Human resource management is closely interrelated with the logistics and supply chain management. HR strategy traditionally involves development of flexible systems that promotes the business strategies of the organization. It can be mentioned that I have realized that considering supply chain strategy while developing Hr strategy can be beneficial to the organization. Hr systems can also be used to manage supply chain partners. It is also essential to collaborate and coordinate with supply chain partners in order to develop Hr systems for the organization as a whole.
How can you demonstrate applications and practices of interlinking themes with OBHRM, logistics and supply?
It has been observed that in the modern complex business environments Human Resource Management practices can encourage supply chain partners to develop inter firm relationships by the creation of knowledge sharing routines. It has been observed that interlinking the OBHRM, Logistics and Supply chain can create coordinated and streamlined Supply chain which ultimately results in new competitive advantage.
Section 4
Essay presentation and referencing techniques
Advice from the Individual Synoptic Essay: Throughout the whole assessment What can you check the presentation of work is prepared to the appropriate standard?
It can be said that the presentation of work has been prepared to the appropriate standard as it focuses on all the relevant points of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, logistics and Supply chain management.
What techniques can you use to demonstrate to the marker knowledge of the subject?
It can be stated that for preparing the essay I have applied the different theories and principles of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource management, supply chain management and Logistics to the chosen case study. Further the application of real life experiences of mine have been applied for analyzing the case study provided.
What can you check the presentation of work is prepared to the appropriate format?
It is to be mentioned that I have analyzed the case study of Siemens in the format of an essay.
What techniques can you use to ensure your word count is within the +/- 10%* requirement?
I have wisely chosen my words and have summarized the principles as discussed above in relation to the chosen case study while strictly adhering to the word count as provided to me.
How can you assess your Harvard referencing is accurate within the text (including accurately referencing quotes, key authors opinions, tables, graphs and models)?
I have provided relevant references of the scholarly articles as were required for the assignment in the Harvard style as recognized by international universities.
Elkin, J., Ortega, M. and Williams, H., 2016. Referencing handbook: Harvard.
How can you assess your Harvard referencing is accurate at end of your work?
I have provided a reference list at the end of the assignment of all the relevant scholarly articles that were used for the purpose of this assignment.
What checks can be made to ensure you have provided a relevant reading list from academic and professional sources?
I have also provided a relevant reading list from professional and academic sources at the end of the assignment. The relevant reading list is expected to provide further insight about the operations of organizations.
What further research can or has been done in addition to the core reading to support your work?
Further research can be done on the principles of Human Resource management ad Supply chain management for inventing effective strategies that can be applied to organization.
Rushton, A., Croucher, P. and Baker, P., 2014. The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers.