Dealing With Ethical Dilemma At Workplace

Types of Ethical Issues at Workplace


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Each person has own ethics that induce him to work in his way. Nowadays, the ethical dilemma at the workplace has been growing. I think conflicts influence to create ethical dilemma at the workplace. Hence, it can be assessed that ethical dilemma is a major issue in the workplace. Few days ago, I faced an ethical dilemma at my workplace. There are several types of ethical issues of employers including favoritism, sexual harassment, terminating employees without any notice and delaying in payment. On the other hand, employees are also responsible for making ethical dilemma in the workplace.

In recent days, my managers and higher authority have shown favoritism at the workplace, and many staffs of the company have noticed it. The manager of the organization always favors his friends who have been working with other employees. Moreover, the manager does not take any responsibility for sexual harassment at the organization. Hence, is harms the work culture. On the other hand, most employees have been resigning from the particular organization. Consequently, it is responsible for decreasing the productivity in the business.

Nowadays, social media is one of the powerful media that allows us to transmit any message globally. I have posted about the manager’s behaviors on the social media platform so that job seekers and other employees could be aware of this fact in an effective manner. However, my manager has noticed the particular message and asked me to meet him personally. On the next day, the manager terminates me without providing any reason for doing the same. Although the higher management knew about my unnecessary termination, they did not even ask me for the reason. I could have clarified all details to the manager and the human resource management about the particular situation. However, they did not allow me to provide the information about the manger’s behaviors and his unethical practices at the workplace. The human resource management of the organization has unnecessarily terminated me for the company. I think it is an ethical dilemma of the employer, as they did not take appropriate action against the manager.

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Each organization maintains its ethics in order to uphold a healthy work design at the workplace. Sometimes, employees are also responsible for conducting ethical dilemma of the business, and the organization takes action against that individual to maintain proper work design in the business. On the contrary, if the employer conducts ethical issues on the employees, then they are not treated as guilty. Consequently, it damages the work environment and workers often become de-motivated due to these unethical practices. Most business analyst discusses the consequences of ethical issues executed by employers. Through the engagement of conducting the ethical issues, organizations often fail to experience profitable growth in the business. I consider it as an indication of huge risk factor that could damage the organization’s value in the global market. I think it is also responsible for diminishing the brand value of the business in the marketplace. Hence, it can be assessed that each department of the organization needs to take the responsibility to get rid of this particular issue in an effective manner. 

Impact of Conflicts on Ethical Dilemma

Avey, Palanski and Walumbwa (2011) have discussed that ethical leadership consists of ethical beliefs and values that allow the employees to retain their rights and dignity in an effective manner. True leaders are aware of the values of ethical approaches and recognize the importance of conducting ethical behavior at the workplace. On the other hand, Abdul-Rahman, Wang and Yap (2010) have argued that approaches of ethical leadership needs to be shown in the business. Employee’s expectation is one of the major factors that influence the ethical leaders for implementing the right approach in the business. Avey, Wernsing and Palanski (2012) has discussed that the ethical leadership facilitates the organization to obtain sustainable growth in the industry. It has a tremendous impact on the employee’s achievement in the organization. Ethical leaders not only improve the business culture but also contribute to creating differences in the world. Effective leaders focus on the necessity of the employees in order to motivate them for providing enhanced performance in the business. Banks and Nøhr (2013) have argued that the leaders need to take some actions in order to implement ethical approaches in the business. Ethical leaders need to face the complexity included in making ethical choices. Ethical leaders investigate the key development areas of the business and according to that; they implement the ethical approach in the business. The prime motive of ethical leaders is to evaluate the complexity of work life (Banks 2012). It facilitates to retain a proper work design at the workplace. On the other hand, (Ciulla, Martin and Solomon 2011) has argued that ethical leaders articulate and exemplify the purpose and values of the business. Negative interpersonal behaviors may create difficulties for the ethical leaders as it does not help to encourage employees in the business. Sometimes, ethical leaders often contribute huge success in the business by cultivating respectful environment at the workplace. Gray and Webb (2010) have discussed that load-bearing work culture indicates an ethical issue of the employer, and it is responsible for diminishing the brand values across the global platform. On the other hand, with the involvement of ethical culture, organization enhances its customer’s base in the market. Kacmar et al (2011) have discussed that ethical leaders are committed to reducing the ethical dilemma from the business so that employees obtain social justice in an effective manner. However, the management should regard the leaders if the business in order to motivate them for providing enhanced performance in the business.

By analyzing the action of the ethical leaders, it can be assessed that the organization enhances the productivity of the business in an effective manner. Kalshoven et al. (2011) have argued that the most effective method of enhancing the productivity is that the leaders must select the right people for conducting the business in an effective manner. Skill development facilitates employees to improve their individual performance in the business. Ethical leaders are always responsible for evaluating and developing the right talent for the business. On the contrary, Kim and Brymer (2011) have argued that talent crisis often creates difficulties for managing true performers for the organization. Many CEOs have agreed with the fact that judging employee’s integrity is far more important than identifying their experiences and skills on a particular task. Levy and Slavin (2013) have discussed that focusing on the organizational success is more important than carrying personal ego. Ethical leaders are aware of their place within the larger network of stakeholders and constituents. Moreover, the ethical leaders value the efforts of employees and other staffs for achieving the organizational goal and objectives. For example, in 1998, Roger Enrico, the former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo decided to forego all except $1 of his salary, in order to contribute to a scholarship fund for employees children. It indicates an ethical decision of the leaders that motivates employees for enhancing performance in the business. Consequently, it facilitates organization to experience profitable growth in the global market.

Using Social Media to Address the Issue

Mahsud, Yukl, and Prussia (2010) have discussed the process of becoming an ethical leader in the organization. To become ethical leaders the individual needs to maintain some values and principles of the business. Employee’s feedback is one of the important parts of judging the leaders. Hence, ethical leaders need to accumulate the peer’s response along with the subordinate views. It indeed facilitates leaders to evaluate the key development area in the leadership trait. On the other hand, Mayer et al. (2012) have discussed that proper mechanism and processes have to be designed by the leaders in order to implement ethical approaches in the business. it is very important for the leaders to uphold open communication with employees and other staffs at the workplace in order to clarify the goals and objectives of the business in an effective manner. Piccolo et al. (2010) have argued that the management of the business also has responsibilities to provide enhanced learning and training session to leaders for developing their interpersonal skills. Moreover, training and development process would facilitate them to take right decisions in a business crisis. Hence, it indicates the ethical approach of employers providing such knowledge and development program to their leaders.

There are five benefits of the ethical leadership such as reducing business liability, facilitate to make the right decision, assuring high-quality customer service, preventing costly administrative errors and rework and consistently increases the bottom line. Reamer, F.G., (2013) has discussed the impact of ethical leadership in the business. The prime advantage of ethical leadership indicates the process of building customer loyalty. Loyal customer’s base is responsible for expanding the business in large demographic areas. Ethical behavior facilitates the organization to enhance brand popularity in the global platform. Second, the ethical practice in the business contributes in retaining good employees in the business for a long period. Schaubroeck et al. (2012) have highlighted that fact that positive work environment and avoiding legal problems are major outcomes of the ethical leadership practices in the business. On the contrary, ethical leadership faces several challenges in order to implement appropriate ethical approaches in the business. By discussing the challenges of ethical leadership, it can be assessed that consistency is the major challenge for leaders in the business. Dimotakis and Peng (2012) have discussed that ethical leaders often face difficulties in adhering the rules consistently within the organization. Moreover, policies make a differentiation in the business. Sometimes, leaders face difficulties in implementing right policies in the business to obtain a profitable outcome. Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016) have argued that ethical leadership can be difficult dealing with gray areas. In this scenario, the right thing could be less beneficial to the business’s bottom line. The safety regulation has facilitated the business to maintain a proper work design in the business. Therefore, it can be assessed that ethical behavior in business enables business’s productivity in an effective manner. Customer’s loyalty, retaining good employees, and maintaining positive work environment are the major outcomes of the ethical leadership practicing. Shin (2012) has discussed that ethical leadership facilitates in enhancing the strategic advantages in the business. Proactive business always focuses on the ethical practices at the workplace for enhancing the business opportunity in an effective manner. 

Importance of Ethical Leadership

By analyzing above two discussions, it can be identified that the ethical leadership is one of the major aspects of the business that facilitates the organization to experience profitable outcome in an effective manner. There are huge challenges for the leaders for maintaining accurate work design in the business. However, Walumbwa et al. (2011) have argued that ethical leaders are not always responsible for implementing proper work culture in the organization. Sometimes, the higher management of the organization avoids their responsibilities to engage proper work design at the workplace. It has been seen that the higher management often fails to monitor their work culture within the organization, as the monitoring system enables leaders and management to identify the challenges of the system.

Ethical failures indicate major risk for the organization, as it is responsible for downsizing the business in the global market. In recent years, the global industry has experienced several ethical failures in the business. Consequently, the productivity of the business has decreased a lot. The modern corporate culture allows the leaders to implement major decisions in the business in order to enhance its performance in an appropriate manner.  However, leaders often make bias decisions in the organization, and it affects the work culture. Yeh and Xu (2010) have argued that ethical leaders need to be aware of the organizational values and culture. The effective leaders are responsible for retaining the standard of the business in the global platform. In this scenario, the particular organization needs to follow the ethical practices in order to retain employees.

By analyzing the 2.1 (self-reflection), it can be assessed that the particular organization needs to get rid of this ethical dilemma in order to retain employees in the organization. On that particular case study, the leader in the organization follows favoritism. Moreover, the leader is responsible for the unnecessary termination of the employees. Consequently, it makes a negative impact on the brand value of the business. Banks and Nøhr (2013) have discussed that not only the ethical leaders are responsible for diminishing the ethical issues but also the human resource management needs to focus on implementing right approaches in the business. In the particular scenario, the management has terminated the employee based on a message posted on the social media platform. Hence, it indicates the ethical dilemma in the business. On the other hand, the management has never taken any serious action against the ineffective leaders. Consequently, the organization has been facing challenges in retaining employees in the business.

By analyzing the 2.2 (Literature Review), it can be assessed that ethical leadership has huge importance in the business, as it facilitates the organization to enhance its productivity in the business. In the literature review, the important actions of the ethical leadership have been discussed in an effective manner. Banks (2012) has discussed the role of ethical leadership in the business. By analyzing the literature review, it can be identified that the leaders often face difficulties in maintaining consistency of particular rules and regulations. On the other hand, Gray and Webb (2010) have highlighted the fact that adhering to rules is one of the important tasks for the leaders in order to bring sustainability growth in the business. In this context, the particular organization could have implemented appropriate rules for the employees and leaders for maintaining a proper work design within the workplace. Through the engagement of analyzing the particular study, it can be identified that besides employees, employers are also required to review on their ethical dilemma in order to maintain the healthy work environment in the business. Consequently, it facilitates to expand the business in the larger demographic area. Kalshoven et al. (2011) has argued that policy implementation is one of the major aspects of an ethical dilemma. If the management of the organization does not implement appropriate policy in the business, then they can face challenges in managing sustainable work design at the workplace. Kim and Brymer (2011) have discussed that the involvement of ethical practices in the organization is responsible for obtaining proper growth in the global platform.  

Factors Affecting Ethical Leadership

The literature review highlights the fact that ethical dilemma causes awful work culture in the organization. Ethical leadership is responsible for identifying the key developing areas in the business. It is a kind of challenge for leaders to uphold workplace culture and environment, as the oppressive work environment creates difficulties for the staffs and employees to provide enhanced performance in the business. In the literature review, several authors have provided a brief discussion on the ethical leadership and its impacts on the business. Moreover, the self-reflection section has highlighted an example of ethical dilemma in the organization. Through the engagement of employing ethical leadership, organization diminishes the ethical issues from the business. Furthermore, the organization could review the potentiality of their ethical leadership for avoiding the work culture issues in an effective manner. In the literature section, authors have discussed the outcome of ethical leadership in the business. As per the review section, it can be assessed that the ethical practice facilitates the organization to avoid legal issues from the business. Hence, the business could make an enhanced brand image in the global platform by engaging ethical leaders in the business.  


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