Data Types For Array Of Possible In Artillery Programming

Available Data Types

Define the Data types based upon Array of Possible for Artillery Programming.

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                        struct Projectile

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                                    char Pname[50];

                                    double blastradius;


                        struct Artillery


                                    char Aname[50];

                                    double mVelocity;

                                    double maxElevation;

                                    double minElevation;


        void PrintArtillery(struct Artillery artillery[])


                                    strcpy(artillery[0].Aname, “Cannon”);  artillery[0].mVelocity=200;  artillery[0].minElevation= 0;  artillery[0].maxElevation=45;                                //Populating the Artillery array

            strcpy(artillery[1].Aname, “Howitzer”); artillery[1].mVelocity=900;  artillery[1].minElevation= 20;  artillery[1].maxElevation=65;

            strcpy(artillery[2].Aname, “Mortar”);   artillery[2].mVelocity=805;  artillery[2].minElevation= 50;  artillery[2].maxElevation=85;          

            //display menu for artillery

                        printf(“Artillery Namett Muzzle Velocityt Minimum Elevationt Maximum Elevation”);

                                    int i;

                                                            for(i=0; i<3; i++)

                                                                        printf(“n%d.%stt tt %1.f degreestt %1.f degrees”,i+1,artillery[i].Aname,artillery[i].mVelocity,artillery[i].minElevation,artillery[i].maxElevation);


                        void PrintProjectile(struct Projectile projectile[])


            strcpy(projectile[0].Pname,”High Explosive Anti -Tank”); projectile[0].blastradius= 5;                                //Populating the Projectile array

                        strcpy(projectile[1].Pname,”M549 HERA     “); projectile[1].blastradius= 15;

                        strcpy(projectile[2].Pname,” W19 Katie AFAP”); projectile[2].blastradius= 4200;                      

                        //display menu for projectile

                                                printf(“nnProjectile Namettt Blast Radius”);

                                                            int i;

                                                            for(i=0; i<3; i++)

                                                                        printf(“n%d.%stt %1.f meters”,i+1,projectile[i].Pname, projectile[i].blastradius);


                        double CalculateAirTime(double velocity, double angle)


                double t;

                t = (2 * velocity * sin(angle)) / 9.8;

                return t;


                        double CalculateRange(double velocity, double angle)


            double max;      

                                    max = (velocity * velocity * sin(2 * angle)) / 9.8;      

                                    return max;


                        void SimulateProjectile(double * height, double * distance, double time, double velocity, double angle) // using  pass by reference function


            * height = velocity * time * sin(angle) – 0.5 * 9.8 * time * time; //formula to calculate height

                                    * distance = velocity * time * cos(angle); // distance calculation                      


//main function

            int main()


        //local variables      

int angleofelevation, muzzleVelocity, minelevation, maxelevation, flag = 0, choice_artillery = 0, choice_projectile=0, targetdistance;

        double convert, angleRadians, distancetravelled, maxtime, airtime = 1;

        double distance = 0;

        double height = 0;

        struct Artillery A[3];

        struct Projectile P[3];


        do {                      

                                                printf(“nEnter choice for Artillery (1 to 3): “);

                //enter choice for artillery

                scanf(“%d”, & choice_artillery);

                if (choice_artillery == 1) {                     

                                                               angleofelevation = 45;

                                                               minelevation = 0, maxelevation = 45; //set minimum and maximum elevation

                                                               muzzleVelocity = 200; //set initial velocity

Code Explanation

                                                               angleRadians = 3.14159 / 180 * angleofelevation; //converting angle of elevation from degree into radian

                                                               maxtime = CalculateAirTime(muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);

                                                               distancetravelled = CalculateRange(muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);

                                                               printf(“nnThe maximum range of the selected gun: %.2f N n”, distancetravelled); //giving the output (distance travelled) after calculation in screen              


                                                else if (choice_artillery == 2)


                        angleofelevation = 65;                     

                                                               minelevation = 20, maxelevation = 65; //set minimum and maximum elevation

                                                               muzzleVelocity = 900; //set initial velocity

                                                               angleRadians = 3.14159 / 180 * angleofelevation; //converting angle of elevation from degree into radian

                                                               maxtime = CalculateAirTime(muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);

                                                               distancetravelled = CalculateRange(muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);

                                                               printf(“nnThe maximum range of the selected gun: %.2f N n”, distancetravelled); //giving the output (distance travelled) after calculation in screen


                                                else if (choice_artillery == 3)


                                                                        angleofelevation = 85;

                                                                        minelevation = 50, maxelevation = 85; //set minimum and maximum elevation

                                                                        muzzleVelocity = 805; //set initial velocity

                                                                        angleRadians = 3.14159 / 180 * angleofelevation; //converting angle of elevation from degree into radian

                                                                        maxtime = CalculateAirTime(muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);

                                                                        distancetravelled = CalculateRange(muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);

                                                                        printf(“nnThe maximum range of the selected gun: %.2f N n”, distancetravelled); //giving the output (distance travelled) after calculation in screen


                                    } while ((choice_artillery > 3) || (choice_artillery < 1));



                                                printf(“nEnter choice for Projectile (1 to 3): “);

                //enter choice for Projectile

                scanf(“%d”, & choice_projectile);


                        //enter target distance

                                                printf(“nEnter the value of target distance in meters: “);

                                                scanf(“%d”, & targetdistance);

                        //loop to enter angle of elevation

        do {

                                                //enter angle of elevation

                                                printf(“nEnter the value of angle of elevation in degrees: “);

                                                scanf(“%d”, & angleofelevation);

                //check condition

                if (angleofelevation <= maxelevation && angleofelevation >= minelevation)


                        flag = 0;




                        printf(“nInvalid velocity!!! please enter valid angle of elevation”);

                                                                        flag = 1;



                        while (flag == 1);

                        angleRadians = 3.14159 / 180 * angleofelevation; //converting angle of elevation from degree into radian

        do {

                SimulateProjectile( & height, & distance, airtime, muzzleVelocity, angleRadians);// calling

                                                printf(“n At second %.2f , the shell is %.2f meters in the air and has travelled %.2f meters”, airtime, height, distance); //giving the output (distance travelled) after calculation in screen


                                    }while (height > 0 );

        airtime = (muzzleVelocity * sin (angleRadians)) / (0.5 * 9.8); // time when shell is in the ground

                        distance = muzzleVelocity * airtime * cos(angleRadians); // total distance travelled by the shell             

        printf(“n At second %.2f , the shell has hit the ground and has travelled %.2f meters”, airtime, distance);

                        printf(“n stimulation completen“);

                        printf(“n Total Air Time: %.2f N n”, airtime);

                        printf(“n Total Distance : %.2f N n”, distance);

        if(P[choice_projectile-1].blastradius >= targetdistance) //check if target distance was less than or equal to the bladius radius or not


            printf(“n Hitn “);




            printf(“n Too long n”);


                        return 0;


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