Data, Information, And Knowledge Management: Understanding The Basics

What is Data?

1.Data is collection of figures and facts

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Information is data in context

Information enclosed with beliefs, skills, values constitute knowledge 

Attend Event


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Date, Venue and Attendees’ List


The event is on week day and 3 miles away. Names of Students


Venue has good reviews. Friends are invited so I will attend

Selling old books


  • Name and author of Books
  • Buyers’ Options


Books on Stats, Marketing etc. Sell to Library or Shopkeepers


These are management books. Libraries are far so sell at shops

Decide ice-cream Flavor



Personal Budget


Flavors, offers, pricing, budget


The brand is reliable. I like coconut flavor. Loyalty points increase discounts

Choose book from Library


Own Requirements and Books’ list


Requirement is fiction mystery novel .4 books are available


The librarian has recommended Da Vinci Code. Dan Brown’s books are good so I chose it.

Select Route


Google Map of location


2 routes available. Route 2 is shorter but shows red paths i.e. high traffic.


Route 2 is near to offices. Route 1 is by-pass. I chose route 1

Data is pre-requisite to make decisions. Without google map optimal route can’t be selected. If I cannot segregate data, I may be issuing the wrong book. Making the data in structured form is necessary. Knowledge gives value addition. In selling books, If I am not aware that these are management books then I could have wasted my time

2.Knowledge management are set of activities performed to discover, capture, share and apply knowledge in order to attain different goals like competitive edge, cost minimization, long term profit and increasing market share (Martín-de Castro, 2015).

Information Technologies supports the Knowledge Management. Examples are AI i.e. Artificial Intelligence, ERP i.e. Enterprise Resource Planning, databases, Web browsers, portals, web communities, MIS (Management Information System), Decision support tools (DSS), lesson learned tools. 

Let’s consider my own high school.

  • Knowledge Management is supported by school database. The database has records of teachers, students, books on the bases of classes (Kasemsap, 2015).
  • The high school has a web page. Here either college authorities or students have access.
  • Students upload their assignments directly on the drives and can give access to their teachers to evaluate it.
  • The authorities through MIS report and dashboards evaluate the overall performance of students and teachers.
  • Feedback system for students to evaluate teachers. It is also used by students to share their lessons learned from the course.
  • Students have counsellor available through bot and video conferencing.

The above technology is currently used by high school. This further can be improved by using new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IOT.

High school can use data mining to understand the sentiment of students and teachers. This can help in counselling session (George, Haas & Pentland, 2014).

Many students and teachers do not know the importance of these tools. So it is necessary to communicate the advantage of using these tools.

The databases should be updated with the latest version regularly.

3.Explicit knowledge is codified and stored in databases, documents etc.

What is Information?

Tacit Knowledge is personal non-codified knowledge (Donate & Pablo, 2015).

Socialization shares tacit knowledge i.e. personal knowledge through observation, informal networks etc.

Externalization converts personal knowledge into explicit form.

Internalization converts explicit knowledge into personal.

Tacit knowledge is transferred through socialization


  • Provides personal experience i.e. facial expression, sentiment analysis etc.
  • Encourages innovation, experimentation and creativity.
  • Difficult to replicate so personalization or customization can be done.


  • Difficult to monitor it.
  • Conductive culture is needed in the organization.

Tacit knowledge is externalized and then through internalization imbibed by others


  • Easy to identify, store and retrieve using IT.
  • Easy to transfer.


  • Ability of appropriate documentation.
  • Awareness of the availability of knowledge and its access.

To transfer knowledge from one person to one other person, Socialization is recommended because it is more in richness. The persons can indulge in informal discussion. It leads to clarity in thoughts, resolving doubts etc. It is unnecessary to waste time and cost by using IT only for one person (Donate & Pablo, 2015).

In order to transfer knowledge from one person to 100 other individuals in different parts of the world then it is difficult to use socialization. Even if video conferencing is used, it is difficult to ensure that knowledge is acquired by everyone (Meihami & Meihami, 2014). It is difficult to monitor. It is difficult to address the queries. Instead, the knowledge should be documented in a standard format (explicit form). Then through internalization all 100 individuals should acquire it into tacit form.

4.Knowledge management systems (KMS) are IT systems used by organization to store, retrieve, share and use knowledge. Examples: Intranet, Data warehouses (DW), Decision support system (DSS), Semantic tools etc.

The analysis is often perceived by organizations. KMS are always point of debate or discussion in organizations. The poor performance is because the type and effect of technology is not given much consideration prior to implementation. These systems are designed by one person and used by others. So, there is gap (George, Haas & Pentland, 2014). Organization practices play an important role to implement these IT technologies. Implementing these technologies does not mean that employee will use them. There is lack of management support. Organization culture is important factor. Sometimes IT system is fit with one department but not with other department of company. Tacit Knowledge is difficult to transfer using these systems.

KMS helps in locating knowledge sources. It makes transfer of knowledge easy, promote collaboration and enhances the processes (Wang, Noe & Wang, 2014). Implementing KMS properly can yield good profits. The key measures are

  • Analyze the characteristics of technology, organization culture, existing systems, cost benefit analysis to understand the kind of systems required.
  • It is necessary to promote acceptance of these systems. Involve users and employees during designing and implementation of systems. Systems should be user friendly. Provide adequate support needed (Wang, Noe & Wang, 2014).
  • It is necessary to take in and digest the systems fully. The content should be updated regularly and stay relevant. Management should regularly communicate the importance of using these systems. There should be proper planning and implementation. 


Donate, M.J. and de Pablo, J.D.S., 2015. The role of knowledge-oriented leadership in knowledge management practices and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), pp.360-370.

George, G., Haas, M.R. and Pentland, A., 2014. Big data and management. Academy of management Journal, 57(2), pp.321-326.

Kasemsap, K., 2015. The role of data mining for business intelligence in knowledge management. Integration of data mining in business intelligence systems, pp.12-33.

Martín-de Castro, G., 2015. Knowledge management and innovation in knowledge-based and high-tech industrial markets: The role of openness and absorptive capacity. Industrial Marketing Management, 47, pp.143-146.

Meihami, B. and Meihami, H., 2014. Knowledge Management a way to gain a competitive advantage in firms (evidence of manufacturing companies). International letters of social and humanistic sciences, 3, pp.80-91.

Wang, S., Noe, R.A. and Wang, Z.M., 2014. Motivating knowledge sharing in knowledge management systems: A quasi–field experiment. Journal of Management, 40(4), pp.978-1009.

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