Data Communication And Networks For Software Development
This is a report about private biomedical software Development Company that has two branches and the headquarter branch and mainly deals with the software development, therefore the purpose of this report is to design the local area network physical and logical network, preparation of ip address plans and linking all networks to form a wide area network.
The private biomedical software development company is a company that deals with the development of the software applications and has three network branches, the management had opted to implement an new network address plan where there will be optimization of the ip address space and the ip address plan will use both the IPV4 and IPV6 ip addresses with the following respective ip address spaces (William, 2014).
IPv4 network: 191.2.XY.0
IPv6 network: 2001:1234: ABCD: XY00:: /56
The XY are the representation of the last two digits of the student ID number which are 185 and therefore the IP address spaces to be used for both IPV4 and IPV6 are as follows.
IPv4 network:
IPv6 network: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: /56
This report will cover various aspects that will be implemented and they will include the following:
- Preparing the IP address requirements for every sub-network.
- Preparing the IPV4 and IPV6 IP address allocations plans for every network or sub-network.
- Preparing the IPV4 and IPV6 IP address allocation plans for the key network devices and interfaces.
The proposed network is meant to improve the services delivery in the company and below are the various assumptions made while designing the network.
- Each network is allocated unique ip address space.
- All network devices are assigned ip addresses of the respective ip address space in their LANs.
- The LAN ip address plan is able to accommodate more network devices in case of growth.
- Each LAN is configured with a router which links it to other networks.
- Each network is connected with a server for data storage.
- Each network LAN is fitted with various computers for programming purpose.
- Each network LAN is connected with a printer to allow printing of network documents.
- Each network LAN is connected with DHCP server to allow automatic allocation of ip address.
- The network is configured with a password and allows only the employees to access the network facilities.
In this company there are various business activities which include the following:
- Customer requesting for software design services from the company.
- The software development team corrects software requirements from the customer.
- The software developers develop the software for the client according to the requirements (Tom, 2015).
- The software development team tests and install the software for the clients.
- The company accountant prints and sends the invoice to the customer to make the payments.
- Customers make payment for the software application to be developed.
- Customer receives the payment receipts from the company accountant.
- Company offer support service to the customer software application in case of default.
The company is expected to grow with time due to good services offered to the clients and thus more customers are anticipated to consult the company and therefore the company will have to hire more employees which will result to addition of more network devices in all branches which will lead to requirement of increase of the number of ip address allocation to accommodate new devices (Forouzan, 2014). However there are other facilities that the company will add in future to improve its services which include:
- Use of website for the company online advertisement and customers enquiry services and therefore the company will require installing a web server.
- Implementing the online payment services for the customers which will be using paypal or bank cards.
The company network has three main network sub-networks which includes the network A,B and the headquarter where the sub-network A has 18 devices, sub-network B has 15 and sub-network A has 188 devices. These sub-networks use the following IPV4 ip address spaces.
IPv4 network:
The headquarter sub-network as a total of 188 devices and therefore below is the calculation for the ip address requirements.
Network device= 185.
Required ip addresses= 185+2=187.
Subnet mask=32-X.
Where 2^x-2>187
Therefore subnet mask=32-8=/24
Subnet mask address =
Network address =
Broadcast IP address=
Default gateway address=
Valid host IP address range =
- IP address plan table.
Network address |
Subnet mask |
Broadcast address |
Default gateway address |
Valid host address range | | | | | |
- Key devices IP addresses.
Device name |
Ip address |
Router | |
DHCP server | |
Printer | |
- Router interfaces IP addresses.
Router name |
Router Interface |
Ip address |
Head quarter Router |
FA 0/0 | |
Se 1/1 | |
Se 1/2 | |
The branch A sub-networks as a total of 18 devices and therefore below is the calculation for the ip address requirements and ip address plan.
Network device= 18.
Required ip addresses= 18+2=20.
Subnet mask=32-X.
Where 2^x-2>20
Therefore subnet mask=32-5=/27
Subnet mask address =
Network address =
Broadcast IP address=
Default gateway address=
Valid host IP address range =
- IP address plan table.
Network address |
Subnet mask |
Broadcast address |
Default gateway address |
Valid host address range | | | | | |
- Key devices IP addresses.
Device name |
Ip address |
Router | |
DHCP server | |
Printer | |
- Router interfaces IP addresses.
Router name |
Router Interface |
Ip address |
Branch A router |
FA 0/0 | |
Se 1/0 | |
Se 1/1 | |
The branch B sub-networks as a total of 15 devices and therefore below is the calculation for the ip address requirements and ip address plan.
Network device= 15.
Required ip addresses= 15+2=17.
Subnet mask=32-X.
Where 2^x-2>17
Therefore subnet mask=32-5=/27
Subnet mask address =
Network address =
Broadcast IP address=
Default gateway address=
Valid host IP address range =
- IP address plan table.
Network address |
Subnet mask |
Broadcast address |
Default gateway address |
Valid host address range | | | | | |
- Key devices IP addresses.
Device name |
Ip address |
Router | |
DHCP server | |
Printer | |
- Router interfaces IP addresses.
Router name |
Router Interface |
Ip address |
Branch B router |
FA 0/0 | |
Se 1/0 | |
Se 1/2 | |
The company network has three main network sub-networks which include the network A, B and the head quarter where the sub-network A has 18 devices, sub-network B has 15 and sub-network A has 188 devices. These sub-networks use the following IPV6 ip address spaces (Douglas, 2018).
IPv6 network: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: /56
In this IPV6 ip address plan there are three sub-networks that are required which includes A,B and the headquarter sub-networks and they can be obtained as below.
- Number of sub-networks=3.
- The subnet Prefix length =56+2=58.
- Sub-network bits 2^x>=3 ,x=2.
- The number of subnets =4.
- From hex table hex value is incremented by 4 and the resultant hex values are 0, 4, 8, and c.
- Therefore the subnets are as follows:
Head quarter: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: /58
Branch A: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: /58
Branch B: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: /58
The headquarter sub-network as a total of 188 devices and therefore below is the calculation for the ip address requirements.
Network device= 188.
Required ip addresses= 188+2=170.
Network address: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: /58
Subnet mask prefix: /58.
IP address range: 2001:1234: abcd: 1800:0-2001:1234: abcd: 183f: ffff
- IP address plan.
IP subnet and subnet Prefix |
Network address |
Default Gateway address |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: /58 |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: 0000 |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: 1 |
- Key devices IP addresses.
Device name |
Ip address |
Router |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: 1 |
DHCP server |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: 2 |
Printer |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1800:: 3 |
The headquarter sub-network as a total of 18 devices and therefore below is the calculation for the ip address requirements.
Network device= 18.
Required ip addresses= 18+2=20.
Network address: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: /58
Subnet mask prefix: /58.
IP address range: 2001:1234: abcd: 1840:0-2001:1234: abcd: 187f: ffff
- IP address plan.
IP subnet and subnet Prefix |
Network address |
Default Gateway address |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: /58 |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: 0000 |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: 1 |
- Key devices IP addresses.
Device name |
Ip address |
Router |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: 1 |
DHCP server |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: 2 |
Printer |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1840:: 3 |
The headquarter sub-network as a total of 15 devices and therefore below is the calculation for the ip address requirements.
Network device= 15.
Required ip addresses= 15+2=20.
Network address: 2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: /58
Subnet mask prefix: /58.
IP address range: 2001:1234: abcd: 1880:0-2001:1234: abcd: 18bf: ffff
- IP address plan.
IP subnet and subnet Prefix |
Network address |
Default Gateway address |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: /58 |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: 0000 |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: 1 |
- Key devices IP addresses.
Device name |
Ip address |
Router |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: 1 |
DHCP server |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: 2 |
Printer |
2001:1234: ABCD: 1880:: 3 |
(Behrouz, 2018).
In this report there are various things that had been achieved which are important in the implementation of the proposed network, among the things achieved include the physical and logical implementation of proposed network, the preparation of the ipv4 address plan and the preparation of the ipv6 address plan.
During the implementation of the network requirements there are various findings that were obtained which includes the allocation of ip address for the various sub-networks were achieved through the creation of the subnet ip addresses of the provided ip addresses and also the implementation of the website in the future will require addition of a DNS and WEB servers.
Andrew, S (2015) Computer Networks. 2nd edn. New York: Prentice Hall.
Behrouz, A (2018) Data Communication and Networking.4th edn. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
Douglas,C(2018) Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1.3rd edn.California: Addison-Wesley Professional.
Forouzan, I(2014) Computer Networks: A Top – Down Approach.2nd edn.New York: McGraw-Hill.
Tom,C (2015) IPv6 Address Planning: Designing an Address Plan for the Future. 5th edn. San Francisco: O’Reilly Media.
William,S (2014) Data and Computer Communication.3rd edn. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.