Cyber Security: Threats, Types Of Cyber Attacks And Prevention Techniques

Types of Cyber Attacks

Discussa about the Cyber Security ChallengesAnd Issues.

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The emergence of internet provided the human being a lot of opportunity online. A the internet in accessible more people are engaged with this and the data are stored n the internet. This encourage some people to breach the data by doing cyber attacks this is known as cyber crime to prevent the cyber crime an organization need to implement a proper cyber security to its system [1]. There are many types of cyber attacks technique used by the cyber attackers like they use botnets, distributed denial of service, hacking, malware attack, phising, pharming, ransomware, spamming, spyware & adware, spoofing, Trojan, viruses and by worms [2]. The botsnets are mainly undetected; it is a collection of robots that attacks a group of infected computers. Hacking is a way of finding the weakness in the security setting and then do the attack. Malwares are software that can harm a computer using viruses, worms and trojans. Malwares can leak information and can also delete it. Pharming is a online fraud method a duplicate website is made for collecting personal information then target the victims [3]. Cyber criminals mostly use phising technique it is a trick which will ask the victims to validate or confirm the data before the attack it is also known as spoofing. Ransomeware attack is one type of attack which can prevent the victim from accessing their own machine and the attackers ask for ransome amount to give back the access to the victim. Any unwanted message that is received by a user is called spam; basically it is a large amount of messages which is send to the many user at a time by targeting he audience. Spyware & adware are often used by the third party to infect the victims’ computer [4]. Among the all cyber threats virus and the worms are the most common.

The list of potential damage due to the cyber attack is very high. In the internet huge amount of data are stored due to the cyber attacks the data breach is happen which leaks the personal data of the internet users. The attackers attack online and gather the banking credentials of the victim and withdraw money from the bank without authenticity [5]. Many countries now days sponsor the cyber attacks to take revenge from another country by breaching the security of the countries. The cyber attacker theft the identity and use the identity for some illegal purpose. Sometime the personal message or any document that is important may be alter or deleted by the cyber attack. Cyber attacks can be target many victims at a time. Many infrastructures are targeted by the cyber attack [6]. System control, resource energy, transport, communication can be damaged by the cyber attack. The control system is monitoring the system of an organization. For this many devices are connected with each other. The financial department is also can be hit hard by the cyber attacks. Cyber attacks to the financial institution are generally made by phising the victims. The attackers used key logging to hack the financial department. The key loggers can use the bank account of an organization because they have stolen the information like the credentials, user id and the password. The result of cyber attack in the telecommunication is very straightforward. In the telecommunication the voice and the IP addresses are merged. To attack the telecommunication Denial-of-service attacks can be used. The transportation mirrors the telecommunication facilities [8]. The cyber terrorist can attack the rail road by altering the switches and they can attack also in the aviation industry [7].

Potential Damages of Cyber Attacks

The world of internet is changing in the recent time. The internet is continuing to create new dimensions in the social field and as well as in the business field. At the same time the amount of attackers are also increasing. This leaves the organizations unsure about the upcoming threats. Proper prediction of the cyber attack is getting difficult day by day. The local government needs to take a look at the cyber crime and set of rules need to be possessed. As a result the risk and the complexity is also increased so the organizational resource needs to respond towards them. The issue regarding the cyber security is it is getting very difficult to use the internet properly. For the cyber criminals the crypto jacking is in the top priority [9]. The powershell based attacks are increasing. Top major issue is that he underground of the cybercriminals is evolving and growing continuously. The tools for the cyber crimes are very less so that is encouraging the cyber criminals to grow in large number. The cybercriminals are gaining lots of money by doing the cyber attacks only the ransomware is alone gained one billion dollar in the last year [10]. The top cyber criminals are hard to get so it is getting very difficult for the cyber security to prevent them from doing cyber crime. The issues with the cyber security are increasing and the challenge to mitigate those affect is getting tougher day by day.

The cybercrime is rapidly increasing with the emergence of information and communication technology. In the recent time the cybercrimes are crossing the national boundaries easily and it is becoming a global concern. Due to the all crime that is happening cyber security must be maintained by any organization. Right now there are so many counter measures that can prevent the cyber criminals from doing the cyber attacks. For protecting the network base attack firewall can be used it is the first line of defence for the network. Access control list can be used for determining the authenticating the network traffic and network services which need to be passed in the network [11]. Antivirus can be use to prevent the unauthorised cyber attack by preventing any malicious code. Most of the viruses and the worm maintain similar characteristics and that is enable the signature based detection. The antivirus that is used by the organization must be new and updated as per the new update. To prevent the data breach cryptography can be used. The data must be encrypted so the data cannot be read by the unauthorized user [12]. If the data is encrypted into cipher text then the data will became more secure than before.  The network vulnerability test can be performed by the system engineers or by the programmes that is generated automatically to test on targeted devices. The organization must use some network monitoring tool that can be used to monitor suspicious activities on the network on both of the large scale and small scale network. To prevent the cyber criminals from getting the physical access of the machine many prevention techniques can be implied such as lock, biometric device, access key or cards. To put a strong password for the whole computer system and the computer bios is a good measurement against the cyber attack. In various country there are certain rule that is possessed by the government to prevent the cybercrime.

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Prevention Techniques


To conclude the report it can be said that with the emergence of information and communication technology the amount of cyber crime is also increasing. The group of cyber crimes are continuing to do cyber attacks by using various techniques. In the recent time the boundary of the cyber attack is crossed their boundaries now it is become a global issue. Various modes of cyber attacks are used by the cyber criminals as the cyber crime tools are low on cost. The common techniques use by the cyber criminals are malware attack, phishing, spamming, spoofing, trojan inject, worms, viruses and by spyware & adware. Due to the cyber attacks huge data breach happens and these need to prevent. To prevent the data breach some security measurement also needs to be taken by the organization using the network. To prevent the network from any malicious attack firewall can be used, to prevent the data from the unauthorised user encryption can be done and finally for protecting the machine from the any kind of viruses and worms antivirus can be used. The challenges and the issue with the cyber crime is increasing rapidly the criminals are doing the attacks for their own purpose or the attack is sponsored by a group. The damage can be high in the case of cyber attacks. The cyber attack is done in various fields like business to finance all can get affected. Many countries sponsors the cybercriminals for cyber attack to another country and steal confidential data from the country. To summarise it can be said that there is cyber criminals who are responsible for the cyber attacks but there is also cyber security to prevent those cyber attack.


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