Customer Service In Britannia Hotels: Understanding Customer Service Policies On Business
Task 1
a) Reasons for using customer service policies and its purpose indicating assistance in future staff training and development of Britannia Hotels.
b) Evaluation of different communication methods and how it is used as a best effect in Britannia Hotels
c) Analyzing customer perceptions, which influences customer service provision at Britannia hotels:
a) Undertaking secondary research in assessing information of customer requirements and the satisfaction levels at hospitality organization
b) Primary research on customer requirements and the satisfaction level for Britannia hotels by suggesting potential improvements
a) Delivering customer service in business from organization’s context
b) Reviewing own performances on deliveries of customer service and making necessary recommendations
Customer service is a provision of service made to the customers before and after a purchase. This has the perception that interacts with the dependent people who can adjust themselves evenly. It is also referred sometimes as “Culture of organization” because it has the priority that makes products and services even through good innovation and pricing. In this research, the researcher has identified chains of UK hotel brands that form a homogenous society in making quality differences (Paluch and Blut, 2013). The researcher will investigate major practices of Britannia Hotels in making the research effective on customer requirements, consultation and monitoring success through major implementations. However, to access a particular position that makes the research ideal will build a specific purpose on various types of communication styles. Conducting the research would provide benefits through primary evaluation that will improve potential requirements of customers on Britannia Hotels (Singla, 2012). Hence, as an operation manager of Britannia Hotels in North London, the general has requested to review customer service policies and training programs which would make an excellent reputation in the market (Coldwell, 2013).
As requested by the general manager of Britannia Hotels in North London, the operation manager would improvise major ideas that make customer service policies good. Customers cherish the business and take care of the things, which have a good value. It is seen that customer spends 10% more on a same product to make the service better (Oliveira and Gimeno, 2014). Every organization makes a good involvement in holding its territories ideal and to be profitable, Britannia Hotels should reflect a good image though points that are:
On Sustainable competitive advantage, the rival business would match up easily on major prices and products but would be hard to propagate outstanding customer service.
Reasons for using customer service policies and its purpose indicating assistance in future staff training and development of Britannia Hotels
Building relationships would provide excellent customer service to the major clients. This would develop their balance in making their relationship specific on a major brand(Nguyen, Leclerc and LeBlanc, 2013).
Continuous improvements are also necessary as through client’s interaction, one can learn what clients has observed and liked about that brand and so that areas needs be to improved.
Accountability serves as a major platform on the online platform because reputation may fall successively in business(Lapré, 2010). These mistakes can be overlooked to provide exceptional service to grow the business in higher positions.
The purpose of indicating assistance on future staff training and reputation will make an alliance on customer service policies. This will motivate the customers through future assessment in building their value in making relationship among them. The operation manager of Britannia hotels will review its current policies to make the approach better through cost efficiency and attracting future customers to gain credibility on major product and services (Hudson and Hudson, 2013). This will however make the performances ideal through ethical values, which could provide customers with a relative focus in driving them to good position in future through technology and innovation.
Communication provides good alliance in interacting with people through different ways. As reviewed by the operational manager of Britannia hotels, the segment will bring new change in their communication styles (Geierhos, 2011). The ideas that make a successful change in the communication methods developed to get the best effect on Britannia Hotels reflects on various opinions that are as follows:
Verbal communication includes written and oral communication. Written communication involves the use of traditional use of pen and paper items that involves on e-documents, emails, texts, SMS, etc. This forms a dominant position, which includes brochures, handbooks, memos, and formal business proposals. The other form that is oral communication includes face-to-face, voice chat, voice conferencing, phone calls, etc. This has an effective part on communication styles maintained on voice clarity, pitch, modulation and body language (Coldwell, 2013).
This entails on communicating by sending and receiving messages. It also conveys thoughts and feelings of their own. Body language includes eye contact, facial expressions, body posture, voice tone, etc.
This comes through visual aids like as drawing, graphic design, illustration, signs, and electronic resources. Visual communication reinforces written communication through graphs and charts. The technological developments made here is easier to develop practices on Britannia hotels.
A survey shows that there are around 36 UK hotel chains, and these attract a good price on the top-rated hotels. They have a better strategic alliance on customer service, good bed comfort, and a good value for money. Britannia Hotels runs on a slow chain on other hotels in getting an overall rating of just 36%, and the major customers do not attract to their services. Hence, to bring a change in Britannia Hotels, the operation manager would implement innovation techniques, which would bring luxury, good infrastructure, good employee support and good behavior to restrain customers hold (Anosike and Eid, 2011). Customer service provisions have a good hold on major hotel industries. This reflects Britannia hotel through major areas that are as follows:
Evaluation of different communication methods and how it is used as a best effect in Britannia Hotels
The manager of Britannia Hotels has revised new methods in making the market significant. Here, messages are created to develop an ideal strategy on the competitive lines of the research process (Bacal, 2011). Customers are interested towards major messages to build on motivation and theory.
Consumers classify perception that overlooks in making a good sense on stimuli. This forms on various grouping options that are closely related (Evenson, 2012). Here, people are associated with messages and interact on the common lines of forming good reputation.
Consumers apply their mode of learning to make esteem criteria in understanding development and interpret their conversations for organization’s effectiveness.
Here, customers interact in making a proper position on outlook and development. This has a good dimension that holds successful on Britannia hotels (Geierhos, 2011).
The researcher has taken significant findings that make the research varied on application and criteria on Britannia hotels. As evaluated by Lapre (2010), the idea of this research will make a particular territory assess customer satisfaction levels on hospitality sectors. Through various articles and blogs, a survey was found that out of 500 hotels the rating was found to be just 50% overall. However, it is seen that from the 650 hotels in UK, Premier Inn is one of the biggest chains than Britannia hotels. This is because of the excellent quality and customer satisfaction maintained in these hotel chains. As opined by Hudson and Hudson (2013), to make the topic evident, the operational manager has evaluated ideas that make the plan authentic on customer expectations, delivering a good promise, building customer loyalty and expanding communication networks. On the contrary, the impact of customer satisfaction brings a good strategy in making the service providers of Hospitality sectors even (Nguyen, Leclerc and LeBlanc, 2013). This will formulate in delivering sophisticated products and services that customer demands from hospitality sectors.
To make the research appropriate, researcher has taken concepts on customer satisfaction involved through questionnaires forms.
Q.1) How far are you satisfied with customer satisfaction levels of Britannia hotels on major improvements that are taking place.
Options |
No. of respondents |
Frequency (%) |
Total number of respondents |
Strongly satisfied |
5 |
10 |
50 |
Satisfied |
10 |
20 |
50 |
Neutral |
5 |
10 |
50 |
Dissatisfied |
10 |
20 |
50 |
Strongly dissatisfied |
20 |
40 |
50 |
Table 1: Customer satisfaction levels of Britannia hotels on major improvements
Analysis: The customer satisfaction level has a good impact on Britannia hotels where most of them are strongly dissatisfied, as promotions do not take place at a good rate.
Options |
No. of respondents |
Frequency (%) |
Total number of respondents |
Good technology |
12 |
24 |
50 |
Innovation |
22 |
44 |
50 |
Infrastructure facilities |
10 |
20 |
50 |
Customer satisfaction programs |
6 |
12 |
50 |
Table 2: Factors involved in potential improvements of Britannia hotels
Analysis: The factors involved in potential requirements of Britannia hotels are seen that technology and innovation take a good place whereas customer satisfaction programs are a little low.
Analyzing customer perceptions, which influences customer service provision at Britannia hotels
Q.3) How far do you agree Britannia hotels will make good response in implementing innovation and techniques?
Options |
No. of respondents |
Frequency (%) |
Total number of respondents |
Strongly agree |
15 |
30 |
50 |
Agree |
12 |
24 |
50 |
Neutral |
5 |
10 |
50 |
Disagree |
13 |
26 |
50 |
Strongly disagree |
15 |
30 |
50 |
Table 3: Britannia hotels will make good response in implementing innovation and techniques
Analysis: Britannia hotels have a good reflection in the change outlook of innovations and techniques. These will make a good concern where the balance is same between most customers.
The idea reflected on this topic would make a theoretical approach on Britannia hotels that how planning and motivation have led to a great environment. The complexion revealed at this point delivers an outcome, which would satisfy assessment criteria of the individual. The role-played by the students in taking a professional customer whose work would be to look after the services of the company, how this is going at a good pace (Paluch and Blut, 2013). On the other side, the role of the angry customer will point out on certain defaults of hotel’s service will make him unhappy. Moreover, the observer will see that how consumers are reacting to these effects and have a look how employees are giving good satisfaction to customers on Britannia hotels chains (Timm, 2011). Thus, the planning agenda will reflect a mark on research notes in the three meetings. This will also see the group log and the written contribution that is going to happen.
Effectively, the performances delivered by quality control of customer service programs on Britannia hotels are as follows:
To listen to customers, that will monitor success in interacting with others. This will be specific to hold a proper territory, which comes in contact on customer interaction. Ideally, speech analytics involves a treaty on an evaluation that involves call whereas text analytics involves email and chats for interaction purpose(Wang, 2013).
Capturing an ethical idea would assess primary channels and make the quality response on text-based interactions that are well performed. Here, the customers would find a way to interact with the organization on quality and control.
Using quality monitoring on own performances would help to improve skills among customers. This would also assess in identifying skills and providing a good opportunity for making a track of learning opportunities.
Providing continuous improvement would determine the consistency of individuals, which would make a sophisticated record of the individuals on progress and development on Britannia hotels(Paluch and Blut, 2013).
The idea resolved in this chapter focuses on the ideas that make a good reflection in this chapter. The researcher has conveyed business ethics that make the context ethical through customer service policies in meeting demands. These would make a treaty to indicate ideas on customer satisfaction and perceptions made on the main influences. The operational manager of Britannia Hotel has also laid primary and secondary research to make a good evaluation of customer service programs. Hence, the research concludes fundamental strategy to assess major ideas that will assist future training and development.
Reference List:
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