Customer Satisfaction In E-Marketing: A Study On EBay
Literature review
Businesses are established with an aim of making profit. The ability of a business to regularly produce and distribute goods to meet the needs of their customers at the right time gives it an advantage over others in the competitive market. Surviving in the business activity is highly fueled by customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction which include good customer services, quality products and honesty is a major goal for many businesses, it determines a customer repurchase intention (Fang, Chiu and Wang 2011, p. 480).
Unfortunately, many businesses especially the Small to Medium enterprises (SMEs) are faced with challenges of satisfying their customers need and this have a negative impact on their profits. Low capital to produce enough products for sale, untimely delivery of products ordered for, quality and durability of the purchased products and the price of purchasing a product are the major drawbacks of many entrepreneurs. More often than not, when a customer fails to obtain quality services and products, negative feedback is spread in the marketthrough a word of mouth and the business is prone to losing customers.
Furthermore, due to the high competition in this economic activity due to product differentiation and price differences, it is essential for the entrepreneurs to increase their coverage marketing area. New marketing techniques have been developed to increase market coverage.The advancement in technology especially internet has led to development of electronic marketing technique. This marketing method has provided the sellers and buyers with a fast and easy way of selling and purchasing products from anywhere in the world. This has led to tremendous growth of businesses and a creation of a pool of products for customers to chose from. As stated by Taylor and Strutton, the perceived ease of use of this technique highly influence the purchasing intention (2010, p.953). since advertisements are easily available through various websites and in the social media, the products information which are usually persuading, leads to increased sales. However, feedbacks from customers through the social medias such as Facebook has indicated that more often than not they are not satisfied with the services and products they receive online from the sellers. Complains on the cost, quality, performance and efficiency of the purchased products are frequently given. However, the complaint information does not reach to the seller which can then lead to a producer losing customers. Therefore, it is necessary to determine customer satisfaction after offering services through the e-marketing technique. The aim of this study is to gather information on the benefit of customer satisfactionto a business. The research is relevant since it will provide information on the level at which sellers effectively and efficientlysatisfy their customers’ needs through this technique. The information will help the sellers to work on the weaknesses and therefore will be in a position to provide quality and timely products to meet customers’ needs and to achieve their ultimate goal of making huge profits. The management of the advertising sites will be in a position to set standards of the products to be sold via their website and to develop relevant penalties for products that receives most of the negative feedbacks. The management will also be in a position to standardize the price of a product to avoid customer exploitation by buyers. More importantly the customer and the society at large will enjoy efficient services for quality products.
In this research, the eBay online shopping site will be considered. It is an online marketplace where sellers advertise and sell their products while the customers can search and purchase products via the internet.
The research project seeks to meet the following objectives:
- To determine customer satisfaction rate in e-marketing in eBay.
- To determine common factors affecting customers satisfaction.
- To develop strategies of meeting customers satisfaction through e-marketing.
Marketing is the process of promoting, distributing and selling a product or service. As stated by Kumar an appropriate marketing strategy is core in a business (2015, p. 5). Businesses have been using various methods to market their products.Over the last two decades or so, the world has experienced tremendous changes and transformation in the business field. The intense competition in the business industry has provoked developments of more sophisticated marketing techniques to enhance company’s survival in the market. The internet which has connected the world into a global village has provided a wide platform for companies and individuals to advertise, sell or buy products through E-marketing (Fleisch, Weinberger and Wortmann 2015, p.7). For instance, the eBay acts as a site where the sellers and buyer ought to register for them to acquire the respective services. login in to the website enables the seller to describe the product and give the price which can be accessed by the buyer for purchase.
E-marketing has been widely promoted through social media such as Facebook, tweeter and emails, many businesses have adopted this technique. As stated by Echeverri and Skalen, marketing theory that states that to maximize sales the company should place their goods and services in a position that a consumer identifies its essence (2011, p. 355). Banks can now offer their services through their website without having to go to the bank, local businesses can sell their products internationally and the customers can acquire goods and services at the comfort of their home by just clicking the purchase button. However, as concluded by Chang, Wang and Yang, website owners therefore ought to improve on e-service quality to enhance customer satisfaction and hence promote online transaction (2009, p.442).
Adoption of the e-marketing strategy has enabled entrepreneurs to enjoy advantages such as; low cost of advertisement. Since the marketing is over the internet, the product information can reach a large population over a short time by just a click of a button (Kian Chong, Shafaghi, Woollasto and Lui 2010, p. 312). This lowers the advertisement cost that could be incurred in other mass media advertisement such as television. It also enables the sellers to also do demography targeting. He can sell his products to certain groups of people from a far distance. The electronic transaction also enables the seller to monitor his sales and also to make decision on what products to be selling by checking the fast-moving products which could be impossible in the traditional marketing (Salehi, Mirzaei, Aghaei and Abyari 2012, p. 817).The technique also provides an instant transaction which allows the seller to prepare for a fast delivery of the product to meet the customer needs. The major challenge in this marketing technique is insecurity. Customer personal information may be illegally accessed by hackers in the shopping sites and used to commit illegal acts. Though this is a major challenge, the website owners together with the seller work in unity to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the services.
Customer satisfaction being key in business, it is important to ensure that a service or product sold will make a customer come back. Research conducted by Deng, Lu, Wei and Zhang Indicated that customer satisfaction is contributed by trust, perceived service quality, perceived customer value and emotional value (2010, p.291). since satisfying customers is baseline, the management should focus on gaining customer loyalty by enhancing service quality and meeting the customer perceived value (Hu, Kandampully and Juwaheer 2009, p. 124). The consistent reply to customer question on a product, the frequent checking and updating of the websites and regular product promotion encourage customers to be visiting the shopping site. Providing better services create a loyal customer base which is a treasure to a business (Ryu, lee and Gon Kim 2012, p. 222).
Many online shopping sites have developed the system where a customer can leave comments on the services received and rate the quality of the products bought. Through social media companies and business owners are frequently marketing their products and client’s responses about their services are given through the sites. As stated by Agnihitri, Dingus, Hu, and Krush, social media has increased the interaction between the sellers and the buyers and hence there is a one to one communication with the sellers rather than the advertisement website owners (2016, p. 175). However, it is not clear whether the comments given are worked on by the management which could act as a hinderance to changes and improvement on the quality of services and products. therefore, it is important to acquire the actual information about a service from the customers to enhance productivity and to create a good communication channel among the involved parties. In this research the eBay shopping site will be analyzed since it serves a huge market of approximately one hundred and seventy-five million customers. The information will then be used to improve on the services and products sold through this site. It can also be used by other businesses to enhance their productivity and promote their success.
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