Customer Experience Strategy For Coles Supermarkets
In the highly competitive industry, the major concern for every company is to survive in the market for a long time. In order to be exceptional among so many existing competitors and market goliaths, it is necessary to build a different strategy to heighten the possibly of serving a long –term goal in the industry. The customer experience is the most needed so that a company can tailor its products and services to meet the expectations of the customers who are the foundation on which a company stands. The customer experience consists of the perception the customers have for the company that determines how the company has served them and how long they would be engaged in a relationship with them (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016). Regular customer interactions are highly necessary to enhanced the levels of customer loyalty and satisfaction. The present report will proceed by identifying the two customer segments of Coles supermarkets that is the selected company and further differentiate those segments.
The Coles supermarkets is an Australia based supermarket which also works as retail and consumer service chains. The company headquarter is located in Melbourne and it was founded in the year 1914 by George Coles. The company has expanded itself and holds more than 100,000 employees beating its biggest competitor Woolworths. As per the financial report of the company of year 2017, it has generated huge revenues that is equal to A$22.1 billion. The parent company is Coles Group and the company markets through various meet the customer demands (, 2018). There are so many stores in the Coles supermarket that consist of almost all daily-needed products primarily the food products. The report will go on explaining a customer experience management strategy based on the survey reports of assessment 2 to leverage the company’s future operations.
A better way to classify the customers is by segmenting them according to their geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral traits. It enables the company to identify them based on their different choices and tailor the products and services accordingly (Peppers & Rogers, 2016).
As per the research conducted for assessment 2, thee Coles supermarket has been found to segment the customers based on their demographic and psychographic characteristics. In the research of assessment 2, 20 people were selected from these two segments. In order to gather information, there were in total four types of methods used in the surveys. First of all, face to face interviews have been conducted, telephonic conversation, online surveys and lastly the focus group method. The demographic segmentation is generally considered to be one of the best methods that classifies the customers according to their age, race, gender, religion, ethnicity, family size, income and education.
It has been assessed and evaluated from the received answers that people between the age group of 20-30 ate the maximum buyers from the Coles supermarket. More than 76% of the respondents were from Australia and preferred Coles supermarket because they get everything they want over here. More than 50% among those 20 people were women belonging from upper middle class to sophisticated families. Most of them were holders of bachelor degree. 72% of the respondents were highly satisfied with the products and services of the Coles supermarket but there were few people too who were a little disappointed with the service of the staffs. 90% of them voiced against women harassment and child labor which is a good point for the Coles supermarket to heighten their CSR values and activities.
Identification and differentiation of the two customer segments
The customer feedbacks when analyzed properly by the help of the surveys conducted, it is recommended that the Coles Supermarkets must design and develop a suitable customer experience strategy to increase the level of customer satisfaction. There are so many CEM strategies among which the most effective strategies are the IDIC (identify, differentiate, interact and customize) model and the DIRFT (Do it Right the First Time) model. According to the first model, the first task is to identify the customers and then differentiate them on by one to know their tastes individually. The next step is to interact with them personally to get better insight into their likes and dislikes and the last step asks to act on the customer responses positively. The next mode that is the DIRFT model also suggest the same in an indirect manner. It asks a company to deliver exactly what it has promised to deliver (McColl-Kennedy et al.,2015). The management of a company has to associate themselves with the customers culturally in get idea of their expectations. As the survey revealed there is a percentage of customers who are disappointed with the staff services, the Coles Supermarket have to arrange a staff training program and conduct it after every two months.
Image 1: IDIC Model
Source: (2018)
The Coles supermarket needs to commit customer experience mapping for the demographic and psychographic segments. The customer experience mapping is a visual representation of how long the customer has been associated with the company, how their experience was with the company and how long in the future they would like to stay with the firm. It helps a company to evaluate how their future years will be like (Benzarti & Mili, 2017). It is strongly recommended to the Coles Supermarket company that they must engage in a regular basis interaction program with the customers via blogs, websites, social media, emails and many other ways. When the communication is transparent between the buyers and the sellers, problems can be easily known and resolved.
Image 2 : Customer experience map
Source: Sinur, J. (2018)
The value proposition of the Coles Supermarkets company explains how they are exceptional from other similar companies and why people must opt for this company. The value proposition will be strengthened by the customer experience mapping since after knowing the drawbacks and gaps, the company would tailor their services according to the customer requirements (, 2018). The aim of the company to become one of the most favored brand of people can be supported by the CEM strategies. It will help the company to meet the customer expectations and stand out as the most preferred brand across Australia and abroad.
Image 3: Coles value proposition
Source: (2018)
Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that the customer experience consists of the perception the customers have for the company that determines how the company has served them and how long they would be engaged in a relationship with them. Regular customer interactions are highly necessary to enhanced the levels of customer loyalty and satisfaction. The assessment 2 surveys have been highly useful to determine the customer segmentation based on which also how to tailor the services and satisfy them.
Benzarti, I., & Mili, H. (2017, November). A Development Framework for Customer Experience Management Applications: Principles and Case Study. In e-Business Engineering (ICEBE), 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on (pp. 118-125). IEEE. Retrieved from- –
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Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 69-96. DOI: 10.1509/jm.15.0420
McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Gustafsson, A., Jaakkola, E., Klaus, P., Radnor, Z. J., Perks, H., & Friman, M. (2015). Fresh perspectives on customer experience. Journal of Services Marketing, 29(6/7), 430-435.Retrieved from –
Peppers, D., & Rogers, M. (2016). Managing customer experience and relationships: A strategic framework. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-978-1-119-23982-6 (2018). ResearchGate | Share and discover research. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: [Accessed 23 Nov. 2018].
Sinur, J. (2018). Journey/Experience Mapping Isn’t Just for Customers : Commentary : Business Rules Community / Business Rules Journal. Retrieved from