Current Trends And Challenges Facing IT Security
Overview of IT Security
Describe about The Essay for current trends and challenges facing IT sercuity.
Information technology security is an important aspect any business or organization who are using information technology as their primary business resources. We all know that the internet and its related component are developing, and many more organizations are opening there IS (Information System) to their suppliers and partners. Therefore it has become essential to know which of the organization resources needs security to control system access and the customer or user rights of the IS (Information System). The primary goal or objective of information security is to protect the information system or information against unwanted or unauthorized access or modification of data or information. The information security is critical to measures such threats and protects the information and information system for adverse risks and situations. But this is also true that even if we have the right information system for the business or company. There is always some drawbacks or challenges that are faced within that information system. The technology is growing at a rapid speed and so as the challenges that are increasing in the domain of IT security.
The document presented here is a detail discussion of the latest trends in the information technology security and the challenges that the companies are facing as far as the information technology security is a concern. The overall idea of presenting this essay is to discuss the current problems and trends in information technology security in various companies or business.
According to Von Solms and Van Niekerk (2013), the term security is fundamental a concept developed by the humans which have become more and harder to explain and enforce in the age of information. The IT security is known as Information Technology security which refers to a process or technique of implementing measures and the system design to vigorously safeguard and protect the information such as personal or business data, conversation voice data, images, multimedia presentations or pictures and many such (Ifinedo 2012). Moreover it protects information or data uses in different forms of technology developed to build, store and utilize, and then exchange such data or information against and unwanted or unauthorized access, malfunction, misuse, destruction, modification and improper disclosure, therefore stabilizing the confidentiality, value, availability, integrity and intended use and its capability to do their permitted vital functions.
IT (Information Technology) security refers to controlling access to the relevant digital information, so only those who authenticate need to access are allowed to do so (Kim et al. 2013). The task might seem so simple, but it has become very challenging and complex as the year is progressing due to rapid changes happening in information technology field. Information technology security is sometimes the challenge of balancing the demands of the customers versus the need for information integrity and confidentiality. Let us consider one example, providing the permission for the company employees to access a network from anywhere in this world such as from other country or state of from home or a project site, may increase the value of the system and the employee efficiency (Jajodia 2015). But bad luck is that the remote access to a system gives some changes to vulnerabilities and can lead to vital information security issues or challenges for the system administrator.
Goals of Information Technology Security
According to Peltier (2016), there are some objectives of information technology security which are Integrity, Confidentiality, and availability of information or data. Information technology security refers to protect the system or network from dangerous malicious system attacks, network harassment, and service interruptions. The Information technology security works to locate contain and where ever and when possible it tries to prevent the spread bad network traffic that will affect the organization system (Layton 2016). The objective of the IT security is to build protection against the reveals or enemies who would like or do damage to the system or organization IT.
The main of e objectives are explained in detail below.
Integrity – It is to make sure that the data or information is correct, reliable, and accurate and cannot be changed in a way which is not expected.
Confidentially – It is safeguarding access to the critical data from those who do not have the right authority to use it (Vacca 2012).
Availability – This refers to the data availability to make sure that is available at any point of time to those who required using it.
According to Siponen et al. (2014), it is the collection of technologies, management practices, policies and standards that are integrated with information to keep it protected. It has four critical functions for a company which enables the protective operation of the system application integrated with the company IT (Information Technology) systems, safeguard the information of the business which is collected and utilized, protect the technology assets in use at the business and finally it preserve the business ability to function The Information Technology (IT) security enables the organizational management to protect the system application operations that is integrated in the system of IT Company. It is very essential to protect and safeguard the useful data and information. Apart from this, the company will also start to apply the appropriate software applications which will secure the organizational information like high end antivirus or any other protective applications (Willcocks 2013). Therefore the IT security is very critical in any IT system to safeguard the applications that are implemented in the system and to protect the information or data stored in According to AlHogail (2015), the IT security will protect the data that is collected and used by any company or organization. For an example, if any company or individual leaves their confidential information unprotected then it is sure that the information can be accessed by anyone in the organization and if the information is in the wrong hands that it can create challenges in many ways. The IT security programs will make sure that the assign data or information is protected both legal and business needs by taking steps to safeguard the company information or data (Li et al. 2015). Apart from this the steps that have been adopted to protect the information is a matter of maintaining security and will help the company or an individual from their identity theft.
Importance of Information Technology Security
As discussed by Dhillon et al. (2016), the information is a vital asset for any business or organization and therefore it needs right kind of protection. The security requirement is critical due to the increase of interconnectivity within the organization and due to this; there is a high risk of data leakage which will then lead a wide range of vulnerabilities and threats. The protection of organization functionality for both IT and general management are responsible for the IT security implementation that the safeguards the company ability to function (O’brien et al. 2013). It is crucial because it holds their customer’s information which is super confidential and without them their business cannot operate.
For an instance, Considering Information technology security in hospital which is critical because the information privacy and safety in the healthcare section are vital, and the implementation of electronic or digital patient records, increase in regulation, provider consolidation and the enhancing required for information between providers, payers and patient, all the points needed for a better IT security (Cao et al. 2014). The healthcare organization has to keep some Information technology security protocol.
The researcher itself has reflected and highlighted the latest trends in information technology sector which will enhance and dominate 2015. Some of the major trends are mentioned below by the researcher.
Unintended state Intervention Consequences
The commitment of official responsibility in cyberspace will establish the collateral damage threat and have seen the much outsourcing implication in which much organizational management has to rely upon this (Feng-hua 2016). Many analysts have also earned that any wrong implications will soon suffer the severe collateral damage.
Iterant utilization of Big Data concept
Much organizational management is making constant changes in embedding the concept of big data and decision making process. It is very necessary to recognize the human element regarding data analytics. Many multinational organizations fail to respect the human element that will automatically put the organizations at high risk.
Internet Of Things (IOT) and Mobile Applications
The concept of smart phones and various mobiles devices will increase the demand for applications of mobile and corporate sector in the forth coming year (Feng-hua 2016). To meet this requirement, many organizations are reducing the margins of profit and speed of delivery with low cost adaptability.
Storm of Cyber Security
The place of cyberspace is becoming an increasing attraction for hunting human belongings regarding inheriting additional money in the form of deposit (Feng-hua 2016). The future inheritance has implemented and adopted varieties of intellectual concepts by which any cyber stalks and threats cannot be terminated in any organizational management.
Current Trends in IT (Information Technology) Security
ABYSS for Information Security
The University of Dublin has made certain implications regarding the information security appliance which includes the application of Abyss in various corporate management (Whitmore et al. 2015). The concept of Abyss implies the top graded security management in an organizational management; which tends to protect the entire client and the vital customer data and the information.
Invention of DevSecOps
Many experts have expected that the concept of DevSecOps will be delivering more secure applications system in research and development segments. These types of technologies will help to fix and manipulate severe vulnerabilities in organizational management (Davis and Daniels 2016). Additionally, the researcher has maintained and manipulated several intellectual concepts which are very vital for any corporate management provided above.
Wearable Equipments Technology Risks
Wearable Equipments Technological risks: In this present era of technology, the advanced technology is taking new step ahead (Thierer 2015). These wearable equipment technologies gadgets are instantly growing and developing day by day in an overall market segmentation.
There are various prevailing issues in information technology security; due to the regular up gradation changes and which are making things very difficult in terms of protection of resources. Few major challenges are described below:
Integrating the Personal and Corporate life
Many employees take advantage of free internet for their daily usage. For instance, the company workers use their respective company email id for their personal communication, and some of the employees are given mobile phones which they use for limited personal usage. Other employees might not have the home personal computer; they will use the company accessories for their personal works (Line et al. 2016). Apart from that, some of the employees bring their own laptop in their business to perform an official task. This increase the risk of IT security as the data or other applications can be access by an unauthorized person from the external company.
Uncertain Implementation of Policies
Many companies may not have implemented their organization policies in the past, or they have done so improperly depending on the situation of the enterprise employee. Now, this causes several problems when security features try to track down of violators (Niu et al. 2016). Some of the companies have already understood the importance of information technology security regulations and policies.
Lack of IT security awareness
The lack of understanding in information technology security makes the company employees not to secure their system correctly (Safa et al. 2016). The lack of IT security knowledge makes the system easily gets attack and as well the information or data.
Difficult to manage Information Technology Security
Some of the companies do not hire employees based on their education. The reason is that there are companies hiring employees as an IT security manager, but they lack proper education which matches the required skills (Bedrossian et al. 2016). So it becomes difficult for the staff to protect the organization’s system and data with adequate safeguard.
Third Party Suppliers
The concept of third suppliers implies that the company has to address seriously to think about the implementation process in the common corporate workplace; to eliminate various situations where the provider by mistake provides the access to a business data, negotiation or plans, intellectual property that can lead to an accidental breach in security.
Legacy Technology
Many companies still support the legacy systems and as the connectivity keep increasing and these leads to the vulnerable systems which will expose to the attackers.
The lack of clarity makes things difficult to control information leaving it vulnerable to breach.
The information security has different advantages and disadvantages which is important to be addressed any company or individual to understand what benefits are their they can get from information security and what are the disadvantages they need to carefully consider in their information technology security.
There are some major benefits of information technology security which are mentioned below by the researcher:
- Ease of implementation: It is easy to implement for protection; the user can simply use password to protect the documents. For more vital protection of information, the user can install firewalls, biometric or detection systems.
- Increase in technology: The day to day increase in technology; will also increase the threats and vulnerabilities related to the information technology (Safa and Von Solms 2016). The information technology security is very worthy by nature.
- Vulnerability Protection: It protects from vulnerability attacks on the network.
- Protection of private information: It protects the confidential information from the hands of unauthorized persons or individuals.
- Sensitivity: It keeps sensitive government information out of the reach of enemies and terrorist hands. It also protects some unwanted and threat files to enter into computers which might affect the system information.
- The latest changes going on in the information technology makes the users to themselves always up to date, and they need to purchase the most current information security.
- Therefore due to the changes happening in the information technology nothing is sure to be entirely secure.
- If an individual user’s skips one single section which should be safeguarded the entire information system could be compromised.
- IT security might be very complicated, and the user might not understand what has gone wrong with the system or what they are dealing with (Mithas and Rust 2016).
- It can decrease the productivity if the people consistently have to enter a password on each and every level.
Using Secure Connection: When the system is connected to the internet, it becomes vital that the data needs to be protecting as it can become vulnerable while the data or information is transit. Make sure that you use secure FTP and remote connectivity.
Secure password – It is important the users should select strong passwords and create a different secure password for each account and make sure the password is changed regularly.
Stay up to date – The users or organizations needs to be updated with the internet security program. They need to use a firewall as well the system security such a paid version of antispyware and antivirus that will scan the user’s system security and remove it from the system. Make sure that the user operating system and the software’s are all up to date. The best part is to change the system password on every 90 days of better IT security.
Avoiding Scams and Spam – It is vital that the users should always prevent the spam and scams emails that they receive from unknown individuals or companies. The users have to make sure they do not encourage such emails in their system and ensure that they do not open such emails as they contain some serious threats which might affect the system.
Security of laptop accessories: Tracing personal computers and laptop with the technology of advance technology software applications will also be very helpful and useful in case of stolen or lot cases. On the other hand, some software provides the remote access for transferring the information or data to much secure center to protect the vital information.
Make secure online purchase – Before providing any critical information on shopping sites just make sure that the URL link is HTTPS, which indicates that the page is completely safe and you can trust the page and can provide your critical information such as debit or credit card details.
Encrypting Information or Data – The Stored information or files need to be encrypted because it is essential to protecting vital data and to help safeguard information or data loss due the equipment theft or loss.
Maintaining security patches – Many antivirus software needs a daily update and makes sure that the hardware and software stay up to date with the latest security patches. Therefore if you turn off automatic antivirus update, then the users has to be set up regular scanning of the system.
The document presented above discusses about the information technology security and various aspects of IT security such as the latest trends in information technology security and the current challenges. The above discussion stated that the IT safety is a critical aspect of any business or individual. The primary goal or objective of information security is to protect the information system or information against unwanted or unauthorized access or modification of data or information. The overall idea of presenting this essay is to discuss the current problems and trends in information technology security in various companies or business. The essay describes the importance of information technology security and their objectives, and it also discusses about how the current trends are in IT security. Various challenges related to information technology security are also described in this document. The overall idea for presenting the document is to explain the IT security and its latest trends and challenges.
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