Cultural Diversity And Inclusive Leadership In Australia
Cultural Diversity in Australia
Describe about the Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Leadership in Australia.
Leadership in business acts as a catalyst which makes all the elements of business to work together; without effective leadership all the available resources of the business lie dormant. (Ingram, D, 2016). The business leaders in order to tune with the issues and needs of their subordinates should keep updated information for new development in leadership theory and ways to maximize the effectiveness. Cultural diversity means the differences in the composition of members in terms of race, nationality, colour, creed, gender, age and religion. Organizational behaviour means the interaction nature among various groups and people in an organization. Regardless of the differences of background and origin of the members and employees, cultural diversity will bring a positive influence amongst them if it is understood properly (Merchant, P, 2016).
We will discuss the cultural diversity and role of leadership in maintaining such changes in an organization. According to the Australian Human Rights Commission (2016) it is essential to improve the representation of Australian leadership and Cultural diversity taking place in Australia. It shows how an organization can change its leadership to cope up with the needs and behaviour of multicultural society and the global economy. In Australia its multi-culture is self evident. About 28 percent of Australia was born overseas, and 20 percent having parents who were born overseas. 32 percent of population of Australia have a background of Non-Anglo-Celtic and such cultural diversity is not appropriate to represent the senior leadership in the organization. In the Australian business, politics and civil society the cultural default of leadership is Anglo-Celtic. It was found that the Australian society is not making the appropriate change that is required due to diverse backgrounds and talents in the country.
Leading change means helping and directing towards bringing the change. To bring a change in the culture and process in an organization it will require an effective and efficient management, the involvement and empowerment of workforce that will ultimately enhance the performance of the business (, 2016). Generally changes are made to facilitate customers so that they can be served better to keeps a positive impact towards the business. While bringing the change the team members in the company should give greater involvement in improving process and adopting behaviours and changes caused to cultural diversity. Managers facing the problem of cultural diversity should be better communicators, facilitators and leaders.
Importance of Leading Change
The benefits of leading change in Australian business are that it will be helpful in identifying roadblocks, resistance of employees and; discontent and fear. An organization should permit people to feel the change and express their opinions and views on such change. The companies in Australia should develop good managers who can handle change and deal with it positively so that the ways to future success are opened. Leading change will therefore increase the productivity of each and every person concerned with the business (Neill, M, 2016). It’s time to change the leadership to embrace the competency of a team. Every organization in Australia, every new team of leadership and new administration can gain advantage from increase in productivity, increase in production capacity and save more money.
It is correct to describe Australia a country a multicultural success story. But when it is discussed about the positions of business leadership, higher education and government in Australia the wealthy diversity is absent strangely (, 2016). Australia should learn the importance of cultural diversity in business leadership and thus also look at the barriers the society is facing to reach the full potential. In the corporate of Australia the senior leadership remains dominated by the Anglo-Celtic and the background of Europe. It was further rectified this issue and the report outlined the areas that requires action. The following three areas need the change- Leadership, Systems and Culture.
Top management are responsible of bringing change. The leaders should set an example for the rest. Leaders should make commitments to show the moral imperative and to make the business more competitive in the present world. All the leaders such as CEO’s and the managers having knowledge about the cultural diversity and change should develop an action plan to implement policies for bringing change. Gathering data and then reporting the same is crucial for any change that takes place. Future strategies should be planned to provide a baseline and framework of the change. The systems should be developed so as to maintain the ethical code of conduct of the business. Cultural diversity needs a corporation goal and performance according to the given report (Bolza, M, 2016). It is the leaders who are actually accountable for the progress that occurs in an organization. Again to eliminate discrimination it is vital to identify and take remedies. Unconscious biasness should be kept aside while promoting various cultural values so that all the staffs can gain a support to promote their cultural values and thoughts.
Barriers to Cultural Diversity in Leadership
The report clearly states that the Australian society is not successful in making the most out of its cultural diversity (Wotherspoon, G, 2016). There are some biasness and discrimination that takes place in the corporate in this country. The research is still continuing to get an idea about what is the reason behind the negative attitude of the people towards such cultural changes. According to the International research it is said that the ‘white’ work environments, those leaders who make decision based on people’s colour is a disadvantage as they are not considered as legitimate. Some of them may have views that cultural diversity in leadership does not holds any problem but this is not true.
There were arguments relating to the appointment and promotion issues. So it should be suggested that principle of merit should be the ideal way to guide decision on this regard. It may be correct to say that decisions should be adopting merit system will surely open all the talents to form an ideal career. This process should be accepted and recognized as soon as possible. There should be gender equality in the workplace to increase the confidence and motivate the female workers in an organization. The idea of leadership is also bound with elusive notions related to the authority and charisma that is the reason for biasness in firms. (, 2016). Such biasness is concerned with the physical attributes. In the research it was considered that leadership plays a very important role in assigning tasks to the staffs and involve them in decision making process. A cultural change should be accepted positively by allowing the subordinates to participate so that they feel motivates and a feeling of enthusiasm are generated in all the people who are associated with the business.
It is totally a wrong concept of awarding those employees who are generally loud and who shouts, it is not necessary that one who owes loud voice is always giving best outcomes. So reward policies should be according to the work performed (, 2016). Performance should be measured without any discrimination and biasness. In present Australia is not focusing on the importance of cultural diversity and later on it might bring a serious issue when the country has to compete with other countries that are performing outstandingly in the global world of business.
In globalized and multicultural organizations the leaders should create the value out of diversity. It is the necessity of the business to bring change in the organization due to the cultural diversity. Cultural diversity facilitates mutual respect among employees. Whether the employees are working in group or as an individual they have their varied work styles. The values of each and every individual should be considered in the workplace. Conflict takes place in the work environment because everybody has different ideas and suggestions to discuss and it is impossible to consider everyone’s idea resulting into a conflict. Therefore cultural diversity will help in resolving such issues. Understanding cultural diversity will help the company to build reputation among employees and the customers as well. Diversity in workplace is essential to build great reputation (Mayhew, R, 2016). An organization should be known for its outstanding ways to maintain ethics and respect others value. There should be fair employment practices and the better talent should be duly appreciated. Other advantages of understanding cultural diversity and change in leadership includes loyalty form their customers who makes the decision of working only with those companies having good ethical values and who are socially responsible. Australian companies should start practicing theses socially implemented policies.
Overcoming the Biasness and Discrimination
Understanding cultural diversity will help the Australian firms to make a good position in the global market (Jamrozik, A, Boland, C & Urquhart, R, 1995). It will be very helpful in taking their business expansion to the foreign countries. This appeal to the global market will therefore create two types of opportunities for the employees that are the opportunities for employee development and promotion (Deresky, H & Christopher, E, 2011). The employees will be exposed to the market where people use different languages and have multicultural understanding in order to build centres for global profits. Cultural diversity acceptance will help the organization to face new challenges and gain career opportunities.
The leaders of Australian companies can support the cultural diversity in the following ways. By knowing the diversity vision, goal of the firm and its relation with overall business objectives, commitment should be made to understand how cultural diversity impacts the role and functions and how the role of a leader can bring success of diversity initiative. Leaders should participate in surveys and in an open and honest manner (Parvis, L, 2013). Find an internal person who can be trustful, to express concerns and ideas.
Leaders should become culturally competent (Moran, R, Harris, P & Moran, S, 2011). It is allowed to take some time to learn about various cultures, religions, races and backgrounds that is represented by the colleagues and employees in your organization. The Australian should become familiar with the cultural diversity of the country and if they make any errors fell free to apologize and ask for suggestions and help. The Australian leaders should treat their employees in the way they want to be treated and not in the way that the leaders want to treat them. Engage in such social activities that everyone is familiar with and are ready to participate and does not harm the values of other people. Make people from another culture and background comfortable. It is restricted to makes jokes that alienate those who come from different background.
A leader should make positive change in the organization. The head should be a spokesperson for solve diversity issues (Handlechner, M, 2008). Nobody in the organization will refuse to what the leaders decide so leaders are the one who can start the change. Cultural diversity is not just an issue for senior leadership, its promotion and support should be an issue for the whole of Australians and they should consider it to be their responsibility too to help the country to make changes that promote cultural values and practices of all. We can conclude by saying that history of Australia reflects a multicultural journey. Although there are many issues related to the multicultural policies, as this policy was created by the government in the context of political contest and for electoral advantage. By now the people of Australia and the Australian Government have understood these policies and are helping in achieving the desired goals of bringing positive impact form such change.
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Merchant, P. (2016). The Positive Influence of Cultural Diversity in Organizational Behaviour. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from (2016). Leading change benefits. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from
Neill, M. (2016). Three Benefits of Developing a Leading Change Competency. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from (2016). Cultural Diversity and Inclusive Leadership In Multicultural Australia. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from
Bolza, M. (2016). Cultural diversity: How does Aussie leadership stand? Retrieved 6 October 2016 from (2016). Cultural diversity in leadership. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from (2016). Five steps towards cultural diversity in leadership. Retrieved 6 October 2016 from
Mayhew, R. (2016). Why is Diversity in the workplace Important to Employees? Retrieved 6 October 2016 from
Parvis, L. (2013). Understanding Cultural Diversity in Today’s Complex World.
Kopka, D., Gross, J., & Krueger, B. (2009). Embracing Cultural Diversity: A Cross-Cirricular Lesson Plan. Lorenz Educational Press.
Jamrozik, A., Boland C., & Urquhart, R. (1995). Social Change and Cultural Transformation in Australia. CUP Archive.
Wotherspoon, G. (2016). Gay Sydney: A History. NewSouth.
Deresky, H., & Christopher, E. (2011). International Management: Managing Cultural Diversity. Pearson Higher Education AU.
Moran, R., Harris, P., & Moran, S. (2011). Managing Cultural Differences: Global Leadership Strategies for Cross-Cultural Business Success. Routledge.
Handlechner, M. (2008). Managing cultural diversity and how to manage it within an organization. GRIN Verlag.