Cross Culture Issues In International Marketing Communications
Task 1: Discussion of Chosen Literature Review
Task 1
Discussion the chosen literature review
Cross culture issues in marketing communications
Cultural dilemmas of international management
International organisations and operations addressing the cross culture communications condition efficiently>
Task 2
Importance of the review literature and existing research.
Reference list
Cross culture is one of the long known as the influence to the communications and success factors in the international business competition. Cultural awareness shapes the business firms behave in a culturally shaped international market. In order understand the communications process and cultural differences, company must adjourn the skills to capture the large competitive market in global platform (Arnould and Thompson, 2009). The field of international management is very much new and are known for changing rapidly within the change of the business areas. Globalisation has created large number for the companies to maintain the cultural decorum whole conducting business in the other nations. As noted by Theodosiou (2008), there has been numerous occasion , most of the companies are being and trying act and behave as loyal in order to sustain in that nations for create brand awareness among worldwide. This study will takes the 3 major literature theories of the already discussed literatures review and will discussed the gap and the research design these literature ahs chosen (Brodie et al. 2008). Apart from that study also focus on the gap of these literatures which will be further reviewed within the existing literature review.
Cross culture issues in marketing communications
Kathy (2011), the chosen Literature has been given in doeth analysis of the culture of marketing communications in the international market. The literatures suggest that, communications is one of the most important parts of the any business form in order to achieve success in the current contemporary competitive market (Tsai et al. 2007). Even if the world has become more global, most of the nations are being has been claiming for the right to a culture in the internationally platform. The nation culture is depended upon their wearing, demographic, economic development and the living style of those people. As noted Rangaswamy et al. (2008), there have been numerous occasions, when the company is looking to manage and control the market by making scapegoat a culture. Cultural differences could create company to resist in the market. Most of the time, companies fails their products in certain countries, although it is very much known brand all over world. This simply because the lack of the intangible barrier which cannot be seen by these companies.
The literature also give emphasis on the importance of cross culture communications in China marketing , since there is many more factors that influence the relationship between Chinese and non Chinese business (Kathy 2011). As the literature mainly focusing on the Chinese economy and their cultural because of the China is being one of the large and potential destinations for the international brands. Apart from that study also focuses on the globalisations perspective which has made the marketing managers to understand the various cultures of different nations in order to promote their products in the international market (Adcock, 2010). The impact of the culture market communication leads to influence of the Chinese and western international business negotiations helps these companies to sustain the sensitive market like china (Boone and Kurtz, 2012). Cross culture communication is also one of the major factors which gives insight of the customer are different and their fundamental aspect of life is very much different from the other nations (Bose, 2010).
Cross Culture Issues in Marketing Communications
Cultural dilemmas of international management
The aim of this literature is to direct the cultural aspects of the international business management problems and the reason for the fail in the chosen the perspective to fight with cultural difference by the various international companies (Małgorzata and Luis, 2009). The first part of the chapter shows that, international management and the cultural dilemmas of the companies which are facing tough to survive the in the international market. With the help of various model like EPRG and I/R grid and as well as the intercultural management models which will give emphasis on the cultural dilemmas subject (Brodie et al. 2008).
Figure 1: I/R Framework
This above diagram depicts the problems in the international management while conducting the business in the international market ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric and the opportunism (Ephraim, 2013). There has been ample evidence which shows that, company changes its marketing strategy as the company is able to change overtime as its Globalisation deepens. The external selection factors are being ingrained within the home and host nations of which internalisations of the industries and the influence of the international institutions. The study will also give an insight of the I/R Grid framework which strong support the thought of the cultural diversity within the international business in order sustain in the international market (Rangaswamy et al. 2008). The selected problems during the time of internationalisations cultural dilemmas can be managed via implementing the effective international strategy, managing the appropriate organisational design and managing the people in a cross cultural environment. Cultural differences helps to influence the all the common areas which will direct the gain the stakeholders confidences by creating values, beliefs and convictions and basic assumption of the certain areas (Javalgi and White, 2010).
As far as the study concern, the Globalisations has changes the form of the managing the markets by implementing the cross cultural communications within the decision making process of the organisations. The 21st century has global and independent economy which strongly shows the business leaders and their international entrepreneurship movement (Ephraim, 2013). The global exposure has been able to create think globally while producing or distributing the goods and services. With the help of cross culture communications, multinational companies are looking to manage the internal management skills in order to increase the scope of large customer base of their products and internal investment which will makes the company one of the largest franchisee in future (Ephraim 2013). One of the major challenges faced by the international business is choosing the transmission of send the message to the customers.
Figure 2: Hosfstede’s cultural dimensions theory
Cultural Dilemmas of International Management
With the help of Hosfstede cultural dimensions develop the cross culture negotiations and decision making within and among the companies. Importance of the cross culture depends upon the management and their strategies in their negotiations and cross cultural interactions. For examples, international business etiquettes requires the ability to adopt different national processes and patterns while entering into the global market (Bottomley and Doyle, 2008). One of the major challenges that are faced by the most of the organisation are direct eye contact and measure the honesty level and integrity from their work ethics are one of the major instrument of assessing the company progress in USA. However, in China and in some of the Asian nation’s direct eye contact mean to rudeness behaviour (Theodosiou, 2008). Therefore, much is depend on the tone and expression of facial consist shows the culture specific and non verbal communications.
On the other hand, as noted by Varey (2007), with the help of comparative analysis of global business etiquettes, manager will have enough scope to manage the goodwill and creditability. For instance while conducting business in China, one must ensure to for face giving and face taking rather just selling of the products. Business etiquettes in England are based on the strong sense and based on the deadline oriented in business negotiations (Doole and Low, 2008).
From the above discussion it has been found that, global business orientations is very much expresses to use various model and theory to manage the cross culture environment within the international business market. These above theory has various gaps like cross culture concepts , and international business concept is very much wide aspect for the company. Managing cross culture within the nations is one of the major challenges which cannot be mitigate the by the some normal etiquettes or the market knowledge. This gap will be filled by the post reviewed literature which has not been yet discussed in all of these chapters.
The study of managing cross culture environment by business in international markets is the major purpose of the existing literature. After reviewing the existing literature given in the cross culture environment, it has been found that, there is huge gap in the field of research (Bose, 2010). The current research requires analysing the cross culture marketing tools to sustain in the international market which is somehow lacking the existing objectives of the research.
The reviewed literature has given insight of the cross culture movement within the current competitive global business scenario. As the business is expanding worldwide, most of the business managers are looking to implement the cross culture environment within their business in order to maintain the decorum within the changing business environment. As noted by Adcock (2010), the above literatures focus on the communion skills etiquettes and cultural dilemma about the internal business globalised business. Specifically in that of communications, international business give emphasis to the cultural differences influences all areas which are mentioned above. However, there has been some of the gap which shows the objectives of the current literature is not been satisfied and is needed further studies for which the current study is required. The current study will mitigate the gap of business expand in the international markets, major ways in which performance of management of business process can be ensured in a positive manner throughout the international markets (Boone and Kurtz, 2012).
International Organizations and Operations Addressing Cross Culture Communications Efficiently
On the contrary, as discussed by Bottomley and Doyle (2008), the existing research will fill the gap of above given literatures which basically focus on the communications and etiquettes. The above literature requires further study for depend upon the study of cross culture in the international perspective. The entire objectives of the existing research has been not fulfilled as per the above objectives, In spite of that, the above literatures only fulfil theist objective of the study which is to analyse the need and importance of performing the management of cross cultural environment conditioned in the Global market (Theodosiou, 2008). Apart from that rest of two are been discussed above in detail. The above, study has done in the year 2009 which is very much outdated as per the companies report. The existing res4erachahs not fill gap of the current study of researcher which why the further study is required to get ensure that all major objective of the studies would fulfil. One of the major objectives which is to issues that faced by most of the internals business are being not discussed deepen (Kathy 2011). Only challenges like communication Gap international market and some of the major expression while conducting business has been conducted.
Apart from that, the current study needs and great emphasis on the cross culture dimension for the conducting international business in a global platform (Bose, 2010). There has been ample evidence which shows that, the second most objective which is yet to be discovered in the above literature review. For the current assessment various types of ethnic group and their STP process is required to conduct business in other parts of the nations (Bowman and Gatignon, 2010). Conversely, the gap of STP process which is needed to be control and managed by the consumers of cross culture and different ethnic group which will again satisfies the current study.
As observed from the study, the researcher was not able to gather knowledge and decision making from the existing literatures. Cross culture is considered as one of the major essence of the topic and the existing literature is lacking to determine the choice selection of models. Cross culture recognition the growth was not achieved by particular organisations. There is gap in the above literatures which will be further discussed in the topic. Apart from that, the satisfaction level of the with existing level is low because most of the given literature shows that, MNC need to focus on the communications, etiquettes and interaction strategy while opening international business. However, all of these study does not satisfies the perception of the cross culture which could have been marketing’s strategy like STP process and Acculturation theory and model would reduce the gap within the existing literatures.
Reference list
Adcock, D. (2010) Marketing: Principles and practice. 4th ed. London, Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publication.
Boone, L. E. and Kurtz, D. L. (2012) Contemporary Marketing, Page 84, 7th ed. New York: Kaplan Publishing.
Bose, C. (2010) Modern Marketing – Principles & Practice. . 5th ed. Mason: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Bowman, D. and Gatignon, H. (2010) Market Response and Marketing Models, 4th ed. London: Routledge.
Doole, I. and Low, R. (2008) International marketing strategy. 5th ed. Bedford, London: Thomson Learning.
Varey, R. (2007) Marketing communication: principles and practice. 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill: London.
Kathy T, (2011), Cross-Cultural Issues in Marketing Communications: An Anthropological Perspective of International Business, International Journal of China Marketing, vol. 2(1) 2011.
MaÅ‚gorzata R and Luis B, (2009). Cultural Dilemmas of International Management, Journal of Intercultural Management Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2009, pp. 91–99.
Ephraim O, (2013). International Organizations and Operations:An Analysis of Cross-Cultural Communication Effectiveness and Management Orientation, Journal of Business & Management. Volume1 Number 1, January 2013.
Arnould, E. J. and Thompson, C. J. (2009) Consumer Culture Theory (CCT): Twenty Years of Research. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(4), 868-882.