Cross-Cultural Management And Communication In International Business

Understanding Cross-Cultural Communication

This study includes the topic of cross-cultural management or cross-cultural communication between two different countries. The cross-cultural management generally includes managing the teamwork in various ways which consider the dissimilarity in practices, cultures, preferences of the consumers and etc. in the international or business context. On the other hand, the cross-cultural communication is a part of the study which looks at how people from the different cultural backgrounds include conversation in different or similar ways. This study will also include the discussion about the organisational goals, management practices or management insight in two different cross-cultural associations in an efficient manner. This study provides a clear structure about the cross-cultural communication of association. It will also include the cross-cultural barriers between two different countries such as England & France or India & Nepal as well.

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According to Harris, et al., (2005), at the time of cold war, the economic situation of the United States became huge self-contained as because the entire world get polarised in two different competing powers such an East & West. Many of the changes or advancements in the relationships related to the economic systems, technological systems, political systems started to break down the barriers related to old culture. The business transformed to the global capitalism from individual country capitalism. It is true that the cross-cultural communication study was found within the government & business as both of those seeking to the greater expansion worldwide. The associations started offering the training of language to their employees in an efficient manner. In order to train their employees, they also started for developing the programs, which has helped them in understanding that how actually to act or react when in abroad. It has also become an increased pressure to the universities across the entire world for incorporating the international or intercultural understanding or knowledge for the education of the students. The cross-cultural understanding & international literacy became so critical for the nation’s cultural, economic, technological or political health as well. It became very essential for all the universities for educating the students about the same. It also became important to transform the functions comfortably or effectively in the world characterised by multi-faced relationships, close or permeable borders as well (Harris, et. al., 2005).

According to Kerber, et al., (2006), students may possess the certain level of worldwide competence for understanding the world in which they staying and also how actually they fit into that world. This stage of global competence actually starts at the ground level. The university or its faculty focuses on how they can efficiently generate or transmit the cross-cultural information & knowledge to the students in Nepal. The cross-cultural communication basically endeavours for bringing together such as connected to unrelated areas like cultural anthropology or established areas of communication. The main reason is to establish or understanding that how the different people from different cultures of nations communicate with each other. Its aim is also producing various guidelines in which people from different cultures or nations can communicate with each other in the proper manner (Kerber, et. al., 2006).

Historical Development

According to Bagilhole, et al., (2011), cross-cultural communication has been well defined by the Gotland University as a process or procedure of exchanging, mediating or negotiating the one’s cultural differences by language, space relationships or nonverbal gestures as well. In the businesses, the cross-cultural communication plays a very critical role in appropriately carrying out the business with stakeholders & teams in other different parts of the globe. At the time when communication is effective or efficient, each & everyone benefits from the highlighted bandwidth, competitive advantage or institutional knowledge too. However, ineffective communication can confuse, misconstrued or offend the meaning of the message that can lead to the broken relations with the partners, customers, employees or vendors as well in India. 

In order to get a real understanding or definition of cross-cultural barriers, there are different ways such as cultural barriers, language barriers, style of presentation and etc. The common cross-cultural barriers in the communication are actually a language. However, English has been regarded as the common language at the international level for the businesses but not each and every association uses this language on a continuous basis. The employees or workers had faced various difficulties while communicating in English as it leads to the various misunderstanding at the time of taking the directions, communication concerns or issues, the urgency of the understanding level and etc. On the other hand, in cultural barriers, each and every culture includes the different set of values, decorum, accepted behaviour, business ethics, different gestures, different facial expressions and etc. (Bagilhole, et. al., 2011).

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According to Scullion, et al., (2011), it is very essential to understand the differences between showing the actual respect for other different cultures too. As same, culture actually influences the ways of how people from different countries actually prefer for receiving the information. Making the presentation interactive completely depends upon the culture which a person actually presents. An interactive or lively presentation gets more liked by the cultures of English speaking. According to the application of cross-cultural communication theory of foreign language, the education is highly appreciated across the entire world. The classes of cross-cultural communication can get found in the departments of a foreign language of various universities. On the other hand, some of the schools are also placing the programs of cross-cultural communication in their related education departments in an efficient manner. The study of her cross-cultural communication is the global areas of research. In the studies of cross-cultural communication, the differences in cross-culture can get found very easily.  In order to understand it better, an example can be taken like cross-cultural communication is actually considered for falling within the greater countryside of communication studies in England. On the other hand, it is highly emerging as sub-field of differently applied linguistics in France. It has been observed that the differences of culture style actually contributes to some of the biggest challenges or barriers for cross-culture communication and because of which the same words may understand different things to the residents from different cultures even after they communicate in the same language in India. At the same time when the languages are not similar their translation gets used for communicating in an efficient or effective manner as in Nepal (Scullion, et. al., 2011).

Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication in Business

According to Moran, et. al., (2011), it has been observed very well that critical understanding of the management issues greatly contributes to the achievements of associational goals. In the global association marketplace, the ability to communicate multi-culturally or effectively cannot get underestimated. For the expert in communication, it is very important to be aware of how efficiently or effectively manage or enlarge the multicultural expectations. In between England & France, there are various cross-cultural issues for which entrepreneurs are developing their relationships with businesses or individuals for the different backgrounds related to the culture. It generally includes not being adapted or proactive to the various cultural association expectations. It is very easy for getting it into the wrong foot or become reactive as well. Not understanding that how hierarchy, timing or formality may affect the business in a negative manner. It includes the tremendous impacts on the decision making & negotiations of the associations. It also includes being perceived as very aggressive or impatient in the different approaches to the business as because organisation mostly takes so long with the various countries or cultures for planning accordingly.

 The cross-cultural communication in the organisations includes the exchanges of messages that are related to the companies through actions, verbal words or symbols as well. The cross-cultural communication in the associations pays a vital role in the successful establishments of different products & services in the different areas of the globe. At the time when communication is an efficient or effective, the service or product is accurately tailored to the various cultural expectations and norms resulting in the purchase or use of the product in Nepal. Ineffective communications cross-culturally surely give birth to the confusion or misunderstanding between the stakeholders or investors that actually lead to the breakage of their relationships. An organisation culture is the expectations or norms within the association. It can be the associational policies, structure or specific processes or procedures which greatly creates a very unique culture in the association. Expanding the business communication cross-culturally actually requires the association to assess its present culture. As same it also identifies the possible hindrances that the association culture may present in the different countries such as England & France (Moran, et. al., 2011).

According to Reisinger, et. al., (2012), as per the University of Colorado, information is the key to effective cross-cultural business communication. The knowledge or information takes the step back or observes the various differences between two different cultures or making adjustments based on the observations in England. Approaches to ensure the cross-cultural communication is being efficient for implementing the active listening that uses the questions for clarifying the message. For the success of the association, it is very important to understand or accept all the differences in a multicultural team or using them for enhancing the way the team analysis situation or making decisions. In today’s world businesses are becoming increasingly global and because of which they actually require the effective cross-cultural communication. The cross-cultural communication greatly plays an important role in building the business partnership, international customers and employee relations too in India. The cross-cultural communication in the association requires the techniques & efforts for addressing the various hurdles which commonly helps in preventing the communication from being so efficient or effective. The cross-cultural communication helps the businesses to communicate internationally from which it gets easier for the business to expand at the international level. It also helps in reducing the chances of miscommunication or miss understanding as well.

Common Cross-Cultural Barriers

The cross-cultural communicates also communicates in increasing the level of the business by including various ways that can benefit the business in an attractive manner. The employees of the business become able to understand the language or concepts of each other that helps them to understand themselves in a proper manner. It also encourages the interests of the employees or business in an efficient manner of Nepal. The cross-cultural communication has become strategically necessary for many of the associations because of the growth of global associations, internet & technologically in England. Including the cross-cultural communication is very necessary for the association which has diverse workforces & plans in conducting the global association. The cross-cultural association also helps the organisation in reducing various types of risks that can harm the business in a negative manner. It also contributes to the successful implementation of various strategies by communicating with each other in an efficient or effective manner. The cross-cultural communication by communicating with each and every person focuses on the feedbacks & reviews that have been shared by the customers. It helps the business to work on those feedbacks so that the association of France can reach on top without facing any negativity or failure (Reisinger, et. al., 2012).

According to Briscoe, et. al., (2012), cross-cultural communication greatly contributes to the managers in becoming proficient and succeeding well. The managers are importantly required to delineate specifically or consciously about what they want their public to perform as the outcomes of the communication- signing a contract, providing information, approving the various recommendations & coming up with the solutions as well. The cross-cultural communication helps the managers to communicate with the employees who are from different cultures or values. It also helps in resolving the conflicts between them in an easier manner. The cross-cultural communication helps the managers in managing their activities in an effective or efficient manner. It also makes the services much easier for the people of Nepal. It can be said that cross-cultural communication is very helpful for the managers by not being adapting to the various cultural expectation of business & by being proactive as well. It helps to be reactive at the real time. The cross-cultural communication greatly contributes to the managers for serving worldwide. Most of the executives or front-line managers are overlooking the fact that earning of the business does not always equate to the culture learning. As because people live in multiple nations or speaks different languages, it doesn’t mean that they are reliable to cross the cultural communication for the people management, advocacy & leadership as well. In today’s interconnected or complex culture, each and every person is shaped by many factors. The cross-cultural communication is one of the powerful forces that influence & shapes the communication & values styles of India.

By the help of cross-cultural communication, managers become aware of so many things at the real time. It helps them, to be observant of various nuances which could have been in the blind spot at the time of looking for the various cultural lenses. It helps the managers with the mindful behaviour for moderating the uncertainty or anxiety in the business as they can openly explore the situations that are unfamiliar to them & for the business too. As same it also gives the power of self-awareness to the managers that help them in feeling self-assured or calm to address any of the issues that are related to the cultural biases in the business in England (Briscoe, et. al., 2012).

Culture and Communication

According to Salvendy, (2012), the cross-cultural communication also contributes the managers in understanding the dynamics of the association. By learning more about the cross-cultural communication managers get help in understanding various things that are important for them & association growth both. Understanding & uncovering the hidden cultural dimensions the managers get help in developing the slight appreciation for the various differences. It also gives many of the clues for enhancing the conversational intelligence. On the other hand, cross-cultural communication also contributes to the managers in becoming competent. It equips the people with the essential tools for effectively dealing with the people that live with different parts of cultural identity, indirect or direct style of communication, norms, rules & regulations of power play and etc. in France. It is very important to be sure that a leader is required to advocate the belief systems, responsible for the influences of their own global area or village, paying the closest attention or priority to the different communication factors and etc. As same it is also important to strengthen the self-awareness, becoming competent at influencing the cross-culturally and understanding the dynamics as well (Salvendy, 2012).

According to Kreps, (2013), many of the times it happens that people from different cultures behave according to their values or culture. They do not try to focus on the multiples cultures & value them that impact the growth of the association in a negative manner. They less try to understand the language of each other because of which all of them fails to meet or achieve the goals of their daily practices. It negatively affects the growth of the business. As same because of this, many of the conflicts or issues also get arise in the same. Arising the conflicts between of them hampers the success of the business in a negative manner. It does not let them perform efficiently so that they can meet the goals of management. The managers are always aware of the issues or conflicts which may arise because of cross-cultural communication. The people from different values & cultures put their own values or beliefs by avoiding the others. It gives a birth to many of the situations that are not favourable for the management practices or standards. It impacts on the overall activities of the management in such a negative manner as because employees or workers do not perform accordingly as they are required for. In order to get the guidance, the managers try to include as much as the resolution of those issues that are taking place due to the cross-cultural communication. They try to include the translator equipment so that the language or presentation style of people from different culture & values can get understood in an easier manner. It will also contribute to meeting the standards of the business in an easier manner. On the other hand, it also contributes to reducing the chances of conflicts or barriers which are affecting the management practices or business growth in a negative manner. In order to meet the associational goals & management practices in an efficient manner, it is importantly required to understand & adapt the cross-cultural communication in a proper manner. It will help in reducing the various barriers that affect negatively on the growth or success of the business. On the other hand, it will also help the business or management practices to perform attractively (Kreps, 2013).

Interactive Presentations

According to Chhokar, et. al., (2013), the topic of cross-cultural communication includes the dominant assumptions with various disciplines. The phenomena of globalization have brought upon the internationalisation & growth of the association amazingly. It is resulting in the practicality & necessity of studying the cross-cultural communication. Including the increased number of various business opportunities around national borders, most of the association chooses for expanding their activities related to the operations & management to aboard. They mostly do it without getting any acknowledgment from the financial prosperity that turns into the disastrous situations because of the various implications related of cross-cultural communication with the partners of the business outside of their own culture too. Some of the dominant assumptions also include the common misconceptions among the leaders or managers of small association. It clarifies that communication of business believes to be universal to the entire world & not get affected by the cultural differences anymore (Chhokar, et. al., 2013)

According to Thomas, et. al., (2017), well, it is evident that each & every individual has brought up in the various cultures behaves & think inversely even in the context of business. It is true that many of the association do not give enough priority to the various issues that are effective for cross-cultural communication & efficient for the operations of the business in future. In the medium or small associations which chooses to move for the international growth or expansion of their business mostly fails because of the barriers of cross-cultural communication with international suppliers, customers, retailers, partners, distributors that sequentially leads to many serious conflicts or mishaps communication. It many of the times results with the termination of important business relations (Thomas, et. al., 2017)

According to Kaynak, et. al., (2014),  although about the barriers to the cross-cultural communication extensive research has been taken place but still it is a very practical subject or matter in the researchers around the entire world. The cross-cultural communication has been analysed by multiple fields of studies like psychology, anthropology, linguistics, and communication or organisation behaviour as well. In the research, there are different values that are putting the research into the practices. The effective communication is the fundamental function for many of the associations by including the SME’s. In this case of research of barriers to the cross-cultural communication, many of the implications between England & France and its international partners aim for discovering about the cross-cultural communication. The main aim of this research is to analyse the barriers to the cross-cultural communication by internationalisation process & business operations in different countries as well. It includes determining most of the imperative implications of cross-cultural management that is caused by various cultural differences in the context of business communication. As same it also includes identifying the various existing concerns or issues that have led to various kinds of friction, misunderstanding, conflict or terminations of relations with the international partners. It focuses on determining the various possible solutions for enhancing the business with cross-cultural communication (Kaynak, et. al., 2014)

Cross-Cultural Communication Studies

According to Katan, (2014), values to the knowledge of the key elements or successful incorporation of research finding can be a great tool for the businesses which seeks to the continue or initiate business operations beyond the national borders. In order to do something differently, the practices of cross-cultural communication can get raised by the different ways. Many of the programs or seminars can get organised. It should also include some meetings or get together to understand the culture & values of different people from different cultures. It should also include some effective techniques that can help in reducing the barriers that are affecting the cross-cultural communication in a negative manner. It may include a certain topic that can benefit the business in an attractive manner with cross-cultural communication. In today’s constantly increasing or highlighted cross-border business & operations the application of operational intercultural business communication & knowledge between the partners is very crucial for the appropriate survival of the business, so it is importantly required to focus on the same (Katan, 2014).

According to Ghorbani, et. al., (2018), for this, the views of the stakeholders, investors, employees have been prioritising as they are the key to the success by giving their best or focusing hard. The stakeholders always try to reduce the conflicts that arise because of the cross-cultural communication in the business & anywhere. They provide various ways to reduce the impartial or unnecessary situations that may affect the success of the business in any manner. It is truly observed that the different approaches also give a raise to understand the barriers to cross-cultural communication in an efficient manner. It includes focusing on various terms, rules & regulations that are affecting the importance of cross-cultural communication. On the other hand, it provides different ways from which the issues can get reduced and chances of business enlargement can take place (Ghorbani, et. al., 2018).

According to Brown, et. al., (2018), the different approaches also include the cultural dimension that may affect the beliefs, values, behaviours or attitudes. People are importantly required to develop the deep understanding of all the cultural dimensions. For being able to develop the cultural sensitivity & the relationships for communicating efficiently in cross-cultural settings, the case study actually helps with providing a holistic view of the subjects to the various assumptions or questions. It actually focuses on the interrelationships between various factors like policies, groups, people, a technology that are connected to the barriers of cross-cultural communication. It has focused on not to see any potential harm to the business that can work to the advantage at the time when it comes to providing the information. The approach also has its limitations. At the starting lack or representativeness of cross-cultural communication, research & case study is actually applicable to the managers or leaders that deal with the cross-cultural communication on daily management practices. It is very important for understanding all the barriers which are discussed above in relation to the cross-cultural communication. It gives an appropriate discussion related to different ways by which it gets very easier to handle the situation that arises due to the cross-cultural communication in the business (Brown, et. al., 2018).


This study explains the importance of cross-cultural communication in the association. The various ways in which cross-cultural communication plays a vital role in the success of the business has been included herein. In this study, the barriers to the cross-cultural communication between two different countries have been explained well like in England or France. In the business, it includes low international knowledge of individual workers, perception barriers, characteristics of employees, insufficient level of the cultural competences & intelligence. All these factors highly influence the cross-cultural communication in such a great manner. Many of the times, the small associations at the time of moving into the international area, face various barriers caused by a higher sense of ethnocentrism. At the same time, they importantly require to connect with the differences in intercultural. This study also focuses that how cross-cultural communication is important for the organisations and how actually they relate for achieving the objectives of the association in a proper manner. On the other hand, it also includes the study of why cross-cultural communication is important for the leaders or the managers & how actually it impacts on their practices of each & every day. It also focuses on solving the issues of employees to managers related to cross-cultural communication & performing efficiently as well.  


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