Cross-Cultural Communication: Intercultural Communication And Language-Culture Link
Social structures and processes in cross-cultural management
This specific study has focused to give in-depth overview about two different issues based on the same topic. Cross cultural communication and its impact in various sectors is the primary concern of this study. Based on this topic the study has identified two key issues which include Intercultural communication and barriers and Link between language and culture. In this part, a brief summary of the two identified issues are discussed in detailed.
Key issue: Intercultural communication and barriers
This specific issue is all about intercultural communication, its importance and its necessary barrier in the international work environment. Different eminent scholars have provided their own opinion regarding intercultural communication. The overarching term intercultural communication implies that people of various cultural backgrounds and religious attitudes can communicate with each other effectively in order to maintain diversity in global environment (Meuter et al., 2015). In an international workplace people from various psychological backgrounds and attitudes are associated with the same environment. The issue has evaluated that intercultural communication is possessed with both positive and negative impacts. With the help of an effective intercultural communication people from different cultural backgrounds can share their views and thoughts (Piller, 2017). As a result, it becomes very much helpful in taking a proper and collective decision for the success of a work place.
On the other hand, it is also undeniable that cross cultural communication is possessed with major negative impacts as well. People have to face language barrier which ultimately demolishes the flow of work (Paternotte et al., 2015). Effective communication barrier is not at all effective in delivering good services and maintaining rhythmic process of work in an international work environment. Therefore, this specific research issue has identified both positive and negative impact of intercultural communication from the perspective of global environment.
Key issue: Link between language and culture
This particular issue is all about the relation between language and cultural. This issue is also inseparably related to cross-cultural communication (Brannen, Piekkari & Tietze, 2017). Language is very much essential for maintaining a successful communication between two persons or more than two persons. In order to make a business environment effective and systematic language plays one of the most significant roles. However, it has often been observed that people of different culture are involved within international work environment. As per their regional and cultural backgrounds their language varies from each other.
In this kind of situation, an effective work environment established in the international market tends to follow types of communication with their stakeholders. The ways of communication includes verbal communication and non-verbal communication (Sorrells, 2015). Language is the communicator of a specific culture, beliefs and thoughts. In order to survive in a work environment numerous people have to face challenges in maintaining effective verbal communication due to their language barrier. At that time they intend to prefer in maintaining non-verbal communication method with the help of which people from various geographical backgrounds and attitudes can communicate with each other effectively (Lauring & Klitmøller, 2015). However, the primary purpose of identifying this specific issue is to evaluate the relation between language and culture.
Operationalizing culture: dimensions of culture
After evaluating the two issues it can be summarized that the basic concept is all about cross cultural communication and its relation to language. Different conspicuous scholars have provided their own opinion regarding the impact of cross cultural barrier and its necessary impacts. Lockwood (2015) stated that international business environment is amalgamated with cross cultural people. People from every cultural background are associated with work environment and provide their effective services to the service users. In order to deal with those people the business heads may have to face innumerable challenges. Language is the primary concern due to which the internal stakeholders fail to make effective communication with each other (Henderson, Barker & Mak, 2016). In this kind of situation, people have to face immense challenges and difficulties in providing their best services. Before evaluating the theoretical concepts the major key questions related to the identified issue can be raised and the questions are as follows;
- What is the impact of intercultural communication in international business environment?
- What is the necessary barriers that cross cultural people have to face in communicating with international work environment?
- What should be the relation between language and culture
Hofstede’s cultural dimension:
After identifying the questions some of the major theoretical frame work can be discussed in intercultural communication. Based on this theoretical framework as well as conceptual ideas some of the major barriers related to cross cultural communication can be easily overcome (Norouzinia et al., 2016). Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory is strictly followed large number of Multi-national Corporation after recruiting people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Power distance index implies that power is not equally distributed within an organization. Less powerful members are always dominated with superiors. As a result, discrimination is naturally circulated within work environment (Tran, 2016). In order to overcome this kind of situation, Hofstede suggests that business experts should provide equal respect and dignity to the people of various culture, religion and racial backgrounds and attitudes. Masculinity vs femininity implies that both male and female persons should get equal response from the workplace. However, the real scenario is quite different.
As per the opinion of numerous eminent scholars it is observed that male and female persons are not provided equal respect in a work place. Especially, female employee from indigenous backgrounds has to face immense challenges in drawing the attention of business experts of multi-national corporations (Ladegaard & Jenks, 2015). Individualism vs. Collectivism evaluates the fact whether individual performance is more important than group work. Numerous business organizations are the existing in the international market which prefer individual performances due to avoid diversity at the workplace. Hofstede however believes that collective work or group work does not have any substituted in achieving long-term organizational goal (Baker, 2015). Therefore, in order to avoid the amalgamation of diverse people at the workplace the business experts tend to prefer individual performances. At the same time, it is undeniable that individual work can never achieve the long term goal of a business organization (Kim, 2015). Therefore, in order to run a business in the international market the business experts would have to appoint people from cross cultural backgrounds.
Communication barriers among cross-culture:
While discussing the conceptual notions the study has focused to evaluate some of the major barriers in intercultural communication. The barriers are the lack of unanimous thoughts, beliefs and lack of cultural unity, language barrier and so many. While making a group communication regarding project progression the workers associated provides different views and thoughts (Kecskes, 2015). It is very much difficult for the business experts to take the right decision in this situation. On the other hand, language barrier is a major issue due to which majority of the persons fail to share their opinion in group communication. They cannot convey their message or exchange views and thoughts. Eventually, the entire communication method becomes meaningless (Jenifer & Raman, 2015). In this kind of situation, people have to face immense challenges in making an effective strategic decision for achieving business success in the global environment.
The perceptual and socio-relational contexts
Shannon Weaver model of communication:
While evaluating Shannon Weaver model of communication, it can be stated that information is transmitted with the help of a proper channel to the receiver for reaching proper destination. However, if the communication between the sender and the receiver becomes positive the entire transition method of communication is considered as positive (Tenzer & Pudelko, 2015). On the other hand, if the decoder is unable to provide effective feedback to the communicator the entire process of conversation is considered as meaningless. In this kind of situation, the business organizations while maintaining communication with the intercultural people tends to follow both verbal and non-verbal communication so that message can be transmitted by following a proper method (Ishida, 2016). The entire theoretical concepts and frameworks are highly related to cross cultural communication and its necessary aspects.
Alternative approaches:
However, in context to language barrier and intercultural communication an evaluation is provided by highlighting the reasons why communication barriers take place. Jureddi and Brahmaiah (2016) however provided alternative approaches based on which this kind of communication barrier among the intercultural people can be avoided. People from various cultural backgrounds and attitudes can be provided an effective training and development session on communication skill. Automatically, their way of communication method will be increased and the people would not have to face challenges in sharing their views and thoughts (Shanks & Tilley, 2016). Workers can easily exchange their psychological approaches that can help in rendering effective success of business organization in the global market. On the other hand, it is however undeniable that language barrier is a major issue due to which majority of the persons fail to share their opinion in group communication. They cannot convey their message or exchange views and thoughts (Ang & Van Dyne, 2015). Eventually, the entire communication method becomes meaningless. In order to overcome this particular situation, training method is the best approach based on which people can communicate with each other effectively. Effective interaction and communication approach can ultimately create a business environment healthy and prosperous (Stahl & Tung, 2015). Therefore, the managers instead of having group communication can focus on interpersonal communication approach also. Automatically, the internal rapport between the speaker and listener will be effective.
This particular part is the practical reflection that I have experienced in the real work scenario. In this very specific part I am going to answer three major questions which are as follows;
- How can the concepts be applied in practice?
I personally believe these concepts should be applied in the real business scenario in order to maintain workplace diversity. The human resource managers while recruiting the employees within workplace tend to avoid in appointing those employees who are from cross cultural backgrounds (Lewis, 2017). In this kind of situation, people having talents and skills are unable to get chance in a business organization in different positions. In order to overcome this kind of situations the business experts would have to appoint employees as per their skills and competency level rather than focusing on their cultural and religious attitudes. In addition, I have also observed that language barrier has become a major issue on the workplace due to which employees are unable to share their thoughts and views. In my personal experience I had communication barrier due to which I was unable to communicate with senior managers effectively. In this kind of situation, my senior managers always intended to show reluctant attitude on me.
Cross-cultural communication: verbal code
I have realized that I would never hold a better position in my organization due to my linguistic barrier. At the time I have raised this issue to the concerned human resource manager. This individual person has given me an effective training for enhancing my communication skill. I have received a course of six months where my trainer made a theoretical and practical class. In theoretical class I had to read out English novels and drama for enhancing my reading capability. On the other hand, in order to enhance my practical knowledge I had to listen to audio visual clips and based on that clips I had to talk with my trainer in different topics and context. Automatically, my communication skill had been increased and I started to become flexible in interacting with other person. In addition, in my practical workplace Hofstede’s cultural dimension model has left major contribution in developing my personality. Due to my cultural barrier my colleagues and some of my senior intended to neglect me while performing (Piller, 2017). I was unable to impress them in my performance. However, after implementing power index theory these senior fellows have stooped in dominating me by considering my skill as low power.
- Did you find what you were looking for in the theoretical reflection?
In the theoretical reflection of individual vs. collectivism I have observed that individual performance is more important than group work. Numerous business organizations including my organization prefer individual performances due to avoid diversity at the workplace. Hofstede however believes that collective work or group work does not have any substituted in achieving long-term organizational goal. In order to implement Hofstede’s cultural dimensional method I have proposed to my organization that the business experts need to implement this theoretical approach at my workplace. As a result, the people from different cultural backgrounds would not have to face challenges in making group project. It is undeniable that group work can easily achieve organizational target. With the accumulated effort of employees from various cultural backgrounds and attitudes organization can fulfill needs and demands of a customer. I do believe that group performance can render business sustainability. As a result, both the service providers and the service users can get equal benefits. It is undeniable that individual work can never achieve the long term goal of a business organization. Therefore, I have made a proposal to my organizational experts for following Hofsede’s cultural dimensional theory.
- Can you test your ideas against the frameworks in the literature?
The frameworks discussed in this very specific study is all about the importance of intercultural communication, its challenges in a workplace and global environment. The study has also focused to make detailed analysis on how an intercultural communication impacts on language. Based on those specific concepts the study has evaluated some of the major concepts and theoretical frameworks like Hofstede’s cultural dimensional model and Shannon and Weavers’ communication model (Sorrells, 2015). The primary objective of analyzing these two models is to show the importance of maintaining effective communication among cross cultural people for running the entire business process in a rhythmic way. Effective interaction and communication approach can ultimately create a business environment healthy and prosperous. Workers can easily exchange their psychological approaches that can help in rendering effective success of business organization in the global market. Language is the primary concern due to which the internal stakeholders fail to make effective communication with each other (Lockwood, 2015). In this kind of situation, people have to face immense challenges and difficulties in providing their best services.
Cross-cultural communication: nonverbal code
The entire frameworks and concepts on intercultural communication have primarily focused on verbal communication. I have however observed that implementing non-verbal communication is also important for maintaining business flow. At the very initial stage intercultural people are not well trained in maintaining effective communication with the managers. In this situation, if we can use non-verbal communication method those employees do not have to struggle in communicating with us. From that perspective, I can show my different outlook from the conceptual frameworks discussed in this literature.
After evaluating the entire study some of the major aspects on cross cultural communication can be summarized. Cross cultural communication and its impact in various sectors is the primary concern of this study. The overarching term intercultural communication implies that people of various cultural backgrounds and religious attitudes can communicate with each other effectively in order to maintain diversity in global environment. Effective communication barrier is not at all effective in delivering good services and maintaining rhythmic process of work in an international work environment. Language is very much essential for maintaining a successful communication between two persons or more than two persons. In order to make a business environment effective and systematic language plays one of the most significant roles.
In order to survive in a work environment numerous people have to face challenges in maintaining effective verbal communication due to their language barrier. People from every cultural background are associated with work environment and provide their effective services to the service users. In order to deal with those people the business heads may have to face innumerable challenges. After identifying the questions some of the major theoretical frame work can be discussed in intercultural communication. Based on this theoretical framework as well as conceptual ideas some of the major barriers related to cross cultural communication can be easily overcome. The barriers are the lack of unanimous thoughts, beliefs and lack of cultural unity, language barrier and so many. While evaluating the theoretical approaches and conceptual frameworks the study has equally evaluated some of the most significant alternative approaches as well so that people can overcome communication barriers in the international environment. An effective practical reflection based on the communication issues and concepts have also been presented in this specific study.
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