Critique Of A Project Plan For Public Health Improvement
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Proposal for Country X |
Proposal for Country Y |
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Justification |
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Justification |
Background and relevance · The proposed project aims to address a clearly demonstrated public health need. · The proposal is based on a comprehensive situational analysis. · The underlying causes of the public health problem are identified. · The target population are explicitly identified and necessary background provided by relevant and up to date scientific knowledge · The proposal highlights the ways in which the proposed project is complimentary to the existing country priorities and initiatives. |
14/15 |
The project proposal that has been put in forward to the Griffith UniBank in the project contacts for the country X is quite relevant according to the background description of the project proposal. The situation that has been mentioned in this project proposal is the problem regarding the Primary Health Service improvement project with major focus on Ebola as a major problem creating disease. the underlying causes that has been put in front of the bank as the reasons behind development of the project has been properly identified and it highlights all the relevant resources that are needed to provide information about the problem that Ebola is spreading all over the country. |
12/15 |
According to the proposal that has been submitted to Griffith UniBank for evaluation, it can be said that country Y have provided a proper project in context with the nutrition, HIV and AIDS project and the justification of making the exponential rise in population to come under a halt. This has been marked at the beginning of the proposal where few points in the background project contacts were unrelated to the actual project proposal altogether. It was not required that the country’s geographical state needs to evaluated. |
Project objectives, design and beneficiaries, · Outcomes clearly defined, realistic and measurable. · The goal of the project logically flows from the problem. · Programme logic of the proposed project is clear. · Proposed methods suggested for the project are well described · The proposal clearly articulates how the proposed project addresses the health problem. |
23/25 |
To make the bank understand the real reason behind asking for the project to commence would be a clearly defined, measurable and realistic outcomes that the problem has been bearing so far. The project proposal clearly states that Ebola has been causing many problematic issues within the country. The reason that the situation is clearly defined happens to be the approach of the project towards the bank. All the aspects of the spread and effect of Ebola has been clearly stated mentioning all the different divisions of people those who suffer from this disease and the current situation that is there in the country with respect to political and social aspects of removal of the disease. However it can be said that the entire project proposal is very analytical providing relevant information about the disease but the mitigation problem according to the disease is not identified well with respect to the project components and has a very generic approach. |
22/25 |
The project proposal clearly states that Ebola has been causing many problematic issues within the country. The reason that the situation is clearly defined happens to be the approach of the project towards the bank. All the aspects of the spread and effect of HIV and AIDS has been clearly stated mentioning all the different divisions of people those who suffer from this disease and the current situation that is there in the country with respect to political and social aspects of removal of the disease. However it can be said that the entire project proposal is very analytical providing relevant information about the disease but the mitigation problem according to the disease is not identified well with respect to the project components and has a very generic approach. Thus, having consulted other proposals, it can be said that the proposal in consideration has a more generic than a specific approach. Therefore, it has is mildly less effective than usual. |
Engagement, implementation arrangements and sustainability · Organisational arrangements for implementation are clearly described. · The implementing organisations have demonstrated sufficient knowledge and experience to implement the project. · Approaches to stakeholder engagement and communication are outlined. · The proposed project is informed by project implementation knowledge. · Considerations and plans for the sustainability of the project are outlined. |
12/15 |
The proposal makes a detailed plan of execution with the lessons learn during the research project and all the project components have been well defined within the proposal. The project claims that further it would help the government to improve the utilisation of Primary Health care services with the increase of the demand supply and capacity for management but only the focus remains on maternal and Child Health Services. This is a the project Falls short because the mitigation processes that is defined within the project proposal falls short in approaching a correct engagement of the stakeholders since the entire problem that has been caused is identified only through the differentiation between maternal and Child Health Services. |
15/15 |
The proposal clearly States all the stages of clearing the epidemic from the entire country with the support of different components. This focuses on each of the parts of malnutrition, HIV and AIDS. All of the various components that has been described in the proposal false true to the arrangements from the organisational level and the implementation that the demonstrator has in their own mind. It can be seen clearly that the proposal is made out of the implementation plan as for the sufficient knowledge of the project instructor. All the considerations that has been taken with regards to the limitations in the project and management of risk and further implications has been clearly defined. |
Budget · The budget is comprehensive and accounts for all costs directly related to the project. · The budget has a clear justification. · The budget adds up correctly. · The budget accounts for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the project. · The budget clearly indicates any other funding sources contributing to the project outcomes. |
8/10 |
As per general discretion in can be said that the entire cost and scheduling of the whole project is comprehensive and the time frame selected is justified. The five year plan with partial unallocated budget and partial government funding is however a bit controversial as the unallocated budget would not be recorded after specific components and would be used in terms of a contingency fund when in need. The financing as per the United States currency is justified with all the project components identified well and the total project cost over the five-year assessment is kept under proper analysis. |
7/10 |
The overall budget estimation that the project has presented to the bank is based on the components and the fund Sourcing. It clearly defines that CIDA will co-finance the entire project taking component “A” in responsibility and would be able to spend an entire of 13.5 million USD. The time frame that has been selected for the entire project would be closer to 4 years and it is expected to be transferred to the bank within 30 days. With the entire planning of the project cost and financing from IDA, it can be said that the critical considerations of returning the money to the finances has been defined clearly in the project proposal. It is expected that the bank would not be in confusion forgetting the interests returned at the right point of time as everything will be provided in the paper works. The project proposal also clearly States all the extra funding that Non-governmental organisations are willing to make for the project outside of the HIV pool and the total amount and timing would be discussed with them. The only shortcoming that has been identified sofa with the critique of the project cost and financing is the entire costing and timing being still under consideration. The budgeting timing planning is still in progress and has not been completed yet. Therefore it will be difficult for the bank to accept proposal based on an arbitrary timing and costing. |
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan · It clearly describes the methods for the M&E of the proposed project. · Indicators are provided for M&E at all levels of the hierarchy of the programme logic which align with the SMART criteria · It provides details for the M&E including who will conduct the M&E, when, how often, sources of data to be used, etc. · It describes what will be done with the results from the M&E. |
24/25 |
The project proposal for country X as per presenting to the bank has a proper implementation monitoring and evaluation figured out before the project is being put into action. It has a comprehensive description about the result framework of the project and the arrangements that are required for monitoring and evaluation process with a detailed description in a tabular form. All the decisions that are taken for the in the projects are according to this M&E technique which has a defined and proper Framework for monitoring indicators within the entire project. Even The National Health Management Information System (HMIS) has been primarily used to collect monitoring data, with additional support provided by the Project to integrate primary level information. |
24/25 |
The project proposal for country Y as per presenting to the Griffiths UniBank has a proper implementation monitoring and evaluation figured out before the project is being put into action. It has a comprehensive description about the result framework of the project and the arrangements that are required for monitoring and evaluation process with a detailed description in a tabular form. All the decisions that are taken for the in the projects are according to this M&E technique which has a defined and proper Framework for monitoring indicators within the entire project. |
Risk Assessment and management, including environmental and social safeguards · The proposal considers cross-cutting issues such as gender, human rights, etc. · Social and environmental considerations are made, including the consideration of vulnerable populations. · Key risks to the proposed project are clearly outlined · Concrete plans to address key identified risks (risk management) are provided. |
9/10 |
The risk assessment and management for this project is justified because it includes all the cross cutting issues regarding the spread of Ebola in country X. This is characterized by all the considerations that have been made during the project progression even considering the fact about few restrictions and vulnerable areas within the project that can cause problem for the in the project. It has been justified that intermediate indicators would be justified for explaining the key risk factors within the proposal and it would all be taken care of according to that. |
8/10 |
All the risk mitigation Strategies and measures and identification of the key risk factors has been designed and described in a tabular form. The overall risk rating explanation has been also done for the project proposal on an ongoing MAP that has an overall risk rating of moderate, the risk rating for the nutrition, AIDS and HIV project raised on one level to substantial. The project procurement plan has also been made with hand by hand risk mitigation and management processes based on the stakeholders’ risk, the implementation risks from both the sides of capacity in government and the project risk based on design, social and environmental factors, delivery monitoring and sustainability of the entire project. The proposal critique done on this part defines that this phase of the project is done neatly and effectively having a positive approach towards the proposal where it is sure that any kind of risk appearing in the progression of the project would be handled with caution and effectively. |
Total Score |
90/100 |
89/100 |
Recommendation(1, 2 or 3) 1- fund; 2 – reconsider if additional information provided; 3- do not fund |
Justification for recommendation provided above. Consider the aspects of the proposal assessed above in terms of their inclusion/exclusion in the proposal, quality, and logic/linkage. Summarise the positive features and limitations of each proposal in your justification |
According to all the justifications that have been made in the project proposal for country X can be regarded as extremely effective and considering all the facts behind the project, it can be said that the project has been proposed to the bank in a proper form where there are very limited chances of getting laid back by the bank. Thus, the logics that the project has put forward as reasons to make improvement in the plight caused by Ebola are considered to be justified and very effective as per the project proposal. |
According to all the justifications that have been made in the project proposal for country Y can be regarded as extremely effective and considering all the facts behind the project, it can be said that the project has been proposed to the bank in a proper form where there are very limited chances of getting laid back by the bank, except for a few major angles. Thus, the logics that the project has put forward as reasons to make improvement in the plight caused by HIV, AIDS and Malnutrition are considered to be justified and very effective as per the project proposal |
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