Critique In Systems & Technology For MonetLoyalty

Difference between information system and information technology issues

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This report depicts the role of information technology for enabling online system access for the consumers. With the help of online application the overall system effectiveness and efficiency get enhanced at a large rate. It also helps to reduce the rate of system based error.  For this particular business report the considered component include a group of 5 holiday resort. In order to enhance the system capability and to grab large number of consumers it is very much necessary to develop such system those are in demands. Five resorts are there those are willing to merge up to provide a much effective outcome to the consumers. Even with the help of the merge of combination the operation excellence of the system will also increase at a large rate.

In order to implement this plan in real world application, the senior management authority of the business organizations should finalize different newly undertaken decisions. The brand quality measures the rate of consumer’s loyalty. If the productivity and services served by the brand are found to be less preferable to the consumers then, proper decision regarding the productivity and branding are needed to be made by the senior management authorities of five of these resorts. The difference between Information System and Information Technology and different ways through which the choice of the consumers could be affected are also elaborated in this report.  For delivering better value to the consumers different interactive tools should be developed to choose the consumers.

In order to give effective solution to the customers five holiday resorts have decided to merge their business operation and functionalities to provide increased services. It will help to enhance the consumer’s value and loyalty as well. A wide range of living quarters throughout Australia can be incorporated with the group of new group name. The components of the living quarter include backpackers, bed, breakfast homes and luxurious suits as well.   With the help of the online booking approach the users will be able to book online regardless of their location and time as well. Through different online website links such as,, the users will be able to access the system securely. Not only this but also the merged business operation provided a complimentary mobile application to the consumer. With the help of mobile application the users will be able to access the system without any kind of error.  

The way through which these might affect the consumer’s choice

Huge differences have been identified between information technology and information system. The set of raw data could be managed and processed well, high volume of data can be analyzed, system optimization and IS strategy can also be developed through the help of information system. On the other hand, the risk can be minimized, for purchasing the accurate hardware and software required for developing a system can be managed by information technology. Even for gaining competitive advantages information system is very much helpful. For developing a merged online resort booking system information system is required to be developed to make sure the security of the system.

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With the developed Mobile application the merged enterprise will be able to garb huge number of consumers throughout and even the consumer loyalty will also increase.

The consumer loyalty scheme named as MonetLoyalty developed by the system developers also offers the consumers with airport transfer, free meals and free tours as well. Consumer loyalty is referred to as an art that generally develops from the offers and services served by the company itself. Consumers are the most valuable asset for any business organization thus; anything that a company must know is the consumer engagement.  Every new and advanced marketing strategy is created with the help of the consumer’s experiences. The business success is always dependent upon the satisfied consumers. The consumer experience helps to overform competition framework, through the business capabilities and competencies. Different methods are there through which the consumer loyalty can be measured properly. In order to grab attention from the consumers it is necessary to develop different critical and unique business strategies. Different steps are there through which the consumer’s loyalty could be developed and these steps are as follows:

  • The service providers should develop such a platform which will let the consumers know about what the company is doing for them. The communication medium those might be used includes email, website feedback, voice mail etc.
  • Special occasion such as the birthday of the consumers, anniversary of the consumers should be remembered.
  • Not only should this, but also special offers like gift coupon, discounts provide to the consumers to keep them engage to the business.
  • Follow up calls and business development calls and proper response from the customer service centre are required to be generated to grab huge number of consumers.

The five group holiday resort is providing free meals, free tours and flight tickets also. It will give huge set of opportunity to the consumers and to the business owners as well.

Continuous patronage for the five group resort booking company is referred to as the support rather encouragement that is proffered in a condescending manner. Continuous support from both the consumers end and system developer end are required to be developed for improving the brand loyalty.

Different methods are available in the market through which the brand loyalty of the service providers can be enhanced a lot. Based on the type of the service, the most suitable, brand loyalty enhancing methods is required to be selected. The steps those are followed by the resort agencies are as follows:

  • Delivery of values
  • Development of 360 degree consumer focused services
  • Implementation of usable expert content or engaging the consumers with the service providers
  • Establishment of consumer engages culture to grab more number of consumers
  • System integrated promotional campaigns
  • Reward according to the segmented loyalty level of the consumers

A customer loyalty scheme called MonetLoyalty

This particular combined resort booking online service provider has developed a mobile application for the consumers. Again certain interactive tools are used by the service provider that helps the consumers to choose that particular one which is found to be most beneficial.  Among different tools the most effective one is the social media; with the help of social media the consumers will be able to choose the most suitable offer from the provider’s side.

In order to grab numbers of consumers it is necessary to consider different tools. The steps are as follows:

Understanding of the consumer’s need: The requirement of the consumers should properly understand by the service providers. The quality of the products and the flow of service are the two main aspects those are need to be considered by the service providers.

On time response: Another thing that the consumers expect every time is a timely response from the service providers. The consumers should reward the consumers with proper acknowledgement and relationship among the customer and service providers as well.  

Offers: The consumers have the capability to choose among different tours those are available for the consumers of the online resort booking system. The offers are required to be better than the other service providers.

ERP is one of the most widely used technologies in the business purposes. With the help of this particular solution, the business will be able to develop secured relationship between the consumers and the service providers. This system is enough cost efficient and even after the implementation of this particular business solution the 5 group of resorts will be able to serves a technological services on site and personalized automated tour guide as well. The users will be able to look for their desired tour and hotel details from the online website. This system is secured than other. The consumers need not to present physically for booking the hotels and even it also offers online payment services.

An advanced collective 5 group resort is required to use new Web 4.0 Ultra intelligent version. It will help the system developer will be able to look for their desired products whenever required and a single dashboard can be operated with the help of this system. The consumers can search for their desired hotel details over a page and different social media channels and networks are also associated to it. Through these channels the group’s community of these Five resorts can offer and even promote their promotional details and even other necessities as well. This is somewhere completely different from the traditional web 2.0 version.  Though the utilization of these particular application is lesser thus, before the application of this technology the developers are required to consider  all other necessary components professsioanlly.

Continued patronage


From the overall discussion it can be conclude that in order to increase the rate of operational and functional excellence it is necessary to develop an Information System in term of consumer management. With the help of this approach the users will be able to access a secured system that could not be retrieved without authentication. The different online service booking providers such as, enables the consumers to achieve easy booking access. Though, the aims of five resorts are to combine themselves for providing a secured as well as excellent operational ability.  The difference between the information technology and the information system are elaborated in this report. Not only this but also, there are many interactive tools that helps to allow the consumers. Apart from this, the objectives and relationship between the components are also illustrated in this report. With the help of the website the users will be able to book hotels online which is much beneficial than the traditional manual hotel booking system.  Online hotel booking agencies are always very much beneficial than the others. The consumers can go through the hotel rates, booking details and even availability also from the mobile application. From the online feedback or invoice additional changes could be brought to improve the system. Though, the online ticket booking system stands beneficial but still certain disadvantages are also associated to it. In order to mitigate those issues technology based recommendations are also required to be adopted those are illustrated below.

Security: Security is referred to as one of the most important components that are strictly required to be considered by the system developers. Proper encryption and application firewall is needed to be implemented by the system developer to protect confidential data from the server.

Technical expert: In order to develop a single merged website for the consumers it is necessary to hire technical experts who are able to develop error free system for the consumers.

Business strategies: Advanced business strategies are also needed to be adopted by the system developers to gain measurable profit from the competitive marketplace 


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