Critically Evaluate McMillan’s Ideas For Supporting Young Children And Their Families

Theories which link the relationship between children and parent

Two sisters Margaret (1860-1931) and Rachael McMillan (1859-1917) were social reformers who went to England in order to solve the poverty problem which was caused by industrial revolution. The sisters were believed to be born in the US, but after the death of their father they moved back to Scotland which was their home of origin. The main purpose of relocating to England was to search a good job. They never found any formal employment. Due to this, they begun moving from home to home owned by poor people. This made them to live a social activism life, which was aimed at improving the lives of slum child. On their campaign they advocated for school meals and they opened one school based on health clinic in England. Around 1911 the two opened an open air nursery school and training centre in London, which registered a total of 30 children aged 18 months to 7 years. Open air environment, a play oriented was born out of the two responses to health problems they were witnessing in poor communities which were designed to be a model to educate future and current teachers (Cathy Nutbrown, 2009).

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They referred this program as nursery school to portray their care and concerns in nature and learning. The two concluded that young children in England were lacking care and education in their most influential years. However the foundation of the schools was formed from the work of the most influential people such as Charles Darwin, Owen, Plato, Froebel and Rousseau. Besides, providing the basics which are care and education, the program also was premeditated to capture health problems before they were enrolled in formal schooling. The sisters stressed that teachers must know what attracts pupils and employ their concentration (Cathy Nutbrown, 2009).  

Theories which links the relationship between children and parent

To explain the psychological significant between children and parent several theories have been put into place. Around the 20th century researches was patchy and did not inhibit strong views as to how the parent were to conduct their parenting roles in the society. The theories explain the co-existence between children and parents. The relationship is very significance in child growth (McMillan, 1923). Parents are supposed to be very close to their children at all the time so that they can identify any change in their children behavior in case it arises. Children are not only supposed to be montored but also they are supposed to be protected all the time, to do so the relationship between them and their parents must be established at all the time. Some of the theories that try to explain the parenting role are explained below

  1. Social learning theory

Impact of poverty on bodies of young children

The theory suggests that the child’s experience or exposures will directly or indirectly affect his or her behavior. For expel the theory argues if a child gets punished for doing a certain act he or she will never repeat the act again (Hendrick, 1994). On the other hand, if a child will be congratulated for doing well he or she will continue doing it again and again. Basically, the theory stresses that children learn a lot about the social learning.

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  1. Attachment theory

The theory states that children will be attached to their parents as they feel sense of security when they are close to their parents. Security is a fundamental right for every individual, children recognizes this and would like to be protected against exploitation, human labor or oppression. The fundamental roles of parents are to provide securities to their kids. The bond between children and parents increases when the children feel secure at any time (Lowndes, 1960).

In the long run the theory proposes that the attachment between the parents and kid is determined by the quality of care provided. In particular, sensitive and responsiveness may bring about secure or insecure attachment. One should realizes that insecure attachment is not one and the same with disturbance while a secure attachment does not guarantee free life which does not have any disturbance.

  1. Parenting style

This is the psychological construct which is used to represent the standard strategies in the children background. In many cases, the quality of parenting can be of great importance to the child than the quality of time spends with the child by the parent. For example, a parent can spend the entire evening with the evening doing something with demonstrating the enough interest required toward the child (McMillan, 1930).

Impact of poverty on bodies of young children

McMillan argued that, health is a very vital factor in young children. It plays an important role not only on child growth but also on the ability of the child to learn well. Poverty does not only affect child concentration in class but also it affects the child’s healthy. Poverty results to weak body which is prone to diseases and other infection. This means that a child raised from poor family it will hard for him to understand anything in class. This is because the child is hungry and spends most of her time in looking for food lather than sleeping or reading. In some cases, poverty can lead to death (Jack P. Shonkoff, 2009). For instance, in 2011 majority of children died in Africa due to starvation. According to the WHO and other organization, the families of the affected kids were unable to provide food for the children as they were living below the poverty line. The most affected families were form northern Kenya which is desert.

Children as victims

Macmillan advocated for healthy and education for young. According to them poverty and other social norms such as lack of good health mostly affected child and not the parents. For instance, old people might have developed antibiotics to fight bacteria causing diseases. This may be different ton the kids whose is hard to develop the antibiotics. They continued to argue that incase of unhygienic environment and lack of good education weak in the society are greatly affected. The weak are composed of young children and women in the society. This is what Margaret and Rachael tried to advocate in their calls, equality. Earlier before the industrialization in London Macmillan’s confirmed that young people never attended any school and due to this they continued to become poorer. Investing in children education is investing in the society at large (GOV.UK, 2013).

A mission to rescue children

On their mission, the Macmillan’s tried to rescue young children from poverty, bad health and slum. This is why they visited the London in the time of industrial revolution when the parents neglected their children to work in the industrials. Macmillan realized there was no body to look for young children as they were left alone in the house. This can be seen when they visited from house to house in slum area. The mission was to make sure young children attend the school and shaped when they are young. Another important rescue mission was to take them from poverty and fight for good health.

Poverty and ability to learn

There is a big relationship between the poverty and ability to learn. For instance, some of the causes of poverty to learning include lack of school fees. A poor person cannot be able to take her or his kids to schools. This will mean that only the kids of rich people will attends the school thus taking the best jobs in the country later after the school. Macmillan realized this and acted as the poor kids activists. Also, a poor family will not have something to eat and it is very hard for empty stomach to understand anything in class. Another problem associated with poverty is poor health care, a sick person cannot perform well in class nor can the parents support their families (Cambridge University Press Giardiello, 2014).

School Cooperation

Students and their families are supposed to engage in school activities on different ways. Parents are supposed to support their children education by paying school fees, engaging on school work and providing basic needs to their kids while still in school. For a kid to participate fully on school activity cooperation, every kind is supposed to be health and secure. The cooperation between children and parents, children and teachers, teachers and parents can be enhanced through mutual understanding. For instance, through providing security to their kids, paying school fees and encouraging their kids the relationship between kids and parents are enhanced (Joyce, 2012).

A mission to rescue children

Children aged between 18 months to six years must be taken to nursery school. The tender age of 18 months is known as kindergarten where kinds are taken care of by protective teachers. This was motivated by the fact that majority of parents used to work on industries making it hard to spend their time with the young ones. The only option was to take their kids to kindergarten. Even if the kids are not been taken care by their parents, the conducive environment helps the kids to grow health and courageous. The people who take care of toddlers in tender age are trained to do so in a caring manner (Joyce, 2012). On the other, when the child reach 3 years he or she is introduced to nursery school where they are taught how to read and write. The research indicates that people are shaped when still young but not when they are grownups. Apart from basic education and health services the young kids are taught and educated how to transform the society to be a better place for everybody. The transformation involves the fact that the reasoning of educated people is fur much better than the one who have not attended. For instance, in many cases the educated child can understand what is good and bad easily unlike the others.      

Key role of play

Nursery school plays a key role in the society. Some of the roles include providing employment opportunities to the old. Kids must be taught in school which means a person must be employed to teach them. By doing so the school offers employment opportunity. This will reduces crime cases in the area and also it will improve the living hood of the employed person. A place with nursery, chances of a government starting a health centre is relatively higher. This means that both the education and health services will be offered concurrently (McMillan, 1930).


In conclusion, people should be controlled and taught the manner when they are still young. Investing in our kids is regarded as also investing in our future. This is the reason why many states and government across the world embraced Macmillan call and started supporting the call to introduce many nursery schools. As a result everything has changed and children are learning in health environment at any time.

Cambridge University Press Giardiello, 2014. Pioneers in Early Childhood Education: The roots and legacies of Rachel and Margaret McMillan, Maria Montessori and Susan Isaacs. London: Routledge.

Cathy Nutbrown, ‎. C. ‎. S., 2009. Early childhood education : history, philosophy, experience. Los Angeles, Calif. [u.a.]: SAGE.

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