Critically Analyze Issues In The Perspectives Of Organizational Management


Organization management could be defined as the process of organizing the various structures within an organisation, planning of new designs and systems, leading and controlling of resources within a particular entity. The primary aim of organization management would be based on achieving the set objectives within a certain period of time. The organizational management within a particular business framework should be solely responsible for making various decisions (Stark 2015). They would also be responsible for resolving the raised issues in order to make the business systems to be much more beneficial and effective. The success of a particular business with the aid of thoughtful strategy would be developed with the implementation of a proper plan that should be executed effectively.

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Organizational management could also be defined as the process of leading the company in an effective manner. This could be performed with the use and control of resources and assets. The organizational management goes beyond the corporate structure (Parisi 2013). Every business would require some leaders who would have certain proactive methods in order to deal with several kinds of issues and thus be able to develop solutions, which would be helpful for the businesses to move towards the desired vision and set goals. These type of objectives set for the business would be able to lead the business to achieve the previously set objectives of the organisation and would also lead to the betterment of the productivity of the organisation.

Organizational management could be defined as the combination of different components of leadership within an organisation. The proper structure of the organisation would be utilized for gathering information and analysing them (Anitha 2014). This form of analysis would then be used for development of strategies that would be implemented with the help of proper form of meetings, promotions and training. Every form of business would be able to utilize the principles of organisational management in a unique way that would be suitable for the unique needs of the business. The primary goal of organizational management is to make use of different levels within the leadership of the company and thus be able to set different goals, monitor the results and build a strong relation with customers and employees.

The different theoretical perspectives of organizational management are – Classical, Neo-classical and Modern Organisation Theory.

Classical Organisation Theory – Different experienced business leaders have viewed the organisation as a form of machine and human beings would be the components within the particular machine (Huczynski, Buchanan and Huczynski 2013). Based on their views, it has been discussed that the efficiency of work within the organisation could be increased with the efficiency of work that would be supported by human beings. The primary emphasis of the leaders was based on specialisation and different forms of coordination among the different activities. Most of the business leaders have focused on the efficiency based on top level and lower levels within the organisation (Jones 2013). The primary pillars of organisation theory include – Division of Labour, Functional and Scalar Processes and Control Span and Structure.

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Comparison of different Organizational Theoretical Perspectives

Neo-Classical Organisation Theory – The primary propositions of the neo-classical theory are based on the facts that the organisation could be defined as a social system that would be composed of numerous forms of interacting parts (Dunleavy 2014). Motivation of the employees is a complex process. Many of the socio-psychological factors would operate in order to help in motivating the human beings during the time of work within the organisation (Lundahl and Wadensjo 2015). This form of organisation theory defines that team-work would be an essential factor based on giving higher production to the organisation. Communication is also a major factor as it would be necessary for organisations to transfer information based on the proper functioning of the organisation and understand the feelings of the employees during the time of work.

Modern Organisation Theory – This organisational theory is based on recent origins that have been developed in the early 1960’s (Van de Ven, Ganco and Hinings 2013). There are different forms of distinctive qualities based within the modern organisational theory. These include the conceptual analytical base, empirical research data and the nature of integrity (Greenwood, Hinings and Whetten 2014). These different qualities have been framed within a philosophy that would be able to accept the ways in which the meaningful studies would be conducted. This theory integrated two different forms of approaches such as the contingency approach and systems approach.

The theory or concept based on Scientific Management could be defined as the progress of science based on substituting the approximate hypothesis or principle based on the education and awareness of the people at work. The scientific information could also be defined as methodical, standardized and authorized knowledge (Rice 2013). This form of scientific knowledge could also be defined as rational or logical. The primary objective of scientific management theory would be based on enhancing the efficiency, economy and productivity of specific labour groups. The scientific management theory could be defined as the best effort in which science could be applied to engineering and management processes.

The founder of the scientific management theory is known as Frederick Winslow Taylor. According to Taylor, any form of industry would require competence rather than lenient incompetence. One another name for the Scientific Management Theory, which was proposed by Taylor is known as Taylorism (Rahim 2017). It was doable based on the success of measurement, scientific research and optimism. The theory proposed by Taylor was primarily centred based on a systematic study of people, tasks and their behaviour.  

Although the theory of scientific management would be able to provide different tools for employees in order to enhance their efficiency of output, the employees would only perform menial work. A fine example in which the theories of classical and scientific management theory could be applied is within industries in which different forms of repetitive tasks would be performed (Waring 2016). The prime importance of the theory of scientific management are:

  • The employees should be elected based on their different abilities and skills that would be in relation to their job.
  • The wages and incentives that are provided to employees should be entirely based on providing encouragement to them, which would in turn help in enhancing the quality of output.
  • The quality of leadership within the organisation should be ideal that would be able to develop some form of standards for the purpose of doing job. This would be assisted with the theory of scientific management.
  • There should be a proper form of attention on the eradication of interruptions during the planning of work.
  • Different rule based on thumb work methods would be primarily replaced based on different other methods, which would be based on scientific study of various kinds of tasks.

The different benefits or advantages of scientific management theory are:

  • Enhanced Production– The theory based on scientific management would be solely responsible based on enhance form of protection. This theory would be able to concentrate on the steady improvements within the operations of business. There should be a fruitful cooperation between the workers and managers. This would be highly helpful in performing an enhanced form of team work (Wagner III and Hollenbeck 2014). The harmonious relationship between the employees and managers within an organisation would be majorly helpful in assisting with the production.  
  • Decrease of Inaccuracy – The scientific management theory is majorly based on observation and experiment. Hence, this would lead to a decrease in the levels of inaccuracy.
  • Ability of Control – The most important part of various theorists of scientific management is that the different managers within an organisation would have a vita control over the production of the organisation. As the employees perform repetitive tasks, hence they become specialists in the particular field (Rice 2013). This would make it extremely easy for the manager of the organisation to have a good control over the employees of the organisation.
  • Quick Making of Decisions – The scientific management theory would be able to enable planning of decisions on a quick basis and would also be helpful for making prompt decisions.   
  • Better Benefits to Customers – With the impact of the theory based on scientific management, there would be triple benefits for the consumers. They would be able to pay lesser prices and thus would also be able to get the best quality of work (Verbeke and Tung 2013). This theory would also help in attaining the better standards of living for the people included within the work.

Some of the limitations and disadvantages if scientific management theory are:

  • Huge Capital Requirement– This kind of theory would require a huge investment of capital. This would be considered as an important system. The establishment of the study of work, planning department, training of employees and standardization would require much amount of money.
  • Planning reduces productivity – Though there is a huge form of advantage based on the capability of planning ahead, there is also a downside of planning (Morse, Babcock and Murthy 2014). Since the managers within an organisation would be able to take control over of the employees, hence they would lack creativity. One another reason is that they perform repetitive tasks. Hence, their chore would be monotonous, meaningless and tedious, which would lead to less productivity.
  • Demotivating Approach – With the application of scientific theory of management, the employees within an organisation would be focused on the performance of their jobs. They would also put focus on their statistics and results and would also be produced within a particular time frame (Foster and Wass 2013). With the help of this result, the employees might feel underestimated. They might also feel to be alienated that might result in direct form of absenteeism.
  • Unsuitable for Various Teams –The theory of scientific management would not be fruitful for teams and other groups. They have the capability to exploit and abuse other human beings that would lead to conflict within groups (Kiresuk, Smith and Cardillo 2014). There would be no form of scope based on individual kind of preference within the particular theory.
  • Division of Work –Based on the application of scientific management theory, there would be a certain separation of work, which would include planning of function and executing these works. Since the management would be concerned based on complete responsibility, there would be a reduction of workers based on adherence and rigid kind of procedures.  
  • Unemployment –With the application of the scientific management theory, employees would be replaced by machines. This would in turn lead to a reduction in the kind of employment standards (Anderson et al. 2018). With the application of this theory, there would be a requirement of few employees as many of them would not be needed in the work.

Scientific Management

Modernism – This could be defined as a philosophical movement. The movement of modernism arose mainly from far-reaching and wide-scale transformations within the Western society during the late 19th century and of the early 20th century. There were several factors that were helpful in shaping the movement of modernism. Some of the major factors include the rapid growth of cities and the development of modern industrial societies (Eysteinsson 2018). The theory of modernism had supported the belief that there would be a certain purpose in life and this kind of view should be viewed objectively. Different modernists have an optimistic view of the entire world. They believed that there are certain ethics and beliefs, which should be followed.

Post-Modernism – This is considered as a broad movement that had developed in the mid-to-late 20th century. This kind of movement would vary across arts, philosophy, criticism, architecture. This kind of movement had marked a departure from the movement of modernism. This term has been associated with the historical era that has followed modernity. The postmodernist era was primarily characterized with the advancement of vital form of technology (McCloskey 2013). This advancement of technology have their major uses in art, music and literature. During this era, the original works of the artists could be found on a mere basis. The previous works of different artists during this period were also copied. The postmodernist artist mostly gain inspiration based on the original works that were performed by modernist artists.

Based on the comparison of modernism and post-modernism theory, it appeared that in the late 20th century, the department of arts criticism and architecture was just a mere form of departure from the movement of modernism. The theories of post-modernism include sceptical interpretations based on culture, art, literature, history and philosophy. This kind of movement would be mostly be associated with post-structuralism and deconstruction (Ley 2014). The works of literatures based on post-modernism would mostly be characterized based on the techniques of paradox, fragmentation and questionable narrators. These form of techniques would mostly emerge during the post-World War II era. The different kinds of post-modern works have been seen as a kind of reaction against Modernist approaches and Enlightenment thinking.

The Scientific Management Theory proposed by Taylor helps in promoting the idea that there would only be one right way for doing something. This kind of theory would be able to promote individual form of responsibility and would also be able to seek for pushing decision making within each of the levels of the organisation.

Teamwork is an area in which the theory of Taylorism would be in opposition to the current practices. Essentially, the theory would be able to break the different tasks into different tiny steps. They would also be able to focus on the ways in which every person would be able to perform their tasks in a best way (Becerra-Fernandez and Sabherwal 2014). The modern form of methodologies would be able to prefer the examination based on the working of systems in order to be able to evaluate the efficiency of work and thus be able to maximize the level of productivity.   

Modernism versus Post-modernism

The theory of scientific management by Taylor would separate the manual work from mental work. Modern form of productivity enhancement practices would be able to seek the ideas of the workers, knowledge and experience into the best form of practices. Scientific management in their purest form would be able to focus mainly on mechanics and would also fail to value the work of the people by their side. The factors of workplace satisfaction and motivation are some of the key elements within an efficient and productive organisation.

The different forms of critics in postmodernism is that they lack the amount of coherence and they that they would be hostile within the notion based on absolutes. Based on the contrast of modernism and post-modernism, it has been seen that postmodernism could be meaningless (Morrison 2014). They promote the value of obscurantism and makes use of relativism based up to the extent that it would cripple the calls to judgement.

Based on the works of volunteering within the Accounting department of an organisation that deals with the selling of vehicle spare parts, I have been able to identify the different kinds of issues within the different theories.

Based on the perspective of scientific management theory, I had noticed that there have been a menace in the fragmentation of work. The different co-workers in my team had not a single idea about the ways in which the entire commodity had been formed. This would thus lead to a certain disarrangement in the different spheres of the cycle of production. Based on my following of the theory of scientific management, I had noticed that the primary spotlight of the organisation was on my individual performance. Hence, I was often labelled as to be inefficient. Based on my following of the idea of the theory, I had noticed that there was not a single place in which I was able to prove my level of creativity. Most of my performance was rated by managers. This would often lead to dissatisfaction and annoyance within the quality of my work even after repeated improvements.


Based on the above discussion, it could be concluded that there should be proper form of management within the organisation that would be helpful for the employees and the productivity within the workplace. The discussion is about the various kinds of theories that could be applied within the organisations as they have the major form of capability to put a major form of impact within the organisational success. Organisational management have been described as a combination of various kinds of components based on leadership within a particular company. Different kinds of analysis based on the study have proved to be helpful for the development of various kinds of strategies. These kinds of strategies should be properly implemented and then could be executed within various kinds of meetings within the organisation. Once a proper plan would be implemented within an organisation, the management would be able to monitor and thus be able to adjust the activities in order to gain the best form of results. This discussion emphasizes on the various forms of theories based on scientific management. This kind of theory emphasizes on the details of any particular problem and is also able to suggest different kinds of ways in which these problems would be mitigated. Mismanagement of various kinds of tasks would lead to several kinds of mistakes and misused opportunities. On the other hand, proper form of management would be effective with the use of financial resources and thus would be able to reduce the overall costs incurred by the organization. The discussion in the report also puts focus on the issues faced within the use of the various theories and thus helps in understanding the ways in which different mitigation steps could be applied for the benefit of the organisation. 


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