Critical Reviews Of Three Journal Articles On Business Strategy

Title of the Article

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Managing family businesses in small communities

Date of Publication/Volume and


2001. 39(1)

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Author/s Names

Nancy J. Miller, Harriet McLeod, and Keun Young Oh

Purpose: What does the article set

out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

To examine the alterations in management strategies of small family owned enterprises in small communities found the U.S.

Theory: Does the article use any

theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

Yes. The study begins with an empirical survey of the management strategies of small businesses and points out the lack of information regarding individual and economic dynamics of the family-owned enterprises due to the nature of the family substructure that runs them. The theoretical framework also provides various bases for a family owned small business definitions namely the number of employees, availability of resources, and the hierarchy of the management. The theory part also discussed approaches to management strategies from the perspectives of cost, the structure of the sector, market preferences, and organizational capabilities. The framework outlines existing common approach to family business research such as the prescriptive approach which emphasizes on enhancing the well-being of family associations instead of organizational performance. The framework proposed by Harris, Martinez, and Ward (1994) for evaluation of strategies and adapted by family-owned businesses formed the basis for the study because of the significant impact of the several features of the family and the leader of the business on strategy formulation.

The study provides a strong justification background upon which the study variables are based thus increasing its reliability. However, the evaluation of management strategy has only been based on a single framework thus limiting its generalization.

Methodology: What methodology

have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

Telephone interviews.

No. The paper is not cross-cultural because the target population is small family-owned businesses located in small communities in the U.S. the criteria was that the communities had to have fewer than a total population of 10,000 people which are most likely to share the same culture.

Data Analysis: How was the data

analysed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

Modified Higgins’ managerial functions model was used alongside a five-Likert scale to rate the level of the ten strategies used. Cluster analysis and univariate analysis were used.


Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The management activities that are used in planning are not considered as different from those regarded as controlling. Most of the managers of cluster 3 business inherited the enterprise from family and friends. The administration of the small family-owned companies found in the small communities in the U.S who implemented strategies on extensive planning and controlling was convinced that their businesses were thriving. But they acknowledged that they lacked sound marketing strategies.


How did the article contribute to

the theories and concepts of

Business Strategy?

The article pointed to the need for additional research in business strategy namely the relation between entrepreneurial features and the performance of a family-owned business. The analysis of Higgins concepts for planning and control reveals that the activities involved overlap.


Title of the Article

What Is International Strategy Research And What Is Not?


Date of Publication/Volume and


2015, (5)


Author/s Names

Stephen Tallman And Torben Pedersen


Purpose: What does the article set

out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

To find out the meaning of international strategy and differentiate it from what it is not.


Theory: Does the article use any

theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

Yes. The theoretical framework provides a broad-based definition and understanding of international strategy (IS) as one that involves overseas activities of businesses or policies and the management of the operations. It also points out the common erroneous assumption of assuming any data that is multi-country to be IS. This the article achieves by justifying why single country researches are not counted international. Comparative management studies are also highlighted and demonstrated that they are much better applicable to other reviews but limited to IS. The literature also offers the different criteria for defining IS research by considering the various variables namely the dependent variables such as profitability, explanatory variables like cultural and institutional distance, moderating variables like location, and control variables such as cultural, economic and institutional conditions. The article also outlines the various methods of data collection relevant to the area of study alongside the data requirements and existing violations. The framework provides a strong justification the correct understanding of international strategy research and the common misconception of what it is. The literature is based on limited secondary data, and thus the findings may be restricted in application to the period of the research because as time progresses, events also change.


Methodology: What methodology

have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

Exploratory research design

Yes. The article is cross-cultural because it evaluates various studies conducted in different locations at different periods.


Data Analysis: How was the data

analysed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

Inductive approach

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

International strategy encompasses both disciplinary and internationally based theory and, more so a combination of both. The context of internationalism presents better chances to develop an insight of the boundaries and limits of enterprises and management theory. The fundamental feature of International strategy is in its academic scope and not in its location or data but its theoretical growth.

How did the article contribute to

the theories and concepts of

Business Strategy?

The article clears the common misconceptions around the proper understanding of international strategy research by providing a detailed criterion for IS research. It also provides the importance of comparative studies from the IS and strategic management studies perspectives. The article also proposes the fundamental need for establishing the role of context and its impact on the relationship between the management, corporations, and results in the strategy field.

Title of the Article

International human resource management strategies of Chinese multinationals operating abroad.

Date of Publication/Volume and


2013. 19(4)

Author/s Names

Di Fan,  Mike Mingqiong Zhang, and Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu

Purpose: What does the article set

out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

To address the features of the strategic international human resource management (SIHRM) of Chinese Multinational corporations (MNCs), and the facilitation of the investment and overseas activities of IHRM strategies of Chinese MNCs.

Theory: Does the article use any

theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

Yes. The study addresses the significance of relating IHRM to the application of internationalization strategy and the IHRM strategies of the Chinese MNCs. The authors examine the various integrative SIHRM models like the ‘two logic’ model, ‘two dimensions’ approach among others to underscore their limitations and existing research gap on the lack of an approach from the view of developing an IHRM strategy. The framework justifies the assertion that a lot of research is biased towards the MNCs of the western world but very little research has been explored on the SIHRM of Chinese multinational corporations with business operations beyond boundaries. However, framework only considers three cases of qualitative research which limits its generalization.

Methodology: What methodology

have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

Face-to-face and telephone interviews.

Yes. The article is cross-cultural because it considers case studies of Chinese multinational companies in different continents. As much as the companies are owned by the Chinese, their operations are in different locations with different cultures, and the MNCs have to adapt to the various cultures to succeed.  

Data Analysis: How was the data

analysed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

Exploratory design

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The MNEs of the Chinese connect their staff control to their global enterprise strategy mindset as a way of reconciling the necessity for international integration and domestic responsiveness. There is evidence of endogenous factors in the three case studies regarding their SIHRM framework; these include the MNC structure concern, internationalization orientation of the MNC, implementation of the competitive strategy and the managerial expertise of the MNCs in global operations. Regardless of the exceptionality of the internationalization process and their varying approaches to recruit and control global HRs of the three Chinese MNCs, there was some similarity in their SIHRM such as one type of ownership, mode of entry and same home and host for each corporation.

How did the article contribute to

the theories and concepts of

Business Strategy?

The article has three primary contributions. Firstly, It is one of the first research to evaluate Chinese multinational corporations from the view of SHIRM and demonstrates the impact of FDI on the incorporation of strategic HRM into Chinese multinational corporations and the function of HRM and SHRM in FDI in Chinese MNC. Secondly, the study used new empirical data to demonstrate the use of outward investment by Chinese organizations as a process of learning to acquire and sustain competitiveness as a means of improving their outdated approaches.


Title of the Article

New perspectives on strategic management process

Date of Publication/Volume and



Author/s Names

Pop Zenovia Cristiana, Borza Anca

Purpose: What does the article set

out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

To debate and describe based on theory, the evolution and the cons and pros of the strategic management process, with the aim of providing the managers a model for attaining competitiveness and assessing the company’s position.

Theory: Does the article use any

theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

Yes. The article explains the need for strategic management process, evolution phases of strategic management, and advantages and disadvantages of the strategic management process that are influential for the strategy success. The strategic management phases include three phases with various citations to justify the conclusions.  The strategic management process is broken down into three stages namely formulation, adaptation, and assessment of the strategy. Also, three types of programs for strategy implementation are identified which include complex, gradual implementation programs and programs for a particular application. The theoretical framework is detailed and with many references thus making the conclusions more reliable. However, the study could not ascertain clearly whether the implementation process is implemented in its different stages according to different authors.  

Methodology: What methodology

have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.

Exploratory research design.

Yes. The article is cross-cultural because references are made from across the globe.

Data Analysis: How was the data

analysed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

Inductive approach.

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

The benefits and drawbacks of strategic management implementation in the businesses can be summarized into offering new distinct visions over the company and a particular focus on the significant aspects from a strategic perspective. From another perspective, the communication between the employees and with the management can be improved through sustained dialogue and the involvement of the staff in the decision-making process. Thus, both the administration and staff have a role in the success of the business. Furthermore, the psychological effect of minimizing conflicts and meeting the stability needs of each employee through future planning are also new perspectives on the strategic management process. Another drawback of strategic management is that it is a costly process from various aspects namely financial, labor force, and from the perspective of the allocated time.

How did the article contribute to

the theories and concepts of

Business Strategy?

The article demonstrates through its research that it’s almost impossible to achieve unanimity within strategic management process because it involves different areas including psychology, sociology, and economics. Also, the study findings affirm that a significant contribution from the academic world has led to diverse ways of brainstorming over the strategy and indirectly over strategic management. The study also reveals that the cooperation with the business environment is much more rewarding compared to all other fields, the advantage being indisputable because it resulted in the approaches to evolution to implement the strategy.

Title of the Article

Organizational Culture And Strategy. How Does It Work?  An Empirical Research

Date of Publication/Volume and


2013. 22(1)

Author/s Names

Vele Cristian-Liviu

Purpose: What does the article set

out to do? In other words what is the objective of the author?

To provide a theoretical and empirical insight on the significance of developing a dynamic corporate culture with the intent of maintaining new strategic initiatives.

Theory: Does the article use any

theoretical framework related to Business Strategy? If yes, explain the framework briefly. What are the strengths and weakness of the framework?

Yes. The empirical review considers two central themes in ascertaining whether organizations with a supportive and dynamic culture and strategy are more probable to design and adopt an approach, these include organizational culture and strategy. Under corporate culture, the study points out the most significant challenge faced by the management is while examining an intangible aspect like organizational culture when endeavoring to implement the new strategy into the cultural context of the company. The article analyses five primary variables proposed by Morden to overcome this difficulty; these include value judgment and system, vision, social ethics and traditional ethics, priorities, and desires. The significant issue also pointed out is how to convince the employees of the intended change for them to embrace it. Under the strategy, the article justifies that the selection and formulation of a plan determine the success of any new changes and strategy implementation. The theoretical framework underscores the significance of organizational culture in the success of strategy formulation and implementation which affects organizations competitiveness. However, the research only analyses two variables which may limit the generalization of the findings

Methodology: What methodology

have the authors used to collect data?

Is the article cross cultural? If yes please explain why you think it is cross cultural.


No. the article is not cross-cultural because the target population is the 8 Romanian construction companies located in the Northern area

Data Analysis: How was the data

analysed? In other words what statistical tools were used?

Normality tests: Pearson’s linear correlation

Findings and conclusion

What were the findings and conclusion draw from the article?

Organizations with a dynamic and corporate culture that supports strategies have high chances of having a competitive strategy designed and implemented so as to achieve sustainable competitive benefits. Such a setting is only possible if the staff have a positive attitude geared towards the attainment of the firm’s objectives, and the management fully supports the employees in their professional development. Formulation of new strategies is not a guarantee of successful implementation as this will depend on the work environment. Thus the management should adopt high transparency and communication level in selling the advantages of the new strategy to the employees to ensure that easy implementation.  Additionally, a dynamic and flexible organizational culture will permit organizations to efficiently overcome difficulties which may take place both in the internal and external setting of the business.

How did the article contribute to

the theories and concepts of

Business Strategy?

The article provides an advanced research methodology from the view of organizational culture and strategy. The article also acts a basis for further research which should include a bigger and diverse sample to enable application of the findings to other organizations in different settings.


Cristiana, P.Z. and Anca, B. (2013) New perspectives on strategic management process. The Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, p.1573-1580.

Cristian-Liviu, V. (2013) Organizational culture and strategy: How does it work? An empirical research. Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 22(1), pp.1690-1696.

Fan, D., Zhang, M.M. and Zhu, C.J. (2013) International human resource management strategies of Chinese multinationals operating abroad. Asia Pacific Business Review, 19(4), pp.526-541.

Miller, N.J., McLeod, H. and Young Ob, K. (2001) Managing family businesses in small communities. Journal of Small Business Management, 39(1), pp.73-87.

Tallman, S. and Pedersen, T. (2015) What is international strategy research and what is not? Global Strategy Journal, 5(4), pp.273-277.

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