Critical Evaluation Of The Original Perth Arena Project From Project Management Perspectives

Critical Evaluation of the Original Perth Project from Project Management Perspectives

Perth Arena which is also known as neofuturistic sporting and entertainment arena in the centre city of Western Australia operates the sports sector of Australia. Mainly this arena is used for playing basketballs and even national level basketball events are also arranged in this arena. Considering general project management perspectives the critical evaluation of this project is conducted in this essay and not only this but also the summary of the reasons behind the failing are also illustrated here. In order to avoid operational and functional errors this is mandatory for the project heads to construct the project boundary accurately including time scope and cost of the project.

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It is determined that if any of these factors are missed then the entire project may fail to reach the objectives. There are some management strategies that can be implemented for this project to avoid future failures. Apart from this, it is realized that if professional project management strategies are being incorporated to the other similar project then those project will also may fail to meet the expectation of the project owners and the clients. Based on the issues related to this project the theoretical gaps are also being identified and illustrated in this essay.

After analyzing the project details it is defined that development of Perth Arena project is a success story but at the same time this is one of the blemished under considerable controversy within the lead up to opening of the doors of project management. The collective issues of this project generated considerable public criticism. These are also resulted in negative blacklash from user expectations like Perth Wildcats which expressed serious concern regarding lack of professionalism in car parking as per the contract. It is determined that the season fixture and financial visibility have negatively impacted the Perth Arena project causing huge delay in implementation. Managerial changes are incorporated while driving this project in the year of 2008 by insertion of strategic project. Not only this but also, professional project management strategies will deliver robust management actions to meet the success criteria. In order to gain rigorous project approval different recommendations are suggested.

It is assumed that if proper control measures are considered then the project can be controlled from future failure. For this specific project Asset Management is referred to as one of the major success criteria that should have to be incorporated by the project manager to avoid project failure. In professional decision making for any capital project, reliable cost estimation is necessary. It is also suggested that, as content of the project was initially planned therefore before commence of project the development cost must be compared with the other similar projects. As much bold and imaginative design will be prepared that much success the project will be gained.

After analyzing the details of Perth Arena project it is defined that the major reason for the failure for this project is related to management and planning of its cost. There are certain amounts that could have been avoided but are not avoided. Some basic key project management phases are rushed or skipped by the project heads which is other reason for Perth Arena project failure. Again, due to improper cost management the project was not successfully completed within the estimated deadline. Therefore, project delay was another major reason behind its failure. According to schedule the project was estimated to be completed in the year of 2009, but it was not completed within that phase. Some of the original requirements of government are also skipped which caused overrunning cost and delay at the same time.  Thus, from the project beginning the project was at cost risk. The project also faced administrative risks regarding the labor’s timing in office. During the project progress the planning and resource management of the project are also being exposed.

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Summary of the Major Failings That Occurred

Currently huge discussion regarding the theory of project management are going on which include participation from quarters, traditional approaches depending on PMBOK up to PRINCE2 and Agile. Considering the evolutionary design concept the most suitable project management theory should be adopted by the Perth Arena project owner. The methods of project are comprises of normative, rational and professional participative styles. The project management technique is consists of transformational, value generation and flow management.

However, for managing any project the mechanisms that are to be followed accordingly include tools and techniques. The tools that will help the project manager to avoid further project related issues include PERT chart, Gantt chart etc. Professional integrated master plan, and schedule will help the project manager to avoid overrunning cost and budget over allocation. In addition to this, all the empirical evidence are considerable for the project managers of Perth Arena project to assure that the project conflicts are all being avoided. Again the empirical evidence will help to reveal the hidden facts behind the failure of the project.

The main reason for which the project faced managerial and operational risks is lack of use of professional project management theories and practices. The project management theories that are expected will allow project objectives to be accomplished and success criteria are elaborated in this section. Professional project management theory is a combination of different functions of an explicit theory for project management. This project will provide behavior level predictions. Based on the project requirement the project management tools are to be considered and used. Ahern, Leavy and Byrne (2014) stated that, common norms and values should be prepared by the project manager and that should be followed accordingly by all the stakeholders. Different recent theories are available for project management such as transformation, management as planning, classic communication etc. It is mandatory for the project executives to follow these theories professionally so that all the project level issues can be completely avoided. The commonly known project management phases are project initiation, planning, execution control and closure.

For Perth Arena project the project manager also require to follow these phases. Braglia and Frosolini (2014) stated that, in order to avoid cost management and time management issues at the initiation phase the cost and time needed for the completion of the Perth Arena project should be estimated. It has been assumed that if the time and cost of the project are properly arranged at the initiation phase then all the managerial issues could have been avoided. Again based on the project objectives some critical success factors and success criteria are also required to be estimated by the project manager. It is determined that any of the critical success factor associated to the project is avoided then the project may not meet the objective. There are some common risk factors that commonly interrupt the success of any project.

Therefore, after analyzing these risks proper risk management approaches are also required to be implemented by the project owners. Coronel and Morris (2016) opined that, depending on the size the possible risks are to be identified. Through different source of evidence such as competing theory, empirical validity, project consistency, plausibility etc the theoretical foundation of project management should be evaluated. Even the hidden assumptions of these underlying theories will be completely revealed if proper practical project management assumptions are successfully identified. According to Hornstein (2015), the current underlying foundation is completely obsolete as well as has to be substituted through some more powerful theoretical foundation. Regarding project management theory partial model of operation can add value and help the project to reach its flow.  

Recent Theories

Through the help of transformational model time, variability and conceptualization of the consumers can be provided. At the same time, the theoretical foundation of management is needed to be extended. Instead of one way communication the project associates should use bidirectional communication so that the requirements can all be shared including the creativity and all project related ideas. Mir and Pinnington (2014) stated that, scientific experimental model is also required to be used by the Perth Arena project community to measure the performance of the project team members. Arrangement of online training and development program will make the project team members more familiar to the requirements and objectives.

Some project management tools and techniques required to be followed by the project team members. Quality of project is referred to as one of the major factor that will help the project manager to meet the project objectives.

With the implementing five phases of project lifecycle, the Perth arena could have successfully completed its project. It is very much necessary for every project to follow this five phases of project lifecycle. This includes:

Project initiation: In this phase the projects value and feasibility are measured. The project manager is responsible for evaluating whether the planned project is stable or not. This two evaluation tools are feasibility study and business case document.

Project planning:  once the project is approved by every member of team and other stakeholders associated with the project. The project needs to have a solid plan that will guide the team. This will help to complete the project within time and within the budget (Pritchard & PMP, 2014). Thus, this part is very much necessary is it ensures that the project is done within the budget. This plan also includes the quality of the product and the benefits gained by the stakeholder.

Project execution: this phase includes managing the project. The main objectives is to prepare a deliverable for the customer, so that they can understand the working going to take place within the project. The team leader manages this situation by dividing the work between the team members and keeping them focused towards the goal.

Project monitoring and control:  These steps are linked with execution step as these may occurs at same time. This is the responsibility of each team member to focus on the execution process and also monitor the activity of each team member including themselves. This helps t monitor the activity and also allows the project to move smoothly.

Project closure: once the project is done, the team closes the project and delivers the finished project to their customer. The team leaders release the project after discussing with the stakeholders. This set piss the most important part of the project lifecycle phase as this allows the team to understand and determine all the document related to the project.

Besides quality the tools that should be followed successfully include communication management, resource management, scope management etc. In case of any project the related theories include transformation, flow and value generation. From the conceptualization of the project it is defined that, project is a transformation between input to outputs. On the other hand, the entire transformation of any project can be easily decomposed in terms of manageable as well as well understandable sub tasks and tasks. If the tasks associated to the project are properly formed then the overall performance of the project team members will also be increased. All the associated tasks are needed to be independent but should have a sequential connection. Apart from this, proper primary assumptions for the project are also required to be considered by the Pert Arena project development community.

sAfter analyzing the project problems it has been identified that all necessary suggestions are needed to be followed by the project executives so that the project issues can be completely avoided. In order to implement the Perth Arena project successfully the list of recommendations are as follows:

Proper time management: Based on the project requirements and objectives at the project initiation phase the project manager should arrange the total time that may be needed to successfully complete the project. A large project should be segmented into small parts and considering its complexity the activities should be assigned to different team members. Once the task or activity will be assigned it becomes mandatory for the project manager to complete that task within the estimated time. Therefore, proper time management is referred to one of the most important thing that should be considered.

Accurate cost management: Accurate cost management program is needed to be developed by the project manager of Perth Arena project to make ensure that the cost of the project is not overrunning. Not only this but also, another way to avoid cost over allocation is feasibility study. Project initiation phase will be crucial for the project manager in manner to make a feasibility study that will be helpful in predicting whether the project will be successful in future or not.

Leadership and motivation: Professional leadership and motivation are the two other supporting features that will help the project team members to become much familiar to their job roles. It is assumed that as much the project team members will keep themselves engaged to their job roles that much successfully the project will be accomplished. Moreover, professional motivation will help to drive the project towards the success criteria.

Professional communication: Instead of one way of communication between the stakeholders, it is required to follow open communication rather bidirectional communication.

Successful resource management: Based on the requirements of the project valuable resources are needed to be organized by the project manager and resource manager. Both the human and physical resources should be identified and collected from the suitable sources. Professional resource management will increase the revenue and accountability and at the same time reduce the admin cost associated to the project.  

The proposed theory of the project focuses on the transformation of the provided inputs to outputs and resulting in the production and output. It is necessary to consider the two aspects of the project that includes transformation of the project decomposing into a well-understood sub-transformation of the tasks. Corollary considering the implementation of the task improvement and delivering the necessary project deliveries. It is a crucial and considerable concept for considering the theory of the project in manner to make sure that such big projects are being managed and delivered within the expectations. It also include necessary assumptions including characteristic of the task including its independency, relationships, and behaviour considering its influence on other sub-activities or activities of the project. It is also a major theoretical and practical aspect to consider the uncertainty those might influence the entire project and should be entertained in the prior of the project delivery after planning.

Following are the considerable theories those need should have been considered while delivery of the Original Perth Arena Project:

Theory of Planning: It can be suggested an effective and efficient approach while discussing the adoption of the strategies those could allow the planning and delivery of the planned activities in an efficient and effective manner. It can be conceptualised as an effector part and managerial part in the project whose major concern will be related to the planning of the project and development of the strategies considering the project constraints. Translating the theoretical plan into action is the major purpose for developing the plan that includes list of the activities, timeline and the management of the strategies those could be helpful in managing the work breakdown and the activities those are necessary for the management and delivery of the entire project. This will be a path to be followed by all the stakeholders in manner to manage the entire project constraints and deliver them accordingly. This needs to be evaluated and developed in an effective and efficient manner without altering the expected outcomes and delivery of the project. The planning would be very helpful and efficient in managing all the project deliverables and deliver them deliberately. Theory of planning include the development of the scope, objectives, aiming at the project deliverable, risk management, schedule and budget of the entire project. The project needs to be delivered considering the developed pathways those are necessary for the management of the project work breakdown and its management throughout the entire project. Risk management would have played a major role in the development of the case study project as it can be seen that the budget or the cost factor were not considered throughout the project delivery and that led to the such expansion of the estimated budget. If it would have been considered throughout the project, the project would have managed and delivered in much better and efficient way and the cost escalation could have been managed thoroughly considering the baseline and management of the project.

Theory of Execution: It can be conceptualized as the effector or managerial part in the project that delivers the dispatching of the tasks at the sites or the work stations and deliver the necessary activities those are considerable for the delivery of the project. The project was estimated to be deliver the necessary expectations of the project those were necessary for meeting the expected benefits for the end users. The managerial approach will be considerable throughout the project and it should have been managed in an efficient way in the selected case study. Execution will consider the deployment of the project activities those were stated and pointed throughout the project considering its management and delivery and assuring that the project would be accomplishing those milestones. It was identified in the case study that many of the “key parts of normal processes being skipped or rushed,” and hence, it led to certain uncertainties that led to the enhancement in the escalation of the budget and timeline of the project. The principle of this theory is to execute the task as per the conceptualized planning and managing the overall activities throughout the project. There should be the authorization on speech or writing in manner to deliver and manage the project constraints accordingly. The transformation of the plan is the major attempt of the executor in manner to meet the necessary deliveries and objectives of the project.

Theory of Control: Considering the quality of the project deliverable, theory of control is the major aspect throughout the project lifecycle. It can be conceptualized as the process of measuring and controlling the performance measurement of the standard of the project delivery considering the comparison and management of the project delivery that is suitable and satisfactory for the end users. Exploring the case study, it can be stated that the project had semi-controlling and management approach that led to certain uncertainties and the failure. The project budget could have been managed in an efficient and effective manner if the administration would have taken necessary approaches those could managed the delivery of the project activities as those were expected. Control theory does not focus on manipulating and motivating the activities as those were estimated to be delivered and managed in an effective and efficient manner rather, it also focuses on the measurement of the standard of the project that could meet the necessary objectives and goals of the project. It could have managed the project management resources and the scarcity of planning through comparing and managing the project deliveries as per the planning. It was identified in the case study that there was scarcity in the project resource management and the project planning those were one of the reasons behind the failure of the project. The implementation of the control theory could have been effective and efficient in managing the overall project delivery.

Big projects are always vulnerable to uncertainties and the risks those could possibly influence the delivery of the entire project. For the instance, if the similar projects are being delivered in future, it can be a failure or the success depending upon the managerial approaches and the effector approaches. Negligence and lack of project management approaches lead the project towards such a big failure in managing the budget of the entire project and delivering the necessary outcomes. Similar project, if managed in the similar way as it is delivered in the Perth Arena Project, there is no doubt that the project will fail. The project needs to be delivered within the estimated constraints and managerial approaches are far more considerable than the current approaches for the management and delivery of the entire project without altering the expected benefits and output of the project. The similar projects could have different activities and work breakdown however; the managerial and effector approaches will need to be same. These approaches allows rest of the stakeholders to be following a same path that could be utilized for the management and delivery of the entire project. The considerable aspect for the successful project will be the proper and effective flow of the phases mentioned in the above essay and control them accordingly that the project meets the necessary outcome and delivery. Similar project needs to implement the necessary control measures those could possibly monitor the project from its initiation and finally allow the changes and manipulations those could lead to the similar outcomes as it was expected. Other than these there are certain circumstances those could possibly influence the entire project and lead to the failure. This factors include the communication plan and insufficient interaction between the stakeholders at the different level of the project, technical issues, natural calamities, and many more. However, the best counter measures to fight and eliminate these uncertainties include the proper and effective managerial approach that can allow the project and its constraints to be measured on the mentioned five phases and keeping the entire project activities to be concentric towards meeting the expected outcome for the organization and the end users.

Practical application of the theory can be different or more complex than it looks as the uncertainties are the tail of the project and it needs to be eliminated in an effective and efficient manner. The uncertainties in the work breakdown could lead impact on the other activities and thus, entire project could be influenced in either negative or positive manager. Different methodologies such as waterfall, agile, PRINCE2, Scrum, and many others can be adopted considering the different constraints of the project, its timeline, budget, and others and could possibly be helpful in entertaining the expected outcomes and deliveries of the project. Every methodology have different approach towards the dependency of the work breakdown and activities related to the project delivery and hence, it needs to be suitable as per the activities and constraints of the project. However, future similar projects should be based on the PRINCE2 methodology as it allows flexibility in the different activities and make assure that the entire project change acceptable and meeting the necessary deliveries of the project. The managers and the different high authorities in the Perth Arena project should have considered the delivery and management of the operational activities. It would have allowed an effective and efficient control action that could alternatively resulted in the accomplishment of all the project constraints within the expectation.

The PRICE2 allows the manager to deliver the entire project based on the seven principles that include a closed circle of the principles including: “Continued Business Justification, Learn from Experience, Defined Roles and Responsibilities, Manage by Stages, Manage by Exception, Focus on Products, Tailor to Suit the Project Environment.” The separate seven themes of the project could be helpful and efficient in managing the entire project and related deliveries in an efficient and effective manner. The seven themes include “Business Case, Organisation, Quality, Plans, Risk, Change, and Progress” those were not seen in the Perth Arena project. The similar project will be based on the consideration of these facts and thus, it become very crucial for the management and delivery of the project and meeting all the necessary objectives and goals of the project. The big projects should always be under the guidance of a best manager and adhering these approaches, themes, and principles could be helpful in meeting all the deliveries of the project. The analysis on the case study resulted in the identification of the factors such as project lacked in the managerial approaches, controlling phases, and the ineffective planning. The themes mentioned above include all the phases from the initiation to the closing and assuring that the project being delivered is capable of meeting the expected outcomes of the project. The initiation , planning, execution, and controlling are the major emphasis of this methodology and hence, it can be concluded that the approach of adhering PRINCE2 methodology can be far beneficial and effective in managing the project delivery and assuring that the uncertainties will not influence the overall delivery of the project. PRINCE2 can be efficient in delivering these attributes in an efficient and effective manner.


The project management is all about delivering the project objectives and constraints in an efficient and effective manner without altering the expected benefits and output. The project should always consist of five different phases including initiation, planning, execution, controlling, and closing. These phases must be regularly monitored authorized and delivered according regardless of the methodology being adopted for the delivery of the project. Perth Arena project can be categorized in the big projects however; the project failed due to many lagging factors in the planning and managing the deliveries of the project. It has been identified that the project lacked in many managerial attributes those led to certain failures and the uncertainties and finally leading to the escalation in the timeline and the budget of the project that was way larger than the expectation. The above essay explained the different managerial aspects those led to the escalation in the budget and the timeline of the project along with the necessary countermeasures those could have prevent the project from being such a big failure. This essay concludes that the managerial approaches are always very crucial for the delivery and management of the project and assuring that the constraints of the project are being accomplished in an efficient and effective manner.    

Following are the recommendations those could be made for the Perth Arena and similar projects in manner to deliver them in an effective and efficient manner:

The project management systems those reflect the complexity and scale of the project must be put in in place within the governance structures

Assuring that the organization or the government body receiving complete and full advice related to the project decisions, risks, and status

Seeking appropriate and effective legal advice

Establishing and maintaining the adequate records those could possibly met their obligations recorded under the State Records Act 2000.

The Treasury and Finance Department must exercise more on the major and crucial aspects of the project along with the assurance that the consistent application of the strategic asset management framework supports all the necessary constraints of the project planning and delivery

They should also be reinforcing the strategic asset management in manner to make sure that the assets are always available and manageable throughout the project

There should be the instalment of the framework with more rigorous staged project approval processes with assurance on the following:

The funding for the project can only be made if the project is well scoped, planned, with an announcement of the realistic timeline and budget

The frameworks being adhered considering the management and delivery of the governance should be reflecting best practices

Transparency of the progress and performance of major projects to government


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