Critical Evaluation Of Integrated Marketing Communications Practice – Mercedes Benz Case Study

Definition of marketing communication

Discuss about critical evaluation of current integrated marketing communications practice?

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The role of integrated marketing communication is very vital factor of the present times for all the business organizations following of the integrated marketing communication process in the effective manner is very vital in order to gain competitive advantage. In the era where the business world has become all the more competitive in nature this is very vital for the business organizations to make use of more effective business policies that would enable the business to stand out despite of the prevailing competitions in the market and prove it as the market leader. The process of integrated marketing communications process is followed by the business organizations as the effective strategies for the improvement of the brand perception in the market and also to meet with the other effectiveness of marketing.

Therefore, this report has dealt with the study of the role of global integrated marketing communications in the emerging global marketplace and also would deal with the discussions of the theory which are associated with the concept of integrated marketing communication and in this respect the case study of Mercedes Benz group has been considered. TheMercedes Benz is one of the pioneers among the car manufacturers of the world and the this paper has dealt with the study of the factor that how effectively the chosen car manufacturer has been following of the integrated marketing communication process and how the process has been effective enough in helping the business to meet with the fundamental objectives of the business, on the whole.

Definition of marketing communication:

Marketing communication could be defined as a complex and fundamental part of every business organization. Marketing communication is used as a tool in order to reach prospect customers in the market by penetrating other competitors. Marketing communication involves various kinds of elements such as trade shows, sponsorships, sales presentations, promotional activities, printed materials, online marketing, packaging, branding, direct marketing, advertising, and many more (Ravishankar, 2011).

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Definition of marketing mix:

The marketing mix could be defined as a set of actions that are conducted by an organization in order to promote their product or brand in the market. There are four elements of marketing mix and they are product, price, promotion, and place. In the recent times, there is several other marketing mix elements included in the marketing mix and they are packaging, positioning, and people and they are considered as vital elements of marketing mix. The marketing mix involves various strategies in order to promote product in the market (Pickton, and Broderick, 2009).

Definition of marketing mix

Therefore, in order to stay ahead in the market, Mercedes – Benz had launched Instagram competition so as to grab attention of online customers. They named the campaign as ‘take the wheel’ and used it as marketing tool in their digital marketing strategy. The main target of the company was to grab the attention of young youth. With the rise in competition in the automobile industry in the international market, the company had understand that in order to meet international competitive challenges they have to make strong presence in the online marketing media. As Toyota has invested in providing value added products along with low prices, it had become potential threat to Mercedes – Benz in order to stay ahead in the international market (Chen, 2011). 

The Mercedes Benz group has been one of the leaders in the segment of manufacturing luxurious cars in all over the world and the car manufacturing company is also considered to be developed business and is continuing with effective business moves consistently. The success of the business is no doubt due to the products of the business but at the same time this is also important for the Company to make use of the business strategies in the most effective manner that would help the business to continue to be the leader in the market, among all the business strategies considering the marketing strategies from time to time of the business is also very vital. However, there are other competitors in the market such as BMW and other who are posing to be the tough competitors of the Mercedes Benz group by the way of presenting high end cars from the angles of designs and use of technology also, therefore, this is all the more crucial for the Mercedes Benz, to make use of most effective marketing strategies that would help the business to continue to be one of the leaders in the automobile sector of the world (Stephen Zoeller’s Marketing Blog, 2014).

Thus, in order to be in the competition the Mercedes Benz group is trying to gain the attention of the younger generation this is true that the business class people has also been the main target of the luxurious car manufacturing company but at present they are making use of innovative designs and are also trying to the incorporate the sporty look of their car series in order to attract more of the younger consumers. Generation X is the main target of the company and they are making use of their integrated marketing communication processes as one of the most effective tools in order to get the attention of the generation who are within the age of 20 year to 40 year of age group and in this respect the group is following the strategies which are being followed by the mass market car manufacturers (Ravishankar, 2011). Thus, be it is the market of United Kingdom or the United Arab Emirates the group is following the universal theme in order attract the target market of the business, such as the use of the slogan “C for yourself”, used by the group when they launched the new C class in the market(, 2015).

Evaluation of the IMC practices employed by car manufacturers like Mercedes Benz to reach a specific target market within the two countries UK and United Arab Emirates

This is considered to be one of the effective methods that the brand projected itself and the use of the star image in their product campaign and also the use of a variety of channel which are instrumental with the launch of the new series have further enabled the business to decide the medium of effective communication with the target market and thus, appeal to the customers in the positive manner. The main motive with which the campaign has been conducted by the group in the UK as well as in the United Arab Emirates is to be able to influence the customers regarding the series of usefulness of the possessing the cars offered by the Mercedes Benz group to them and how their products can bring in change in the driving experience of their customers along with the use of high end designs, meeting with the safetyrequirements, the comfort and the agility. The primary tool which has been used by the group of Mercedes Benz in order to communicate directly to the potential buyers of the market and also the customers of the business is by the way of number of campaign conducted in most of the countries of the world including UK and United Arab Emirates also(Marketing Week, 2011). The management has decided to directly communicate with the customers and all the communications strategies are being shaped according to this very motive moreover, they also make use of the advertisements with the help of multimedia in order to reach to the wider section of the consumer market. The advertisements are also framed incorporating the factor of direct communication with the market.

Mainly for countries like the United Kingdom and United Arab Emirates the management of Mercedes Benz group makes use of the exclusive driving events in order to directly appeal to the customers and potential buyers of the business. At the same time the Mercedes Benz group follows the integrated campaign program for the purpose to promote their cars of different series by the use of innovative tools the management has been able to communicate more effectively with the customers or the consumers of the market(Pickton, and Broderick, 2009).The use of the innovative platforms such as the Mobile Marketing Special, interactive short films and presentation within Second Life such as in the case of promoting the range of C class models of Mercedes Benz have further making it prominent that how effectively the business is making use of the new technology and integrated marketing campaign in order to establish direct link and channels of communication with the customers and the target market of the business(, 2015).Moreover, for the countries of the Middle East including UAE the management of Mercedes Benz is making use of their digital partner in order to improve the online presence of the entire group and they are also planning the information architecture in order to communicate better and enhance their hold in those countries also.

Therefore, it is apparent that in most of the countries of the world be it Germany, UK or the Unites Arab Emirates the management of Mercedes Benz group is making use of the effective and similar modes of integrated marketing communication modes that further enables the business to improve the brand perception in the market(Ewing, 2009). However, this is only for the case of the Middle East countries that the management of Mercedes Benz is emphasizing on the on the factor of online digital strategy, more in order to prove the business to be one of the leading car brand in the United Arab Emirates and also in other Middle East countries (Stuart, and Kerr, 1999). From the company report this is apparent that the business has projected sound and continued growth and in terms of the operations and also financial terms also, therefore, on the basis of such growth report this can be fairly stated with the help of communication strategies the business has been able to meet with some of the main objectives of the organization. Moreover, this has also been opined in the reports by some of the managerial head of Mercedes Benz that by the use of the integrated communication strategies the business has been able to understand the tastes and preferences of their customers and at the same time the customers have also been able to access the company in case of any assistance or in case of any information required (Schultz et al.2009).This has further enabled the group to bridge the gap the company and its customers and thus, this has further enabled the business to improve the customer relationship, as evident from the reports of the business.

For the purpose to determine the affectivity or the extent to which the Mercedes Benz group has been able to make use of the Integrated Marketing Communication method the organizational SWOT or the internal environment of the business has been analyzed with respect of the business and at the same time from the theoretical perspective there are two main model which are being used in the following section of the report.

SWOT Analysis of Mercedes Benz

The main strength of the business is its brand image and the demand of the Mercedes Benz cars in different parts of the world (Chen, 2011). This business has been one of the leaders in the car manufacturers and therefore this is considered as one of the main strengths of the business. Moreover, the use of the new technology in the process of designing the high end cars and the also the safety factors implemented by the business during the production of the cars have further enabled the business to reach this high. Therefore, if the business is making use of the integrated marketing communication process in the more effective manner this would be further beneficial for the business, to hold the positing in UK and to cement itself in the UAE (Henley,2001).

The main weakness of the business is that the products are not meant for the masses but they are mainly for the classes when it comes to the pricing of the cars offered by Mercedes Benz group, and at the present times there are other car manufacturers in the market who are trying to the provide high end car qualities at the cheaper price and this is considered to be one of the main weaknesses of the business. Therefore, from that prospect the use of this communication process would help the business to hold its market and appeal to the wider section of the target market (, 2015).

The main opportunity that the business would get from the effective use of integrated marketing communication method is that it would help the business to continue its appeal to the wider section of the market and provide better service to the consumers by the way of establishing direct contact with the market.

The main threat for the business at the present times is definitely the growing competitions in the sector; therefore, in order to be the leader the business needs to meet with the more innovative and strategic market communication methods for the purpose to hold the existing position of the business (Grein, and Gould, 1996). Therefore, if the business is making use of the integrated marketing communication process in the more effective manner this would be further beneficial for the business, to hold the positing in UK and to cement itself in the UAE.

The use of Reinold and Tropp model

The models of Reinold and Tropp of integrated marketing communication are being used to determine the affectivity with which the business is making use of the process to meet with the organizational objectives.The basic principle of the model, “is an integrated measurement approach that considers all different communication disciplines e.g. media advertising, direct marketing, PR, mobile media, etc.”, (Reinold & Tropp 2012). The implementation of the model can be done with the help of three main stages, the survey, determination or the calculation of the metrics and the finally the analysis.

From the use of this very model this is apparent that the Mercedes Benz has been effectively meeting with this very factor effective communication on the level of marketing and at the same time this is further evident that from the survey that has been conducted by the business organization that, with the use of effective marketing communication system the business has been able to enhance its reach to the customers and has been able to appeal to the target consumer of the market (Moarref et al. 2013). The use of the calculation of the metrics which are being considered the growth of the financial outcomes of the business and also on the basis of the customer feedback this has been further evident by the way of analysis that the business has been successfully meet with the factors of effective integrated market communication processes(Mulhern, 2009). This is further apparent from the use of the different theories that the model of Reinold & Tropphas been all the more productive in nature and with the use of the model the business management or the analysts would be able to judge the affectivity with which the business organization is making use of this model to determine the performance level of the business with respect to the marketing method followed by the business (Journal of Marketing Communications, 2009).

The use of Nowak and Phelps model

On the other hand the use of the Nowak and Phelps model can also be utilized to determine the usefulness of the integrated marketing communication method and also to determine the how the method can prove to be profitable for the business and also how affectively the business has been able to meet with the factors so as to help meet with the organizational objectives of the business on the whole(Nowak and Phelps, 1997). The use of the Nowak and Phelps model can be further analyzed with the help of the following figure Integrated Market Communication Model.

With the help of this very model it would be able to analyze the affectivity of the campaigns which are being used by the business organizations from time to time in order to meet with the marketing objectives and also to address to the wider section of the market(Nowak, 2011). This is further apparent from the marketing methods which are being used by the Mercedes Benz group by the way of using the campaigns and the use of the innovative modes for the purpose to promote their products and at the same time meet with the factor of appealing the target market, has been very productive for the business (Clow and Baack ,2004) . Generation X is the main target of the company and they are making use of their integrated marketing communication processes as one of the most effective tools in order to get the attention of the generation who are within the age of 20 year to 40 year of age group and in this respect the group is following the strategies which are being followed by the mass market car manufacturers. Thus, be it is the market of United Kingdom or the United Arab Emirates the group is following the universal theme in order attract the target market of the business, such as the use of the slogan “C for yourself”, used by the group when they launched the new C class in the market(, 2015).

Moreover the use of the advertisement and the short films with respect to the launch of the product or the car models is the market has further helped the Mercedes Benz group to appeal to the wider section of the market. With the help of using the marketing data base model on the methods which are being applied by the Mercedes Benz group, it can be said that the with the growing competition the business has been able to implement more useful methods to the gain the attention of the target market and make its mark and thus they are able to continue with the existing hold over the market and at the same time this is further expected that by the way of following more effective marketing communication processes the business would be able to further enhance its market in different parts of the world. So to say it is implied that the use of media and the tools that have been mentioned above are indispensable components for any successful marketing and business related endeavor.


From the report this is apparent that the Mercedes Benz group is making use of integrated marketing communication process in the most effective manner, as evident that how the business is trying to establish the direct link with the target customers and with the market, by the way of providing the exclusive driving event and other methods in the UK and other countries also. Moreover, for the countries of the Middle East the business is trying to make its online image more appealing for the customers, thus, this is evident that how effectively the business has been effective in meeting with fundamental objectives and goals but by the way of following the recommendations this is expected that the business would be able to further improve its performance in the market.

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