Critical Appraisal Of A Qualitative Research Paper On Animal-Assisted Activity
Importance of research in nursing practice
Write a Critical Appraisal Essay.
Research is a significant part of nursing practice as it forms the basis for professional development of nurses in the contemporary era. Through research, professionals are expected to identify rich literary sources and analyse the implications of the study findings in their profession. For practising evidence-based nursing, nurses must apply the scientific research to the scenarios of individual patients as an element of their clinical decision making process. Critical appraisal of a research article, either qualitative or quantitative, refers to the systematic process of identifying the strengths and limitations of the article for assessing the validity and usefulness of the study findings. The most significant elements of a critical appraisal are the assessment of the appropriateness of the study design and accurate analysis of the key methodological features of this design in alignment with the research question (Stavor, Zedreck-Gonzalez and Hoffmann 2017). The present paper is a critical appraisal of a qualitative research paper titled ‘Animal-Assisted Activity: Experiences of Institutionalized Japanese Older Adults’ (Kawamura, Niiyama and Niiyama 2009). The appraisal of the article would be done on the basis of a guideline provided that would analyse the key aspects of the research rigorously.
According to Flick (2015) the title of an research article must clearly articulate the research being done and include the fundamental methodology used, if possible. The abstract of the article must elucidate the aim of the research and the prime results. In the present case, the title of the article written by Kawamura, Niiyama and Niiyama (2009) clearly explains the study conducted without being extensive. From the title one can make out that the research topic was animal-assisted therapy and that experiences of the respondents were considered as the data collection method. Further, though the title does not explain the result, it is able to inform the readers about the research aim without being uninteresting. The aim of the study was to determine the perceptions and experiences of a group of institutionalised elderly Japanese women in relation to animal-assisted activity (AAA). Further, it aimed at highlighting how the perceptions of the respondents might be aligned with clinical nursing practice in the AAA context. The abstract of the article is well written and represents the study aim, study methodology, key findings in a comprehensive manner.
In the section explaining the background of the research, the researchers have identified the importance of the research claim and the need for the research. Using background literature is important to allow the readers understand the concepts behind the research and the credibility of the claim (Fain 2017). The researchers stated that previous research had established the positive impact of communication with animals on quality of life of older adults. These effects mostly relate to increase in verbal interaction and social behaviour and decrease in loneliness and agitation. These studies had put forward the respective author’s own narrative evaluation and objective evaluation. There had been a scarcity of studies evaluating the effectiveness of animal-assisted activity (AAA) as perceived by older adults. The present research had the objective of studying the effect of AAA on lives of older adults in Japan.
Evaluation of the methodology and design of the article
As opined by Houser (2016) theoretical framework in research is responsible for introducing and describing the theory that explains the reason behind the existence of the research problem. The same is the structure holding a theory of a research study. In the present article, the researchers defined the concept of animal-assisted activity and the differences with animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Due to overlapping in nature of the intervention, references of AAT were also included. The section also put up a major discussion about older adults and their mental health, and the relationship with animals.
The participants for the study were 8 elderly Japanese women aged between 67 and 94 years who resided in a private nursing home in northern Japan. The patients had suffered dementia but were capable of giving consent for participation. Further one participant was diagnosed with depression. However, the study does not mention the sampling method used, and it is also unclear about how the respondents were selected from the wider population. This would have a significant impact on the study results as only a proper sampling can ensure study reliability. Chances of sampling bias cannot be thus eliminated in this case (Fain 2015). Further, there remains a chance of gender bias in the study as all the participants were women. Lastly, the small sample size conferred a certain disadvantage to the study, such as increased variability, which means small sample size leads to less accurate results.
The researcher used qualitative method for the study that deems appropriate for the research purpose as the study aimed at highlighting experiences, emotions and attitudes of the participants in relation to AAA. Qualitative research gives a deep look into the essence of social phenomena and gives readers the opportunity to understand the nature of relationships (Flick 2015). The present research did not use statistics, and instead recorded the responses of study participants around the topic.
In the article, the researchers did not disclose the name of the nursing home in which data collection was done. In addition, the researchers did not mention the exact place where the data was collected. This could have an influence on the study results since it could make an impact on the influence on the emotions of the participants and their comfort level (Parahoo 2014). There is, however, a section of the article that described the data collecting method. The researcher has however not provided any comment on their rationale for using the methods. Providing a rationale is beneficial to ensure validity in the research process and results (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber 2017). The interview was done with the study participants face-to-face. Undertaking a semi-structured interview, face-to-face with the participants, allows the researcher to observe nonverbal cues of the participants (Fain 2017). Open-ended questions were used for the assignment and as opined by Flick (2015) there are multiple advantages of the same. The respondents can provide answers in details, and unanticipated findings are easier to be discovered. However, the most important disadvantage of the method is that responses might be irrelevant under certain circumstances. The article does not mention the number of interviewers taking part and the use of a moderator. The method of data recording, however, has been mentioned by the researcher as an audio recording.
Findings of the study
Ethical considerations are to be fulfilled in case of primary research, and approval is to be taken from the ethics committee prior to commencing on the study (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber 2017). For ensuring the protection of rights of the participants, it was thought advisable to get approval from the researcher’s university’s Human Subjects Review Committee. Informed consent was taken from the participants which are the main ethical principle in research. The study participants and their family members were informed about the aim of the research and the research methodology by providing written information. Confidentiality and anonymity of the participants were ensured. Further, the respondents were explained that they could withdraw from the study anytime.
The data transcripts were analysed with the help of Colaizzi’s phenomenological methodology. Phenomenology is a research method and a philosophical movement that examines the phenomena under question as consciously experienced (Houser 2016). The researchers mentioned the step wise manner in which the data was analysed. The analysis technique was congruent with the research question since themes were identified that explored the interactive relationship between the participants and the animals. There is also evidence that the researchers interpretation captured the meaning of the participant. Six themes related to the interactive relationship emerged, and these were Positive feelings about the dogs; Confidence in oneself; Recalling fond memories about dogs; A break from the daily routine; Interacting with other residents through dogs; Enhanced communication with volunteers. The researchers did not mention how the criteria for judging the scientific rigour for the study was maintained.
The main findings of the study were clearly outlined by the researchers. From the themes emerging from the study, it was evident that the participants developed a bond with the dogs that acted in the AAA as the intervention. There was a positive influence on the participants by AAA. There was also a change in the daily lives of the participants as reported by the researchers. Volunteers from the outside made the residents feel better, and opportunities were provided to enhance social interactions.
The researchers pointed out the relevance of the research to clinical practice. Nurses can consider AAA as an activity that provides an environment for the participants to maintain the social ability. Through AAA, nurses can meet the individualised needs of the patients while delivering care. Nurses in nursing homes are to manage the wide range of health needs and improve the patient’s outlook towards life. With the help of AAA, the close connection between nurses and patients can also be enhanced. The researchers further point out the limitations of the study as small sample size, study setting of only one nursing home, and dementia of the patients. It has been mentioned in the article that there is a need for future research aligned with the present research. A study is required that is more comprehensive and is capable of gathering corroborating data. The researchers hoped that the study would act as the first step for such future research that can throw light on the implementation of AAA for institutionalised older adults (Kawamura, Niiyama and Niiyama 2009).
At no stage was the role of the researchers in the study and researcher bias mentioned in the article. Researchers are thought to be biased when they do not have an objective approach to research. Minimal bias from the researchers is expected in a study (Parahoo 2014).
At the end of this paper, it can be stated that the article was critiqued since it had the potential to provide rich information on the selected topic of animal-assisted activity. Appraising the article allowed for scrutinising the reliability of the study findings. The study under scrutiny has provided useful and meaningful results as it had proper study design. Thee background to the research and the aim are impeccable. The results have also been articulated in a clear manner, supported by a comprehensive discussion. The main downfall of the article is that minimal justifications of the choices made have been included in the paper.Since the researcher pointed out limitations in the study and the need for future research, nursing professionals might not consider bringing change in their practice on the basis of this article solely.
Fain, J.A., 2017. Reading, understanding, and applying nursing research. FA Davis.
Flick, U., 2015. An introduction to qualitative research. Sage.
Houser, J., 2016. Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Kawamura, N., Niiyama, M. and Niiyama, H., 2009. Animal-assisted activity: experiences of institutionalized Japanese older adults. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 47(1), pp.41-47.
LoBiondo-Wood, G. and Haber, J., 2017. Nursing Research-E-Book: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Parahoo, K., 2014. Nursing research: principles, process and issues. Palgrave Macmillan.
Stavor, D.C., Zedreck-Gonzalez, J. and Hoffmann, R.L., 2017. Improving the use of evidence-based practice and research utilization through the identification of barriers to implementation in a critical access hospital. Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(1), pp.56-61.