Critical Analysis On Mobile Business Intelligence: Current State And Development Perspectives In The UK

Research Aims and Objectives

In this chapter, the research paper summarizes into the mobile business intelligence area. This particular research consists of mobile business intelligence systems and challenges where the quality of mobile business intelligence is being identified and also future directions into the mobile devices are identified. This chapter discusses the research aims, objectives and research questions based on which the entire study is conducted.

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The research study is based on investigating the current market scenario of the mobile business intelligence into UK. Brodzinski et al. (2013) stated that mobile Business Intelligence (BI) is such as system which comprised of technical as well as organizational elements which present of historical along with real time information to the users for analyzing the mobile strategies. Business intelligence defines to the computer based techniques which is used for analyzing the business data such as the sales revenue as well as associated costs. Hou and Gao (2017) concluded that various companies of UK are undertaking of business intelligence for their business to own of higher efficiency into their business processes. Business intelligence offers with the right information what the business requires. Tona and Carlsson (2014) represented that mobile BI is single trend into the business intelligence. Advancement into the technology leads to widespread adoptions across various platforms such as iOS, Android in addition to devices like Smartphones and tablets. The research gap exists into role of mobile business intelligence for the organizational development. The purpose of this study is to fill gap into the research by conducting of general review and study on the mobile business intelligence. The purpose of this research is to provide directions towards mobile commerce.

Verkooij and Spruit (2013) argued that business intelligence is combination of the processes as well as technologies for assisting the decision making. A conducted market research is being done on various mobile business intelligence provider based on some important parameters such as “customer review rating, platforms, price, deployment, business size, ease of use, functionality, product quality, customer support, value for money and others”. The users of mobile BI are corporate workers those are required of real time business data when they are out of their office (Tona and Carlsson 2013). Some of the functionalities of mobile BI are it supports in decision making, allows the users to effort when they are exterior of office, remains the business processes, improves the flow of information and allows users to communicate with the dashboards. Chan (2013) cited that the business drivers of mobile BI system are consisted of business needs along with constraints on their functionalities. This system allows the users to work both online as well as offline. This system works with regardless of their location and information goes to right person in order to secure of confidential information (Lim, Chen and Chen 2013). Along with its functionalities, the mobile devices can access of different network, processing of information and storage mass.


The aim of this study is to examine the current market scenario of Mobile Business Intelligence in the UK and to identify the areas where further improvement needed. Various mobile business intelligence providers are compared to each other based on parameters such as “customer review rating, platforms, price, deployment, and business size, ease of use, functionality, product quality, customer support, along with value for money”. The parameters are taken into account based on secondary data which is available online using review sites of different mobile business intelligence provider. The study is conducted based on past research works and reports which are related to the mobile business intelligence market. It helps to understand the current market scenario in UK and areas of concern. Following are the research objectives:

  • To analyze the current market scenario and identify area of concerns
  • To compare the Performance of existing mobile business intelligence providers with respect to identified parameters
  • To devise a strategy for improving the identified areas of concern

Following are the research questions:

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  1. How to identify the areas of concern in the current market scenario of mobile business intelligence of UK?
  2. What are the parameters based on which the mobile business intelligence providers are judged?
  3. What are the strategies used to improve the identified concern in mobile business intelligence?

In the growth of technology area, mobile devices such as Smartphone, tablets are gained a huge competitive advantage. Most of the devices are marketed for the personal communication users and they have growing potential towards business intelligence platform. The scope of this study is to compare various mobile business intelligence providers based on various parameters therefore the analyst can understand the improvement areas of them. In order to improve in those areas, various control measures are to be taken. As new generations of tools are taking advantage of better technology, therefore in this area mobile business intelligence is discussed in this paper for providing interactive applications. The paper examines of mobile BI, highlights its adoption trends and recommended of best practices to deliver better business intelligence to the mobile users.  

This chapter is focused on examining the literature of the subject matter of the current research study. At first the definitions of the mobile business intelligence is described in the study. Then, the concepts are looked at various parameters on which the mobile business intelligence providers are being judged. The literature review aims to answer to the identified research questions. Business intelligence is such a term which is used to describe of the technologies, applications as well as processes to gather, store, access and analyze of the data which is better help to make of the better corporate related decisions. Dahlberg, Guo and Ondrus (2015) analyzed that the business intelligence system is referred to take of proper decisions, analyze the information as well as manage the knowledge.  

Moro, Cortez and Rita (2015) stated that the mobile business intelligence (BI) is a system which is composed of technical as well as organizational elements which provide of real time information to the users on the mobile devices like Smartphone as well as tablets. The real time information is used for well-organized decision making as well as support to the management in order to raise the performance of the business. Arnott and Pervan (2014) argued that business intelligence is a computer based procedures used to analyze the data of the business like sales revenue, cost as well as organizational income. The mobile business intelligence applications are offering of right information to the users when the organization is required it. According to Laudon and Laudon (2016), mobile business intelligence is about to capture, understand, analyze and store of the raw data into information concern on improving the business. The BI system consists of some features such as:

  1. Online analytical process defines the way the end users are navigating throughout the data along different dimensions (Kimble and Milolidakis 2015).
  2. Advanced analytics to analyze the data using quantitative techniques to forecast and observe the patterns.
  3. Warehouse of data handles the integration of various organizational records to aggregate and query the tasks (Baig, GholamHosseini and Connolly 2015).
  4. Real time functions for real time analysis as well as information distribution.

Literature Review

The mobile BI system is dynamic in nature and over the time it is changing their role into the organization. BI solutions are evolved into utilization of strategic planning, operational management, and tracking of profitability of the organizational brands along with managing of customer relationships (Fan, Lau and Zhao 2015). Over past decades, the construction of mobile BI is much more general to imply of the aspects of different components of the decision making frameworks.

Gandomi and Haider (2015) determined that over past decades, the mobile business intelligence is revolutionized and the world is accessed to the cloud services. The mobile BI has various advantages, besides there are also limitations of the mobile BI applications connected to the physical kind of the mobile strategies. The areas of concern into the mobile BI are poor resolution such as maximum of 800*480 points. There are tiny screens which makes it impossible to follow of the graphical details. There is low processing power with value of maximum 1 GHZ. One of the biggest concerns of the organization is security of the mobile BI. Wixom et al. (2014) illustrated that sometimes the unauthorized person can access to the data and share it with others. The organization is required to secure the communication channels, protect the data stored on the device and protect device from the unauthorized usages. It should configure and execute the mobile solutions properly.

As the implementation of the mobile BI analytics is spreading more to the users into the organization, therefore whether it is structured and unstructured, it is productive cost to the organization. Mobile BI system is developing the technological ecosystems limited to the structured and leaves the unstructured content to document as well as content of the management system. Sharda, Delen and Turban (2013) analyzed that the customer data intelligence is considered as major driver in the implementation of the data analytics to produce and pattern the recognition with advanced data warehousing.  

Raghupathi and Raghupathi (2014) stated that the mobile BI applications are running on the desktop machines which can retrieve as well as interpret of the data into the information in structure of the visual charts as well as graphs to view the data. The workplace requires to access to real data information to make a better business performance faster on the move. Android operating system is used as expansion of platform for developing the mobile BI applications as it is considered as open source platform. This type of conclusion is taken into account as inhabitant mobile application needs of knowledge on the native programming languages. Erl, Khattak and Buhler (2016) argued that the development of application is not multi platform as it is not functioning on various mobile operating systems. In the current marketplace of UK, there are various mobile BI provides with are making a competitive advantage based on different parameters. Following are the parameters based on which the service providers are compared to identify their areas of improvement.

Market Scenario of Mobile BI in the UK

Customer review rating: It is a review of the mobile BI providers in form of the customer feedback on the use of the devices (Kim, Trimi and Chung 2014). The reviews are graded for accuracy of the users.

Price: Each of the mobile BI software have different pricing scheme based on its features and recommendations to use.

Platform: Loebbecke and Picot (2015) stated that it is a computing platform in which the software is executed. It is hardware and operating system, software or web browser. The platform is the stage where the computer programs are running. There are different platforms for different mobile BI software such as iOS, Windows and others.

Deployment: It is the activities which make the software system available for the users.

Business size: The business size is determined based on the number of employees, average annual income which represents if the business is small, medium or large (Dedic and Stanier 2016).

Ease of use: It is one of the aspects of software design such as user friendly, user interface and others.

Functionality: Fan, Lau and Zhao (2015) analyzed that the software provider functionality is the quality of being suited to serve best purpose, range of the operations which run on the computer system. It is the set of the functions which show the mobile BI provider has capability associated with the computer software and hardware.

Product quality: Raghupathi and Raghupathi (2014) mentioned that it is a feature as well as characteristics of the product which determine their desirability as well as controlled by the mobile BI provider to meet with the business and market requirements. Most of the BI providers provides of good product quality which monitors the outgoing products for acceptability of the customers.

Customer support: Erl, Khattak and Buhler (2016) analyzed that it is the range of the customer services assist the customers to make cost effective as well as correct use of the mobile devices and product. It includes of proper assistance, training, maintenance, upgrdation and installation.

Value for money: It is the utility which is derived from each purchase as well as each sum of the money spent. It is the minimum purchase of the value but also provides with greatest efficiency of the purchase (Baig, GholamHosseini and Connolly 2015).  

Those are the parameters which are used to determine which of the mobile BI providers are best operating into the UK market. All the chosen providers are from UK which analyzes the current state and development perspectives into the selected marketplace. The selected mobile BI providers are allowing both executives as well as personnel to reach the better decisions efficiently with secured as well as personalized analytics.

Comparison of Different Mobile BI Providers

The goal of the strategic business intelligence is to help the organization makes faster as well as informed business decisions. Sharda, Delen and Turban (2013) concluded that the business leaders are arriving into the mobile future and strategic business intelligence mitigates to the smart devices. Based on the user, consumer as well as customer level, mobility is a top concern for the business IT leaders.  In order to secure the data, security strategy is used which ensures that mobile BI users should connect, authenticate as well as access to the data from the server of BI via web in real time. Reconnection should be guarded by strong username as well as password authentications. A centralized authentication system is ensured for access to the reports from the stolen device is disabled. Lazer et al. (2014) discussed that the way to create of competitive advantage is to make of better decisions about the products, market, operations, customers as well as competitors.

 From the market study of UK mobile BI, Hartmann et al. (2016) suggested to select of BI vendor to offer native applications for the Apple’s iPhone is significant. The chosen vendor should be native support for the Apple devices. The Smartphone of Apple is chosen as the first platform for the mobile BI. Dahlberg, Guo and Ondrus (2015) analyzed that a single authoring environment is fundamental, which allows the information to deliver to the mobile users without have to create separate set of BI views along with dashboards. The users can gain benefits of the mobile BI in addition to experience to the power of the true mobile devices.

Hair (2015) expressed that research methodology is characterized as efficient approach to give answers for the research related issues. It is a science to study how the examination is being completed. Smith (2015) contended that the research techniques are distinctive methodologies by which the researcher did the exploration to describe, clarify and foresee the research phenomenon. Zikmund et al. (2013) characterized it as the investigation of strategies by which the research information is gained up and intended to give work design of the exploration. The researcher has attempted to apply of point by point procedure of the exploration approach which helps in better investigation of the use of mobile business intelligence for the development in UK.

In this particular chapter, detailed research strategies are utilized to investigate the current state and development perspectives in the UK due to use of mobile BI for the organizational operations. Positivism is selected as the research philosophy which increases of data in light of gain of information into point. Deductive approach is utilized to enable the researcher to lead this examination in view of the optional sources which help in analyzing the use of mobile business intelligence into better method. The researcher design selected as descriptive, which is utilized to enable the researcher to characterize the connected ideas in detailed way approach to help in describing the effect of the investigation. Mainly, secondary sources are selected for this research study; for example, internet and journal articles data of chose examine point alongside giving better nature of research examination. Mixed method is utilized as the data analysis method help to record description type of information which incorporates of better clarification of the chosen research topic.

Areas of Concern and Improvement

Sekaran and Bougie (2016) showed that research philosophy is identified with improvement of the information and in addition nature of the learning. Appropriation of accurate research philosophy makes assumption which permit comprehension of the chosen explores point. In this specific research study is about positivism type of research philosophy, which is utilized to better examination of hidden data and in addition data identified with the mobile business intelligence in UK BI providers. Aside from this, this investigation is exceptionally time constrained; therefore other research philosophies are discarded. Determination of the positivism philosophy restrains the part of the researcher to assess the information that leads towards lessening of information mistakes.

In this section, research approach is discussed which is required to give inputs into analyzing the mobile BI for current state and development of mobile applications in UK. Deductive approach is depicted in this research study as the practical analysis of the theories to access the content of chosen research paper. It means to work of theories with comprehensive data and ideas of the information examination. In this specific investigation, deductive research approach is chosen as the examination point tries to think about ideas of the mobile BI with help of different hypothetical information (Blumberg, Cooper and Schindler 2014). Models of the business intelligence are required to be chosen which betters comprehend of the exploration into exact and also clear way. However, chosen approach is smarter to comprehend the ideas into descriptive way.

Kiyimba and O’Reilly (2016) discussed that research design clarifies the structure of the chosen structure into theme helps in better determination and investigation of gathered information. At the time of gathering of information, research design is connected to give better description of the examination point. In this particular research study, descriptive is selected as the research design, plans to increase point by point investigation to state event with appropriate description of research subject. In this specific examination, descriptive is utilized to depict detailed process focused into analyzing and comparing various mobile BI providers in UK. The selected research design is considered intended to depict the research participants into appropriate way. Tuohy et al. (2013) stated that it is one of the examination in which the data are gathered without changing of the environment. This research refers to the sort of the examination questions, investigate the study and in addition information examination which is connected to the given research point. Tarone, Gass and Cohen (2013) argued that descriptive analysis produces of the information, for example, qualitative and quantitative which characterize the condition of nature at the point into time. It is utilized to get data that is concerning the status of the examination as for the states of the research circumstance.


Matthews and Ross (2014) discussed that data collection methodology are useful to determine appropriate outcomes to the research procedure alongside empowers standard arrangement of the research work. In this particular study, secondary data collection method is used to give wide idea of the research theme which empowers better investigation of chosen research topic as it comprises of more information as well as detailed depiction. Using the secondary data collection method, the information is collected from the internet, journal articles and reports from the past research work. The reports which are available into chosen market such as UK are analyzed. It helps to understand the existing market scenarios as well as the areas of concern due to implementation of mobile applications in business. All the selected providers are being judged based on various parameters which are available online.

Steps to collect the data


Step 1: Google search

Based on selected research topic, the researcher did Google search using the keywords such as mobile business intelligence, BI providers in UK.

Step 2: Get website

The researcher gets various websites based on mobile business intelligence providers in UK. Most of the data are collected from

Step 3: Literature study

Based on the literature study, the researcher got to know about the study on what the study is mainly based on. The researcher took the parameters from the literature review.

Step 4: Focus on aim and objectives

The researcher focused on aim and research objectives identified in chapter 1 to collect the data.

Step 5: Selection of mobile BI providers

The data are gathered from the website which lists of many mobile business providers, and for this study the researcher has selected of 60 mobile BI providers.

Step 6: Compare various providers

The researcher has compared all the providers based on selected parameters and a comparative study is conducted where only secondary data are collected from the web sources.

Step 7: Rating

Here, 1 means low rating and 5 means higher rating. Based on 5 to 3.5 star rating, the researcher made a comparison table which is shown in Appendix.

There are three types of data analysis techniques such as qualitative, quantitative and mixed method. In this particular study, mixed method is used. The study is based on both perspectives of qualitative as well as quantitative methods. Mixed methods are proper for this study as it takes of the advantage of various ways to explore of the research problem (Best, and Kahn 2016). The data collection method is involved of techniques available to the researcher. In the mixed method, the researcher has applied of statistical analysis to record the data. This method also used of common concepts into the process to record of data and create of research phenomenon for further studies. Silverman (2016) stated in general that mixed method is represented to collect, analyze and interpret of both qualitative as well as quantitative data into single study to investigate of the research phenomenon.

While directing and working into this particular study, the analyst are required to take after set of principles which help to recognize wrong and also right arrangement of practices expected to embrace amid the examination procedure. Some of the ethical considerations are taken into account when conducting work into this particular study:  

Information application: Any kind of business information application is kept away from to such an extent that the findings can break to the scholastic purposes.

Contribution of the participants: The researcher are attempted to put in no outside effects on pressure over the members to get part into the procedure of input of the examination theme. The members are urged to participate into the research study.  

Member’s obscurity: The researcher guaranteed that no psychological and physical harassment is given to the members with the goal that personalities of them are covered up according to their solicitations.

Future Directions

In view of the specified ethical considerations, the researcher are attempted to keep up of research morals in the investigation. At the point when all the said ethical considerations are followed, it comes about into effective completion of the examination think about inside evaluated time.

Cleary, Horsfall and Hayter (2014) remarked that the limitations into research are normal which characterizes the limited zone and extent of the examination study. Following are the research restrictions:

Reliability of the study: The members those are not included into the examination are not included into an impacts.

Time related constraints: The researcher had constrained time to lead the examination inside a brief span period. Point by point research and investigation is not directed because of cross sectional examination.

Budget requirement: In the restricted budget plan, the researcher has absence of fund to do the investigation utilizing SPSS programming which could better improve the nature of the information examination and research results.

This chapter analyzes the list of the 60 mobile business intelligence provider which is compared based on some of the parameters such as “customer review rating, platforms, price, deployment, and business size, ease of use, functionality, product quality, customer support, and value for money”. The researcher has collected the data from the secondary data which are available online. The researcher has compared the data based on 5 stars, 4.5 stars, 4 stars, 3.5 stars and 3 stars rating based on selected parameters. Division of the mobile BI providers based on its rating makes easier for the researcher to compare the BI solutions so that the users can analyze the collected data efficiently.

From the data analysis chapter, the researcher comes to the conclusion that SAP Analytics Cloud, Tableau, WebFOCUS, Logi Info and IBM Congos are the best used mobile business intelligence solutions. SAP analytics cloud is BI solutions for the business of all sizes. The product is available for cloud based deployment and the features of mobile applications are iPhones as well as iPads. It also allows the users to compile the data from various sources. The features of SAP are collaboration which permits the users to share of reports with the team members. Tableau is a virtualization application which is optimized for Android as well as Apple tablets. The users are using this virtualization from the desktop and access to the information on the mobile devices. It is not a cloud based deployment. WebFOCUS is BI along with analytics platform which provides of analytical as well as operational tools for management, partners as well as customers. The features of WebFOCUS are data discovery, predictive analytics and location intelligence. It is deployed both cloud and on-premise.


Logi Info is BI platform which provides of self-service analytic tools for the business organization. These BI solutions include of dashboards, data visualization and interactive reports. The users can connect to any type of data source in order to facilitate of real time reporting. The web architecture of this BI solution has capability to integrate, customize as well as expand of functionality so that reports sharing and dashboard creation become easier. It is compatible with the mobile devices. This solution is deployed on-premise. IBM Cognos analytics software is an upgradation of Cognos BI. It is considered as self-service analytics for both large as well as medium sized business organization. It also provides of security features and data governance. It creates of virtualization and also reports. This BI solution updates as well as supports of deployment on both cloud and on-premise. With integration of mobile, the users can create as well as share of reports from the tablet.

From the analysis, it is also observed that despite 5 stars rating, there are some improvements are required into the BI solutions. Rapid Insight and WinPure are deployed on-premise, they are not cloud based. Rapid Insight is a 5 rated BI solution but it needs some sort of improvement into its retention rate. The mobile BI provider should retain of more customers and requires increasing their profit. WinPure software requires improvement into quality of the information, which helps to increase their profitability into the UK marketplace. The solution is required to provide of more accurate data and reduce any type of duplications into the data. The software provides of improved cleaning as well as matching experiences. New version of WinPure is required which should improve data cleaning techniques along with fast and proper reduplication of the data. Dynamic Business Intelligence has higher price, therefore there is required to low its price with 5 starts product quality and customer support. Improvement into the price should help to provide better business decisions.       

Grow BI Dashboard requires improvement into its functionality. The common problem that data analysis as well as report users are faced is slower dashboards which make the users to wait until loading of charts in addition to reports. Performance of the business intelligence solutions are based on the built dashboards. Lower functionality should require of improvement over the data model, optimize of individual tables into the reporting database and caching of the reports into the BI tool. There is required to set of better defaults into the reports along with dashboards. This particular research study aims to give users the data that they need. Into the Logi Info dashboard, when the troubleshooting performance issues are raised, it is important that Logi Info can render of the report as fast as it has slow query along with connections. After analyzing of the data, it is seen that there is some improvement is required into the data model. In order to reduce any sort of duplication into data in addition to progress storage of information, the data will capture across various tables. When same database is used for the purpose of reporting, then the dashboard has traverse across the tables in order to make visualizations and slow down the time period of rendering.

Development over the BI application can speed up the process of decision making of the analyst and decision makers. The data sources can display of information related to business reports, personal data and activities related to sale. There are various business intelligence software solutions which are included of web as well as custom mobile application development. All the software solutions are benefited towards growth into the business and also profitability. In the recent years, the speeds at which the users are required to access of data are derived from the business intelligence which is increasing. The business organization requires of stronger validation process which focused on enabling access to the data required to answer to the queries. Most of the organization raises the use of mobile BI into their process with easier utilizes of the mobile applications.

The low rated mobile BI solutions require improvement into its “price, ease of use, functionality, product quality, customer support and value for money”. The lowest rated software with 3 stars rating is Logi Info, but is working into three types of business organizations.  The areas of concern are that Logi Info has highest price but it has lower features. There is slow initial load time for the dashboards. There is also an improvement is required on the application performance. Logi business analytics platform expands of the self-service capabilities which make the user to do query data and create of dashboards. Some sort of productivity improvements is required for the Logi developers. It provides an ability to integrate, expand as well as modify the functionality such that both reports in addition to dashboards are shared along with distributed properly.  The mobile business intelligence applications are required to be chosen which betters comprehend of the exploration into exact and also understandable way.    


It is concluded that most of the selected mobile business intelligence providers are rated as 4.5 based on customer’s review. The open source mobile business intelligence software is effective software to be used by small and medium size business. The mobile BI are useful in the business organization as it enables to reduce the cost and increases the revenue. It also enables the mobile BI providers to become competitive in the market. BI is provided of data analysis which helps to create, improve and redefine the products and services with marketing processes. It is noticed that choice of the open source of BI software is limited when there is use of Android operating system. Most of the open source software is being developed for the Mac OS where android is an open source.

Based on the analyzed data and the research objectives which are identified in the first chapter, those objectives are linked with the analyzed results to meet with the research aim and purpose of this particular study:

Linking with objective 1: To analyze the current market scenario and identify area of concerns

The researcher analyzed 60 of the mobile business intelligence providers based on various parameters. It is identified that some of the providers are based on window platform only but they are rated as 5 star based on review of the customers who are using it. Those providers are rated 5 based on ease of use, functionality, product quality and customer support. Based on deployment, some of the mobile BI providers are cloud based, therefore they are functioning well while some of the providers are based on only on-premise, and therefore they are not technically so advanced.

Linking with objective 2: To compare the Performance of existing mobile business intelligence providers with respect to identified parameters

Based on the parameters of ease of use, customer support, product quality and value for money, 60 of the mobile BI providers which are selected for this study are rated. In some of the cases, there is low functionality along with customer support and product quality which provides effects on performance of the existing mobile BI providers.

Linking with objective 3: To devise a strategy for improving the identified areas of concern

There are some level of improvements are required in some of the mobile BI providers so that they can gain a competitive advantage in the UK marketplace. Some of the providers are not providing of secured data to the users, therefore the mobile BI users should connect, validate as well as access to the data from the server of BI via website into real time information. A centralized authentication system is ensured for access to the reports from the stolen device. The providers should improve over their functionality, customer support, product quality and usability of the software. As mobility is a top concern for the business IT leaders, therefore the identified parameters should require to be improved.  

Adoption of technology: The organization which desires to adopt of mobile BI should use of advanced technology for the implementation of mobile applications. Use of advanced technology should make the business operations efficient. Adoption of mobile business intelligence system provides the user’s with required information, content as well as time to gain business insights throughout the information analysis. This mobile business research is benefited from the mobile BI applications like mobile CRM, mobile SCM as well as mobile ERP. Therefore, the mobile applications are stimulating the evolution of mobile within the organization.   

Use of MOBII framework: The organization should use of multiple phone web based application framework to support development of the phone applications which can leverage the native application capabilities. By devise of the MOBII framework, this research study should aim to pack up the gaps into the research. The organization should utilize of MOBII framework in order to inform with the proprietary of the BI implementation methods. The proposed framework should provide as straight reference for the project manager as it offers higher level summary of the key significant managerial suggestions.

Reliability is considered as limitation of this research study as the data are collected from the websites of the mobile business intelligence providers those are operating in UK. Therefore, the researcher is not able to guarantee of the quality as well as reliability of the gathered data as well as information. It is not ensured that the collected data are real time information or not. There are two constraints which are carried out into the research work are time as well as budget. Therefore these two of the constraints are restricted the researcher to meet with scope of this particular research study.

The importance of this study is that the mobile BI is key significant important for the organization to interact with the data as well as products in real time. Most of the managerial executives are not like of PC, while they like to use of tablets as well as Smartphone. In order to make business intelligence available on the market, it helps to make of visible to the top management. In the future, the study should be carried out on implementation of mobile business applications in UK so that it can provide a competitive advantage into the selected marketplace.


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