Critical Analysis Of Placement Experience In Hospitality Management
Description of the Workplace
The report is intended to discuss the placement experience regarding hospitality management. The event of the placement was held at a renowned hotel named Novotel Glen Waverly. The entire discussion is about critical analysis of the placement experience and for the purpose of that the study gives a detailed description of the activities during the placement. The paper in the later section conducts a critical analysis of the experience gained during the placement along with a summarization of the whole discussion.
Novotel Glen Waverley is one of the most renowned reputed hotels in Melbourne. The 4-star hotel is also one of most favorite destinations for holding events. The hotel is exclusively focused on providing a quality experience to its customers. In addition value for money is another aim of it with which Novotel Glen Waverly is constantly working towards improved hospitality to all the stakeholders including employees, guests, and partners. The hotel is renowned for its hospitality. Guests are treated with the utmost care and their comfort and satisfaction are considered with extreme care and are considered on a priority basis. Hence, the employees are accordingly trained and supervised to prioritize the factor of hospitality so that the hotel can remain its hold over its reputation in the industry.
The very first day of the placement involved an introductory session. One of the employees of the hotel named Fallah was responsible for the entire session from a tour of the hospitality department to taking charge of the first task. Under the guidance Fallah, the first task of cleaning the Waverley room followed by the other tasks inclusive of inspection after a guest checks out and making the rooms ready for other guests as well. In respect to that, it needs to be discussed that the job rotation is a major characteristic of the hospitality department which helps every aspiring candidate to learn the responsibilities of different job roles. The second day also included the cleaning of the room followed by the other tasks inclusive of inspection after a guest checks out and making the rooms ready for other guests. In addition to that, a major feature of the system was noticed that every employee was very particular and had a supportive approach to each other. The supervisor named Li Ling was seen as a very detailed oriented person did not overlook even the very minute details. The next day witnessed the very effective leadership attributes of the supervisor in the absence of the manager. Even though the manager was a little frightened with she managed the day’s work with effective planning and supervising which suggests agreeableness between the supervisor and the employees is one of the most important traits of personality model. The learning of day included cleaning up the public areas like gym and pool area followed by stripping the rooms.
Placement Activities
Was about learning some other areas like stock maintain in each floor of the hotel. The team leader named Sharon led and supervised the tasks like how to work in rooms (Metin Kozak, Nazmi Kozak, 2016). A quite impressive knowledge regarding the work culture of the hotel was gained as the hotel gives special attention to the women employees who are pregnant and their wellbeing. A sense of caring approach and behavior from other employees was also seen while working over there, especially, every employee followed the supervisor sensitive behavior to the pregnant employee.
The following cleaning task of vacuuming the restaurant area, reception area along with rooms for events. The later activities were inclusive of front glass cleaning and minibar organizing. The workings of the day were assisted by Fallah, one of the employees of the hotel. Work was particularly linen stripping. The following activities of the day were iron cleaning tube cleaning (Narangajavana, 2008). The major incident which needs to be discussed is that the supervisors believe in working as a team. The interaction between the supervisor and the employees portrayed the personality traits the supervisor had. Through good interaction between the supervisor and the employees lead to a good job done by the employees. They felt motivated by the way the supervisor handled them.
The 7th day of the placement was very remarkable since the day was preannounced to have been extremely busy due to the late arrival of an employee. The activities were mainly looking after the staff changing and looking after the cleanliness of the toilets. While working, it was noticed that the employees of the hotel strictly follows the five management functions that are planning, coordinating, controlling, commanding and organizing which makes them efficient.
The manager heads the supervising. Under the manager, the supervision is looked after by the supervisors under the guidance of whom employees. There is also the position of team leaders between the supervisor and employees who work according to the guidance of the concerned persons. The front office department is viewed to be the one at the center of all the activities in the hotel (Piyush, 2009). The sales and marketing department uses the front desk management to gather information about the history of clients visit their details and so on. The front desk department interacts with the housekeeping department to know about the status of the rooms and if the rooms are ready for occupancy by the guests (Piyush, 2009). Most of the time the housekeeping department pays consistent visits to the front desk for updates based on the status of various rooms if they are in good condition or need some repair. The food and beverage department rely on information given by the front desk about the number of gust expected in the hotel. The food and beverage department relies on the front desk for money to purchase items if at all there is a shortage of the items. The controller department gets information from the front office about the financial transactions carried out for a particular day and a thorough audit of the same.
Supervisor Structure
The maintenance department interacts with the front office to know the status of the rooms and the time to repair them if there is anything that needs to be repaired. The front office and the security department work hand in hand to ensure the guests are secure at the hotel (Piyush, 2009). For potential employees, the human resource department relies on the front desk department for the screening of potential candidates for various departments. The front office department plays a great role in the functioning of the restaurant.
Frontline Leader
As per hierarchy of needs theory mentioned in Robbins (2018), front-line leaders are considered as the managerial foot soldiers that directly remain involved in the critical day-to-day work or operations of organizations.
As per Robbins (2018), initially, the five management functions that are planning, coordinating, controlling, commanding and organizing according to the theory of two-factor motivation are crucial for frontline managers in order to assure that the efforts of the employee’s secure organizational growth. On the other hand, the other skills are self-awareness, political savvy, motivating the subordinates, effective communication power, influencing outcomes, a likeness to learn more and so on which would make them competent as well as more efficient.
The major challenge that frontline manager’s face is regarding the management and organizing the daily work when any responsible employee is absent from work and in that case they need to implement the theory of employee involvement (Robbins, 2018). The frontline managers need to work with effective planning along with agreeableness between the supervisor and the employees that are considered as one of the most important traits of personality model and are required to follow the theory of employee involvement (Robbins, 2018).
The frontline leaders are selected based on their efficiency and performance in accordance with trait theories in day-to-day work (Robbins, 2018). Generally, the employees with an outstanding performance record in their assigned job role are selected as front-line managers believing to be a good fit for the position. The individuals are considered based in terms of the leadership traits such as managing subordinates, organizing the work process, directing the workforce, critical thinking, risk, and responsibility taking and so on.
The front line managers must believe in teamwork and at the same time need encourage the employees by having light moments with them. The employees must communicate the day-to-day activities on a prior basis so that employees can work without any hassle. As per the mention of organizational communication and interpersonal communication by Robbins (2018), the preannouncement, feedback sharing, problem understanding, responsibility sharing, providing support, empathetic behavior are included in effective communication of the frontline managers.
I believe the work culture of Novotel is good enough that encourage the employees to work unitedly. However, workshops for skill development can be arranged in order to support the potential individuals to transform frontline employee to a frontline leader.
Thus in order to conclude it can be stated that the findings of the paper gave an elaboration of different kinds of activities which were conducted with an aim of giving the placement seeker overall knowledge of hospitality management. The major benefit that the placement generated was about the practical experience which suggests the placement experience as extremely beneficial for individuals.
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