Criteria For Selection Of Research Method: Justification For Quantitative And Qualitative Research Designs
PhDs in the Humanities and Social Sciences
PhDs in the Humanities and Social Sciences
The Problem Statement
1. Argue the criteria for selection of a research method.
2. Justify quantitative research designs when appropriate.
3. Justify qualitative research designs when appropriate?
The report shall evaluate the NCU degree CP 2013 applications. The course details shall be explained along with the use of attached templates to identify and elaborate. The qualitative and questions in aspects of the survey used to carry out the specific answers. The queries are ten of the framework proposed. The pros and cons of the application, costing, investments required are all taken into consideration,
NUC templates suggest the qualitative and quantitative are indictors of the problem in recognition while the impact of the exercises is used in finding the consumer perspective to solve the problems area fix. The search methodologies are used to determine the qualitative and qualities issues. To have a string of working structure the use of both the data are used to design the projects likewise. The students applying for the post doctoral studied in terms of subject selection like the humanities to its science and engineering courses are losing the number of participants while the awardees in such humanities are reducing to its other contemporary subjects as science or engineering. The educational institutes attitudes, the social changes; the rate of attrition, the reasons of such a case is being evaluated with reasons to identify the way forward.
The problem statement is the identified issue that the assignment seeks to address. The guideline for any research is determined by the issues those are expected to be answered and thus give the researcher the line of argument to follow in determining he needed solutions. The qualitative aspect of the course is in its ability to make the concepts and evidences clear to the learner so that the issues can be relayed back with suitable qualitative examples. The descriptive answers or observations generally follow the same line of descriptive style of explanation. The quantitative answers for the solution determines the evidence based on calculated mathematical interpretations that may be the density, identity, calculated observations of a research or study which is demonstrated in numerical terms to express the idea. Statically implications in determining the quantitative and qualitative data are majorly looked into in the case of the course structure where the peer reviews and contrast with other course structures in a qualitative perspective is been elaborated. The problem statement is thus prompted with the idea of comparing the course structure and its evidence in giving the learners a quality education (, 2014).
Purpose of the Study
The doctoral degree awarded to students if humanities in the year 1998 till 2008 were 12% while in science and engineering was 20.4%. Further the rate of attrition in doctoral degree persuasion had an attrition of 32% compared to 27% and 26% in science and engineering subjects respectively. The idea is to determine the reasons for such attrition and the unequal results in Doctoral courses. Hence the problem statement guiding the research would try and find out the reasons behind such results and determine the quality of education provide, retention problems, institutional characteristics and its influence etc to find a solution for such parity. So the logic maps in the research direction finds the problem which is the parity in doctoral course attractions, purpose of such education and hence design research questions to propose a method and design of the study (Wang & Moran, 1999).
The study is done with a purpose to find the reasons behind the problem statement as identified. The use of qualitative and quantity data shall be used to identify the difference in attractively of science versus humanities The identification for the reasons for such diversity both in retention and building social interest about the doctoral studies of the students. The qualitative and quantitative data are being compared to reflect the reasons of such declining interest towards humanities while the rate of awardees are also lesser.
Mixed methods of both qualitative and quantitative data are used in the research. The purpose is to reflect upon the various degree of deviation of interest that incorporates the phenomenon of social variable and ideological changes in the students minds those leads to the quantitative and qualitative results. The design is thus formed to apply both the qualitative and quantitative states from the US university study results about promoting the subjects to generate substantiate interest.
The peers or the students as well as the observation of various published journals with secondary information sources shall be used in the derivation of results
The logical conclusion of the reduction in number of people using the Humanities as Doctoral subjects are reducing as shown in previous research while the portion f science and engineering doctoral awardees are more hen compared. The gap may be less when compared in percentile but the reasons of humanities being unpopular to the later is the objective of the research to evaluate. The study would incur the reasons and find a solution for future course designers and teachers to make the subjects more interesting to reduce the attrition (,2014).
The Purpose Statement
The research questions are designed to answer the objective of the study. The questions are designed to give the reader an idea of what answers the study is going to portray. The research shall investigate the course structure of humanities in the context of the study to investigate the need of portraying humanities higher studied in new lights. Thus the questions are set on both qualitative and quantitative aspect of research. The qualities of the educational approach while quantity of the student’s enrolling and then facing attrition are discus in a mixed method in the light to suitably explain the same.
Why are humanities loosing the student’s interest of perusal in higher education?
What all are the determinants in a student’s success for humanities and what changes may help it to become popular among the students?
How the system does needs to change the approach towards the Humanities to be a productive and popular subject where the rate of attrition is lesser with increased success rates?
The aforesaid questions are designed to be answered in the research which shall also recommend the needed changes in course curriculum and approach towards higher studies. The allied social, economical and job market evacuation in brief shall also be put to justify the problem statement in context.
The hypothesis can be said to be the explanation of phenomenon. It happens that when a previous observation or happening is being tested the observations are not always be explained based upon the existing theories and is called the hypothesis. For the study the hypothesis are explained and tested for a correlation formation. The thesis those can be explained from the prepared results may be kept while those which shows no correlation is negated Each of the used hypothesis shows a prediction which can be negated or considered based on the objectivity of the course.
The hypothesis is said to be following a mathematical model which enables prediction for deductable reasoning. The deductions from the findings support the statically found results helping the deduction. However, there may be a qualitative aspect which suggests the experience or thoughts those may not have a mathematical explanation. Such is called the hypothesis of experience. Nevertheless, the new day testable hypothesis or scientific approaches of any hypothesis suggest that the alternative hypothesis has to have testable aspects, give proper numerical values, must be applicable to a number of other issues too to be held true and should be fit for the purpose that it had been designed upon (Fassbender, 1994).
Research Questions
The qualitative researches have explanatory data as primary source for its conceptual framework and entails exploration of the subject. Thus working hypothesis is considered as a workable source of research process. The deductive reasoning those are derived from the research of hypothesis where the deductive measurable model is used as the deduction formulator. Again, correlations of phenomenon are to be similar and can be called null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The Null hypothesis suggests that the findings would have no correlation between phenomenons and would not have any bindings with alternative hypothesis. Thus the alternative hypothesis shows that there is a relation while the null hypothesis has none. Schulenberg (2007) observes that the rejection of null hypothesis rejection while alternative to be accepted needs to be done before the observations are framed to form a result to research subject. This would give the correct realization of topic and help to have the direction and alternatives collected. The alternative hypothesis assumes a relation to data and its co-relation to a hypothesis considered prior to the result deduction.
However, Hariri (2008) argues that the hypothesis being null or alternate is based upon the sample size. If the sample size used is too small then the rejection of null hypothesis may occur. Thus a substantial amount of participant for the result findings is proposed.
The terminologies used in the assignment proposal contains few phrases and concepts those e elaborated from the defined state. The assignment suggests that the topic shall use qualitative data, Quantitative analysis, Hypothesis, Correlation for findings, ANOVA, regression, APA referencing etc The study of humanities being unpopular when compared to doctoral student enrollment in engineering or Science subjects have to be defines in terms of what each of the expression means.
Humanities: Te study of humanities is also considered a subject of study that relates to creative arts and is concerned with human civilization, growth, history, literature, culture, mythologies etc. The study of international politics, behavior, decision making and the reasons of cultural differences and the essence of human creativity in terms of artistic and thoughts are called the study of humanities.
Science and Engineering: The study of subjects that are been found and created on the basis of scientific observation, findings and are based on quantitative and qualitative findings are subjects of science and engineering. The methodologies used in the study are related to the findings of the phenomenon those are real and based upon mathematical conditions, The engineering is another part of science that explains why the proposed solution to a problem shall follow a specific style and the benefits of it. The best part of science and engineering is that that the probable outcomes are measured on the theories and calculations already existing. The phenomenon is repeatable in certain conditions and the precondition of the study is to create something better with the use of technology and knowledge to achieve the findings (McKeleve, 1994).
ANOVA: The simple explanation of ANOVA is analysis of variances. The collection of data to explain a phenomenon and its variances from one state to another based upon the results of survey is ANOVA. Thus it is a tool to explain the observation. The quantitative analysis gives a result; the explanation of the result brought out of the tally made out of those observations gives a resulting observation, simply termed as ANOVA (,2015).
Qualitative research: The research of a subject based upon the open ended surveys which have the capacity to let the analysis happen based on observations, which would not have any qualitative aspect in it is called qualitative research. The expressions and observations are explained from a perspective of feeling, experience in such a research survey.
Quantitative Analysis: The close ended questions that have the options limited to be answered from the given choices to from mathematical observation of the percentile for each given option in the findings. The quantifiable effects of the jobs make the observation have mathematical connotations to access the strength or preference of each option, in the survey.
Correlation: The relationship of the findings from the research conducted with the hypothesis of the same in the subject suggests the correlation or the relation of the findings with hypothesis that connotes the links between the two, observation of findings and the hypothesis assumed prior to study.
The literature review in terms of the current trends of the doctoral student’s preference in choosing the science and engineering over humanities are been ascribed to various reasons. The findings of the said literature are varied depending upon the social, geographical, economic, gender, political, cultural issues. Thus the concept of one nation or society does not necessarily explain the phenomenon present in another (Editors-in-Chief, 2008). The Humanities and its use or facilitating in securing a job is an issue that governs many a society. The other part is the economy of it. The studying activity is a expensive job in itself where only few privileged can aspire to continue. The grants and part-time jobs apart, the study consumes a lot of time needed for a humanities doctoral project. The same is applicable for the Science and Engineering doctoral applicants as well. But the aspirations of having to pursue a field that have better option of securing a job or a career ahead is preferred. The other issue is the motivation of it which was suggested to be a min attrition builder for humanity studies in US. The engineering and science doctoral students are based upon the choice or topic they choose and the firm of the same line of business has interest in the findings and thus gives grants and a post doctoral position to further assist the research and development wing. For humanities the findings would suggest the viability where the researcher have build an hypothesis of being unattractive compared to the former.
The demography for the research shall consist of the student who aspires to be doctoral students and post doctoral individuals for a quantitative survey. The qualitative angle of the hypotheses is to be found from the teachers, industry observers and peers from various backgrounds that have a post doctoral study experience. The size for quantitative data is been chosen to be 100 where the post doctoral individuals and aspiring individuals shall be equal or 50 each. The Qualitative descriptive answer would be sought from the people numbering 20 of the demography as said. The qualitative answers shall be open ended where 7 to eight formal questions shall be used and depending on the quest for clarity the number may increase as subjected to the interview data collection. The quantitative survey shall have 20 closed questions with only 1 to select out of 3 to 5 options given. The answers shall be accumulated to form the graph to indicate the closeness to the hypothesis. The primary and secondary data would thus be compared with the literature to assume a stance and describe the findings.
The data may vary due to many reasons like the inability of the individual to interpret the question are deliberately mislead. These can only be answered by being present and exercise controls to see the quality and validity is at its best for good and true evaluation of the problem questions formulated. The variability constant can be used if the size of the participant is to be larger where the deviation constant could have been chosen as a fraction in percentile for a valid finding with unbiased resulting observations. Thus the use of constant observation while collecting the data is needed to comply with the ethical findings and keep the use of research methodology undiluted as is proposed.
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