CRH505 Electronic Health Records

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The work completed in the first week was on the company induction and organization introduction and familiarization (Mold, Room and Dewaxing 2014).

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  1. Description of Work Activity

MARPCO Company Introduction

MARPCO Company essentially established with the objective of hastening the provisions of construction as well as industrial services.  Some of the area which the company deals in includes Mechanical, Instrumentation as well as electrical disciplines (Solikhah 2016).  The main objectives of this of this company include

  • To ensure that there is cordial relationship existing among the different departments in the company for the overall benefit of the firm
  • To hasten a decisive staff policies, organization as well as procedures of ensuring that the set goals of the firm are attained  

Company Portfolio  

The organization structure for the company illustrated in the figure Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

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The team was led by the human resource manager who introduced as to the various departments from the resource management, financial as well as the to the technical services department (Noordin, Noor and Samicho 2014).

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The communication method applied in this process was personal interaction as the human resource manager introduced as to the various staffs of the different the different departments.

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

Human resource personal necessitated the process a decisive manner and was willing to show and even elaborated further on the various roles of the different departments as well as the manpower used in these areas.

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

Having undergone one week decisive training and familiarization with the company operations and chain of the command, I will like to state the following in line with the learning outputs;

  • The company is well-placed in terms of the set objectives as well as its vision and mission
  • Teamwork is an essential aspect in line with the success of the company as far as the discharge of duties and responsibility is concerned

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The clarity of task in the firm and overall directions mainly given by the human resource manager in line with the management framework and company policies  

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

The regarding this norm mainly outlined as per the international standards on the employees code of conducts in line with the ISO 2009.  The procedure outlines the criteria which the company applies in handling the ethical behaviors of the staffs and the interns in the long run.

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

This week one essentially embarked on understanding of the organization in terms of the manpower and the staffs as well as in familiarization with the key departments. Some of the key outputs which one identifies in this context include

  • The staff relationships within the company
  • The communication criteria and the chain of command  

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The second week laid emphasis on the study of the substation power analysis and transmission appraisal.  

  1. Description of Work Activity

This particularly captured the substation analysis of all the activities that takes place within the station. From this, analysis we were able to find out the amount of power received into the substation and the amount of power that is transmitted out of the substation. The station as seen in the below diagram gives an illustration of the overall work observation as a key event for that time (Bernstein et al.  2014, April p. 2642).

Within the substation, high voltage and current is a key factor therefore different wire and electric cables are used. For instance aluminum and steel wires of different sizes are used depending on the area of application. The key mandate of the company and the laid obligations set out and spelt in the law is to give an assurance that there is a consistent electricity supply (Singh, Willi, Chokani and Abhari  p.596). 

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

The team is led by the technical expert who took us through the analysis on the power at the substation and the overall transmission to this point.  

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The method of the communication adopted in the process was personal interaction. The technical expert also lead us the substation where we did a field visit on the site and identified various items from the area.

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

Human resource personal necessitated the process a decisive manner and was willing to show and even elaborated further on the various roles of the different departments as well as the manpower used in these areas (Artale et al. 2013 p.2391).

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

It is important to note that from the site analysis a lot was learnt. For instance, I learnt that all electrical appliances have specific power rating. Another lesson captured from this study is the distribution of power in homes. For two phases, when one phase is off, the entire homestead is in blackout but for three phases upon failure of one phase, the other two phases still supply power for domestic use.

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The clarity of task in the firm and overall directions mainly given by the human resource manager in line with the management framework and company policies

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

All the safety measures in line with the power losses and the hazards at the power station must be taken into consideration at all the time in the long run.  

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

This section mainly embarked on the analysis of the station power in line with the engineering. The key responsibility as well as accountability in the process is essential mostly on the power transmission and the related issues in the process.

Week 3

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The third week laid emphasis on the study of protection switch gear appraisal (Milovac et al. 2013).

  1. Description of Work Activity

In the third week of the study, we embarked on the analysis of switchgear in an electric power system. Previous literature reviews done revealed that the earlier central power stations have various applications. These stations used switches of open knives which were mounted on insulating panels of marbleor asbestos. From this arrangement, there was a rapid escalation in voltage and power levels.

Switchgear of high voltage traces its invention nearly towards the beginning of the 20th century. Over the years though there has been advancement in the field of technology and higher voltages such as 1100 kv can now be used. In typical sense, the switchgear is always based on both high and low voltage sides of the transformer of large power. Figure illustrating the protection as well as switch gear analysis mainly illustrated as indicated in the pictorial diagram below (Vogel et al. 2014).

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

The team is led by the technical expert who took us through the analysis on the power at the substation and the overall transmission to this point.  

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The method of the communication adopted in the process was personal interaction. The technical expert also lead us the control unit where we assessment and identification of the various pneumatics elements (Hoeven et al. 2016).

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

I gained vast experience on the various element regarding the control units as well as pneumatic elements. The expert was an outgoing person and was willing to assist and this help

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

A switch gear is an assembly of electrical disconnects switches, circuit breakers and fuses. These entities collectively are used in the control and isolation of electrical equipment. Alongside being used as de-energizer equipment, switch gears allow efficiency of work done hence clearing faults down the stream.

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The clarity of task in firm and overall directions mainly given by the technical expert in line with the protection of the switch gears as well as the related hazards.

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

Switch gear application is a dangerous process and should be handled with great care. Step up transformers and step-down transformers should be monitored keenly by the government for any faults to be rectified within a specified period.

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

From the illustrations above, in line with electrical metering, switch control, equipment of protection. Further in the advancement, for industrial purposes and application, a lineup of transformer switchgear may be combined in housing.  This arrangement is known as a unitized substation (USS).

Week 4

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The four week embarked on the study of domestic power use 

  1. Description of Work Activity

Analysis was done, hypothesis formulated and various results drawn. For this section, we dealt with domestic power use. This implies the use of electric power in daily activities. The key mandate of the company and the laid obligations set out and spelt in the law is to give an assurance that there is a consistent electricity supply. Consumers from this particular region have been benefiting from the plant (Qazi, Ali and Moqueet 2018 p.92).These appliances are highly important and therefore almost all homes have them depending on their capabilities and needs.

They improve the living lifestyle of individuals and alongside ensuring comfort, they also make people stay be up to date with the.  The company is located in a conducive area just as seen from the above picture; the site is set in a slightly sloping environment with little vegetation and away from tall trees. If a tree falls on overhead electric cables and wires carrying high voltage power, the risk involved may even cause death (Shu et al. 2013 p.458).

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

The team is led by the technical expert who took us through the analysis on the power at the substation and the overall transmission to this point.  

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The method of the communication adopted in the process was personal interaction. The technical expert also lead us the control unit where we assessment and identification of the various pneumatics elements.  

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

I gained vast experience on the various element regarding the control units as well as pneumatic elements. The expert was an outgoing person and was willing to assist and this help

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

A number of people use power in everyday activities, therefore the government should take into keen consideration to supervise and follow all electrical wires and cables connecting households.

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The clarity of task in firm and overall directions mainly given by the technical expert in line with the protection of the switch gears as well as the related hazards (Yuan et al. 2018 p.443).

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

Domestic power usage and application essential process; However, it is important to have makeable ways and mechanism for handling the norm.

Accountability and Responsibility 

A number of people use power in everyday activities, therefore the government should take into keen consideration to supervise and follow all electrical wires and cables connecting households.

Wellbeing in the Workplace

The wellbeing in the workplace is depicted to have zero stress grounded on the fact that all the team members were cooperating and the expert had minimal misunderstanding with the group as a whole.

  Week 5

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

This week we embarked on the study on the conductors used in the power transmission process (Bronson and Rochford 2018).

  1. Description of Work Activity

First and foremost, we defined the conductors as either material or object which allows for the overall electrical current to flow from the parametric one direction or more. Moreover, most of the material used are made up of the metal materials and thus, defined as electrical conductors. Preferably, there are different classes of conductors often used in the transmission of power.  Some of the common types of conductors used in the process of power transmissions include

  • Low voltage
  • Medium Voltage
  • High Voltage
  • Extra High Voltage
  • Ultra High Voltage

Furthermore, we discussed commonly used conductors as well as took photos of the key ones. The pictorial diagrams for the discussed conductors illustrated as shown

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

The lead expert for the team was the maintenance electrical engineer. Also, the technical expert was in the team to shows the various conductors which the company has in place for the process of power transmission (Leabman and Brewer 2018).

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The communication method applied in this process was personal interaction as the electrical engineer and the technical expert interacted with us at individual levels and showed us various conductors as well as their uses in the process.

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

The lead experts had vast knowledge and in-depth understanding as far as the conductors are concerned. They were objective in their role as the tutor and had high understanding of the concept and were willing to assists us and ensure that we get all that is required in line with the concept.

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

Having undergone the training on conductors, I came to note that the company value customers as well as grounded their work on meeting the customers demand while at the same time maintaining the quality requirement.

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

All the clarity regarding the power transmissions in line with the conductors and the overall purchasing of the product is often directed by the electrical engineer.

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

The ethical aspect arises on the purchasing of cheap conductors at the expense of the quality ones because of the costs associated with the materials. In trying, to tackled the emerging problem  the company recommends that the clients consults with their electrical engineer and thus, only purchases the products from recommenced vendors and retails.  

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

Notably, all the accountability as well as the responsibility of the company in line with the conductors are left for the electrical engineer. In essence, the engineer designs and thus, the engineer is responsible for any fallout which the company may record in the process.

Week 6

Work Activity Details and Communication

  • All Work Activity Details Completed

The sixth week laid emphasis on the study of Electrical transformers.  

  • Description of Work Activity

The core mandate of Electrical transformers is to “transform” voltage from one level to another, done from a higher voltage to a lower one. The term transform basically implies to change form therefore electrical transformers are devices encrypted to this function. for instance, the transformation is usually from a higher voltage to a lower voltage. (Sousa, Saavedra and Lima 2018 p.1559). A changing current in the primary winding creates an alternating magnetic field in the core. In turn, the core multiplies this field and couples the most of the flux through the secondary transformer windings. This in turn induces alternating voltage (or emf) in each of the secondary coils. (Volovich 2018 p.45)

  • Description of Team Composition and Role in the Team

The team is led by the technical expert who took us through the analysis on the power at the substation and the overall transmission to this point.  

  • Communication Methods Used by Team

In this week, the communication method adopted here was majorly one to one interaction. We were also led to the transformer section at the substation where all the logistics were managed.  

  • Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

From this study, I was able to acquit myself with a wide knowledge on how Electrical transformers work. They can be configured as either a single-phase or a three-phase. (Huber and Kolar 2016 p.25). The figure below gives an illustration described here.

  • Critiqued the Effectiveness of the Teams Communication and Collaboration and The Impact on The Organization and Clients

Transformers are also applied to help regulate high power transmission and reduce the risk of damages. From a substation another transformer is used to supply a number of homesteads and care is taken not to overload transformers. The diagram below shows the components of a transformer. 

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

A technical expert on the transformers section gave us all the guidelines and related effects.

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

Electrical Transformer application is a dangerous process an. All transformers should be checked keenly by the government from time to time to ensure their efficiency.  

  • Accountability and Responsibility

Electrical transformers applications are of high demand, further in the advancement, a number of measures should be keenly guided to sustain the workability of the whole system.

Week 7

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

In week 7, we did the study on the digital electronics  

  1. Description of Work Activity

Preferably, we defined the digital electronic as the makeable circuits which often operates on parametric digital signals. Interestingly, analogue circuits control analogue flags whose execution is more subject to assembling resistance, flag constriction and clamor. Advanced strategies are useful in light of the fact that it is significantly less demanding to inspire an electronic gadget to switch into one of various known states than to precisely replicate a persistent scope of qualities.  Moreover, it is important to note that most of the digital electronic as well as circuits are often made of logic gates. This assembling process often utilizes the large assemblies. Conversely, simple electronic mainly demarcated via the representation of the parametric Boolean logic functions (Stonham 2017).

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

The session was conducted by the electronic technician. The technician elaborated for us the various avenues and elements related to digital electronic and its application in the overall processes.

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The electron technician too us through a lab work and experiment on the digital electronic aspect as the key approach for understanding the process.

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

Although the session was interactive and elaborative, we did gain much since we only did a practical analogy in the lab regarding the norm but no actual application in the daily aspect.

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

Advanced Electronics is as of now quickly creating and evacuating customary simple machines because of its rapid, more precision and more noteworthy adaptability. It’s application are unbounded, going for top of the line figuring to scaled down circuits that can be exceptionally flexible, flag preparing as well as correspondence (Morimoto  2017).

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

All the matters relating to the application and the installation of the circuits, as well as replacing of the digital electronics mainly conducted by the electronic technician who gives recommendations and direction on the processes.

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

There is minimal ethical related as well as health safety in line with the application of the digital electronics. However, careful considerations as well as safety precautions are of paramount importance when dealing with aspect to avoid short circuiting of the boards.

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

All  the related accountability as well as responsibilities in line with the issues related to the digital electronics and  circuits essentially tackled by the digital experts who gives the guidelines as  well as  the necessary recommendations in the long run.

  Week 8

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

This week we embarked on studying the designing of the simple circuit (Xu et al. 2017).

  1. Description of Work Activity

The simulated simple circuit designed in the process mainly illustrated as indicated in the figure below.In the construction of the above circuit, we applied a DC voltage inverter with the designated value of 12V-to-12V. The simulation of the circuit mainly conducted via the application Proteus Isis and thereafter we tried to gather the value for the sawtooth output. The process mainly geared by tuning the overall component values (Kocakulak and Butun 2017, January).

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

Essentially, session comprised of electrical technician and the students. The session mainly was conducted by the student under the guidelines of the electrical expert who took us through the theory on the aspect as well as gave us guidelines on the key safety measures and precautions (Kalogeiton et al. 2017 p.1367).

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The mainly communication method used for the session was personal interaction. Mostly, there were discussions on the findings as well as drawing of recommendation from both ends.

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

The lead experts had vast knowledge and in-depth understanding as far as the conductors are concerned. They were objective in their role as the tutor and had high understanding of the concept and were willing to assists us and ensure that we get all that is required in line with the concept.

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

All the clarity regarding the power transmissions in line with the conductors and the overall purchasing of the product is often directed by the electrical engineer.

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

 The ethical behavior and the health safety taken into account in line with the process mainly grounded on the user manual.

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

Notably, the electrical engineer encouraged the use of guide manual and safety measures to avoid the escalation of any hazards as well as dangers associated with the process.

Wellbeing in the Workplace

There are problems which arise in line with the technical designing projects in the company. In essence, this is due the fact that some of the designing processes require the application different software.  Some of the key software which one need to equip with in terms of knowledge include simulation, instrumentation, plotting as well as programming. In the process, I have come to realize that grasping the concept while at the same time using the concept to design various aspects is a bit tedious.  In trying to cope with situation, I have decided to spend time in watching the various YouTube   as well as consulting the experts on the programs in my free as a mechanism of understanding the concept in-depth level.

Week 9

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The ninth week combined the study of sensors.   

  1. Description of Work Activity

Sensors were explored in week nine. To begin with, a sensor is a device which is responsible for sending and receiving signals. They respond to the signals that they receive. These signals occur in different forms which include energy forms for example light energy signals, light energy, heat energy, chemical reactions or even motion. Upon detection of one or more of the signals highlighted, (this forms the input), conversion occurs in which these signals are converted into either digital or analog. Sensually, a transducer as an example of a device which utilize sensor application converts energy from one form into another (Simpson, Boock, Wightlin and Shults 2018 p.683).

  1. Description of Team Composition and Role in the Team

Our team had a facilitator who was one of the experts. He took us through the sensor devices and also the analysis of the applications devices present.   

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

We adopted a personal interaction forum with the technical expert.

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

We were able to be shown some of the mechanisms that were being integrated in the power station for devices that use sensor mechanisms. An example of what were shown by the technical expert is shown in the below diagram.

  1. Critiqued the Effectiveness of The Teams Communication and Collaboration and The Impact on The Organization and Clients

Considering a device such as a thermocouple, there is direct conversion into electrical energy from thermal energy. According to Thomas Seebeck, an effect known as the ‘Seebeck Effect’ is created when there is energy and voltage generation created at a junction of two metal wires of dissimilar nature. It is thus when heating is applied at the junction that the effect is realized and measured upon connection to a meter. This situation creates a proportional junction temperature. This illustration is shown in the diagram below. (Gavrilov, Gouzman, and Luryi 2018 p.260).

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The clarity of task general directions was given by the technical expert in line with the functionality of sensors as well as the related effects.

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

Sensor application is a dangerous process and great care should be observed at all times. Sensor devices use radiations that may be harmful to human life and therefore the government should control the overall operation. (Yang, Du, Chen, and Wang 2017 p.444)

  • Accountability and Responsibility

From the discussions above, in the application of sensors, electrical department need to put a lot of measures in place to advance deeply into this technology to eliminate wire use as this cause so much danger to humanity.

Week 10

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The tenth week discussed the study actuators.   

  1. Description of Work Activity

An actuator is a device that is designed to actuate or move something. In a clearer understanding, it is a device that is responsible in converting motion or mechanical energy from energy. For this reason, it is referred to be a specific transducer type. There occur three types of actuators. These types include thermal, electrical and mechanical. Consider thermal actuators with bimetallic strip as the major application. (Shin and Zhang 2014 p.68) The below diagram illustrates this.

When there is a reverse in temperature change the system adjusts to cooling and contraction takes place.

  1. Description of Team Composition and Role in the Team

The team was guided by a technical expert who was well conversant with the actuator’s technology.   

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The team was guided by a technical expert who was well conversant with the actuator’s technology.   

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

In the site I was able to learn the application of electrical actuators with electrical motor as a case study (Dubrovskii, Zubov and Koshelev 2018 p. 348)

The motor operates with direct current (DC). Current flows through a wire coil and due to this creates a magnetic field around the coil. Then the coil wraps around the shaft of the motor and then positions between the electromagnet poles (Lin, Jiang, Yanyun and Zhang 2018 p. 480). This causes the coil’s rotation on its axis. This rotates the motor. The electric motor in this case is an actuator since it converts into motion or mechanical energy from magnetic energy. This is illustrated below The diagram gives an illustration of the new system of sensor application that consolidates the entities highlighted.

  1. Critiqued the Effectiveness of The Teams Communication and Collaboration and The Impact on The Organization and Clients

The team was well impressed with all the submissions on actuators. Everyone was impressed and all the logistics taken care of.

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The facilitator took us through all the necessary guidelines for the study purposes and understanding.  

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

Actuators are not very common devices applied in most devices therefore we were required to maintain a well-coordinated and controlled behaviour throughout the study.

  • Accountability and Responsibility

From the above illustrations, actuators have provided a reliability in the electrical and engineering field application therefore much attention should be given to them. 

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The twelfth week we had a complete and comprehensive coverage on the hazards and dangers associated with electricity and electronics.    

  1. Description of Work Activity

During this week all the hazards pertaining to electricity were discussed in depthy. (Kasangana, Makonese and Masekameni 2018 p.6) They include four major areas which are on falls, caught-in, electrocution and struck-by. The following forms a list of some of the hazards associated with electricity. These include; Exposed electrical parts, Inadequate wiring, Improper grounding, Overhead power lines, Damaged insulation, Overloaded circuits, Wet conditions and Damaged tools and equipment among others ( Fthenakis 2017 p.1210).

  1. Description of Team Composition and Role in the Team

The team had a good guidance from the technical expert who took us through most of the hazards.  

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The team adopted one to one encounter with their facilitator. He was able to answer the queries raised and sought all the clarification’s we needed for the understanding of actuators.   

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

In the site I was able to learn the application of electrical actuators with electrical motor as a case study.

  1. Critiqued the Effectiveness of The Teams Communication and Collaboration and The Impact on The Organization and Clients

We were able to highlight some of the basic concepts that needs to be implemented in order to help in maintaining health risks. (Hermann, Kohn and Beck 2015 p.124)

We challenged the organization board on their laxity and negligence in dealing with those involved in electricity fraud. It was a major concern that serious vetting be conducted and auditions be made to the experts before entrusted with duties of electricity.

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

We were given pamphlets which carries all the hazards and possible ways of tackling them in future endeavours.   

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

In order to deal with some of the hazards brought out due to carelessness, some of the basic behaviours that should be taken seriously is use of appropriate work gears during work. Always ensure that all electrical switches remain off while working on any fault.

  • Accountability and Responsibility

As highlighted above, it was a major concern that each and everyone be responsible for their electrical appliances since there was a concern that one useless mistake can land a whole area in to electrical problem and sometimes may lead to death. The government needs to come up with drastic measures to regulate the electric field. 

Week 12

Work Activity Details and Communication

  1. All Work Activity Details Completed

The work completed in the twelfths week was on the Currents and Power Computation

  1. Description of Work Activity

Both the current as well as power plays an essential and vital role in redesign and design of the parametric installation. The two elements assist in sizing of the sources according the circuit intended use as well as in depicting the supplied receivers. The figure below illustrates the detailed power and current analogy used in the computation process (Abusalah et al. 2017).

The analysis regarding the various computations and calculations mainly tackled as follows

Purely-Resistive Load

The current consumed in this context can be computed as either single or three phases, the computations on the analogy expressed as follows (Lin et al. 2018).oup of circuits consists of two three-phase asynchronous motors M1 and M2 connected to the same panel (mains supply: 400V AC – 50 hz). The nominal power of the motors is respectively: Pn1 = 22 kW and Pn2 = 37 kW. 

  1. Description of Team Composition and  Role in the Team

The session was steered by the electrical engineer who taught us on who to compute the powers and currents associated with the installation of the electricity.

  1. Communication Methods Used by Team

The communication method applied in this process was personal interaction as the electrical engineer introduced us to the various staffs on the Currents and Power Computation (Abusalah et al. 2017).

  1. Collaboration Skills in the Team and their ability to Support you as a Student

The session was elaborative and decisive as we tackled various analogy regarding the on the Currents and Power Computation in both the single as well as three phases in the long run.

  1. Critiqued The Effectiveness Of The Teams Communication And Collaboration And The  Impact On The Organization And Clients

Having undergone one week decisive training and familiarization with the company operations and chain of the command, I will like to state the following in line with the learning outputs;

  • The company is well-placed in terms of the set objectives as well as its vision and mission
  • Teamwork is an essential aspect in line with the success of the company as far as the discharge of duties and responsibility is concerned

Professionalism within the Organization

  • Clarity of Task Directions

The clarity of task in the firm and overall directions mainly given by the human resource manager in line with the management framework and company policies  

  • OH&SEthical Behaviors 

There are no serious ethical related issues as far as the analysis is concerned apart from the power losses in line with the transmission system (Karafyllidis 2017). 

  • Accountability and  Responsibility

The analysis on power is important, more so on the efficiency aspect. The power losses must be taken into consideration at all costs.

Wellbeing in the Workplace

Working with power can be perilous. Specialists, electrical technicians, and different laborers manage power straightforwardly, including dealing with overhead lines, electrical establishment and circuit gatherings. Others, for example, office specialists, agriculturists, and development laborers work with power by implication and may likewise be presented to electrical risks.


Abusalah, A., Saad, O., Mahseredjian, J., Karaagac, U., Gerin-Lajoie, L. and Kocar, I., 2017. CPU Based Parallel Computation of Electromagnetic Transients For Large Scale Power Systems. In International Conference on Power System Transients.

Artale, G., Cataliotti, A., Cosentino, V., Di Cara, D., Fiorelli, R., Russotto, P. and Tine, G., 2013. Medium voltage smart grid: Experimental analysis of secondary substation narrow band power line communication. IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 62(9), pp.2391-2398.

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