Creating A Strategic Plan For A Breakfast Briefing Fundraising And Awareness Event
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the events industry, concepts, ideologies, and events terminology
Demonstrate basic knowledge of the events industry, concepts, ideologies, and events terminology;
Explain the influential factors that can have an impact on the events planning process;
Use events management and business management models, principles and
practices to help map the events planning process;
Evaluate data and information found from different
Explore the different issues an events organisation could have whilst using statistical methods and techniques to formulate a solution;
The aim of the report is to develop a strategic plan for an event. Charity events are organized by major profitable and non-profitable organizations. General motive behind the concept of fundraising and charitable events is to raise income and raise awareness of a particular message or area of work. For the success of any kind of event, it is important to set the goal and objectives of the event and plan the strategies accordingly. The paper attempts to plan a strategy that would help to fulfill the objectives of the event. In order to achieve it, a detail analysis of the target people will be analyzed. Event plans and techniques along with a proper communication method will be proposed. Apart from these, the expected risks will also be analyzed and certain recommendations will also be made to minimize the risk of the success of the event.
Theme of the event is a Breakfast briefing fundraising and awareness event. The objective of the event is to create awareness among the invitees about the degrading condition of environment. The event will also aim at raising fund for the purpose of increasing the awareness on the importance of sustainability in the recent environmental condition. The invitees of the event are local people residing in East London. About 150 guests will be invited for the event. Basically nuclear families having children between the age 6 to 16 years of age are the targeted invitees (Abdullah et al. 2014). However, the event is open to all and any one might join the event with prior registration. The event is expected to take place on a weekend, so that both parents and children would not have to compromise with would regular schedule and so not face any difficultly to participate. Timing of the event will be from 9 am to 12 pm.
In order to make the event a bit interesting, there will be arrangement food and beverages. This provision will be for the purpose of breakfast and not any kind of meal. In addition to this, the children will be asked to participate in various activities such as dance drama or debates on the present situation of the condition of environment. At the later stage of the event, the host of the event will present a power point presentation. It will narrate the degrading situation of the environment and would propose ideas on how an individual can participate in the sustainability process to save the environment for future. The guests will be offered food and beverages by the end of the event and they will be requested to make donation for the cause before leaving the venue.
Explain the influential factors that can have an impact on the events planning process
The venue selected for the purpose of the event is Blackwell Hall in Harrow, London. It is a perfect venue for small gathering. The Hall has a gathering capacity of around 150 people that is suitable for the proposed event. The Hall also has the provision of 16 gopak chairs, rectangular folding tables and other plastic stacking chairs. The Hall also has a stage that can be helpful for delivering speech or addressing the invitees. Moreover, there is also a projection that would be useful for delivering any presentation. The kitchen of the Hall is promising enough to serve the basic needs of the event. It has the provision of electric warming cabinet, microwave and freezer. Therefore, it can be said that the Blackwell Hall is a perfect venue for the proposed event (Netmums. 2016).
Stakeholders are the people who will be the part of the event. The stakeholders of this particular event are:
The invitees: Parents and their children and anyone who want to join the event are the invitees of the event. Social activists and environment conscious group of people will also be the targeted invitees for the event.
Special guests: Since, the event is based on social issues, any representative of the local authority or political head might be invited. The person will be asked to present his view on the situation and what step might a local authority would take to improve this detrimental environmental condition.
Technical helpers: This group stakeholders include the caterer, decorators, electrician and other technical experts who will be responsible for the complete arrangement of the event (Cserháti and Szabó 2014).
Team members: Members of the team, including the event planner, even manger, event coordinator and other helping members of the team are also the stakeholders of the event.
The neighborhood or the selected location for the event is East London. 36% of the total population of London resides in East London. It is one of the most populated regions of England and has a good population of immigrants as well. The people belong to different religions and communities. There are many ethnic groups of people as well. Population of the locality includes White British, Irish British and Asians like Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Since the target of invitees is small family members and social activists, there is a good scope of the presence of this group of people from this particular locality ( 2016).
Use events management and business management models, principles, and practices to help map the events planning process
Targeted people can be reached out with the idea and theme of the event. Handbills and pamphlets can be distributed. Hoardings can be put in the nearby areas to attract more attendees to the event. There would not be any kind of digital promotion such as television commercial. The main promotional activities will be focused on outdoor media. However, the social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be used to reach people because of the increasing influence of this media (Brown 2014).
The event is regarding social awareness. Therefore, the budget of the event will not be very high. The proposed budget of the event can be given here:
Event Budget for Fundraising Program (Amount in £) |
Site Expenses |
Estimated |
Actual |
Staffs |
200 |
160 |
Accommodation Fees |
300 |
250 |
Equipments |
250 |
150 |
Total |
750 |
560 |
Publicity Expenses |
Estimated |
Actual |
Advertisements |
500 |
550 |
Invitation |
200 |
250 |
Total |
700 |
870 |
Decorations Expenses |
Estimated |
Actual |
Candles |
50 |
52 |
Lighting |
150 |
153 |
Paper decoration |
40 |
35 |
Flowers |
70 |
75 |
Total |
310 |
315 |
Refreshment Expenses |
Estimated |
Actual |
Food |
550 |
610 |
Beverages |
400 |
460 |
Catering Staffs |
300 |
320 |
Total |
1,250 |
1,390 |
Miscellaneous Expenses |
Estimated |
Actual |
Stationery |
50 |
52 |
Transportation Cost |
35 |
38 |
Telephone and Fax |
15 |
12 |
Total |
100 |
102 |
Estimated |
Actual |
Total expense |
3,110 |
3,237 |
There are certain event planning tools and techniques that are important in planning a event. The success of the event actually depends on the proper utilization of these tools and techniques. The plan and technique of the event can be discussed in three stages:
Planning: It is vitally important to make a mind map of the event before commencing. The goal and objective of the event has already been explained (Stewart and Rayner 2016).
Booking the venue: In order to book the event on the proposed date, it is expected that the management of the event will visit the governing body of the venue and make the booking. It completely depends on the availability of the venue that the event can be hosted (Bowdin et al. 2012).
Inviting the guests: A pamphlet can be printed and the same can be distributed among the expected invitees. The local schools can be targeted to reach to the desired group of people who are expected to join the event. Apart from directly reaching to them, posters can be posted informing people about the purpose of the event. The expected invitees will be asked to register their names by calling on a particular number. Once the registration is done, they will be counted as an attendee (Allen et al. 2012). The process of invitation is based on first come first serve basis. Once the number of registration reaches the count of 150, the registration will be stopped. To invite the special guest for the event, an invitation card can be sent to the office of the government authority.
Food and other services: There will be sitting arrangement for the guests and there will be the arrangement of food and beverages by the end of the event. The food items might include cakes, pastries, sandwiches, soup and other things that are perfect for the breakfast purpose.
Evaluate data and information found from different sources
Executing the plan: Once the event is planned and it is scheduled, executing the event is the main operation of the management of the team. For the execution of the event, primary thing is to keep eye on the invitees. They must be comfortable and served with every necessity. Special guest who would be invited as a representative of the local authority must be given special attention (Kim 2015). Children who will be willing to participate in the event will be asked to come prepared with a basic script of their performance. When it will be the right time, they would be called one by one and would be asked to perform on the stage.
The event will long for about four hours. The schedule of the event can be stated here:
9 am to 9:30 am: The participant will be welcomed and they would be requested to take their seat to witness the event
9:30 am to11 am: The event will be carried on. At first the children will be asked to present their performance. Their performance might include dance drama, poetry, speech or even debates. The parents and the elder attendees will also be requested to join the initiative and put forward their views on the topic of concern. Once these things will be done, it will be from the side of the management that a member will give a presentation on the initiative taken for the event. Once when everything is done, the special guest will be called to present a speech from his end regarding the issue.
11 am to 12 pm: This is the time when the attendees will have their food. This is the opportunity of the people to come across each other and talk about the issue. There will be drop box where the guests will be requested to donate certain amount for the purpose. The amount of donation completely depends on their will. They can donate the amount in cash or they can even drop a cheque in the name of the organization depending on their feasibility.
Tracking: The last stage of the event is to track the success of the event. The success can be tracked by the amount of money collected by the end of the event. Apart from that, feedbacks can be taken from the guests to keep a track of the success of the event (Stewart and Rayner 2016).
Explore the different issues an event organization could have whilst using statistical methods and techniques to formulate a solution
The success of the management and the operation of the event can be measured in terms of certain factors. Maintaining these factors are indeed necessary for a successful event. these factors are:
Vision the situation: The purpose and the aim of the event must be clear before the commencement of the event. It is based on the ability to vision the situation that marks the success of an event (Kaplanidou et al. 2013). It is advisable to mark each and every stage of the event step by step and develop a clear understanding of what needs to be done.
Make a mind map of the event: The map of the event should be clear. All the necessary arrangements and equipment should be present before the commencement of the program that the event must precede smoothly without any hindrance (Yu, Wang and Seo 2012). Therefore, it is expected that the arrangement of accommodation, food and other arrangements are kept under observation so that there might not arise any situation of the failure of the event.
Dividing duties and responsibilities: Each and every team member must be assigned with their respective duties. Some of the important responsibilities include:
- Welcoming the guests
- Scheduling the program
- Taking care of the basic needs of the guests in case if they want any kind of information
- Taking care of the feast by the end of the event
- Taking care of the actual theme of the event, raising the fund
Building a team: All the members of the management of the team must work as a team. The bonding and cooperation among the members must be good. Conducting an event requires this bonding. Every single individual must have the willingness of providing a helping hand whenever required. The roles and responsibility might be divided among the various members but everyone should be present at every point of time whenever necessity arises.
Thorough communication: Communication plays the major role in the success of an event. Each and every team member must be thoroughly communicated using various medium such as phone calls, text messages and even face to face communication (Schulenkorf and Edwards 2012).
Communication plan of an event should be made keeping the importance of both internal and external communication in mind. Internal communication is done with the member of the management team, whereas external communication is carried on with the stakeholders of the event. Communication plan of an event is broadly divided into three stages:
Pre-event communication: The requirements of the event have to be fulfilled before the commencement of the event. In order to achieve this target, communicating with the stakeholders is very important. Various methods of communication can be used for successfully achieving the target. These methods are:
Theme of the event
Face to face meetings: The best means of communication method is by conducting a meeting with the stakeholders. It is important to discuss and narrate the detail of the plan to the stakeholders about the event for which meetings are the best option. Depending on the feasibility of each stakeholder, meetings can be fixed and the needs and requirements can be discussed in details (Melo et al. 2013).
Over phone calls and text messages: Communication can be done with the members and the stakeholder over phone calls and text messages.
Creating a Facebook or Twitter page: Communication and reaching out to a large number of people has become easier with the advent of the social media platform. A page can be created and people can be informed about the event using this platform (Fotiadis and Stylos 2016).
Communication during the event: It is required to make all the important communication in the pre-event phase but communicating during the event is equally important. During the event, communication takes place with the members of the management team and is focused on the success and smooth running of the event. Therefore, communicating with the members and the attendees of the event is taken care of in this phase of communication (Kobayashi and Honiden 2012).
Communication after the event: After the event, the two important things that needs to be checked are tallying the account with the stakeholders and feedback from the attendees. All kinds of payment and other accounts are required to verified and payments are made after the event (Deng, Poon and Chan 2016). It is also important to take feedback from the attendees of the event to understand the success or the failure of the event and whether the objective of the event has been achieved.
There lie the possibilities of certain risks that might hamper the feasibility of the event. These risks include:
Governance risks due to inappropriate team management. The members might lack the relevant skill required for the service. There might arise certain conflict of interest among the members of the management team (Della Lucia 2013)
Operational risk due to lack of safety and security of the assets
Financial risk due to insufficient fund
Other external risks because the event might put a negative impression on the local people if the purpose of the event is not clear to them.
Legal risks if the event does not comply with the laws and regulation of the country (Getz and Page 2016)
Venue of the event
In order combat with these risk factors, certain important steps can be taken. These are:
According to UK governmental law, there are certain specified ways of fund raising. These rules needs to be followed at the time of the event:
Door-to-door or public collection fundraising
Using gaming and lotteries methods
By organizing fair or events (uk, 2016)
Since the idea of fund raising is by the means of an event, the risk of legal obligations no longer persists.
To reduce the operational risk, the members of the management team can be trained and informed about their jobs and responsibilities (Abdullah et al. 2014). Moreover, a detail account of the assets and the equipment has to be kept to avoid any kind of mishandling of the assets.
To avoid financial risk, a strict check on the proposed budget has to be kept and any kind of extra expenses has to be avoided. Accounts of all the expenses must be kept to keep check of the balance sheet for the event.
In order to overcome with the external risks it is important to narrate the idea and the theme of the event to the local community members. It is also advisable to take prior permission from the local governmental authority to avoid any kind of legal issues (Andersson and Lundberg 2013).
People of England greatly support any kind of activity related to social cause. The degrading condition of environment and the importance of sustainability have been the primary factors of concern for the majority of people. Therefore, it can be said that the chance of the success of the event is high. Moreover, the idea of inviting children to the event and their participation can attract more number of invitees. After knowing the cause behind the event, it is expected that the invitees would participate in the noble cause and would donate for raising the fund. Each invitee would be requested to donate at least £50 or more. The objective of the event can be easily fulfilled.
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