Creating A Sense Of Mission For Long Range Planning
Sense of Mission
Discuss about Creating a Sense of Mission for Long Range Planning?
We all know the supremacy of Google in the internet market and about its success and how Google rules the market all over the world. Google Corporation started its internet search engine in the year 1998 by introducing Google Gmail and search engine the Google Corporation became famous in no time. Google runs its business while having a very good idea about its mission and it is applied on all the employees who are working in the corporation regardless of the level they work at. With its stepping in advertisement and web search, Google has become of the renowned and most successful search engine around the world. The corporation mainly concentrates on enterprise, operating system, ads as well as search (Yukl, 1999). Nowadays Google is a renowned search engine because of its influential search engine which has the capability to search a text from thousands of sites in seconds. Google even started YouTube, and launched OS for android mobiles. It also introduced Google Chrome which provided it an enormous monetary benefit along with vast expansion to the corporation. Google is a corporation which follows many advertising strategies to perform its daily business in revenue. Strategic development processes and leadership are the two strategies which functions within the corporation. By help of efficient and effective strategic, and leadership skills, the corporation is now among the revenue earning corporations throughout the globe (Bass, 1991). Today the success and failure of the corporation depends on the strategy and leadership adopted by the corporation. Now we will talk about the way through which these planning helped the corporation raise. A successful managerial skills consists of 5 plans which are as follows: integrating strategy with corporate social responsibility, sustaining an effective company culture, establishing appropriate balanced control, effective allocation and determining strategic direction which helps the corporation to run on profit without any barriers. Efficient managerial skill is needed in every area of the corporation to make sure organization expands as much as possible (Lowe, Kroeck & Sivasubramaniam, 1996).
The corporation’s mission is the reason of the association which clearly defines the goal of the corporation. The mission of the corporation will guide the employees of the corporation to understand the objectives of the corporation and the expected target to be achieved. The targets of the corporation may change over the time but the overall mission of the corporation should not change in the short of medium term. The mission statement tells that all the workers of the company should follow and it even clearly explains about the corporation and its aim. Throughout Ashridge Strategic an intelligence of aim is shaped between the workers which includes the mixture of the values to which workers assure to accomplish given task as well as the strategic focus along with the culture inside the company, defined and expressed properly. These four elements help in gaining an intelligence of aim in the corporation (Dvir & Shamir, 2003).
The four fundamentals lay down the aim and mission of the corporation and helps in attaining the target or aims. Google systematizes the world’s details which is universally accessible and useful. Through Mission Statements a company can obviously describe the industry it belongs to and explains the entire reason of the business as well as specify the individuality or a different capability of the organization.
The Ashridge Mission Model Contains the Following Four Fundamentals
Mission statement can clearly define the purpose of the corporation. Earlier the Google’s corporation’s mission was only concentrated to search engines and later the leaders of the of Google corporation found they require to enlarge their aim more than just ruling the market with the best search engine in the world. The corporation believed in developing products that helps people to search more quickly, create and organize information through fast internets service. The corporation required important computing management, superior software and many-sided processes areas in order to provide high quality search results. The corporation has the ability to achieve these targets by attainment of other companies (Halle et. al., 2008).
A corporation’s management arrangement develops when the strategies are more focused on. The different quality displayed by the Google Corporation is the total framework of the way they govern and manage. In Page and Brin’s idea, Page concentrated on the way internal environment of the corporation and Brin took care of the business ethics. And this kind of leadership model assured the existence of all the elements of the Ashridge Model which made the corporation a successful corporation.
Pages role was connected with Ashridge model of developing a feel of aim that of culture in the company. By following the Ashridge model and watching behind the communal feature of the company ensures that all the employees of the corporation have a strong emotional guarantee towards the corporation as they have ability to get mixed with the purpose and bring it in the line of the organization’s aim (Teece, 2010).
Brin’s function was associated with top behavioral principles and giving leadership with principles. The Ashridge revise shows that top behavioral principles can be attained by guidelines and policies which cheer the corporation to achieve the purpose and set plan of the corporation. This strategy becomes extra powerful when the majority senior leaders involve him directly or when he takes the responsibility. Page and Brin accepted a transformational process of leadership then transactional strategy. The leader can explicate the significance of group aim belief and values with the help of transformational approach (Chesbrough & Appleyard, 2007).
This approach is design view of strategy development and is made by the top management. This approach may be the result of strategic planning and leadership. A company can be influenced and affected by the leadership of strategic leaders and hence a strategic leader plays a very vital function in a company. The leaders may include people who are the founders of the corporation or people who are in the management team of the corporation and make the different strategies for the development of the organization (Zhu, Avolio & Walumbwa, 2009). The case analysis reveals that Schmidt used to handle the investors and administrators as well as had the most conventional CEO position. Page was to take care of the social arrangement of the Google Corporation and Brin took care of the ethics followed in the corporation. Strategic planning decides the straight strategy, which makes a way to know the planned subject, synchronize the commercial levels planning, applies the decided strategy as well as involves citizens, and makes the way to own the strategy (Nielsen et. al., 2008).
This approach emerges in the corporation as time goes by and this is not a planned strategy. Emergent strategy is followed more by the companies that are involved in services like health services and accountancy. These approaches are made by the working unit of the corporation as the pinnacle unit may not recognize the techniques and how it works. The role of the Top management’s is to set an overall tactical way and help as well as decide the right strategy to rise from lower level (Dvir & Shamir, 2003)
At Google, those decisions related to its strategies were due to the tests that they used to perform in the market everyday. The results were decided by doing a constant adaptation and learning process. Google’s unexpected innovation and development along with the success depends on the organization (Welford & Gouldson, 1993).
Google Corporation goes for a distinctive path while recruiting. The corporation strongly believes that one outstanding worker is much more precious than a regular worker and the corporation wants the best worker to be hired. They know that if the company recruits one specialist worker then the other employees will follow him or her. By this recruitment policy it assures that they have the most excellent team of employees who are able to utilize all the resources of the company and use it towards the development of the organization (Jarvis, 2011).
Some studies show that Google is structured like an internet on its own and is connected properly, is flat as well as democratic.
In the development team of the Google Corporation the employees work in little teams and every team is consisted to three engineers. Gmail, for example has almost 4 teams as it is a big assignment, working on them. Each team has almost 4 engineers working towards developing new looks for the site (Steiner, 2010).
The corporation follows the philosophy “Just try it”. Google’s book search engine was a trial which was for answering, “How long does it take to digitize the book”. Mayer and Page initiated it by taking photograph of every page that the book had with the help of a metronome so as to continue speed which lasted for 40 minutes. Program soon converted the digital photo into digital wording. In order to search the book they found the software. This kind of creativity and innovative idea helped the company a lot (Bass& Steidlmeier, 1999). They devoted 70 per cent manufacturing resources towards the development of the organization along with 20 per cent workers who were loyal towards expanding the areas which they were in. Also, 10 per cent of the employees helped in giving ideas for its development. These processes have helped the corporation to use its resources to its maximum which in return has helped the corporation to grow. With the defined approaches, the company came the second among the precious corporations, first being Apple. The total asset of the company became $ 111 Billion in the year 2011.
Google always wants to give new and latest services as well products to its customers. This strategy develops a culture in a company which motivates the employees, who are able to align their goal with the corporation’s aim. This strategy is finest for the varying environment and helps the corporation to settle in itself to the altering in the environment (Jarvis, 2011).
Strategic Focus
We can conclude that with an efficient leadership and strategy, a corporation can use its capital to the maximum output and earn profit. The managers of the corporation may face challenges while managing strategies and development which may give mount to the evolving approach and they may not recognize how to handle it. Hence the manager is required to use different approaches for different situations in the corporation in order to handle those situations (Khalifa, 2011). It is very significant for the manager to differentiate among the emergent strategy and intended strategy. Most of the time the approach is explained as intended strategy. Official strategic approach has many pros and cons. There is much confirmation that explains that official planning is not adequate. The strategic management process consist 4 fundamentals that help the company to run its organization, Strategic action, strategic choices, strategic position analysis and setting mission and vision (Yeung & Campbell, 1991).
In order to get work done efficiently and effectively, motivation and leadership is required. Leadership acts as a very vital role in the failure or success of a corporation. With better leadership abilities a manger can inspire the workers to attain the mission of the corporation. Leadership is a characteristic such as predict leadership effectiveness, personality traits and skills and abilities where a group works together to achieve a desired goal. With effective and efficient leadership skills a leader can change the corporation’s future and change a non profiting corporation in a profiting corporation by inspiring people to work with enormous zeal and motivate the employees to achieve the objectives of the corporation. Skills related to leadership are the skill that differs from people to people and various leadership skills are needed for different situations. Leadership of transformation defines their visions and designs their systems for achieving the goal of the corporation through motivation and converts followers into leaders. Transformational leadership even encourages the employees to achieve their mission and make them trust on their mission and inspire them to achieve the goals (Miles et. al., 1978). Transformational leaders identify followers prospective and they aim to go to the extreme of to satisfy the employees higher order needs. As per few researches a transformational leader inspires their followers to go beyond the duty and act responsibly to achieve the goal of the corporation.
Leadership (Das, 1012)
Leadership styles and theories have changed with the change in business environment. Transformational leaders involve people who have goals and work with a vision to encourage the supporters to recognize the new goals set by the company and new habits of performing things and even help in attaining these aims. The transformational leader should have the capability to make decisions, communication, should have knowledge, confidence and skill to influence the followers to work for the growth of the corporation (Mintzberg, 1987). They can practice these skills on daily basis so that they attain the corporation’s objectives and goals. Transformational leaders share responsibility with their supporters. It permits supporters to create their own leadership skills and become free in understanding the job which reduces the leaders stress. The leaders of the company always try to encourage their team members instead of giving them orders. This helps them mingle with the members which helps them in putting forward the goal as well as the aim of the company more clearly. They also give suggestions rather than pointing at the issue. They also try to involve the workers in the decision making as much as possible so that they feel themselves as a part of the company (Peng & Heath, 1996).
It is very important that all the leaders are very enthusiastic as well as inspired in their mind so that they portray a better picture of themselves in front of the employees. This helps them in working towards a better future of the company. This also helps them to very actively work towards the goal and aim of the company. (Vera & Crossan, 2004).
One of the important element of leadership is being able to take such decisions that are really tough. Transformational Leader ought to be prepared to face a tricky decision overcome them to attain the goals. If the leader has a clean definite objectives, goals, values and vision, they teach the same to their employees as well which is helpful in motivating the employees towards achieving the organization’s goal and helping it to develop in the market (Mintzberg & Waters, 1985).
Transformational Leader should keep their ego in place which is most excellent for the organization or company. Transformational Leader ought to keep their personal gains aside and should think about the corporation’s profit. They should make sure that they do not misuse there power and think of achieving the corporation’s goals and objectives (Brezina, 2012). Transformational Leader success depends on the success of the company.
Transformational leaders in nature have the ability to think about the profit of the company in the same way as the company thinks. They very well understand how to take a right decision at the right time so that the company gains as well as what should be avoided so that it does not negatively impact the company. Since they are in such a position that if the corporation grows, their value increases, it is not just the position that they are concerned about, but are even concerned about the different processes by which the corporation is able to benefit.
Risk taking ability is one of the most vital individuality of a Transformational Leader. They should make sure that if they are taking any risk, the pros and cons of it is viewed properly, as any wrong decision will directly impact the brand image (Lumpkin & Dess, 1995). A proper research should be done before taking any decision. They should be able to take risks and should be able to take such decisions that are beneficial for the corporation. Along with that, they should also be able to encourage innovations along with new ideas at any point of time.
A business can see any type of changes at any point of time. So, a transformational leader should always be ready to accept these changes. A flexibility is very much important for these leaders due to the ever changing market (Yukl, 2002). So, they should keep a close eye on their competitors and should always be able to rise with new thoughts to remain at the topmost position in the market.
For a corporation to be on the top, a two-way communication among its workers is very important. This should be encouraged among the employees by the transformational leaders, as it is the employees who are the backbone of any corporation. A team work should also be encouraged and it should be seen that all the team members are participating in the team work and are coming up with new ideas for the development of the corporation.
Values and Beliefs
Inspiration is one such thing that helps the corporation create a good team which ultimately helps in the development of the company. So, a leader’s main motive should be to keep the team motivated all the time through recognizing their good performance so that they can be beneficial for the corporation, and even others get motivated and work on those areas which needs improvement (Hollander, 1995).This is also a way to build a transparency among the leaders and the employees.
Transformational leaders are the leaders who try innovative ideas by taking risks which help the corporation to grow. In order to achieve this they need to do many researches and see that the company growth is not at all affected by the any risks involved by applying the new ideas. With the help of proactive decision making skill of the Transformational leaders the corporation can avoid many risks (Yeung & Campbell, 1991).
A leader’s job is to make the employees understand the vision of the company in such a way that they see the corporation’s goal as their goal and work towards achieving it. It should be conveyed with lot of enthusiasm so that it does not become a burden, instead the employees enjoy it and have a feeling of content after achieving it.
The leaders of the corporation should be a role model for its employees so that they can trust their leaders in making any decision. This helps in building a trust of the followers towards their leaders which helps the employees to accept companyal change. Those employees who trust their leaders tend to less react in case of any changes.
The transformational leaders keep the employees engaged in such a way that they are able to come-up with new ideas to make the work easier. Internships and workshops are held so that the employees get new opportunities to develop their skills (Schilling& Hill, 1998). The leaders encourages the employees to participate in these workshops and do the internships so that they can develop themselves as an individual.
The main goal of the leaders of the company is to achieve the company’s goal and for this, they keep motivating the employees and help them to understand the clear motive of the corporation’s vision. They also make such visions which are easily understood by the employees and they work towards achieving it by following the right path (Avolio et. al., 2008). They help the employees to understand the job that they are doing and motivate them towards setting a high value in their life in order to be successful. They should be encouraged towards participating in the culture as well as surroundings of the company. For this, the leaders should address their employees from time to time in meetings or during one-to-one sessions.
In order to keep a healthy environment within the company, the transformational leaders should support as well as keep motivating their team members on every possible occasions. There should be an open environment within the corporation and the leaders should be very much approachable so that the employees do not hesitate in sharing their ideas and view with the higher authority. For every good idea, the employees should be recognized before the other members of the team. Not only this, they should also be treated properly based on their talent and skills that they possess and should be recognized for their hard work. This is one of the best ways to gain the faith of the employees towards the leader and ultimately the company which will help them to work with more responsibility and enthusiasm (Gardner, 1995).The approach used at Google is manageable, however, in such cases where the company tries to run ahead of its competitors in the ever-changing environment, this type of approach and self-leadership leads to inefficiency in the workers, who are unable to achieve their goal.
The main concentration of a transformational leader is towards adapting those changes that help the company to grow. A transformational leader has the ability to increase the performance as well as the efficiency of the employees through their individual thoughtfulness and help the corporation along with the individual to prosper. We can concluded that effective leaders are more important than managers in the corporation. It is very important for the leaders to manage the purpose, strategy, values and behaviors described in the Ashridge model of a sense of mission, effectively. Transformational leaders have vision and value the assistance and hard work of the employees. They help the employees to understand what exactly leadership is, in different companies. We can even conclude that there are various risks related to particular form of leadership, particularly related to idealized authority (Schilling & Hill, 1998). In a company employees do not always act reasonably they occasionally behave sensitively and take decision for their attention. Sentiment is a tool that can be used by the Transformational leader to handle a critical situation (Yeung & Campbell, 1991). Hence the transformational leader should always uses their innovative idea which can help the corporation to expand and should make sure that they do not misuse their authority. A good bonding with the employees will ensure the growth of the corporation. As per Grant in this new model the leader requires to develop a job environment where all the staff have the same chance to grow in the corporation and participate in sharing creative ideas which will help them to perform in their work. Hence effective leadership has a good impact on the company which helps the corporation to grow.
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