Creating A Secure Environment For 2018 United Way Campaign Kickoff Parade

Section 1: Hazard identification and risk assessment

The aim of the paper is to create an event environment that will be free from hazards. The secure environment is referred to the one that is protected from future harm. This is the responsibility of the event planner to construct an environment that will be free from hazards. This is the responsibility to develop a plan that will be legally and ethically responsible and will contain a secure and safe environment. The aim is to develop a plan for organizing the 2018 united way campaign kickoff parade. The parade organized aims at having 5000 people. Thus it is necessary to develop a plan that will include a better tracker for tracking the activities of the members participated in the campaign. This report will develop an ERP model that will help to address the potential risks associated with this event. The ERP that is going to be designed in the report will contain mainly 5 sections and will discuss risks associated with implementing this technology. 

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Section 1: Hazard identification and risk assessment  

A  – Hazards and Risks ( identify risks ad hazards associated with the event and what prevention and reduction risk strategies have been identified to address the risks and hazards)

Hazard /Risk

Potential Harm or Loss

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Prevention/risk Reduction Strategy( provide comments or refer to plan in section 2 – emergency response procedures)

1. Bomb risks

Will cause huge destruction and threat to human  life

Chances of area getting affected with bomb is 40%


Bomb escorts along with volunteers for evacuating the area

2. Severe weather

Will cause health illness

Chances are 50-60%


Energy drinks , water and food courts are made available for each participant

3. Missing person

Loss of person

Chances are 60%


Loss person ERP and lost person team are there to proactively start the search.

Section 2 – Emergency Response Procedures

A- Emergency Response Plan




Security Plan

? Yes

? No

Proper security plan is included. This will help to monitor activity of each children participating the parade.

Evacuation Plan/ Crowd Management

? Yes

? No

Evacuation plan is prepared so that in case of emergency the candidates participated in the parade can be evacuated.

Traffic Plan

? Yes

? No

This will help to maintain the safety of candidates while parading.

Bomb threat/Suspicious Package

? Yes

? No

Police forces are hired so that they can detect problem from the beginning itself. Checking of each package will be done.

Severe Weather

? Yes

? No

Preventive measures are being implemented in case of severe weather

Equipment Failure/ Structural collapse

? Yes

? No

Backups are being arranged.

Medical Plan

? Yes

? No

Medical team is being assigned with proper first aid box and all necessary requirements.

Event cancellation

? Yes

? No

In case the event gets cancelled, the organizational team will inform everyone about the changes made before time.


? Yes ? No

Extra volunteers are being arranged for taking care of the children.


?Yes  ? No

Foods are arranged along with energy drinks.


? Yes  ? No

Emergency vehicles are arranged.

Section 3- Emergency Response Plan Template (for each identified risk, hazard and procedures requiring a plan, fill out the fields in the given template)

Risk (e.g. bomb threat, severe weather, missing person)                               Bomb threat

Activation ( what triggers the plan to take effect)                            Once the area is being detected     with  bomb, it is the responsibility of the volunteers to evacuate the location

Notification (who/what agencies need to be notified)        The agency will notify the bomb escort team, the volunteers and the managers.

Responses   (actions to take, resources to utilize, cancellation policy)   once the bomb is detected in the area the volunteers need to evacuate the area. Even after analysing this risk the organization can cancel the program arranged. 

Communications (what messaging needs to be provided to event staff, public, emergency responders)            the event staff needs to be quick while evacuating the area. Apart from these the emergency responders need to take care of the area. 

Safety (what protective actions to be taken )                     evacuating the area within time, taking care that everyone is being evacuated successfully

Deactivation (what needs to be done to return the event to normal operations)    once the bomb is being safely evacuated the organization can resume the program again on the same day or on next day. 

Risk (e.g. bomb threat, severe weather, missing person)                             Missing person risk

Activation ( what triggers the plan to take effect)                                       once a person is  identified missing by the lost person ERP

Notification  (who/what agencies need to be notified)                lost person team gets notified

Responses   (actions to take, resources to utilize, cancellation policy)        once a child is being found missing the volunteer’s starts the searching process and with the help of Lost person ERP number they can contact their manager.

Communications ( what messaging needs to be provided to event staff , public ,emergency responders) once a child is gone missing , the organizers need to inform the lost person ERP and from there the searching process will be executed. 

Safety (what protective actions to be taken)   In order to search for the missing person, it is necessary to coordinate with the volunteers. The volunteer team will start the search for the lost individual.

Deactivation ( what needs to be done to return the event to normal operations)   the event can be continued or there is no need to stop the event, as the lost person team will search.

Risk (e.g. bomb threat, severe weather, missing person)                   Severe Weather

Activation ( what triggers the plan to take effect)         once the weather is being detected going against the plan

Notification  (who/what agencies need to be notified)          the evacuation team will evacuate the area in adverse cases

Responses   (actions to take, resources to utilize, cancellation policy)   in case heavy rain occurs or suddenly the humidity increase, the preventive measures are needed to be kept along. In case of excessive rain there’s a need of having sufficient umbrella and in case of excessive humidity their need to have energy drink stalls. 

Communications (what messaging needs to be provided to event staff, public, emergency responders)                           the event staff needs to be ready with juices , energy drinks , umbrellas and sufficient amount of water.

Safety (what protective actions to be taken)       in case any candidate falls week they are needed to be supplied with water and energy drinks. 

Deactivation ( what needs to be done to return the event to normal operations)     there is no need to stop the event 

Section 4- Coordination and Communication

A- Coordination and Communication – Complete the incident Command System Organizational chart with the name of the person, organization, primary phone number and email. (Depending upon the size and nature of the event, one person may have more than one role) or submit a separate diagram and phone list.  

Event Incident Commander: the person in overall change of the event

Liaison Officer: Primary contact for supporting agencies of the event

Safety Officer: Monitors safety conditions, assesses hazardous and unsafe situations

Risk Management Officer: Assesses, monitors and evaluate potential risk. Investigates takes actions and rectifies situations as appropriate.

Operations section chief: directs all event operational resources

Planning Section Chief: tracks resources and collects information, maintains documentation

Logistics Section Chief: Obtains the resources needed to run the event

Finance and Administration section chief: monitors costs related to run the event vendor and contract coordination

Venue leader: Coordinates activities at a specific venue

Section B- Communication with other Agencies

Cell phone





RADIO 108.9

Public address to event participants


RADIO 58.9

Public address to general Public


RADIO 79.0

Emergency services


RADIO 78.2




Section 5 – Large event emergency medical allocation form

Please complete the following questions. Upon completion, count the point value beside each of your answers. The total value will determine the risk level of your event. The risk level will determine the required medical resources at your event. If in doubt between two answers, always choose the answer with the higher point value.  




1. Number of people attending











2. Location of Event

? Outside/Open Area

? Outside/Confined Area

? Inside/Open Areas

? Inside/Crowded Area





3. Pyrotechnics/Lasers/Light/show/Stage/Floats/Amplified Music

? No

? Yes



4. Media present at event

? No

? Yes



5. Presence off VIPs, i.e. celebrities, politicians

? No

? Possible

? Yes




6. Possibility of drugs

? Unlikely

? Possible

? Yes




7. Alcohol availability

? None

? Restricted (not solid on site, available from nearby vendors)

? Readily available (Sold On site)




8. Season of event

? Spring /fall

? Summer/ Winter



9. Location of event

? Within city limits

? Rural/Remote/Industrial



10. Location of event and accessibility

? Near or on major roadway

? Not on a major roadway or remote access



11. Risk of event activity

? Low ( classic music, children’s concert , family events and shows)

? Medium (amateur sport, festivals)

? High (rock concert, EDM , professional/ extreme sports – MMA, fight, Monster Trucks)




Point Total – 12


Maximum- 29

                                                                       Sign Off

Completed by:




This report will help to manage the people and locate the lost person. This plan is developed basically with the aim of providing better security and care towards the children participating in the parade. Once it is being confirmed by the coordinator that a person is lost, it is the responsibility to the executive to inform this fact to the lost person tent. This is the responsibility of the staff member to understand and analyse the condition based on two scenarios. There is a lost person ERP call no that will be used once a person is reported lost. The contact number provided for emergency help given is 911 or 403-266-1234. Once the guardian states that their child is lost, this is the responsibility of the lost person team to work proactively. Secondly in case a missing person is being address by any one present in the parade, a Found Person ERP call is being initiated 403-266-1234.

There are basically two ERP related to lost person report that are needed to be focused for performing the parade successfully. This includes Lost Person ERP and Found Person ERP.

The parade includes children from different age groups. Thus, the security factor becomes an important concept and needed to be considered as the main aspect. In case a child goes missing, it is the responsibility of the search team to manage the security team. The responsibility comes to the site manager to inform the security staff and other addition volunteers so that they can start the search procedure. The communication process is followed with the help of chart. This is the responsibility of the site manager to assign staffs, volunteers and security to take care of each and every individual and to report as soon as possible if a  child is found missing. This process needs to be continued until the lost person is being located and is being handover to their parents safely.

The risks associated with lost person are risk off violence, sexual exploitation, getting involved in crime, victimisation. This all risks are likely to get generated while a child goes missing from a parade. In order to overcome this risk it is very necessary to proactively contact with the lost person team. The team will guide and instruct their volunteers to start the search procedure.

This will get activated in case a child is found by any volunteer. This is the responsibility of the volunteer to gather information from the child and look for their guardians. Once the parents of the child are being addressed, the child are being released to them. Before handover of the found individual it is necessary to verify the credentials and once the credentials are being matched the child can be released. With the help of announcements the guardians can be reunited easily.

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