CPB Contractors Shed Construction Project: Challenges And Strategies

Overview of the CPB Contractors’ Shed Construction Project

CPB Contractors will carry out the shed construction project. The CPB Contractors will have to follow the project plan strictly. They may fail to stick with the project deliverables. This limitation can create many problems. The project manager can face several challenges to complete the project within scheduled deadline and budget.

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CPB Contractors has certain norms and strategy. The construction team will follow those norms while constructing the shed. The project manager may find it challenging to align the project strategy with CPB Contractors’ strategy. There is a risk that the project can go out of track.

The project plan has already been prepared, however, in reality, the project manager can observe that the project is over budget or running behind schedule. It will be a great challenge for the project manager to change the plan and prepare a revised plan so that it can cope with the scheduled timeframe and budget.

The project manager will have to rely on CPB Contractors for the resources and the project quality. CPB Contractors will allocate resources and workforce for constructing the shed. However, there will be no scope for the project manager to check the resources quality and the workforce skills. The project manager can only acknowledge the issue if any disruptions occur within the project. The project manager will have to depend on CPB Contractors for receiving a quality project constantly.

The project manager will have to follow a certain methodology like Agile or Waterfall for the project, and he will have to stick with it. He cannot change the methodology and cannot choose random methodology. Otherwise, that can lead to a disaster. On the other hand, by choosing a unique methodology for the project, the project manager limits the potential of the project and the resources. 

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CPB Construction Team will consist of civil engineer, wood machinist, mason, builder, subcontractor, painter and the cleaning staff. They will carry out the minor demolition and the construction of the shed. The project manager is in charge of the construction team. The content writer will prepare documentations for the project. The 94WBR-shed project sponsor will provide fund for the project.

Demolition-Construction 94WBR-Shed Project Plan 

Task Name





Resource Names


94WBR-Shed Project by CPB Contractors

143 days

Mon 16/04/18

Wed 31/10/18


   Resource Allocation for 94WBR-Shed Demolition-Construction Project

5 days

Mon 16/04/18

Fri 20/04/18

Project Manager


   Demolition Works in Backyard

11 days

Mon 23/04/18

Mon 07/05/18


      Cutting Down Trees Using Electric Chainsaws

4 days

Mon 23/04/18

Thu 26/04/18


Wood Machinist


      Removing Section of Backyard Boundary Wall Using 341 high reach demolition excavator

4 days

Fri 27/04/18

Wed 02/05/18




      Cutting Small Plants and Grass

5 days

Fri 27/04/18

Thu 03/05/18


Cleaning Staff,Subcontractor


      Clearance of Backyard Lot

2 days

Fri 04/05/18

Mon 07/05/18


Cleaning Staff,Subcontractor


   Construction Works

122 days

Tue 08/05/18

Wed 24/10/18


      Site Work Step 1

2 days

Tue 08/05/18

Wed 09/05/18


         Using Wooden Frame to Mark the Boundary of Shed

2 days

Tue 08/05/18

Wed 09/05/18




      Site Work Step 2

8 days

Thu 10/05/18

Mon 21/05/18


         Digging Hole For First Block

2 days

Thu 10/05/18

Fri 11/05/18




         Gravel Adding

3 days

Mon 14/05/18

Wed 16/05/18




         Installation of Block

3 days

Thu 17/05/18

Mon 21/05/18




      Site Work Step 3

3 days

Tue 22/05/18

Thu 24/05/18


         Using a Level to Check Whether Corner Blocks are Implemented at the Same Height

3 days

Tue 22/05/18

Thu 24/05/18


Civil Engineer,Subcontractor


      Building the Floor Step 1

11 days

Fri 25/05/18

Fri 08/06/18


         Marking Joist Locations on Long Front Joists

3 days

Fri 25/05/18

Tue 29/05/18




         Marking Joist Locations on Rear Rim Joists

4 days

Wed 30/05/18

Mon 04/06/18




         Metal Hangers Installation with Joist Hanger Nails

4 days

Tue 05/06/18

Fri 08/06/18




      Building The Floor Step 2

7 days

Mon 11/06/18

Tue 19/06/18


         Doubling Front Joists and Rear Joists

3 days

Mon 11/06/18

Wed 13/06/18




         Adding Plywood Floor

4 days

Thu 14/06/18

Tue 19/06/18


Builder,Wood Machinist


      Wall Construction

22 days

Wed 20/06/18

Thu 19/07/18


         Cut Stock to Length for Window and Door Jack Studs and Wall Studs

5 days

Wed 20/06/18

Tue 26/06/18


Wood Machinist


         Installation of Plywood Wall Sheathing on Framed Back Wall

4 days

Wed 27/06/18

Mon 02/07/18


Wood Machinist


         Assembly Raised

4 days

Tue 03/07/18

Fri 06/07/18


Builder,Wood Machinist


         Framing and Raising Remaining Walls Without Sheathing

4 days

Mon 09/07/18

Thu 12/07/18




         Adding Remaining Plywood Sheathing while Framing is in Place and Assembly is Plumb and Square

5 days

Fri 13/07/18

Thu 19/07/18


Builder,Wood Machinist


      Framing Roof

24 days

Fri 20/07/18

Wed 22/08/18


         Setting Up Worktable with Outline of Rafter Assembly Marked

5 days

Fri 20/07/18

Thu 26/07/18


Builder,Wood Machinist


         Joining Rafter Pairs with Plywood Gusset

6 days

Fri 27/07/18

Fri 03/08/18


Builder,Wood Machinist


         Installation of Plywood Roof Deck

5 days

Mon 06/08/18

Fri 10/08/18


Wood Machinist


         Nailing Aluminium Drip Edge to Eaves

4 days

Mon 13/08/18

Thu 16/08/18




         Installation of Drip Edge along Rake Edges

4 days

Fri 17/08/18

Wed 22/08/18




      Roofing and Siding

21 days

Thu 23/08/18

Thu 20/09/18


         Using Plywood for Roof Deck

5 days

Thu 23/08/18

Wed 29/08/18


Wood Machinist


         Covering Roof Deck with Roofing Felt

5 days

Thu 30/08/18

Wed 05/09/18


Wood Machinist


         Installation of Shingles

6 days

Thu 06/09/18

Thu 13/09/18


Wood Machinist


         Nail Tongue-and-grove Cedar Siding in Place

5 days

Fri 14/09/18

Thu 20/09/18


Wood Machinist


      Installation of Doors

22 days

Fri 21/09/18

Mon 22/10/18


         Cutting Stock for Doorjambs

6 days

Fri 21/09/18

Fri 28/09/18


Wood Machinist


         Positioning the Door in its opening at the Top and Sides

5 days

Mon 01/10/18

Fri 05/10/18


Wood Machinist


         Bore Pilot Holes for Hinge Screws

4 days

Mon 08/10/18

Thu 11/10/18




         Installation of Door Pull and Hasp

4 days

Fri 12/10/18

Wed 17/10/18




         Securing Hinges

3 days

Thu 18/10/18

Mon 22/10/18




      Installation of Windows

9 days

Fri 21/09/18

Wed 03/10/18


         Installation of Angled Still Piece

3 days

Fri 21/09/18

Tue 25/09/18


Builder,Wood Machinist


         Installation of Top Jamb

3 days

Wed 26/09/18

Fri 28/09/18




         Installation of Side Jambs

3 days

Mon 01/10/18

Wed 03/10/18





4 days

Thu 18/10/18

Tue 23/10/18


         Painting of Shed Walls

2 days

Thu 18/10/18

Fri 19/10/18


Painter and Decorator


         Painting of Doors and Windows

2 days

Mon 22/10/18

Tue 23/10/18


Painter and Decorator



1 day

Wed 24/10/18

Wed 24/10/18


         Final Cleaning

1 day

Wed 24/10/18

Wed 24/10/18


Cleaning Staff


   Project Closure

5 days

Thu 25/10/18

Wed 31/10/18


      Project Handover

2 days

Thu 25/10/18

Fri 26/10/18


Project Manager


      94WBR-Shed Project Sponsor Agreement

2 days

Mon 29/10/18

Tue 30/10/18


94WBR-Shed Project Sponsor



1 day

Wed 31/10/18

Wed 31/10/18


Content Writer


      Resource Release

1 day

Wed 31/10/18

Wed 31/10/18


Project Manager


 Draft Version of 94WBR-Shed Project Management Plan


            A Project manager has been appointed in charge of a construction project team who are currently working at 94 Western Beach Road in Geelong, Victoria 3220. CPB Contractors team will carry out the demolition-construction work for the 94WBR-shed project. Minor demolition work will be conducted in the backyard, and afterwards, the construction of shed will start. The Project Manager has been given the responsibility. He will prepare the project plan. The project plan will contain the list of project activities that need to be carried out. The project plan will explain the project dependencies. The project will illustrate the project schedule as well as the project budget. The CPB Contractors will follow the plan and will complete the project accordingly.


· To construct a shed

· To finish the 94WBR-shed project within scheduled deadline and budget

· To maintain efficiency and sustainability throughout the project lifecycle that is why the project manager has been appointed 

      The project manager is responsible for monitoring the construction work for the 94WBR-shed construction project. According to the project plan, the following summary tasks will be carried out sequentially. At first, the project manager will assign CPB Contractors for the construction work. The construction team will start the demolition work at first. They will cut down the trees, remove a section of backyard boundary wall. They will cut down small plants and then will clear the backyard lot. After the minor demolition work, the construction team will carry out the construction work. The Site Work will be accomplished in three steps. Later on, the construction stakeholders will work on building the floor. The floor building operations will be completed within two steps. Afterwards, they will work on framing the roof, roofing and siding, installation of doors and windows and lastly paint. The cleaning staff will carry out the final cleaning. In this way, the entire project will be completed. The project will take almost 5 months, and the scheduled budget of the project is $25,392.

Key Stakeholders 

Resource Name

Civil Engineer

Project Manager

Wood Machinist



Cleaning Staff

Content Writer

Painter and Decorator

94WBR-Shed Project Sponsor


Project Milestones 

Task Name


94WBR-Shed Project by CPB Contractors

Mon 16/04/18

   Milestone 1: Completion of Resource Allocation

Fri 20/04/18

      Milestone 2: Completion of Demolition Works

Mon 07/05/18

         Milestone 3: Completion of Site Work Step 1

Wed 09/05/18

         Milestone 4: Completion of Site Work Step 2

Mon 21/05/18

         Milestone 6: Completion of Floor Building Step 1

Fri 08/06/18

         Milestone 7: Completion of Floor Building Step 2

Tue 19/06/18

         Milestone 8: Completion of Wall Construction

Thu 19/07/18

         Milestone 9: Completion of Framing Roof

Wed 22/08/18

         Milestone 10: Completion of Roofing and Siding

Thu 20/09/18

         Milestone 11: Completion of Door Installation

Mon 22/10/18

         Milestone 12: Completion of Windows Installation

Wed 03/10/18

         Milestone 13: Completion of Painting and Decoration

Tue 23/10/18

         Milestone 14: Completion of Cleaning

Wed 24/10/18

      Milestone 15: Completion of Project

Wed 31/10/18

Project Budget 

Task Name


94WBR-Shed Project by CPB Contractors


   Resource Allocation for 94WBR-Shed Demolition-Construction Project


   Demolition Works in Backyard


   Construction Works


      Site Work Step 1


      Site Work Step 2


      Site Work Step 3


      Building the Floor Step 1


      Building The Floor Step 2


      Wall Construction


      Framing Roof


      Roofing and Siding


      Installation of Doors


      Installation of Windows






   Project Closure


Approval Signatures

[Name], Project Client

[Name], Project Sponsor

[Name], Project Manager


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