Costs Agreement For Immigration Assistance Services

Obligation to you

It is to bring to your attention that in context of meeting with us in conference at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre (VIDC) and sharing the valuable information and issues which you have been facing in relation to the immigration assistance.

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As per the laws and provision of the migration assistance and code of conduct, the attached disclosure of specific matters of the Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397) has been shared herewith.

The services charged fees taken by the Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397) will be on the basis of the cost sheet of the immigration assistance provided to clients.

Please hereby confirm the acknowledgement of the disclosure and your acceptance of the cost agreement by signing and return the same to the enclosed agreement.

Further work will be done accordingly only after the first drafted documents.

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  1. Royal Paul will be handling all the administration and documentation work under the supervision of Mr Jon, Administrative Manager.

Prior to signing the enclosed agreement, you need to understand the legal binding and expected compliance program with its applicable terms in the agreement. This agreement covers all the applicable laws and rules Subclass 866 Protection visa application and other terms.

In signed agreement related to terms and fees contract, you are agreed to all the terms and conditions and related fees which may be charged as may be given in the cost fees sheet enclosed.

Yours faithfully

Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397

[email protected]

Obligation to you


All the applicable code of conduct and professionalism as per the contract law would be followed.

Shared information


You will be disclosed all the substantial changes and amendment in the laws if it comes during the contract period of our agreement.

Cost and negotiating agreement


You are put at your liberty to negotiate the fees charged on the basis of the shared cost sheet with you subject to the acceptance.

Undertaken work in agreement


You have asked us to do the following work for you.

Undertaken the immigration facility and assistance.

Work related to Temporary Protection visa (Subclass 785)

Works related to compliance with the laws and regulation of Subclass 866 protection visa application.

Progress report of the undertaken work


The complete details of the work progress will be shared with you on timely basis and certain charged would be made as per the cost sheet.

Charging the legal cost

Para. 5.2



The profession cost of ‘Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397) will be as per the details below mentioned –

· Charges made for the professional work

· Charges for the provisional assistance work, and

· Immigration facility and assistance charge.

· Fees for the visa assessment services.

· Advice  regarding the visa condition and requirements.

· Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department.

This amount will be charged including GST as per the law.

Legal costing

Para 5.2 (Code)


The professional fees charged for Undertaken the immigration facility and assistance, work related to Temporary Protection visa (Subclass 785), works related to compliance with the laws and regulation of Subclass 866 protection visa application will be as fellow  –

· Professional fees

· Immigration facility and assistance charge 

· Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department




Further charges could be seen with the attached cost sheet in the appendix attached.

This is the agreed sum which would be required for the migration services.


(i) All work would be done as per request made by the Jack himself.

(ii) All additional work would be done as per the clear intimation from the Jack.

(iii) In case of substantial change he has to-

· Notify all the current details of his address and phone number or

· Respond through the mails and calls

The payment for the work would be as fellow:

(i) $275 will be charged as initial cost when you sign the agreement cost,

(ii) $255 will be charged for the further costing of the busienss.

The tax invoice will be given to for your each payment including the GST as supporting document for your payment.

No refunds


PLEASE NOTE: ‘Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397)’ would not be liable for the refund of the initial cost if you terminate the contract.

Particular of the migration services performed by company

5.313 Migration Act, 1958


As per the section 313 migration act, it imposes obligation to take all the related document of the clients while providing the migration assistance and respective charges would be taken for the documentation and of further costing.

While signing the agreement, Jack agrees to the received in full satisfaction of the section 313 and provide all the required documents.

Our professional costs for additional work

Para 5.2


· All the legal cost and other additional work cost will be charged and calculated on the basis of the current migration assistance cost for the professional and Charges made for the professional work and provisional assistance work, Immigration facility and assistance charge, fees for the visa assessment services, advice regarding the visa condition and requirements and liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department. This amount will be charged including GST as per the law

Professional work costing

 (Subject to paragraph 7 of this agreement)



The computation of the legal cost and other charges will be determined on the basis of the time taken and practitioner’s works. The calculation would be based on the time in minute increment with the following hourly rates.  

Charges for the principle services                 $575

Charges made for the professional work       $555

 Provisional assistance work                          $375

 Immigration facility and assistance charge   $ 454

Fees for the visa assessment services             $555

 Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department.                        $455

Computation of the cost of the services

(subject to paragraph 7 of this agreement)


The estimated cost of the Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department including the provisional migration assistance services would be around $ 1255  It is the estimated costing and will be charged accordingly:

   Charges per copy                                 $1.55

   Colour copy per page                           $1.10

     Fax and mail sent per page                 $1.10

Computation and cost disbursement amount


We expect that following expenses would be incurred:

 Preparation of the visa application                              $225

Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department                                     $275

Administration costing (postage and other charge       $ 200

If in case any further expenses would be made then we will let you know all the required details and related documents.

Legal Costing


You may contact Administration officer for the further details

Bills, legal fees and related costing would be made


You will receive all the details and documents for the fees charged from you.

You will be billed-

· For the work done for your,

For the additional charges such as preparation of the visa application                            ,Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department  and Administration costing (postage and other charge       

On request will provide the cost sheet maintained for your bill without any further charges.

You have right to ask for all the itemised bill if you pay lump sum amount for our bill.

It is to your notice that if the agreed price is not paid within 30 days then you will be charged interest on the payment as per the ‘cash rate target’ for the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) for that month and year (

If you find any issue in the bill then you could raise your query and take possible actions such as

(a) Application to mediation, or

(b) Discuss the concerned with the team

(c) Apply for the cost assessment

(d) Apply to court.

Cost assessment application would be made within 12 month-

Relevant Law


The laws and rules of the state territory where Jack resides will be applicable.

‘Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397) 

Jack Song

Offer to enter Agreement for Services and Fees’ (‘Agreement’)


‘Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397)  offers to enter in Agreement for Services and Fees’ (‘Agreement’)  with the Jack for the migration services and provision of immigration assistance for clearing his visa as per the Temporary Protection visa (Subclass 785) in Australia.



Jack may accept the offer in writing, or dating and recurring the enclosed copy with his consent. After that, the work will be started.

The work


Once you accept this costs agreement it will apply to the following work:


Costs agreement


You will agree to pay professional fees as per the charge an hourly rate of $380 per hour (plus GST) for the provision of immigration assistance. The documents and other details will be shared with you for the same in the reasonable period of time.

Our legal costs


The professional immigration fees charged from the Jack would include

Preparation of the visa application                              $225

Liaise with the DAIC during the processing time of the visa application with the migration department                                     $275

Administration costing (postage and other charge       $ 200

If in case any further expenses would be made then we will let you know all the required details and related documents.

These all amount include all the amount of costing.

Calculation of charges for disbursements incurred


The any amount incurred by us will be charged at cost after deducting the GST from the clients.

Our professional costs for additional work


The legal costs for the professional migration work done for Jack will be in addition to the work which will be used for calculation of the current rates of our professional services fees.

Client account monies


Some of the amount based on the professional fees and other required expenses will be charged from the Jack in advance.

Jack will be liable to pay all legal services cost in advance in advance as per the Code of Conduct at paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3.

Invoicing and interest on unpaid


All the invoice and details will be sent to you in the cost sheet-

· The legal costs for the professional migration work done for Jack For any additional work- monthly and at the conclusion of the additional work.

· Agreement for Services and Fees’ (‘Agreement’)  with the Jack for the migration services and provision of immigration assistance of our tax invoice.

· You agree to pay the entire additional costing amount within 21 days.



Interest may be charged on the unpaid amount left after 21 days

Destruction of files and documents


You agree to the fact that we may destroy your files and documents after 7 years of your work done as in accordance with  paragraph 6.2(b) of the Code of Conduct.

Privacy Protection


All your information will be kept confidential. 

Termination of this costs agreement


On the termination of the agreement no refund will be made until and unless it is fault made from our side.

Governing Law


The governing law of the states in which Jack resides will be applicable in the cost service agreement.



You are supposed to read all the terms and conditions and sign it within 28 days.

We would notify the department of the immigration and citizenship that we are performing or acting for your within 28 days since the time you sign the contract.

Immigration Outcomes Pty Ltd (ACN 475 293 397)


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