Corporate Social Responsibility: Effective Human Resource Management At Boots Company
Introduction 150-200 words
For every organization to succeed there is the need to regard the aspect of managing the human resource. The aspect is of great importance since it ensures that companies have the right people with the right skills to deliver best services in relation to the goals of the organization. The goals are drawn from the corporate strategies of the company (Greene & Kirton, 2015, p26). Companies will ensure that they remain competitive depending on the corporate social responsibility strategies established (Hendry, 2012, p6). The corporate strategies are usually found in the model of the organization. In the Boots Company, the aspect of managing the human resource is well taken care of, targeting to give the best outcomes to the company. Managing the human resource is not only beneficial for effective service delivery, but also economical since it aids in the proper utilization of the available resources. This has led to the improvement of the image in the minds of the public attracting various clients from various walks of lives globally (Hohnen & Hasle, 2011, p 1024). The paper gives an analysis of the approaches employed by the Boots Company in effectively managing the human resource in relation to the corporate strategies of the company.
The organization in ensuring that the health and safety elements are realized, it works smartly on the aspect of human resource management. The organization in this regard ensures that the employees acquired are the right ones for the company with the qualified skills and the passion for their job. Professional individuals not only build the public image of the organization but also give other employees an opportunity to serve the organization the best. Best service delivery is the aspect regarded by the Boots Company and even goes ahead by assessing its customers to see where they can improve their services (Hughes & Ferrett, 2011, p 56). Some of the health and safety measures exercised by the organization are as discussed below:
Launching effective health and safety policies
Considering this aspect, the company has put in place measures on how to ensure that the set policies for enhancing health and safety are achieved. Despite the improvements, the company is still working on the policies creating room for innovation and inventions to advance the services more. The common aspects improved in this regard entails:
Health and safety document
The policy put in place ensures that health and safety measures are perfected therefore enhancing service delivery. Well-kept records ensure that information needed for effective service delivery is easily accessed. In ensuring that health and safety documentation are achieved by the company approaches such as safety governance, good culture for the organization that is safe and motivating employees to give the best. Additionally, there is the need for upholding health and safety strategies. Employees conducting researches on the way to boost the standards of the health and safety documents is the way to go. The organization also ensures that merits of safety behaviors and systems are established (Gebauer & Kowalkowski, 2012, p535).
Managing Human Resource for Corporate Success
Conducting campaigns in ensuring employees work well
Organizations conducting campaigns on improving their services is the best way to go which will ensure that more clients are attracted to the organization. In the Boots Company, it works in association with the Business in the Community in order to ensure that employees offer their best services (Mettler & Rohner, 2009, p. 88). The employees, therefore, are more engaged in their jobs with the target of achieving the best for the organization.
Development of a safety culture plan
The company has implemented a safe culture plan that enables the management of the organization as well as the employees to work for a common goal of integrating health and safety measures daily on the operations on the target. Also, the management works on the enhancement of effective communication by always seeking the views of their employees when formulating new approaches that target at advancing the health and safety of the organizational members as well as those of the clients (Madden, & Bartlty, 2014, p. 4).
Enhancing workplace comfortableness
For effective service delivery to be enhanced, the working environment should be conducive. The employees need to be given the resources needed as well as the support needed for them to deliver effectively (Tai & Chuang, 2014, p. 117). These initiatives are being conducted by the company’s management with the view of giving the best. The employees feel good in the organization due to the way the management is treating them for instance through taking care of their personal needs, giving them time to relax when they are tired and they also enjoy their retail therapies in the stores.
Monitoring safety business risks and performance
Boots Company has laid down approaches that ensure that business risks and performances are monitored. The organization has taken initiatives of ensuring that reviews concerning the risks and performance of the organization are assessed. The Boots UK Governance has been given the initiative to handle this responsibility. Through the reviews, the threats that the employees face in the process of delivering services are dealt with accordingly, therefore, enhancing an enabling environment to boost the quality of their services (Jiménez, 2017, p2442). In addition, two approaches are used the Retail Steering Group and Nottingham Site Safety Steering Group. They are used mitigating the threats.
Health and Safety Partnerships
The company utilizes partnerships, for example, The Highland Council that aids in reviewing its stores with the view of making the systems to be more reliable while providing recommendations which are yet to be implemented. The reviews, in addition, has positioned the company to know on the level of effectiveness on the health and safety through the feedbacks got from the partnerships, therefore laying down strategies on how to make improvements on their services. In this regard, the organization will keep on looking at ways of improving the safety measures if the clients, employees and the visitors.
Boots Company’s Approach to Health and Safety Management
Boots organization has taken an initiative of ensuring that every employee is giving advisory services on their occupation as well as their health. The occupational services have enabled the organization to improve the quality of work and health of the workers at their workplace through various initiatives:
Motivational products and services
The organization has been able to provide the broad variety of products and service to its members, for instance, discounted flu vaccines, staff discount cards, seasonal product discounts and discounted eye tests. Additionally, it has been able to give contact lenses and glasses to the members. This has ensured that members access health services at lower costs. The healthy living of the employees and their families has been empowered through the initiative.
Introduction of the bike to work week
The company has adopted riding and running alongside the National Bike Week. The organization utilized this approach with the view of setting as an example to the rest of the society on the importance of the health services on the health of the residents. People are able to emulate the same therefore improving the conditions of their health through the bicycle riding activities. The company holds the competition and also offering advisories and bicycle promotions which improves the health of the workers.
Formulation of policies that enhances the security of the employees
The organization has set policies that aim at boosting the safety of its employees. Operations that are unsecured that can harm the employees at the place of work are approached with preventive approaches to enhance the safety of the employees (Renwick, 2013, p10). The organization has provided an awareness information that is displayed in the organization for instance on the notice board. Members of the organization are informed of the dangers in the organization through the initiative and therefore have been able to avoid accordingly.
Equality and diversity are important to the organization since they boost the morale of the employees not only to change but to improve the service delivery. The approach is evidenced by the Boots Company since equality and diversity is highly exercised in the organization. The management has set a target of ensuring that the company not only gets diversified in terms of the market and its operation in general but to be able to integrate the current technologies in their operations. Attaining the competitiveness of the organization is a crucial element that will determine whether companies succeed or fail. The employees of the company come from different cultural backgrounds, ethnic groups, races, and religious backgrounds. The introduction of the uniform culture has enabled the organization to notice its employees whether at work or at different places, this has improved the image of the organization in the minds of the public. The environment in the company is not only the best for working but as well for learning, therefore, boosting the skills of many which has profoundly improved the quality of services delivered by the organization(Rosental, 2009,p170). Various strategies have been put in place by the organization in order to ensure that the aspect of equality and diversity is realized:
Enhancing Workplace Comfort
The organization is doing the best to boost the extent of employees’ inclusivity and diversity. It is due to the fact that the management acknowledges the fact that a diverse workforce creates a culture in which great ideas and new plans are inspired by the colleagues. The organization responsibly recruits, selects, hires, retains and promotes various personnel depending on their qualification and the effectiveness of service delivery. The members of the community are also hired based on this regard, therefore, they feel included in the matters of the organization. Additionally, the company is more flexible in its approaches allowing the members of the organization to makes innovative and inventive approaches which are assessed when found of great help to the organization are implemented right away (Lin & Wu, 2014, p409). These approaches have greatly aided the organization to get diversified. The excellent approaches of the company entail the following approaches in ensuring that this aspect is enhanced:
Ensuring that ethnic balance is attained
The organization in the process of recruiting employees has considered the aspect of ethnicity ensuring that a balance has been realized. The organization has ensured that the ethnic minority have a chance to work in the company attaining 35% of the employees in the company (Underhill & Quinlan, 2011, p400). This demonstrates how the company is greatly determined to attain an ethnic balance. The organization due to this aspect has been able to make a proper comparison of even on the gender aspect. It is therefore clear that the company has the best ethnic balance as compared to other firms.
Gender inequality in favor of women
The organization has most of the employees being women. They form over 79% of the total number of the employees. The aspect makes the organization to stand among many since most of the organizations discriminate against women. The organization has only 21% of the workforce being men (Schwartz, 2017, [. 22). There is the need for the management of the organization to ensure that gender balance is enhanced in the organization in order to attain 50% on each gender. The aspect has impacted the organization negatively due to the imbalance in the gender (Purce, J., 2014, p. 67).
Enhancement of dignity at the workplace
The management is working tirelessly in order to attain the dignity of the employees at the workplace. Following this element, the organization in the year 2012 introduced a policy targeting at the enhancement of dignity at the workplace (Neugebauer, 2014, p306). Through the efforts of striking a balance in gender and ethnicity in the company, attaining dignity at the workplace has been an easy task to achieve. The organization has been achieving this through the invitation of the guest speaker to come and share their experiences on how they ensured dignity during their times in the place of work was attained. Though this, the organization has been able to uphold priorities at the place of work.
Monitoring Business Risks and Performance
Work experience programs
Work experience programs are being undertaken in the company to ensure that employees are included especially those from the community in order to help to reach the community at large.
Career programs have been established by the management of the organization for the employees with the view of improving their skills, knowledge, and competence in their roles. Additionally, the diverse learning packages have been introduced by the organization, for instance, electronic learning to boost the skills of the employees (Baicker 2010, p306).
Women in Information Technology (IT)
After the company realized that most of its employees were women but with little IT skills, they have taken the initiative of training the employees on how to boost their IT skills. The women campaigns on the enhancement of the IT skills have begun in the organization (Purce, J., 2014, p67). This has enhanced talents at the same time boosting the IT skills.
Conducting Progress Benchmarking programs
The organization is getting involved in various benchmarking exercises in order to enhance its skills. It has recently been involved in “Opportunity now” and “Race for Opportunity” survey programs that aimed at empowering the race and gender equality.
The effective management of the company in regarding the aspect of health and safety and the equality and diversity with the help of the UK legislation has aided the company to improve in its operation, therefore, boosting the services of the organization (Schwartz, 2017, p. 33). The section is going to evaluate the strategic effects that the organization has a capacity t achieve proper use of the above tow elements in respect to the UK legislation which aims at improving the health and safety aspect as well as the diversity and equality element at the place of work. The strategic effects are analyzed as follows:
The two elements at the workplace ensure that has the opportunity to make improvements on the quality of services delivered to the clients, therefore, maintaining the clients for the company as well as attracting new clients to work in the organization. Approaches that aim at improving the performance of the employees are being conducted for instance training of the employees on the IT approaches, taking care of their needs and carrying out motivational programs for example through the use of motivational speakers. The company is employing brilliant professionals ready to enhance innovation and inventions thus improving the performance of the organization (Wrench, 2016, p. 4). The management main approach towards effective service delivery is the concern it has for the employees making them give their best.
Promoting Occupational Services
Management ensures that it makes the wise decision for the organization
The company has prioritized most beneficial elements for the organization for instance by enhancement of health and safety, and diversity and equality in the business. The diversity has brought about the aspect of various employees of the organization to have varying ideas which are regarded to come up with right decisions for the company. Right decision, making not only improve the effectiveness of the service delivery but effectiveness utilization of available resources, therefore, reducing the inputs utilized in the organization. This has ensured that the organization realizes high profits, therefore, expanding more globally. Employees are given the opportunity equally to contribute their ideas on the essential matters of the organization thus they feel to be part of the company, following this aspect, the company is ever prepared to embrace change for the betterment of the organization without resistance (Frederick, 2008, p23).
The organization has taken an initiative of ensuring that the talents of the employees are developed and given a platform to prove this. This is not only a motivational factor but also an avenue for creativity and innovation for the members of the organization. The strategy of the organization recruiting employees from various racial, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds gives the company the best chance to enhance the talent of its employees (De Medeiros, 2014,p77). The workforce being from various cultures is able to interact accordingly, therefore, enhancing new skills, new values as well as knowledge.
The employees considering the fact that they come from a different background, they are able to work as a team for the betterment of the organization. In many instances s, such employees are pretty sure that they have been able to meet because of the work (Chernev & Blair, 2015, p1425). They, therefore, embrace teamwork in order to ensure that they give the best outcomes. The company has a chance to offer the best services to its clients due to the approach the management uses in recruiting highly professional skills with the right skills and passion to work (Bowling, 2014, p44). Customers are prioritized following this aspect, therefore, being offered the best services.
Nevertheless, the organization is trying to ensure effective health and safety, and equality and diversity, both internal and external factors are encountered by the company:
Internal factors
The organization faces various internal factors associated with the human resource and the management of the policies. In regarding the aspect of the human resource, the organization has developed the initiatives for the development of the employee and retaining them. The employees are taken through orientation programs and inducted into the new operation of the organization in order to catch up immediately (Björkdahl, 2009, p1669). The organization also carries out the training of the personnel in order to fit into the new changes made. Management policies, on the other hand, found that the human resource management has exercised discrimination off gender by employing of over 79% of the women to work in the organization while the rest 21% are men (Èzbilgin, 2009, p11). This portrays how men are discriminated in the organization, with this aspect, achieving the best outcomes is the difficulty. The company needs to ensure that they realize gender balance for effective working of the organization (Bennett, 2009, p444).
Promoting Equality and Diversity
External Factors
In regarding external factors, social-cultural factors and economic factors affect the operation of the organization. The measure taken by the organization has affected social-cultural factors. It is due to the fact that the community at large has been impacted by the organization as well as the minority ethnicities occupying over 35% of the employees. In considering the economic factors, the organization understands the economic challenges of the employees that affect the service delivery. It has forced the organization to get involved in the affairs taking care of the economic aspect of the employees (Baicker 2010, p305).
To sum up the company in regarding the two main elements, health and safety approach and equality and diversity have not only boosted the service delivery of the organization but also improved the image of the organization in the minds f the public. The aspect has ensured that the organization strikes a balance between the community and the service delivery. The environment of carrying out the company’s operations has been enhanced profoundly through the initiatives. The skills of the employees have been boosted too through the training, motivational speeches as well as attending seminars. The company has been able to combat health and safety risks, therefore, safeguarding the health and safety of the employees as well as those of the clients. The organization being able to attain equality and diversity in the place of work has given the opportunity for the company to expand the creativity and innovation atmosphere created. This has led to better decision making, the effective resolution of conflict as well as enhancement of comfort at the place of work. Consequently, the company needs to engage various professionals in order to ensure that various adjustments are made on health and safety measures in order for the company to be the best globally.
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