Cooking For Food Production: Menu Planning, Food Safety, And Quality
Food Production Session
Discuss about the Cooking for Food Production.
Food Production is a process which is conducted to transform the uncooked products to cooked ones. The entire process involves various arts and skills where expertise is required in terms of planning for a meal service for a set no. of people, deciding on the menu, preparing the list of items which are required for the cooking process, planning and implementing the work schedule as per which the cooking has to be implemented, serving the meal, monitoring the entire service and cleaning the premises. There are various departments in the kitchen which take care of these services.
Birthday Party and a New Job Party
No. of Guests for the parties – 25 each
Type of Service – Dinner
Place of the Service – In house Restaurant – Food Avenue
Types of food to be prepared – The food menu consists of Starters, Savoury Items, Desserts and Drinks.
French Fries, Baked Potato with cream and mushroom filling, Mini Muffins and Cheesy Vegetable nuggets (Babycenter 2014).
Savoury Items
Mini Pizzas with a choice fo toppings, Pasta Carbonara, Grilled Vegetables with dressing, Sphagetti with red sauce
Birthday Cake, Crème Caramel, Mixed Fruit with a dressing
Fruit Smoothies, Chocolate Drink
The main expectation in order to host a grand party and a stress – free party would include plans based on
- Accuracy in terms of food production – the plan is to build a customosed plan which involves a better menu planning with an eye on the type pf Guests attending the party. This will vary with the adults and the kids in specific. Food planning also involves the best output at the planned times
- Food production as per the suitability of the party – Getting the right quantities cooked as per the party and the no. of guests attending the party is the most critical part of the plan. The conumption patterns of food by the adults and the no. of children attending the party should be well assumed and planned. This will ensure wastage of food and raw materials foe the production of food
- Planned Ordering – As the parties are planned in a Restaurant, there is no scope for carrying home cooked or pre – cooked meals to the party as it is not allowed. Taking the Restaurant’s suggestions in terms of planning for the menu might also help as they might have organized various such parties in the past
- Time Maintenance – Time schedules is the most critical aspect of the entire party to keep the Guests occupied and to avoid any delays in the party in terms of serving food
Food Production system and food safety are inter – related to each other. This is the most important aspect of the planning the business as it contributes majorly to the fame and reputation of the brand (Albajes, Cantero-Martnez, Capell et al 2013, p. 743 – 770).
The Restaurant – Food Avenue, which we have planned the party at is known for creating excellent food menus in a customised way, eliminating any of the food expiration date errors in case they prevail and preparing the food with utmost integration with their internal departments. Food Avenue is known to have display stations at various places in the Restaurant where the food menu being prepared is displayed constantly on the screen (Crunchtime nd).
The video is also shown which will ensure the quality of the food being prepared to their Guests. This in turn will help the Restaurant win the confidence of the Guests for their future parties and events.
The food plating will also be shown on the screen to ensure they win the Customer’s confidence in terms of following their instructions as given to them.
Part 1
Standard recipes would be used for all the preparations without any change however consideration towards the elders will be given in terms of preparing the food by considering any of their health concerns. Choice will be given to the Client if he wants us to prepare the Birthday Cakes and muffins individually for the kids and the adults.
The Cake for the kids will consist of the frosting and it will be made of sugar. The Cake for the adults will be made frost free and the sweetner used will be dark brown sugar or sugar free powders.
Pasta Carbonara
25 large free range eggs
250 grams of Parmesan cheese and with an additional portion to serve as a topping
300 grams of Panchetta
2500 grams of Sphagetti
13 Cloves of Garlic
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Combine the egg yolks, parmesan cheese, add the seasonings fo salt and pepper- go light on salt as cheese consists of salt and fork it through
- Chop the Panchetta into small pieces and place any of the harder ones aside
- Place a large deep vessel with water and get it to a boil. Once boiled, add proper amount of salt in order to season the pasta well
- Fry the Panchetta in 1o tea spoons of extra virgin olive oil
- Peel the garlic cloves and chop them into pieces and add them to the Panchetta
- Drain the Sphagetti after 8 to 10 mins of boil and reserve some of the cooking water aside in order to add it to flavour the pasta in the end
- Add the Sphagetti to the pan with the Panchetta and Garlic and toss them well to get them blended with each other. Add the reserved cooking water to the pan and bring it together
- Add in the grated parmesan and remove it off flame. Add an extra serving of the cheese right before serving it to the Guests
For all the other food items planned, standard recipes will be used likewise.
Organization Structure
Fig : (Kabra et al. 2012).
The various stages involved in this process are
- Menu plan will be given to the Head Chef as per the party schedule and the no. of Guests attending the party
- Head Chef will delegate prepare the plan for inventory which is required for organising the party
- The Head Chef will also delegate the tasks to the junior chefs
- One senior person will monitor the entire activity in order to supervise and ensure proper quality
- Final plating will also be monitored in order to ensure proper presentation to the Guests
The outline of the mise en plan is as given below.
Planning the entire party as per the instructions given by the Organiser
Organising the party and coordinating with the required vendors
Looking for the theme decorations and theme party designs to be organised and delegated to the concerned staff members
Ensuring that the team has the basic skills which are required for organising the party and ensuring that the team has the basic knife skills which are required
Preparing for the inventory and raw materials and getting the ideas aligned as per the men themes
Organizing the cooking and flavouring materials
Planning for any of the cooking items which are to be made in advance
The mise en plan consists of the outline of the basic cooking principles involved in the preparation of the food. The main aspects of the mise en plan are
- Heat and Food
various effects of heat on food
the process of heat transfer
cooking preparation times which are appropriate
- Cooking Methods
Oven Baked versions of food
Moist – Heat passing methods like steaming
Open dry methods like the barbecue
- Ensuring to add Flavour
Selecting ingredients which add immense flavour to the recipe
Choice of authentic recipe flavourings to be used
Using fresh ingredients in terms of spices and herbs (Battarbee et al. 2012 p. 2091 – 2106).
There have been various menu items which have been planned like starters, savoury items, desserts and drinks which will require a lot of food items as a part of the preparation list most of which include
Potatoes, Mushrooms, Cream, Vegetable Nuggets, Cheese – Parmesan, Cream Cheese, Flour for cake preparation – Whole Wheat Flour, Brown Sugar, Eggs, White Sugar, Unprocessed Chocolate Powder, Pasta, Sphagetti, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Tomatoes, Vegetables for grilling, Condensed milk, Whole milk, Mixed Fruits.
Apart from this list it is ideal to have extra quantities of food preparation materials and sauces in order to make any corrections in the final stages.
With this type of an effective planning of the cooking materials and inventory, the Restaurants will be able to host grand parties in a well – organised way.
Albajes, R; Cantero-Martnez, C; Capell, T et al. (2013). Building bridges: an integrated strategy for sustainable food production throughout the value chain. Molecular Breeding, 32, 743 – 770.
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Crunchtime (nd). Kitchensync Food Prep Station. Retrieved on Sep 26th 2016.
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