Control Framework For Management

What is a Control Framework?

Describe about the Control Framework for Management.

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The control framework is that system which recognizes the categories of the control that manages maximum internal control as per the expectations of an organization. The control framework facilitates the control environment which is favourable and also facilitates the continuous assessment for risk and also provides the designs and implement and maintain the control effectively which is related to the policies and the procedures. This framework also provides the information which has the effective communications. The control framework provides the current monitoring for the effective control which is related to the policies and the procedures along with the resolution for the problems which is recognized by the controls.

SEC on Frameworks

The framework of the COSO satisfied the criteria and for the purpose of the management for the evaluation of the annual internal control and for the requirements of the disclosure, the evaluation of the framework is used. Thus, for using the specific framework the final rules are not commanded, like the framework of COSO which is recognized the fact in which the evaluation of the standards are exist outside of the United States, and except COSO, other framework will developed in the future within the United States and that will satisfied the intent of the statute without decreasing the benefits to the investors.

The COSO is the committee of Sponsoring organizations of the Treadway commission. It is the private sector initiative of the U.S which was established in 1985.

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Sponsors of the COSO

  • American institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
  • American Acoounting Association (AAA)
  • Financial Executives Institute (FEI)
  • The Institute Of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  • The Institute Of Management Accountants (IMA)

Internal control framework

  • Monitoring
  • Information & communication
  • Control activities
  • Risk assessment
  • Control environment

This framework is about the necessary components and also give the suggestions for thr common language and also give the direction which is clear and for the managemnt of the enterprise risk, it provide guidance.

COBIT Framwork

The control objectives for information and related technology is that which has various number of the best practices regarding to the information technology management are made by the ISACA as well as ITGI in 1992. It has four domains:

Plan and organize

It manages the information and the technology which is used. For achieving the goal of the company, the best use of this domain in the company. It also highlighted the form of the IT which is organisational and infrastructural for achieving the results and for generating the gains from the IT used.

It manages:

  • Recognition of the requirements of IT
  • Acquiring technology
  • Implements in the business process of the company

Deliver & support

It manages:

  • The aspects of the delivery for the information technology
  • The application of the executions in the system of IT along with the results.
  • For the execution of the IT system, the support processes is enable to do this. The support processed are security issues, training, help desk, backup and recovery.

Monitor & evaluate

  • For the assessment of the requirements of the company, it deals with the strategy of the company.
  • It determines that the present IT system are meet the objectives or not.
  • Recognises the control which is important for complying with the requirements of regulatory.
  • For the effectiveness of the IT system, it deals with the issue of the independent assessment and for meeting the objectives and its capability and evaluating the control processess of the company by the internal nad external auditors (Emperis Manpower Group, 2013).

The governmnet of the Queensland has given the order for paying theAustralia’s  legal cost to the IBM after the legal action which has failed for the tech giant for the $1.2 billion helath payroll fiasco. The government of the Newman state had claim for the damages of the IBM in the supreme court of Brisbane in 2013. The previous stem back of 2010, when there is important defects in the payroll system of the IBM and that lead to the 1000 employees of the Queensland Health was underpaid, overpaid or not paid. The government said that there is the misrepresentations of the IBM for credentials to delivered the system. But the claim was not successful and the state Justice Glenn Martin had given the order to pay all the which was incures by the IMB for the process which was based on the indemnity. The government argue with the IBM for implementing the ability which is oversold and the experience and push for the inappropriate solution for the system of the payroll. After that, the court was adjunt and the state does not dispute for paying cost and must be assessed which is depend on the standard and that means there is the payments of the lower sum (Swan, 2016).

Types of Control Frameworks

Development life cycle

The system of the development life cycle in the forms of the various are remaining the oldest and it is still in used for the methods for the development of the software along with the acquisition methods in the arena of the information technology (Murtrey, 2013).

The development of the Queensland Health has planned for the particular initiatives which involves:

Payroll hub restructure

Its main objective is to restored the working relationship among the district and the hubs which is planned to complete in 2014.

Pay date change

It moves the pay date by the 7 days for the sufficient time of the submission and process of the payroll forms has done for the improvements of the accurate pays. The advantage from this projects is that there will no overpayments regarding future and also reduced that overpayments. This proposal was completed in 2013.

This projects is dedicated which focuses on the recovery of the past overpayments and the entitlements for the leave. This project was completed on financial year 2014.

Electronic rostering

This initiative is focuses for 2 years on the rolling of the system which is an electronic rostering over the business of the Queensland Health units on the basis of the option. This proposal was completed in 2014.

Payroll self service

The payroll self service is implemented on the application of the web in order to provide for thr employees of the Queensland Health and access to the information which is related to the pay. The function of the payroll self service is implemented in the financial year 2013 and some additional work is also required and which will done in the 2015.

Payroll portfolio governance and the projects

The payroll portfolio governance and the projects is the program of 4th year in which the work is focuses on the various projects  which has the objectives for the improvements of the payroll. This projects has addressed the aspects such as management of the workforce, improvements of the business, governance and the assurance and business and the financial management.

The Queensland Health payroll system total cost about $1253.5 million are determined for the financial year 2010 and ends at the financial year 2012 and the cost for the forecasting which were spent about $836.9 million from the financial year 2013 to 2017. The cost of the financial year 2010 involves the cost of 9 months which is related to the past payroll system.

The cost which is linked with the payroll system are vareid between:

Business as  usual

The cost which is linked with the employees of the Queenland Health are paid on the basis of the fortnighty and the maintenance of the system is about $1008.0 millions.

Projects costs

The cost regarding to fix the problems which is linked with the existing system is about $220.5 millions.

Future system analysis

For the analysis of the system of the projects, the requirements of the investment is estimated for upgrading the system are $25.0 million.

The total costs except some cost are still to be quantified. In the section 4.3 the key cost does not include in the below which have the more detail in the section 4.3 reports. The key cost involves:

Costs which is linked for the performance of up-grading or for the re-implementation for the interpretation of the award and the payroll system. The cost for the forecasting  reflects the analysis of the work for the current system on which the decision is made according to the implementation of the system. The amount of the contingency are include in the estimation of the project cost for thr future which is linked with the upgrading or the re-implementing because it is taken as the best practice for the projects of the information technology specially for those which is linked with the Queensland Health payroll such as the complexity and the risk profile.

Fringe benefits taxes

The fringe benefit taxes are linked with the overpayments of the debts that does not recover. The FBT which is the debt waiver is costly as compared to loan which is currently provided and includes in the forecast cost for QH (KPMG, 2012).

References COBIT 5 with COSO 2013.retrieved on 14 septmber 2016 from

Swan.D.(2016).IBM in win over Queensland Health payroll fiasco.

Fairfax.Media.(2016).queensland health payroll fail: Government ordered to pay IBM cost.retrievev on 14 september 2016 from

Brien.C.(2016).IBM’s legal stouse with Queensland health over payroll debacle ends.

Murtrey.M.(2013).A Case study of the application of system development cycle in 21st century healthcare: something old, something new?.

KPMG.(2012).review on the queensland health payroll system.retrieved on 14 september 2016 from

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