Contribution Of Japan’s Auto Industry To The Foreign Economy

Overview of the Auto Industry

The auto industry considers as the support of the global economy. The auto industry is a main driver of macroeconomic development and constancy and technical expansion in the developing nations and as well as developed nations. In japan, the auto industry is one of the most projecting and biggest sector in the sphere. Japan is at third position of the nations manufacturing vehicles since year1960. In Japan, the auto industry quickly expanded from the past times. For maintaining major part of automobile in the development, Japan should make the correct steps at all critical stages. Japanese investments helped in developing the auto industry in various nations throughout the last few time. This paper examines how the auto industry of Japan contributes to the foreign economy. In the following parts, the comparison of auto industry of Japan has been made with United States.

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The auto industry is the capital-intensive and information concentrated industries, plays the significant role in the financial and social growth of the nation. At present, the auto industry is flourishing, including the enhanced number of nations in the car manufacturing, whereas the arrangement of services in the locomotive marketplace is continually altering. The part of the auto industry in expansion of the current economy and the forecasts for the growth is determined by venue of car transport in the organisation of the countrywide economy. Though, financial growth of Japan is basically the goods of private free enterprise, the governments have unswervingly funded to the wealth of country. These actions have helped initiate modern and innovative industries, mitigate the influences of the financial downheartedness, make the stable financial structure, and secure the living principles of the community. Undoubtedly, Japan is one of the most popular nations when speaking about auto industry. This lovely nation is not only the place of origin of the various popular brands of the car like Suzuki and Honda, however has the inexpensive cost for motors. The auto industry is occasionally referred to as the ten percent industries because it has kept the ten percent share of the developed outputs, and because ten percent of the working people of country is hired in direct manner or indirect manner by the industries.

The complete business cycle, the relationship being mostly solider in the nations like Japan and the United States. The connection can even have supported in the latest time. It stated that the two phases might become separated at the time, for occurrence because of division specific growth in the auto industry. The dealer relation is very much significant area for the firm, which authorises parts of elements and manufacturing. The reason is that it makes the chances to improve the values of produces and effectiveness of manufacturing. There are important differences in dealer relations between USA and Japan. In comparison of the counterparts of Japan, the automakers of the USA are very much perpendicularly incorporated. The automakers of the USA make agreement with more than 1000 dealers in direct manner for the components they do not create (Swait, Erdem & Peters, 2014). Mostly, the manufacturing and establishment of the high value added parts are done by the automakers of USA in-house using great in-house delivery capacity. External suppliers are used mainly as less cost production stages, which are offered outlines. The companies can enjoy vertical incorporation to have the advantages of some direct dealers and particular investments. However, it eliminates the dealers from the discipline of marketplace. It necessarily eradicates the healthy competitions as the dealers have the confined consumer base. In respect of the dealer relationship in USA, there are less and weak improvements for the automakers and the dealers.  

Comparison of Auto Industry of Japan with the United States

In contrast, the automakers of the Japan do effort with about 1/10th that number, buying various whole subsystems from each dealers. The network of dealers in Japan is clearly expressed. In dealer relations in Japan, the dealers are the main part of the establishment of the produce and process of production (Soltani, Syed, Liao & Iqbal 2015). They have great involvement in the development of the produce and the procedure engineer. In this way, the dealers of the Japan) commonly have key role in creating designs, evaluating, and checking the elements or the subsystems in comparison of the dealers of the USA. The Japanese automakers have great sovereignty in shaping, making designs, and evaluating the parts or subsystem. The dealers and automakers are required to be co-dependent and have answered by establishing the tools to make cooperation under the discipline to marketplace (Hannigan, Cano-Kollmann & Mudambi, 2015).

 In Japan, the dealers relations may be typed to have different features in various facets in comparison of the USA counterparts. The most important thing is to know about the practices and policies of the Japan to be applied in the various circumstances or conditions and in different nations (Matsumoto, Chinen & Endo, 2018). It is also significant to understand the financial basis of dealers relationship in Japan. The various facets are still remaining unfamiliar about the procedure, which explains between dealers and purchasers in USA or the Japan. According to the main features of the Japanese supplier relationship in the relative views, the suppliers relations in Japan, specifically in the auto industry, is evaluated in comparison with those in USA (Fujimoto, 2014).

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When comparing and the dealers relations in the USA and Japan, it is found that the long term relations and assurances with close communication decrease the dealing cost and end the inadequacies between the automakers and the dealers (Perrucci, 2017). The automakers of Japan are less depended on only one dealer in comparison of the automakers of the USA. Averagely, each automaker of the Japan buys each portion from around three dealers. Additionally, each dealer sells the similar portion to about three automakers (Staeblein & Aoki, 2015). The development and altering place of the international manufacturing thus means that the provisional supply-chain interruption from Japan might now have large straight fall over the influences in other nations such as USA than will have formerly been the matter. As per the result of the normal disaster in Japan, it is clearly stated that this has the matters. The connection can even have supported in the latest time (Harwit, 2016). 

As per the above analysis, it can be said that the globalization of the auto industry stays, and the development of global associations is booming. With the cost of establishing new automobiles spiralling rising, cross-border affiliations are becoming increasingly prevalent. The auto industry of Japan has forged an extensive range of tie-up with external producers, extending from practical and promotion collaboration and constituents deliver to full-scale combined automobile expansion and manufacturing (Kochan, Lansbury & MacDuffie, 2018). However, the care is required in simplifying the finding of the research study because of the specific structures of the auto industry.

The auto industry is featured by faulty or inadequate race occasioning from the significant role of knowledge-based insubstantial resources manufactured by high skilled labour. For an instance, since automobile manufacturing unavoidably supplements adverse externalities like air contamination, greenhouse gas emission, and misfortunes, the huge asset is essential to diminish these issues. The oligopolistic nature of the auto industry resultant from the huge investment can make network influences in the foreign trade and small networking influences in Japan that cannot present to the similar scope in different sectors (Aghion, et. al, 2016). This evaluation of networking influences on intermediate products in other industries might be the stimulating research agenda to be discovered.


Aghion, P., Dechezleprêtre, A., Hemous, D., Martin, R., & Van Reenen, J. (2016). Carbon taxes, path dependency, and directed technical change: Evidence from the auto industry. Journal of Political Economy, 124(1), 1-51.

Fujimoto, T. (2014). The long tail of the auto industry life cycle. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(1), 8-16.

Hannigan, T. J., Cano-Kollmann, M., & Mudambi, R. (2015). Thriving innovation amidst manufacturing decline: the Detroit auto cluster and the resilience of local knowledge production. Industrial and Corporate Change, 24(3), 613-634.

Harwit, E. (2016). China’s Automobile Industry: Policies, Problems and Prospects: Policies, Problems and Prospects. Routledge.

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Swait, J., Erdem, T., & Peters, T. (2014). Shocks to brand equity: an information economics perspective on the US auto industry 2006–2011. Customer Needs and Solutions, 1(4), 317-332.

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