Contextual Factors In Organizational Decision Making

Organizational Structures or Governance

The contextual factors organizational structures or governance, environmental forces, risks confronting the firm, organization and business practices, and the functions of different firms are essential to organizational decision making because these factors are those features of workplace environment which are connected with the efficiency of the collaboration of the organization and their businesses. The capability of diverse teams has to listen and value on the impact of each contextual factor. It starts with the skills of diverse peoples to build strong unity inside and outside the society. 

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The first journal will discuss regarding the organization and management of collective activities in the governance structures. The second journal will highlight about the environment of competitive markets. The third article will explain about the risks associated with the diverse team in the organizations. The fourth article will reflect on the various business practices that the organization carries on for better performance and achievement of their goals. The fifth article will explain about the vital functions of strategic management, and the works of strategic specialists have in the development of the performance of organizations.

While analyzing the different business practices of the organizations, it has found that the organizations have the tendency to be more determined innovators while establishing strategic targets related to innovation, the motivation of their teams, creating opportunities for their staffs to act, and also create better utilization of technology.

Strategic targets are essential for the managers in the organizations  helps them to realize that the objectives have been established,  primary problems have been outlined, time and resources have been set,  operations have been merged, internal environment has been created for achieving the goals, outcomes have been agreed, and the organization have been made  flexible for facing any external changes.

Main Context

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  1. Organizational Structures Or Governance

It is little surprising to know about the organization and management of collective activities in the governance structures, whereas strategic collaborations have occurred in recent years as common and vital structural systems for the growth of the business. The typical organizational scholarship is perceived as a useful method because it both delivers clear concepts which distinguish the alternate intra organizational strategies and explains their impact on the internal operations of the organizations (Albers, Wohlgezogen & Zajac, 2016).

On the other hand, the existing collaboration classification systems which are on the basis of different kinds of collaborative activities, features of partnership, or legal arrangement, hardly describes the significant differences of the collaborative tasks which are arranged between the partners.

The drawback is sought to redress by planning a structure of collaborative organizational parameters on the basis of common corporate strategy considerations. Five important strategic parameters for collaboration has been recognized and discussed in the article. They are the administrative interface among the partners, the structural interface in the partners, the specialty, formality, and centrality of the collaborative organization. The journal has also discussed about the concerns of the five parameters, which has given more in-depth information about the collaborative governance.

Environmental Forces

The journal has discussed about the achievement of competitive benefit utilizing a strategic customer service alignment, which had got enormous research attention. The purpose of the article is to study the perception of strategic customer service alignment in the perspective of fast-changing environments of a competitive market. Manufacturing practices could apply the strategic customer service alignment  manufacturing practices in order to achieve the best business performances in the environments of the competitive market.

Environmental Forces

The findings have shown that organizations with a strategic customer service alignment are applied on both human and technological factors of manufacturing practices which leads to outcomes better performances in environments of a competitive market (Hong, Yang & Dobrzykowski, 2014). The findings also suggest practical perception about integrating value creation by the service-driven process and providing achievement of outcomes of both cost efficiency and better performance in the environments of a competitive market.

  1. Risks Confronting the Firm

The research on the outcomes of diversity in teams in organizations has continued to provide inconsistent consequences. The latest developments in diversity research have been examined, and two risks have been recognized. The first one is lack of knowledge about the microdynamics which are affecting the procedures and outcomes within the diverse teams in organizations (van Dijk, Meyer, van Engen & Loyd, 2017). The second one is diversity research has led to treating various groups as equal and has not considered the experiences of the team members which might affect their membership and performances.

In order to address these drawbacks, research has been conducted on the stereotypes, which has signified that stereotypes are the reason behind micro dynamics between the attribution of friendliness and competency of a member of target team within the organizations. It is also the cause of observing the behavior of the members to the member of target team. Moreover, it is also affecting the action of the member of the target team. It has been suggested that impression, development, and encouragement of the perceivers are the main factors on the basis of which the perceivers would carry on to treat a target on the basis of classification.

Based on the review, the journal has given solutions for the issues of diverse teams based on integrative viewpoint and equivalent model which summarizes the Microdynamics of Diversity and Stereotyping in Teams (MIDST). It has shown that stereotyping could be an advantage and also disadvantage for the functioning of a team. It has also been discussed that MIDST could be related to social classification, decision-making process, establish research programs and argued about the implications of the managers in managing the risks of a firm in the context of issues of diverse teams.

  1. Organization And Business Practices

The journal is about different business practices through the approach of determined features in the context of human resource management (HRM) practices and innovative outcomes at the level of the workplaces. The innovators are classified by the degree of their success at achieving new business practices and new products and improve the consequences of those practices and product year after year.

The findings signify that workplaces, which establishes strategic targets related to innovation, the motivation of their workforces, creating opportunities for their staffs to act, and also create better utilization of technology, have the tendency to be more determined innovators (Chowhan, Pries & Mann, 2017). The findings of the journal could make the contribution towards the growth of government strategies, which seeks for the improvement of innovative outcomes and better performance of the organization and its business.

  1. Functions of Diverse Firms

Risks Confronting the Firm

The article reflects the significant functions of strategic management and the works of strategic specialists have in the development of the performance of organizations, which has satisfied the investors and stakeholders, the practice of strategic tasks, the welfare of the community and quality of life of the people. The analysis of recent media journals has highlighted on the significance of current strategic management for the welfare of the economic system of the world, efficient management of the healthcare industry which consist of the industry of the health insurance for every nation, the practice of innovative processes, the development of technology and sustainability.

From the year 1980s, growing appreciation has motivated the strategic work of leading managers and so the practices of internal and sometimes external strategist management advisors, and middle-line managers have improved. This has led to the achievement of higher strategic thoughts and innovative outcomes. The strategic managers play an essential function in large business, the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) industry, the private organizations, the public organizations and the not-for-profit organizations (O’Shannassy, 2017). The strategic management is equally significant for the performance and achievement of the great business decision-makers


The paper has considered five journals on the basis of five topics which are organizational structures or governance, environmental forces, risks confronting the firm, organization and business practices, and functions of several firms. The first article has discussed about the organization and management of collective activities in the governance structures, whereas strategic collaborations have occurred in recent years as common and vital structural systems for growth of the business. The second journal had explained about the environment of competitive markets. The third article had reflected about two defects in the research of diverse team in organizations.

The first one is lack of knowledge about the microdynamics which is affecting the diverse teams in organizations. The second one is diversity research has led to treating various groups as equal and has not considered the experiences of the team members, The fourth article had discussed about different business practices at workplaces level. The fifth article had highlighted the fact that the strategic managers play an essential function in large business, the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) industry, the private organizations, the public organizations, and the not-for-profit organizations.


The Performance Management of CQUniversity has to create an environment which will permit the development of human resources( HR) to achieve their targets and aims of the organization.


Albers, S., Wohlgezogen, F., & Zajac, E. (2016). Strategic Alliance Structures: An Organization Design Perspective. Journal of Management, 42(3), 582-614. 

Chowhan, J., Pries, F., & Mann, S. (2017). Persistent innovation and the role of human resource management practices, work organization, and strategy. Journal of Management and Organization, 23(3), 456-471. DOI: 10.1017/jmo.2016.8 

Hong, P., Yang, M., & Dobrzykowski, D. (2014). Strategic Customer Service Orientation, Lean Manufacturing Practices and Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Study. Journal of Service Management, 25(5), 699-723. DOI: 10.1108/JOSM-12-2013-0355

O’Shannassy, T. (2017). Associate editor reflections on the Progress in and Future of strategic management research in the Journal of Management & Organization. Journal of Management and Organization, 23(4), 473-482. DOI: 10.1017/jmo.2017.31

van Dijk, H., Meyer, B., van Engen, M. L., & Loyd, D. L. (2017). Microdynamics in diverse teams: A review and integration of the diversity and stereotyping literature. Academy of Management Annals, 11(1), 517-557. DOI: 10.5465/annals.2014.0046

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