Contexts For Communication
Discuss about the Contexts For Communication.
- Among three contexts for communication, the first one is intrapersonal communication, which involves only one person. It is often referred to as “self-talk”. We use language for reflecting on our personal experiences and even talking ourselves through situations. Intrapersonal experience can be both positive and negative and influence the way we observe and respond to situations and communicate with others. The second major context is interpersonal communication, which generally involves two people. This type of communication ranges from being intimate to very personal, and then to formal and then impersonal. The third communication context is group communication, which is a dynamic process in which a small number of people get themselves involved in the conversation. It is usually described as having an involvement of around three to six people. The bigger the conversation group the more probability there is of breaking it down into smaller groups. Each of these contexts have some kind of influence on the communication process. These contexts at some point can overlap, which can create an even more dynamic process. Communication in these contexts over the lifetime would help in its application with respect to the experience gained from each of these contexts.
- Organizations mostly see different forms of group communication inside them. Organizations generally have large groups in which a form of communication exists. While communicating in a diverse form of group, especially in a marketing department, the first and most important things to consider are age, gender, education and location for learning more about the involved people and their generic preferences and even dislikes. In a department as big as marketing, several smaller groups are found, divided according to may be specific areas of education. This knowledge about the group can be utilized for increasing the efficiency of a business communicator.
- The key steps involved in having an effective two-way communication process are:
- Development of a notion that the sender wishes to convey
- Encoding the idea to be communicated into proper words, signs or charts that would assist the transmission process. In this step, it is decided by the sender what method of transmission would be used, as along with that the words and signs also needs to be prearranged for transmission.
- The third step involves the act of transmission of the message with the help of the chosen method. Senders even attempt at keeping their communication channel free of barriers for making sure the conveyed messages actually get the chance to reach the receivers.
- The fourth step makes it possible for another person to obtain the message. In this stage, the initiative is transported to the receiver. The message gets lost if there is no detected function from the receiver’s side.
- This step involves the decoding of the message for it to become easier to understand. It is obvious that the sender would want the receiver to understand the conveyed message in the correct way in which it was meant to. The comprehension situation happens only in the mind of the receiver. Communication might make people listen, but there is no way that others can understand it if not meant to. It completely depends on the receiver to choose to understand or not. Several employers oversee this fact when they give orders. They make the mistake that telling someone anything would be enough, which is not the case unless there is comprehension.
- The final step in the two-way communication process is the usage of the communication by the receiver. The receiver might store it, discard it or perform the task as instructed or do something else.
- Some effective management communication characteristics are as follows:
Segmented for meeting the requirements and needs of specific audiences.
Specific for meeting the requirements and needs of specific audiences.
Accurate with regards to the conveyed content and also to the simple and basic things like spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Punctual to face the challenge of the current technology driven business environment and communicate with the employees on a timely basis.
Frequent for making sure all employees have received it and information has been passed on.
Multi-channel business communication for making sure all employees, irrespective of the settings, receives it.
Face-to-face communication as an effective method can be used whenever applicable and possible.
Two-way communication offers the benefit of sharing feedback, thoughts and opinions to both the employers and all employees.
- Examples of electronic communication method:
- Email is a method at first proposed to mimic physical mail. Messages are passed on from one specific convey to no less than one specific areas. Messages are basically text however may join file attachments of various sorts including pictures and short movies. Not at all like texts, emails are generally not expected that would be examined right away upon receipt. Email is ideally suited for since a long time back, included talks between two people or among little social affairs of people.
- Text messaging makes use of cellular airwaves and protocols to pass on textual messages beginning with one cellular phone then onto the following or from one phone to a social affair of various phones. Text messaging is typically proposed as close minute correspondence and could be speedier than a phone bring in light of the way that the sender does not have to wait for the recipient to answer before passing on a message.
- Video chatting is coordinated over Internet protocols that stream pictures starting with one contraption then onto the following. Video chats give a briskness to a discourse. Since a man’s tone is routinely less requesting to examine when you can see his face, associations as often as possible use videoconferencing to help in virtual social occasions.
Examples of non-electronic communication method:
- Face-to-Face is the most gainful sort of correspondence between anyone. It empowers the two social events to express what might they want to state and responding to each other. The target gathering of spectators is basically wide.
- Memorandum is used for inside correspondence between the workplaces inside an affiliation. The target group can be the agents of the affiliation.
- The invoice records the measure of everything, the costs, service delineation, and a contact address for portion. It is a definitive record which can be used as verification of an obtained commitment. The target gatherings of spectators are generally the buyer of the thing and those with remarkable pay.
- Effective listening techniques
- Eliminate (or reduce) preoccupations: At work, this could mean closing your office gateway, slaughtering your cell phone or closing your laptop.
- Keep an open position: Face the speaker particularly and uncross your arms and legs.
- Maintain eye to eye association: This consoles the speaker that you are revolved around what they are expressing and energizes you read their sentiments.
- Paraphrase: When the speaker passes on something of particular noteworthiness, reiterate in your own particular words what you heard them say.
- Clarify: From time to time, make request about what the speaker is expressing in a strong and empathic way.
- Analytics and data gives each one of us sorts of bits of learning into what our customers require from our business. Customer feedback energizes us fathom the WHY behind what people are doing. Why are people utilizing one component three times as frequently as another? Why does the dominant part of your clienteles quit making accounts on the last walk? Or, of course what influences clienteles to use your product less as regularly as could be allowed (and over the long haul stop completely)? When we facilitate customer feedback to what we’re finding in our analytics, we get a much richer photograph of what’s occurring. Here are the 5 most perfect ways to deal with get unsurprising (and dumbfounding) feedback from your clienteles:
- Surveys
- Feedback boxes
- Put out straight
- User activity
- Usability Tests
- Barriers to communication within a workplace
- The usage of slang. Over-bewildered, new and also exact terms.
- Emotional barriers and taboos. A group of individuals may believe that it’s problematic to show their emotions and a couple of subjects might be unconditionally ‘untouchable’s or unfathomable.
- Lack of thought, interest, preoccupations, or insignificance to the authority.
- Differences in wisdom and point of view.
- Physical ineptitudes, for instance, hearing issues or talking concerns.
- Physical barriers to non-verbal communique. Not possessing the skill to see the non-verbal signs, movements, position and general body language can make communique less effective.
- Language contrasts and the problem in seeing new accents.
- Verbal communication is that form of oral communication in which the message gets transferred with the help of spoken words. The sender expresses his or her feelings, ideas and opinions in different forms of conversations, presentations and speeches. The efficiency of these kind of verbal communication lies in the tone of the speaker, the body language, clarity of speech, volume and quality of words that are used in conversing. In case of this communication, feedback is received immediately as there happens concurrent broadcast and receipt of the message between the sender and the receiver.
- Nonverbal communication is the method of transferring meaning of any message without the use of any words, nether spoken nor written. Conversely, any form of communication that is made between two or more individuals with the help of facial expressions, body language, body movements, postures and gestures are considered as nonverbal communication. This form of communication assists in establishing and maintaining the interpersonal relationships, at the time when verbal are only of use while communicating about external events. Nonverbals are used by people for expressing emotions and interpersonal attitudes, bring forward one’s personality and conducting rituals like greetings. Nonverbal communication regulates the flow of communication.
- Legislation, organizational policies and procedures that apply to communicating with people:
- Human Rights Legislation
- Freedom of Information
- Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996
- PACE Codes of Practice
- National Intelligence Model
- Data Protection Act.