Contemporary Issues In Marketing: An Overview Of Digital Marketing, Strategy Development, Ethical Issues, And Social Media Marketing
UMKDBN-15-3 Contemporary Issues in Marketing
UMKDBN-15-3 Contemporary Issues in Marketing
An overview of digital marketing
The rapid evolution of digital marketing such as data analytics, mobility, and cloud computing is changing the manner organizations together with marketers operate while marketing their products and services. Technology and marketing research is making it simpler to accelerate decisions of business through insight gained from the platforms of market survey. The advancements in technological usage and market research have changed the manner and approaches that people use in marketing their goods as well as services (Urbaniec 2018, p. 1774). Presently, advancement in technology usage in business has ensured that the marketers and even customer service positions to become more increasingly focused on application of such advancements. Over the past decade, rapidly changing in the use of new technology has impacted most aspects of sales together with strategy and management of marketing. Technology that individuals use in their day-to-day operations is changing and so is the approaches used in marketing (Marland, Lewis, and Flanagan 2017, p. 132). New technologies such as computers and use of social platforms have made the vast difference in the area of marketing. Advancements in information along with communication technologies have brought a lot of novelty with accelerated the present marketing processes (Haley 2016, p. 249). It has affected the work styles of an organization leading to being exchanged in the structure of organizations that deals with marketing.
Figure 1: Expectations of management against goals of marketing when new technology and marketing research are used
Strategies for digital marketing development have remained to be essential aspects of marketing services for different products. From examining different e-mails to controlling presentation of business, digital marketing development has modified how business persons and customers go about their daily operations (‘Commerce, Finance’ 2013, p. 71). Besides, digital Marketing strategy development has changed market research when it comes to marketing of different services along with products. Advancements in strategy of digital marketing development are helping in business sector and business operators to become more agile as well as efficient. In relation to market research, new technology has carved out advanced opportunities and pitfalls for attaining important business intelligence (Strella 2018, p. 21). However, in some aspects, new technology has made the market investigators job to be simpler. Some of the ways that digital marketing strategy development has changed market research are broad. These include idea that social media joined the party, it enhances analysis of data during marketing, it creates new roles of research in marking sectors, and big data informs survey.
Digital marketing strategy development by an organization is not exempt from several changes that happen in business operations. In several ways, the age of information around the society has developed the wealth of essential data gathering chances for marketing survey analysts. Moreover, digital marketing strategy development has presented a great challenge to analytic firms that find their functions shifting alongside rapid changes in new technology (Nu 2012, p. 33). Some of the ways in which technology has permanently altered the marketing research landscape are diverse. These include that idea that technology has improved the process of checking for fake news and facts during marketing that always occurs in process of business operations. Technology improves idea of democratization of data, automating analysis of data, and improving the transfer of data from one organization to the next. Therefore, through the applications of digital marketing strategy development, market surveyors can perform their functions more efficiently and effective than ever while marketing their products. It is evident that new technology has helped in improving marketing process (Lawlor 2017, p. 289). For instance, the widespread adoption of internet usage and currently smartphones has revolutionized all organizations with very few exceptions in the process of marketing of different services and products by any individual or company. Additionally, advancements in technological usage such as eye tracking, analysis of emotion, together with virtual reality have the potential to offer the greater understanding of consumer trait through accessible and techniques that are cost-efficient.
Digital Marketing strategy development
People are presently staying in the era where digital technologies are becoming more essential in most sectors of the econ0omy and where companies are pushing social selling together with digital marketing. Development of technology has led to significant changes in infrastructure of digital communication by being the major surge in the number of users of smartphones and wireless technologies (Del 2016, p. 21). While digital technologies offer organizations considerable benefits to clients such as greater access to data and convenience, there are some common ethical issues that are emerging due to its increase use. Some of these ethical issues in digital marketing comprise of digital divide, social exclusion, privacy issues, and marketing of goods and services to children. Digital marketing research have made process of marketing research to be easier by moving capabilities of gathering data on different online platforms. The current disruption wave is being driven by the growing mandate for standardization of technology which is a single platform of data collection. The emergence of computers has led to the general use of different computer applications to assist in process of interview in market research (Martin 2017, p. 17). Therefore, as technology improved the use of computer-assisted survey research turn to be the norm in the early days of 1990s. In presently highly competitive environment, having the appropriate partner to support the company’s research is imperative to their success. From the past years, new technology has a profound impact on market research, and particularly on marketing of different products and services. (Hsiao and Chang 2014, p. 737) The importance arises because changes in technological advancements change the manner marketing managers perform their duties. Moreover, these changes in technology lead to major changes marketing procedures by improving communication platforms, storing, together with process of processing data concerning customers. Presently, new technology and marketing research have completely changed some procedures of performing marketing and creating entire business niches that never even existed previously (Dong-Xin, Hui, and Xue 2017, p. 3257). Business managers and operators run their organizations from tablets, laptops, and smartphones as they never even consider opening the brick-and-mortar presence.
Every business organization possesses a mammoth database comprising of various information that relates to business transaction in process of marketing. Such data is extremely valuable to the business and in most instances, it can result in a host of legal issues if it is not lost. Such instances are where the social media marketing in marketing processes becomes relevant. It offers accurate assets to store data in the manner that guarantees utmost protection of information related to marketing activities (‘Social Media Marketing: Working the Platform’ 2018, p. 21). The use of new information and marketing research boost virtual storage systems in marketing that in most cases help in keeping the data safely by allowing the limited number of users to have an access. Furthermore, increased protection in marketing as a result of use of social media marketing ensures that these structures are not legally accessed and data is not exhausted due to some issues. Therefore, social media marketing assists in maintenance of business integrity of marketing operations (Matikiti, Kruger, and Saayman 2016, p. 749). Advancement in social media marketing usages and market research in marketing inevitably need improved skills. In most cases, it calls for the creation of advanced functions that specialized operations on mobile tools, marketing sectors of organizations are obligated to adjust to such behavioral variations and manage techniques to advance the marketing practices, new functions are being developed by social media marketing with the objective of ensuring that obtained data from any social media platforms along with mobile devices are translated effectively and efficiently during business operations.
Ethical issues in digital marketing
Figure 2: How use of technology impacts marketing by showing percentage in showing in two subsequent years
The movement towards increased automation of business processes in marketing of different products and services has gained traction over the decades. It improves efficiency as well as increase workflow during process of marketing considerably. The mobile marketing assists in developing automated processes for marketing in international markets (Pei-Jung, Hsi-Peng, And Pei-Hsin 2018, p. 958). The idea does not only assist in decreasing charges of marketing operations although it also conserves time. The time conserve in decreasing cost of marketing can be applied to concentrate on other different operations, thus helping in hastening marketing processes considerably. Mobile marketing are crucial in boosting processes such as billing, tracking metrics, gathering data of customers, monitoring specific processes in marketing that can then be programmed easily (Johnson Jr, Parnell, and Huan 2018, p. 37). There is mechanized software used for principle of boosting marketing processes in different organizations.
Scheme of implementing mobile marketing offers the capacity to remotely access network of a company during marketing operations. Consequently, it provides workers with capacity to attain work completed even when they are not actually present at place of work (Urbaniec 2018, p. 1776). Such alertness has a range of profit in marketing processes of an organization. Therefore, marketing through such access has been able to aim massive popularity in different companies. With the advancement in technology and market survey, businesses have seen greater collaboration that exists between departments of human resource, information technology, property, and facilities management and titles of jobs in marketing such as workplace director (Martin 2017, p. 17). Therefore, mobile marketing make processes of marketing to be the top priority in business operations.
The rise of new technology usage and marketing research has paved way for several innovations in marketing sector around different organizations. With digitization of advanced information, additional businesses are gradually more leveraging merits of IT devices. These devices help in improving their prospects in process of marketing their goods as well as services in different markets (Johnson Jr., Parnell, and Huan 2018, p. 38). New technology and marketing research have been vital in revolving this procedure into total success. IT has drastically changed lives of people as they conduct marketing operations. The use of new technology offers businesses the scope essential in analyzing the data together with planning various business strategies inappropriate manner. Therefore, utilizing new technology in marketing means that data analysis is accurate leading to optimization of profits (Del 2016, p. 21). New technology and marketing research have had the major impact on several aspects of marketing. These aspects comprise of cloud computing, automation of processes of business, working remotely, enhancing the use of mobile technology, and protecting marketing information. Other positive benefits of new technology and marketing research on marketing process include provision of customer satisfaction, management of marketing resources, and opening source software (Lawlor 2017, p. 294). Such software paves way for various open source software that allows free utilization of specific devices for marketing of goods and services by organizations.
Social media marketing
The concept that relates to cloud computing is immensely popular among the process of marketing owing to the efficiency in business operations that it offers to targeted clients. Cloud computing in most cases utilizes information technology with the aim of capitalizing on its capability to offer improved time together with agility and management of resources during process of marketing in business operations. Increasingly, marketing process in businesses is changing to cloud to leverage its several advantages (Dong-Xin, Hui, and Xue 2017, p. 3259). It has been foreseen that over one trillion US dollars will be influenced in new technology and marketing research by transition of marketing to cloud computing by early days of 2020. Moreover, strategies of cloud-first are the major basis for staying pertinent in fast-paced marketing processes around global markets. The marketplace for services of cloud is important and has mature to such level that it is currently prominent percentage of whole expenses of information technology. The idea of using such services in marketing is important in business as it helps in creation of a new generation of start-ups and born in the providers of cloud computing (Marland, Lewis, and Flanagan 2017, p. 134). Therefore, a good internet connection as provided by new technology and market research is essential in boosting marketing operations in several businesses.
From this argumentative paper, it is clear that new technology and marketing research has more advantages on marketing processes in business than demerits. It is clear through this paper that the number of new technologies available to market surveyors has exponentially grown. The growth has been evident with the rise of widespread connectivity of internet and smartphones with computers and cameras with the power of processing to crunch massive sets of ‘Big Data’ that are becoming common in marketing operations. The marketers in different markets need to stay on top of those advancements in technology so they can reach society on the devices that they spend the most time while operating. Besides, technological advancements are also changing the manner marketers perform their businesses, work as a team, together with how people create strategies for marketing different goods and products.
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