Contemporary Issues And Assumptions In The Hotel Industry

Branding and its Importance

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In the previous twenty-five years, hotel industry has been gripped the most essential element that actually has positive effect on the development. In the concept regarding modern high-flying marketing strategies, branding is considered as the most imperative factor as the top-notch industries have realized the worth of it. This is the most developed section of hospitality industry that is basically dependent on the pillar of first-rate services. Like various major industries, the base of hotel industry is about the notion of “demand and supply” and its inevitability. Everybody is quite acquainted with the hotel industry’s theory of demand and supply and that is essentially focused on the idea of a place, where customers come to stay, stopover, eat as well as visit alone or with families or friends or colleagues and others. (Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000)

However, there are many contemporary issues that actually are connected with the service and function of hotels which is the subject of this research. There are clear-cut theories as well as implied theories related to the present-day questions on the topic of operation of hotel industry (Torres & Kline, 2006).

The key points that are related with branding are more like assumptions and these assumptions are useful to study the diverse and multiple elements of hotel industry. These are the fundamentals for the ultimate development of a hotel.

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The first assumption is an imperative one and it is about satisfying payment in the different sectors of hotel industry. Several organizations decline to go along with this fact of lesser attempt regarding expenses. The second assumption on the subject of the present-day issue of hotel industry is a crucial one and that is about adequate standardization and efficiency which is recognized in the management system of existing companies. The third assumption is about carelessness and nil opportunity towards the potential employees who are actually beginners. The forth theory is about acceptable and top-quality internet facilities. These are just assumption which could be either logical or illogical, but one thing is certain about these assumptions and that is these are not just assumptions for which it should be discussed and challenged, these are more like components for the development of the marketing strategies related to the hotel industry and by critically analyzing it, the pros, the aces of this industry can bring revolutionary changes by implementing the positive and logical aspects that come out of the research (Botti, Briec & Cliquet, 2009)

The thinking is a deep-rooted one and as a result, it is not considered as an attempt of offering lower salaries and operations with low costs. But, the truth is that many organizations just refuse to go along with it and because of it the salary gap is rising between the hotel industry and other industries. All of the organizers are focusing on the way of life, customs and cultures as well as perfection in creativity related to the industry, but the thing is that it is a world full of paradox; things always don’t go in harmony with the approaching views of the people. If the initial amount of salary is not good, then there is a chance of a scenario with potential members of staff quitting their jobs related to hotel industry. There are many departments such as- human resource, marketing, food & beverages etc, where opportunities are very high. Apart from these industries, there are other eminent industries that are thriving speedily, where the aspirants are willing to try their luck and it is because of the huge opportunities in those sectors. However, this particular point isn’t the concrete reason for people getting away from the hotel industry. The main aspect is- greater remuneration and other incentives. Top firms like- Google has implemented this component and got unrivaled benefits by just better salary packages. According to the Maslow’s hierarchy, which is based on the needs of employees, rewards are the motivator and instigative elements by which people take the firms to the zenith at initial stages of their careers. (Zhang & Wu, 2004).      

Contemporary Issues Related to Hotel Industry

The several policies regarding remuneration for the employees in hotel industry should be developed and automatically the behavior of the staffs will perk up. In addition to it, the firm has to give equal attention to all its employees and induce the importance of company objective within their minds and after that achievements will not be out of hand. Success rate will automatically boost up and this vision can be achieved by proper incentive plans along with sharing of revenue in the form of bonus. 

Leading organizations are at the peak positions and the key to their success is that they always try to understand their employees and think that employees are the most important variable without which success can’t be imagined at all. Therefore, the hotel industry should also widen and develop the long-established policies for employee rewards according to their skills, inputs towards growth of the company and many more. (Baum, Amoah & Spivack, 1997)   

The most common problem in hotel industry and even top organizations encounter it very often. However, when this problem occurs in between other problems in a row, it gets more and more difficult towards company’s sustainability. Therefore, blind belief towards management systems is an imperfect approach and an unambiguous system of management will present the prime objective of the companies to the staffs in a logical manner. That’s why it is an explicit assumption. Payment issues are very common in hotel industry but progressively it gets more challenging and the management systems get shattered. (Chan & Ho, 2006)

Status is one of the major factor that effects sustainability straight. So, the main power of a company is its brand name that no one can run off with. Thus, top companies diversify through the same brand name and extend their branches beyond the main part and they get succeed, because they know the gravity of branching out. By implementing it, they put together new plans of improvement and spend funds according to the plan. They don’t hesitate whether it is the amount in million or billion. Ultimately it will benefit the company and take part in the development process. (Barron, 2008)                                                      

 No requirement of any sort of encouragement or promotions should be offered to the employees. This assumption is very much wrong and it’s clear-cut and explicit. Close connection gets originated and gradually get strengthened between the experienced employees and the employees who linked with the company in the early days of establishment. By this, new employees get discouraged and progress of the company gets dawdled. It can be corrected by providing fair opportunities to all the employees and equity will take companies to the distinguished standing.  (Cho, Woods, Jang & Erdem, 2006)

The forth assumption is about there is nothing to worry about a top-quality internet connection if you belong to the hotel industry. The implied assumption can be derived from the concept of hotels of lower class with no internet connection or very poor ones and hotels of higher class with advanced internet facilities. Relevancy of the company’s services and products increases with the increase in results at top search engines and it is the basic component or a ladder towards quick development. The efficacy of search engines is perfectly illustrated by Google who has exemplary success in all the industries across the globe. (Law & Jogaratnam, 2005)

Assumptions and Their Role in Development

By implementation of cloud computing to the hotel industries for remarkable improvement, this assumption can be proved wrong. It is meaningless if people think there is no use of hardware and software in the business of hotels. Everybody is surrounded by computers and internet in this era and it can be observed in all the sectors. Through clod computing, any type of data can be accessible at anywhere and anytime with help of the finest internet connection facility and it has more reasonable benefits with clear vision. (Bilgihan, Okumus & Kwun, 2011).

The most imperative element is customer satisfaction and it is not only in the hotel industry but also in all over the hospitality industry. Customers nowadays are very sophisticated according to the modern technologies and the hotel industry thinks about the traditional approach. So, this thinking should be changed by which the challenge can be completed in near future. The industry has to come to the position of zenith by modern and up-to-date technology as customers’ procedures of research, feedback and other things are a part of technology now.   

Tragedies happen and it can’t be avoided and for this these are called mishaps. These are like a distress part of human beings and these are inevitable in nature. In the previous years, more natural disasters have occurred. So, the assumption regarding no effect from any sort of calamities is wrong. The impact of these catastrophes can affect the economic condition of the hotel industry. So, it is advised by the professionals to take necessary protection measures and primarily choose the safest location to which tourists will come with no risk in their minds.

The budding nature of condo hotels is an alarming issue and by this issue, alternative ownership has been evolved. It is very tight spot for the lenders, management authorities and teams, owners and other developers. The financial coverage of the developers has got reduced by the alternative ownership process. The management issues regarding hotel industry has started off the rapidly increasing nature of condos and it has become very challenging for the employees of the established hotels to compete with them. Renovation takes lots of money; likewise for maintenance also the industry needs more and more money and due to the policies made by their own it gets difficult to manage the whole framework.         

The hospitality industries are always dependent on the questions of reputation and reputation of a hotel is recognized by the customers naturally if the services will be first-class. The implication of the components regarding marketing strategies should not be undervalued and implemented wholeheartedly and the outcomes in the future will be outstanding for sure. (Lewis & McCann, 2004).

When there is a question of other options, then the first thing that should be appeared in the mind is that- Do the alternatives have equal results to the improvement of the organizations as that of the primary components? Or Will it more advantageous for the firm in the end? Is it cost effective or not? Etc. There are no possible alternative with similar conclusion as the above-mentioned elements can facilitate to your organization (Su, 2004).

Importance of Employee Rewards


The issues regarding the hotel industry is unsettled and unpredictable. New challenges with lots of new theories are evolved to the front of giants of this industry. The variable nature of modern issues regarding the market strategy and branding of a hotel has formulated a competitive edge in the entire industry. Moreover, the fundamental difficulties can be easily solved by the four major components of branding and founders can’t just rely on the conventional assumptions and expect progress of the own volition. Thinking out of the box, implementing creative and excellent strategies that are productive in nature helps out with a better tomorrow for the organizations. (Tepeci, 1999).


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