Contemporary Computing As An Assemblage: An Actor-Network Theory Analysis
Technology of Assemblage
“Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage.” Discuss.
To achieve this:
Select TWO computing stories from the Live News exercise you fulfil in each week’s tutorial. Using Actor Network Theory as your primary tool for analysis, at a minimum:
• Describe the scales on which the actants in your stories “act” in the assemblage
• Discuss how these actions can enhance management functions
• Outline what issues/questions these actions raise. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics explored throughout the module.
• Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement “Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage.”
When we set out to explore the technologies which support citizen science, which is a method of enquiring which leverages the power of the crowds in order to collect as well as analyse scientific data’s (Anon, 2015). The evaluation of these technologies as system assemblages, can be said to functionalities which are inter related as it supports the activities that are in pursuit of overall goals. The idea about assemblages helps us to understand the ways of compromising different platforms of citizen science with the help of wide varieties of functionality, but still they will be able to support similar kind of goals and aims. The concepts of build vs. shy are also introduced in this report as well as how different form of functionality for citizen science like science vs. support for the human actors as well as the web motivators and satisfiers which results in successful project outcomes.
The term known as citizen science has been used to describe the collaborations in research which enables the non-scientific members from the general public who assist in the scientific investigations. They are also sometimes referred to as the science of crowd sourced (Anon, 2015). The projects related to the citizen science also include for examples which the participants have asked in order to classify the photographs of galaxies which have been captured by the space telescopes which are a source of sighting data for the ornithological research, or the observation of the sunflower plants to be pollinated by the bees during varying times of a day. Although their systematic extents of review and research questions differ extensively, these developments increasingly have a shared attitude to facts assortment for a huge numbers of entities are requested to present opinions or scrutinises via internet or mobile-oriented equipment (Anon, 2015).
Human Actant
The exploration of the system assemblages of multiple number of citizen science projects over a comparative case study approach. On behalf of for each case study, the evaluation of the assemblage in relations of its general structure, build vs. buy decision-making, and its impact on technical objectives, applicant sustenance, inspiration, and gratification.
Some of the initial characteristics of the analysis in this report is the consideration of the technological advancement of computers which has been enabled for the support of the project of citizen science as an assemblage of diverse loosely coupled systems which are rather singular systems. One can conclude from the approach of king towards computer technology scrutinization which is also known as the models of web. The web models accepts the computer system as the assemblage of various kinds of techniques, equipment’s and applications which are known to be as the information processing capability (Anon, 2015). The approach has been distinguished from the models which have been created by the engineers or any discrete entity analysis, the main emphasis of which is the information processing and the equipment size capability.
Maximum citizen science projects influence numerous know-hows to sustenance numerous functional criteria, relatively arranging solitary, autonomous schemes, citizen science projects exist further to select as of numerous characteristics. Lone venture could select to embrace a web medium to maintain applicant association, whereas one more may interpret this function as redundant. Projects established by unpaid helper, unskilled workforce possibly will be liable to the abilities of the helper, have more partial or not as much of consistent statistics assortment device (Anon, 2015). Since of this societal character of citizen science, several of the character that forms a citizen science assemblage take about consultation protagonist. An opportunity improves communiqué among contributors and venture experts, subject folios deliver evidence or normalise drill, blogs as well as news influence out to contributors, and interaction forms permit participants to report affiliates of the project team. Even data collection utilities give participants a standardized avenue for communicating the work they have completed (Anon, 2015). Because most individuals’ first encounter with a citizen science project is through its online presence, the citizen science assemblage also has a key role to play in motivating participation
The use of ANT has proven to be useful in order to capture the actors which are involved in the development of citizen science assemblages for a number of motives. The first thing is to focus on the actor networks as the fundamental building block for the development of the citizen science website features (Anon, 2015). Sustaining descriptions are individuals whose non-appearance will reason a contributor to know-how discontent with a website though inspiring qualities are those which enhance inspirational worth to a website. The ANT expects Participants imagine websites to uphold a definite degree of attribute, and ample diminution of that feature will trigger discontent. At the same time, the inspiration to practise and return to a website derives on or after a hypothetically diverse set of characteristics. Motivating features include reasoning consequences such as acquiring latest comprehension or abilities, the joy of investigating a site, the incidence of interactive program, intensity of contest, the proficiency to device collaboration, and the incidence of striking illustrations (Anon, 2015). The ANT helps in the facilitation of the formative assessments in order to study the game play of the multiple certainties while they recognize the consequences of the co-existence of the realities in the actor networks while challenging expectedness of the out-dated cumulative of the outcome focused on the fundamental methods.
Use of Actor Network Theory (ANT) to Tackle Complexity
EBird is the co-operative venture of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society. The aforementioned is a citizen science project that involves a world-wide association of ornithologists to give in to their surveillances via web-based tools (Anon, 2015). The system assemblage perspective can be applied to eBird at a variety of levels. For example, several projects are supported by eBird’s Oracle database, forming a suite of related projects that can be thought of as one large system assemblage. Some challenges can now be approached through the hybrid network that has been identified through this research. For example, operating standard CMS software consents for affluent supervision of certain rudimentary subject matter, emancipating designer stretch for more intricate encounters in database policy, data collection, and delivering criticism to contestants (Anon, 2015). In general, eBird has approved the policy that undeveloped functionality can be off the shelf, whereas additional progressive apparatuses should be custom.
The Great Sunflower Project, is a citizen science project to gather data on bee pollination facility all over the United States. Participants in this venture practise a Drupal founded the website to acquiesce data about sunflower gardens that they have recognized, as well as the frequency of bees, stop at Sunflowers in a given a point of time. The Great Sunflower Project embraced a buy temperament and recycled the open source CMS Drupal to organise a venture at a minor price (Anon, 2015). The developer for the Great Sunflower Project was extremely sympathetic to open-source, CMS-based development.
Citizen science projects have scientific aims which must be maintained over technology. At the same time, these objectives can turn into subservient to a diversity of reasons, including project resources and the need for actors. A badly amalgamated assemblage that is arduous to use or has technical troubles will likely nose-dive no matter how inspiring certain of its workings are (Anon, 2015). Enticing participants to a project, only to have them grow unhappy and leave, provides little benefit to the project or the participants and does nothing to serve science goals.
What are the factors which influence assemblage for citizen science project?
What do typical system assemblage for citizen science look like?
What are the effects of the composition of the assemblages on the scientific goals?
What are the implications of design on the perspective of assemblage on citizen science technologies?
What kind of factors affect the composition of the citizen science?
What effect does the assemblage of citizen science have on scientific goals, satisfaction, motivation and participant support?
What are the implications of design on the system assemblage perspective on the citizen science technologies?
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at:…/wp…/Brodersen-Network-Alliances.pdf [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at:…/haklaycrowdsourcinggeographi… [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at:…/Horn_Building_a_Bird_2015_CVPR_paper.pdf [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Anon, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015]., (2015). Describing Assemblages: Genre Sets, Systems, Repertoires, and Ecologies | Welcome to the DWRL. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Aug. 2015].
Prestopnik, N. and Crowston, K. (2012). Citizen science system assemblages. Proceedings of the 2012 iConference on – iConference ’12.