Construction Of Commercial Buildings In Warrun Ponds: Design, Purpose And Location
Building Purpose and Location
Write an essay on The construction of the commercial buildings.
The construction of the commercial buildings in Warrun Ponds has increased as new business organizations are coming to the country. Since the available commercial space in the country is limited to cater the increasing demand of the commercial business space in Warrun Ponds thus large commercial projects have come up lately in the country(Behrens, 2013). The commercial buildings are basically designed to facilitate the business interactions among the companies and their prospective customers and to enable sale of the products of the companies. Since the purpose of the commercial buildings is different from the residential buildings thus they pose different challenges for the construction designers. The designers also give a lot of importance to the aesthetics and performance of the commercial buildings so that the building can meet the requirements of the various business organizations. The commercial project involves the construction of a ten story single building which has large space for the sales professionals and their customers (Bourne, 2006). The main aim of the project planners was to create such a design of the building which is within the limits of the budget and meets all the required standards that has been set by the user. The planners also has to make sure that the building keeping in mind all the safety standards that are set by the government of Warrun Ponds. On the basis of the commercial use of the building the designers of the project team produced the initial layout of the building with the plans for all the floors of the building. The design of the building consist of all the layout of the structure of the beams, girders, columns along with the connections of the girders and the elements of the foundation. In the structure of the building sections are planned to use either steel or concrete depending upon the suitability and the purpose of the structures. The design of the building also have the provision of a dome roof, a glass wall at the front side of the building and large area for the lobby so that then business conversations can take place in that lobby. For the construction of the structures various designs were evaluated by the project team. The type of the materials to be procured is also reviewed and the various construction methods were evaluated on the basis of the feasibility of the project(Bourne, 2006).The performance of the structures is also evaluated so that it can be checked weather they serve their requisite purpose.
Design of the Building Structures
The main task prior to the construction of the building is to identify the purpose of the building and its location. In the given below paragraphs these points have been discussed thoroughly.
Purpose of The Building: As discussed in the introduction the building is designed to serve the commercial purpose especially as a shopping mall. The building is intended to house various business facilities and will be housing the offices and showrroms of the leading multinationals.
Location of the Site:
The building is located in the site 4 in new central harbor front, Warrun Ponds. The project team has the necessary documents regarding the plan of the site and the geotechnical information. The location of the building in the harbor front gives it access to all the necessary facilities that will be required for the construction of the building (Behrens, 2013). The available site is of 0.93 hectares and the gross floor area of the building is estimated to be 7500 squares meters.
Design of the Building Structures:
The design of the building structures was the most crucial part of the project. The design of the steel members and the structure made of concrete is done according to the building codes of the Warrun Ponds(Bourne, 2006). The design of the building include the design of the floor which serves some specific purpose. The design also include the loading values of the various natural factors. The planners of the building evaluated the design of the various framing members of the building to select the most appropriate design for the building which is both cost effective and serves the purpose of the building.
Design of the foundation:
Among the design of the various sections of the building the design of the foundation of the building is very important as it provides the support to the complete building.The designers have to make su8re that the foundation of the building is capable enough to transfer the complete weight of the building to the ground which is providing the support to the building. The samples of soil collected from various boring holes are evaluated to create the complete profile of the soil which are used during the analysis of the foundation design.
The foundation of the buildings are broadly classified as:
- Shallow foundation
- Deep foundation
In this building process deep foundation is used. The deep foundation consist of various long pillars that go deep into the ground. The deep foundation is effective in case of the high rise apartments and buildings as they are able to transfer the load deep into the earth crust. As the soil conditions improve as we go deep into the earth crust thus the deep foundations provide effective support that is required for the high rise buildings.
Design of the Foundation
The Warrun ponds construction project is a very unique project. It is a construction-design build project. Also this project involves the installation of the solar panels and the desalination plant which makes the successful completion of the project a challenge (Sobanska and Kalinowski, 2014). Also the sheer size of the project and rough and arid climatic condition of the area also makes the construction of the project very difficult.
Thus the monitoring of the project is very important for the successful completion of the project. The main purpose for carrying out the constant monitoring of the project is that all the stakeholders of the project can accurately gauge the progress of the project and can compare the current situation of the project in comparison with the set plan and targets for the projects. This help to estimate the budget of the project. The graphical interface is generated with the help of the photogrammetry and photo modeler tools. Then the graphical interface is transported to the Visual basic TM which is a type of event based programming tool. The main purpose of the application of the DCM is to generate a model of the construction which is based on the 2D photographs and the detailed design of the complete building.
The strategy for the management of the various teams like the HR, Communications and the Stakeholder management teams are as follows:
- The first step in managing the teams is to find best talent for building the team and The proposed model for monitoring is sub divided into various phases. The phase 1 of the model is called as the input phase. In this phase the information that is provided is evaluated by the user in the similar format of that of the schedule of the work that is already planned (Robinson, 2007). The format can be txt file, Auto CAD file etc. After the user has checked all the information the phase 2 of the system begins. The phase 2 of the system comprise of the processing of the information. This process takes place automatically as the Visual basic is used to design, develop and to write the computer program of the DCM user interface. The main task of this phase is to evaluate the amount of progress by integrating the information with the data base. The databases were created in the phase 2 itself when the user was checking through the various data and information that is required and the value of the 3D coordinates were obtained from the AutoCAD diagrams.
- The main target should be to hire the specialist in the project (Dempsey, n.d.). The soil properties are studied by taking the soil samples from the various holes that are drilled deep inside the earth crust. The size of these holes is very small. The soil samples are examined in laboratories for various features such as: Type of the soil, color of the soil, moisture content of the soil, tensile and compressive strength of the soil and the density of the soil. This process also enables to study the properties of the soil at different layers of the soil.
- The project manager should clearly explain the expectations of the organization to the team members. All the individual members should be explained properly about their role in the organization and should explain them how their role is important for the completion of the project (Carmeli, 2008). The local zonal laws are evaluated as there are different building laws for different zones. The permits required for the construction of the building are assessed. The commercial project houses various facility such as the showrooms for leading automobile brands, shops of leading retail houses and office space for the leading multinationals. The project board uses various methodologies to ensure that the building is designed according to the local laws.
- The top managers should ensure that the working environment is friendly enough so that the team members can freely discuss their plans for the organization with them. The design of the building consists of main lobby area which is utilized for the seating arrangement of the customers (Behrens, 2013). The lobby will also contain provision for the front desk and a counter to enable cash transaction. The building will be having office of various floor areas which can accommodate different employees of an organization. The layout of the floors of the building was designed according to the set standards in Warrun Ponds.
- The top managers should encourage the members of the team to share their feelings. The costing of the building is evaluated on the basis of the cost of each ton of steel and the cost of the concrete is evaluated on the basis of the volume of each concrete structures. The designers of the building also made it sure that the structure used in the building are as light weighted as possible and withstanding the associated codes and regulations(Bourne, 2006).The standard dimensions were used while designing the frames of the building. The group referred to the building codes in china for the construction of the steel structures and the for the evaluation of the material standards used in the concrete structures of the commercial building.
- The Project managers should also develop a dispute solving process. Another important factor that is considered important for the design of the foundation is the soil settlement analysis. The high consolidation of the soil beneath the frame of the foundation can cause damage to the structural members of the foundation by causing exerting excessive stress on them. Thus the designers have taken the utmost care to limit the effect of the soil settlement. The settlement analysis of the soil is done to estimate the vertical stresses exerted by the soil and their corresponding elastic strain (Behrens, 2013).Depending on the cohesion and cohesionless property of the soil the settlement analysis is done.
1) Buried Services: One of the major risks that the workers and people in the excavation site might face is the risk from the buried services like electrical wirings, pipelines, cable etc. If the underground services are damaged during carrying out the excavation work they can cause injuries to the workers and the common public (Smirnov and Ershova, 2014). The workers might get electric shocks or they can get injured due to fire and explosion.
2) Overhead Lines: Another major risk that has been identified at the project site is the overhead transmission lines and equipments supporting the transmission system like the poles, towers and unprotected electric wires (Smirnov and Ershova, 2014). The main function of the building foundation is todistribute the complete mass of the building without overstressing the bearing structures of the building. The designers of then foundation have to ensure that the foundation have sufficient strength to withstand shock loadings due to various seismic activity. Thus the properties of the soil beneath the foundations are carefully studied before designing foundations of the structures. Overhead transmission lines can be damaged by the excavating machines or the poles can be damaged if it is very near to the excavation site. Since the transmission lines carry high voltage currents thus they pose serious threat to the excavation workers and the equipments.
Schedule Analysis
3) Workers falling In the Excavated Site: The workers and the people in the vicinity of the excavation site can face serious injury if they accidentally fall in the excavated region. The injuries could also be fatal if the excavated site has boulders or the height of the excavated site is more. Thus company use physical barriers to guard the edges of the excavated site. The engineers and the supervisors should inspect the edges of the excavated site to ensure that proper barriers are installed in all the edges. Proper sign boards should also be placed at the construction site. The monitoring of the project progress is generally done by the contractor and is updated to the main developer of the project on a regular basis. It was found that the most successful way of monitoring the complete construction process was the DCM (Digitalized construction monitoring system). The DCM process creates inter relationship among the simultaneous processes by through creating cooperation between the various process of evaluation. The main purpose of introducing the DCM process was to have a proper system which can help to monitor the construction and the enables the evaluation of the complete process. The DCM is Based on the object oriented process is programming that is based on the events that happen in the construction process. These events are explained in the graphical interface that is provided in the DCM.
4) Plant falling into the excavated region: The progress of the work could be seriously hampered if the plant falls into the excavated site. For example if a concrete lorry falls into the excavated site then the workers will serious injuries and it will also halt the progress of the work. It will also increase the cost of the project (Tidey, 2013). Thus the company should plan the routes of the vehicles in advance and should inform the same to the drivers. The phase three of the system will be used for the getting the resulted interface of the process. It is also possible to obtain the outcome in the graphical format in this phase. As shown in the below given image the graphical data is represented in the Gnatt chart. The final step that is followed in this system is to take the immediate steps in order to address those areas where some problem is noticed. The step takes place when the Project Manger finds out that the delays are taking place and the actual construction process is behind the schedule.
5) Risk of the sides of the Excavation Collapsing: The workers and the people could face a fatal injury if the sides or edges of the excavated site collapse (Tidey, 2013). Since most workers will work in the excavated site during operation risers thus if the sides collapses then it might fall on the workers. Thus the company should evaluate the condition of the ground at the excavation site make a proper assessment of the compactness of the ground.
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