Construction And Sustainable Development: Key Issues And Environmental Impacts

Sustainability Concepts and Challenges in Construction

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Over the past decades and in the recent days, sustainability concepts have continued to emerge in all the aspects surrounding the human sphere, and these elements are depicted at both the construction industry as well as in the present times. However, this sustainability has continued to raise concerns and thus, calling for various changes and adaptations so as to ascertain the sustainability presents and the challenges which it has in the long run. This, therefore, means that various criteria and aspects must be incorporated and looked at in order to realize and validate sustainability. This course posed on the sustainability concepts, and the entire problems which one can encounter when there is the existence of unsustainable development in the local, global as well a regional basis (Ashraf et al. 2015 p.42).

Furthermore, this study also explores the environmental impacts which various construction activities as well as the total measures which can be in place to monitor and curb these issues in the long run. Also, there are various legislative, management and regulative approaches which have to be considered when dealing with the sustainable development of different projects. In addition, the different technological approaches are adopted in various construction projects worldwide, and therefore it is important to appraise them in line with the sustainable development (Al-Dahhan 2016).

Thus, this study on the construction and sustainable development mainly aim at improving the overall aspects as well as providing an in-depth understanding of the key issues which one must take into account in the construction field. This can be achieved through the use of systematic reviews and analogies regarding various ideas which are currently developed in the discipline (Foerstl et al.  2010).

Strength and Weakness

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Sustainable development has been widely used since the introduction of the concept at the Environmental Conference of the United Nations held in 1992, at the Rio de Janeiro. According to the Brundtland Report (WCED 1987), it is defined as the development which aims at meeting the present needs of the current generation while at the same time, works in such a manner that the makeable future generation abilities are not compromised in terms of their over the ability to meet their own needs. Thus, the sustainable development tends to take an overall concept and approach of natural cyclic system form as shown in the diagram below (Ravetz 2016).

Environmental Impacts of Construction Activities

The figure above shows an analysis in which the waste product at one level is considered to be the input product, and material for the next level and this cycle continues endlessly. Taking a consideration on the leaves and agricultural products, these products are actually broken down forming various nutrients in the soil and later on used again to hoot new springs. Therefore, in design work, an architect, civil engineer and project manager need to take into consideration the design parameters which can compromise the sustainable development. These parameters must be appraised successfully, and all their effects are outlined as well as the measures for curbing such norms in the long run. For example, in the designing of the dam, the river course and the overall drainage system must be taken into account with the aim of ensuring that the overall system does not compromise the river course in terms of directions and water level (Vihervaara et al. 2010.p.180).

According to Ab Rahman and Esa (2014) construction process mainly do not involve inherent and environmentally friendly aspects as far as the industry is concerned but instead linked the various disruption elements and pollution. In this case, it is noted that construction is one of the keys and viable contributor of the overall pollution risks which one depict on a daily basis. Some of the environmental impacts which are linked to the construction mainly include waste, air as well as water and noise pollution. In fact, this appraisal indicated that construction mainly associated with various complexes, resource demanding as well as highly dispersed elements in terms of the activities which are carried out in the process. Industry, on the other hand, is the main contributor of the overall natural losses of assets, severe stresses, as well as the imposed impacts in line with the environment (Klebaner 2010 p.450).

Therefore, all the activities in the construction process which failed to follow the standards and regulation can then cause imminent damages to the lakes, rivers, aquatic life as well as sensitive ecosystems. This can also include the killing of all the existing fish in various water bodies.  Moreover, the construction activities if not properly managed can lead to the disruption of not only the groundwater but also the land more so by increasing the land pollution and disrupting the wildlife habitats. Moreover, the overall environmental risks continue to pose challenges, and these problems are high when one is working on the steep slopes, highlands as well as near the lakes and rivers (Ahern 2011 p.340).

Legislative, Management and Technological Approaches for Sustainable Development

Large projects do impact immensely on the land as these projects involve not only the vegetation removal but also the topographical reshaping. The results of such activities mainly include soil erosion as the soil is prone to the erosion as a result of the activities conducted on the land. Moreover, the resulting soil obtained from the excavation process can either create dust pollution or can even be transported by the water agents into the water bodies and thus, hastening water pollution (Brandon and Lombardi 2010). 

Moreover, soil erosion may deteriorate the quality of water in the various water bodies, and this is mainly caused by the siltation coming from the construction sites. Also, the land degradation can result in flash and mud floods if the area receives heavy downpour. Therefore, it is the role and the responsibility of the engineer, the project manager as well as the architects to ensure that they design systems which comply with the environmental practices and regulation as far as the sustainable development is concerned (Hawver et  al.  2016.)

The pace of urbanization in major cities and centers of population is alarming and are in a growing phase. As a result, challenges are facing such centers and creating a growing need linked to the changes in the living standard that are by far exacerbating the situations. Therefore, the lack of success stories is inducing some complex design relationships. The future of the construction industry is intensified with construction material, recycling intensity, rewards for sustainability, as well as the implementation of carbon emission and use of alternative innovative and renewable materials. More than that, they involve changes in design that inculcate efficient use of natural resources like air and sunlight using the more locally manufactured materials and completely avoiding toxic materials. Sustainable structures have strong and reliable foundation laying, design, maintenance, renovation, operation, construction, as well as demolition (Tan, Shen and Yao 2011 p.225).

The emblem of construction involves construction procedures and processes that are environmentally responsible and are resource efficient with less impact on the ecological and natural impact throughout the lifecycle of the building. This is because such environmentally responsible structures are known to save on resources and ensure that the wastes are minimized carefully at every stage of the structure or the building. Therefore, the modern architectural design in building constructions is taking a carefully modified perspective in order to cater for some of the important factors. Some of these factors effectively make the designs become sustainable in-line with the modern challenges and construction dynamisms today.  The reason for such practices includes altruistic objectives. These objectives involve principles or practices that are concerned with the welfare of others in the society; thus sustainable construction designs are architecture within the perspective of maintaining the welfare standards of the surrounding social environment (Sabnis 2015).

Strength and Weakness of Sustainable Development

The sustainable construction operations involve the adoption of building designs, methods, and materials that are very friendly as far as the environment is concerned. The materials and resources in use have supplies that are steady and readily available from various resources because natural resources are used for conservation purposes. As a forward-thinking (proactive) building construction fronts, sustainable construction empowers and inspire the generation that is emerging of construction management and technology users so as to deliver developments that are sustainable, both the environment, the society, as well as the financial pillars of the larger society (Brophy and Lewis 2012).

 Among the other factors in the sustainable design and building construction include designing with carbon reduction in the mind, greenhouse gases control, as well as reduction of energy consumption. It is understood that various human activities are carried out but have dangerous eventuality to human settlement and the environment in general. Therefore, any building design and their various architectural designs must consider the likely atmospheric effects of such construction to the environment (Sun et al.  2015).

Sustainable design in construction also considers the non-biodegradable waster generation with the aim of reducing it. Some of the non-biodegradable wastes have become a constant menace to the environment. Therefore, reducing these wastes is contained in the high regard for protecting human rights of the future generation as well as making it possible for the reduction of harmful greenhouse gas emissions initiatives through such construction design.

The green initiatives that have been employed by most of the construction designs in some parts of the world are made with the mentality of conserving water as well as improving the air quality. More than that, the global warming initiatives, saving the wild lands, reviving the oceans, as well as financial incentives have become the paramount initiatives that have formed the bedrock of modern architectural designs in construction.  The key concept of sustainability follows after an integrated approach with the team of designers, stakeholders, as well as construction itself. For the construction sustainability to take shape, objectives of the project must be set, selection of building materials that are appropriate, the system, as well as project delivery methods (Lechner 2014).

Conclusively, the sustainable design in construction looks into key areas of the site, energy, water, resources, emissions, rich, indoor environment, project management, as well as programs promoting efficient energy consumption that would benefit the clients. This is why; the green buildings are taking ground. Such building constructions aim at reducing energy consumption as noted above, decreasing risk management, increasing the valuation of the building, increasing the morale, as well as reducing the growth of molds. More than that, they are built with the aim of decreasing the operational expenses, increasing the values of the building, increasing rent and occupancy (Bynum, Issa, and Olbina 2012 p.34).

Importance of Sustainable Construction Design

The cycles of sustainability in construction have three basic elements: the social, the environment, and the economic elements. The truth is that in the event any of the three mentioned elements is missing, there is every possibility of the construction being weak, thus becoming unsustainable. The bearable, viable, and equitable aspects of the three elements bring sustainability. The social elements welcome the community or the social structure that maintain the social wellbeing and the harmony of the society. The economic facet of sustainability involves the continued economic prosperity as well as economic production.  Lastly, the environmental element considers the ecosystem and the biosphere that maintain the natural state or level of resource quality (Komurlu et al. 2015 p.156).

Climatic concerns of the environmental element involve, among others, the emission of the greenhouse gases, the ozone layer (emissions that damage the ozone layer), resources such as consumption of fuels, the proportion of renewable energy sources, and the intensity of energy. The economic element involves the true costs with the level at which the costs of operations are determined as well as the external costs of damage and safety. Therefore, it becomes apparent that sustainable project design involves the method of works that are aimed at ensuring the optimal results for the environment in construction and civil works (Gan et al.  2015).

Kibert (2016) noted that there is successful sustainability in construction and design programs require that the design and construction team be selected and managed carefully, sustainable checklist development be kept on the check, to determine the financial incentives, to avoid overbuilding and setting the preliminary budgets accordingly. In the same way, such constructions are simple, efficient, designed flexibly, effectively use resources like water, light, and recycled materials (Ab Rahman and Esa 2014).

Sustainable construction involves the creation of healthy built environment through the use of resource-efficient and ecological principles. The process of sustainable construction begins before the actual construction process, at the planning and designing and continues through to the maintenance stages. The sustainable built environment project involves critical and creative thinking with cutting edge technological applications that are manipulated to use natural and renewable resources. The conservation of energy through energy efficiency in the building is increasingly acquiring prime importance in the world today.

 The increasing energy efficiency equipment for low operational energy requirements is an aspect that is changing the environment of building construction. While examining the issue of sustainable energy in construction, most constructions in the world economies are setting their sights on renewable building practices. The production of equipment, materials, and resources for the building construction are today gearing towards sustainable standards through the use of renewable resources.  Recent data shows that the construction industry is among the largest consumers of energy for its operations (Mohanty, et al. 2002). Therefore, if this is the case, it prudent to invoke the environmental friendlier building or construction practices, to not only save on energy but to promote a sustainable platform that will save the global economy for the future generation. This segment of the paper examines the construction practices through its energy sustainability insight.

In examining the strength and weaknesses of the sustainable energy in construction, it is important to note some of the important aspects to examine. The first aspect is related to the prior design before the building construction is made of a passive solar building style for adaptation to the environment. These adaptations are not only for the heating or cooling the building, but also for the daylighting the building overly.  The second aspect is the utilization of the low energy embodied materials for building construction whereby the materials that are used in construction and installations are all energy efficient and renewable. The third element deals with the conservation of energy, whereby the operational energy consumption uses energy efficient equipment in the building. That last aspect is the utilization of the integrated renewable systems for heating of hot water, photovoltaic solar electrification, among others.  Therefore, the assessment of the strength and the weaknesses of the sustainable energy in construction consider the four elements among other issues as discussed below:

Based on the study done by Jörgens (2012), the renewable energy (the sustainable practice) in the construction begins with the process of design. Design practices for the construction processes should follow the architectural philosophy that is energy efficient and structures that are evaluated based on their sustainability. It is within this perspective that the building structures and designs are today taking advantage of the natural resources such as lighting to renewable features if energy  such as the solar panels. smart windows that are known for their qualities of blocking the harmful UV rays, as well as the ultra-energy systems and equipment like HVAC and the water heaters. More than that, the architects are today advancing towards greater heights as far as renewable energy building designs are concerned.

Glasbergen and Groenenberg (2001) also affirm that over the past few decades, the construction industry has immensely changed with the new building standards controlling the construction industries in the various corners of the world. Even presently, there are LEED certified structures that are technologically and environmentally on the forefront today as far as sustainable energy is in construction. By taking the leading role in the energy and environmental designs, the products of their designs and architectural philosophy are ensuring that all the building practices are in time able to use the available resources that are efficient and are responsible on the environmental front. With the constructions that are energy conscious, it is apparent that the aim is to have construction companies that are on not only a domestic concentration of renewable energy practices but on the global leaders to make the construction process to have a sustainable building practice.

The explosions of the sustainable energy construction projects have exposed certain limitations that have hindered the utilization or achievement of the full potential of such green initiatives. This is due to the fact that while the current attention is being put on the sustainable and improvement of the systems by virtue of the environmental assessment as well as the sustainable performance of the buildings, little attention has been put on the challenges that are normally encountered by the built environmental professionals, especially the architects. These challenges are as far as the implementation of the sustainability principles in the development of building projects are concerned.

The old economic principle of scarcity renews its meaning with every practice requiring the availability of resources. The fact as recorded by Chu et al. (2012) is that the materials for building an environmentally friendly construction are becoming scarce every day. These materials are hard to find and expensive to purchase, especially in the urban areas.

The location of the buildings also is significant as the workability of the intelligence employed in some of the buildings depends on the sun for energy. They, therefore, require locations that have access to direct sunlight. However, the challenge is that it is becoming difficult to find such places in cities that increasing its population sizes every day.

Future Generation

The role of architectures, designers, engineers, and planners in the initiative of building sustainable energy efficient buildings is huge. For the sake of the future generation, there is a need for the whole world to join in playing a part in ensuring that the limited resources available today are also conserved for the future generation.  In the implementation of the sustainable energy construction principles, the role to be played by architectures and designers are critical. Through the various phases and stages, the planning they do have a huge environmental impact on the future generation.

Based on studies, uncontrolled urban development activities like building that produces carbon emissions lead to severe environmental degradation. In the same manner, it is important to note that for most countries in the world, the words such as sustainable constructions and green building are new and unpracticed. However, for the sake of the future generation, the green constructions that are aimed at restoring the Mother Nature’s order of things should be chorused every construction moment.  For this reason, it is critical that during the various construction phases, the developers should ensure harmonious coordination with the environment to avoid environmental violations that would punish the future generation.

This analysis explores the drainage systems in the Birmingham as well as the Coventry England Midlands region. First and foremost, Sustainable Drainage System or also abbreviated as SuDS, mainly assist in alleviating both the pollution and the flooding more so when there is prolonged rainfall. Over the past decade, the surface water drainage has mainly depicted in various areas in line with different foul drainage. Although, the study conducted by (Ellis and Viavattene 2014) indicated that there are new developments regarding the surface water and drainage, but still this systems end up discharging their sewer in one combined system. Thus, during the prolonged rainfall, most treatment plants cannot accommodate and cope with the effluent as well as the overall discharges of the untreated wastes. Thus, it is the role of the architect to design a system which meets not only the set standards but also the one which will cope with prevailing conditions ad this can only be achieved through the use of tolerance and allowances in the design works. Still the derange of water tends to experience various problems such as pollutions (Rodríguez-Rojas et al. 2017 p.775).

In essence, urban drainage and systems have two mainly paramount mixes which form the fundamental construction guidelines which mainly demarcates a method which have both the less well-known and relatively new construction method. In fact, these systems do have set regulatory back up, however; it does not indicate the overall construction guideless to be adopted in the system.  Lack of proper channel for the overall design and development of the drainage system tends to make various contractors to have a difficult approach when it comes to the construction of the drainage system (Mikovits et al. 2017).

Conversely, drainage aspect is a fundamental and key concept in the construction and building plans for the multi-projects. Notably, it forms one of the key factors which can inhibit the overall construction project if it is not designed properly.  In fact, the overall cost estimation and all incur in the project mainly depends on this concept and thus, if not properly situated then it can lead to catastrophic.  Moreover, the new regulations and guidelines in line with the project pose changes when it comes to the evaluation and mean alterations which may be necessary for a project. Furthermore, sustainable drainage technique forms an essential element in the constructions of the drainage systems in the United Kingdom but still require that the project manager takes into considerations the clients, environmental as well as constructor analogy and perspective (Perales-Momparler et al. 2017 p.S113).

Sustainable drainage guidelines are not a new concept, but rather it is a concept which poses difficulties in terms of the interpretations as far as the construction industry is concerned.  The study conducted by the imminent ACO appraised that about 68% of the overall construction professionals do not have adequate skills and knowledge pertaining both the understanding as well as the various criteria of drawing conclusions as far as the decision making is concerned. Also, 50% of the overall professionals in the sustainable drainage system actually recognize that another real problem that they face in the field is the site constraints. This is more and more imminence when tackling the construction and design aspects as well as their analysis used in the process.  Therefore, these elements tend to increase the problems which the architect and the design engineers might face in the field (Hellmers et al. 2018 p.S5).

Underestimating all the issues regarding the sustainable development but simply taking assumption without actually appraising them also is another key and fundamental issue.  ACO is believed to have been working with the SuDs Task Company in order to deliver overall quality outputs in terms of the site solutions (Loc et al. 2017 p.340).  Thus, the outcome of this study mainly depicts on the various criteria of achieving all the stipulated guidance in line with the sustainable drainage system and this is done by factoring in all the potential obstacles.  Therefore, it is up to the project managers and engineers to adopt the various suitable methods which must combine the products, time as well as cost with the aim of ensuring that the sustainable drainage is achieved and managed in the long run.  Thus, the approach will ensure that there is clear and decisive in-depth understanding of all the practical related issues, cost effective as well a value producing techniques for managing the overall surface water. Hence, this understanding not only helps in understanding the various alternative approaches and key principles but also assists in establishing inevitably challenges arising from the process (Fryd, Dam, and Jensen 2012 p.870).

Modifying and adapting a system which can help in delivering quality is both essential and important aspect in the designing of the system. Through the use of various engineering analysis and models, quality solutions and remedies can be obtained, and this will be not only important but also fundamental in due course (Ahern 2011 p.360).

Therefore, four pillars are used in this process, and these mainly include the soft combination, engineered solution, constructability, and the makeable maintenance. Therefore, it is important for the contractor to consider the situation in line with the building process and the design adaption for the drainage system. Furthermore, there are various factors which must be considered when appraising this element for the future generation and this mainly include population growth, urbanization, water inundation as well as climatic changes (Barbosa et al.  2012). Thus, it is important for the engineer to take into account these parameters since they not only play fundamental requirements but are also important in the process. Moreover, any designer or project manager must establish an allowance and tolerance for ensuring the system functions properly when employed and subjected to use without compromising any aspect (Poleto and Tassi 2012).


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