Consequences Of Having A Felony Criminal Record

Methods of Presenting Sources

The general topic or the issue is related to the consequences of having a felony criminal record. The area of the concern is that if an individual has a criminal record in the background it will have a negative effect on his character. The issue of concern of this situation states that any person having a criminal record will not have a positive outcome. Therefore, criminal conviction helps in bringing a host of sanctions and an amount of disqualification that can help in placing an unanticipated burden on people who try to enter the society and lead the lives as productive citizens by not having any kind of criminal record. Consequences of having a felony record have a habit of lasting for an indefinite period after a person is being made fully rehabilitated. The trends that have been published in this research points out and states the conflicts that take place in this theory. It has been observed in this organization that there have been plenty of collateral consequences after there have been a convicted individual’s employment and the opportunities of a business. The mentioned consequences have a profound impact on the lives of the ones that have already been convicted.

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  • Chronological – As per the criminal records of the American individuals, it has been observed by one of the authors of the journal that this research was on the fact that there are existing collateral consequences of the criminal conviction are considered to be as the additional penalties of the civil state. The statute mandates these, which attach to those criminal convictions caused by the criminal convictions. Having a criminal record, will not help that individual in the future, as it will make a negative impact no matter where they go (Denver, Siwach & Bushway, 2017). They will not be considered a part of the direct consequences of the criminal convictions including fines, prison and the probation period that are faced by the felonies. There is a criminal justice system, which is found to be in many forms consisting of house arrest and imprisonment. The resources of the research conduct the process of handling the individuals who have a criminal record and the consequences that they have to face.
  • Publication– The resources based on which the research has been made includes the journals on the existing consequences of having a felony criminal record. The other sources include all the other theories and journals based on which this has been published in the non-profit organization. These sources publish the facts of what the consequences are and how they are made. According to the perspective of modern scholars, collateral consequences of the criminal conviction are not considered to be the same as the social consequences of the conviction. This is because, social consequences consists of the loss of a job or other issues. There is no such criminal incident or intention associated with the social conviction. A person having a criminal record will be bound to face the consequences due to the criminal incidents (Dobbie, Goldin & Yang, 2018). In United States, the judges have the right to consider collateral consequences during the procedure of sentencing as they impose the proportionate and other artificial sentences.
  • Trends– If an individual who does not belong to the country and he or she is convicted of an offence by carrying a life sentence will be barred from United States for the rest of his life only if he is released from incarceration. Every state inflict these certain consequences. In all the jurisdictions of the United States, the judges are not usually obligated to warn of these collateral consequences for finding of guilt by trial to the process of admission of the guilt by plea agreement except in case of the regards of deportation. As per the data provided by the scholars and their opinions, it can be stated that there have been a drastic change over the years. In the present change, it can be said that there are ways by which the criminal records of individuals can be managed. There have been evidence of the data where it was proved that the rate of crimes have increased over the years. Due to this, having a criminal record is very common in the present scenario.
  • Thematic– This organization, however deals with the issues that is related to the ideas and themes, which helps in controlling the rate of crimes in the recent days. The purpose is to take care of the situation and dealing with the crimes of the modern times. It can be stated that there are valid reasons for reviewing the organization for maintain the organizational structure (Leasure & Martin, 2017). This organization has been structured in such a way for dealing with the consequences that are faced by felonies for having a criminal record. A non-profit organization deals with the issues and causes that are the reasons for forming the policies to handle the individuals who have a criminal record. The purpose of the literature review is to overview the resources with the help of which these criminal individuals are dealt with.
  • Methodological– There are existing groups that have done the research for this organization, which was being conducted. The purpose of the organization was to keep a check on the individuals who have a set of such criminal records. The method chosen was to collect the research information from various sources as discussed by the authors. As per the regulations and the relevant laws in the United States, it is not easy to track down the criminal record and comprehend the consequences. Therefore, the individuals associated with the criminal proceedings will not be able to realize the entire ramifications of being found guilty or pleading to be guilty for any of the necessary charges (Widdowson, Siennick & Hay, 2016). The evidence of this research states that the felons who have committed criminal offences will not have the right to vote. Felony crimes are considered to be those crimes that have more severe punishment. In this particular organization, there have been theories dealing with the criminal record of an individual.
  • Current Situation– The present scenario of criminal records is that there have been major criminal issues in the country. As observed from the situation, it can be observed that when an individual is generally charged with a crime, it is necessary for them to hire criminal attorneys who would defend them in the Courts (Paulson, 2017). The basic consequences that are faced by these individuals are that they suffer employment loss and ca n get fired due to this record. An employer can therefore fire its employees if they have a criminal background. The loss of income faced by them will make it harder to pay the fines faced by them and difficult to comply with the terms of the probation where the Court can impose a fine.
  • History- It is worthwhile to refer here that, from the very beginning, history has played significant role in influencing the development of the consequences of a felony conviction. It is noteworthy to mention here that, with the development of the penal system and the high rates of incarceration, a series of policy decisions were developed. The nature of the policy decisions were such that it was intended to increase the severity of the sanctions. The social, political, economic and institutional forces has played significant role in influencing the consequences of felony criminal record. It is worth mentioning that there was a sudden shift in the practices of criminal justice system, policies and laws during the post war period that subsequently resulted in high rates of incarceration. There was a sudden departure, which can be observed from the historical experiences of the United States prior to the beginning of the World War II. In this regard, it is worth noting that, the sudden departure was quite distinct from the experiences faced by the other Western Countries during the second part of the 20th Prior to the World War II, the process of making, implementing and enforcing the criminal justice policy was initiated in the United States. However, from the beginning, these developments were set within the purview of various states and local authorities and not within the federal government. At this stage, various policy makers as well as public officials existing at different levels of the government from the federal to the state sought to make necessary changes in the functioning of judicial, policing and the nature of the prosecutorial behavior. As a result of this, there have been significant changes in criminal justice policy and legislation as well.


In the conclusion, it can be stated that, with the rise of various crimes, the trends are being examined in regard to their social, political and institutional manner. However, the underlying causes of the increase in incarceration rates are still unknown. The rising of crime rates has been so far experienced by the other Western countries as well. In spite of all these, the underlying issues prevailing in the social, political and economical context has not been addressed yet. In this regard, it can be stated that the other Western countries did not respond to the high rates of increased crime with the adoption of various policies and laws (Lageson, 2016). It is evident that from the beginning of the emergence of a new criminal justice system, it has been characterized by harsh policies, practices and laws which has promoted high incarceration rates. Various efforts were made on the part of the politicians and the lawmakers at both state and federal levels for amending the policies of criminal justice system. Due to which, practices were introduced at national level and in such process, the growth of federal role was encouraged which played significant role in the implementation of crime policies. It can be rightly stated that, as a result of these changes, the capacity of the government increased considerably in regard to pursuing and punishing lawbreakers. However, this practice continued till the beginning of the 1970s and has been marked as a period of sanction of wide range of criminal activities. Therefore, mention can be made of the concept of criminal justice which became more persistent rather than acting as a intermittent issue towards the U.S government. It is evident from the history of the United States that the politicians and the public officials in the beginning of the 1960s were consistently deployed as a result of implementation of criminal justice legislation and policies because they treated the nature of crime as a national and local issue.


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