Connected Government And Information Centric Design For E-Governance
Connected Government
Connected government is the concept which is raised from the e-governance. It has been seen that most of the cases, the government are providing necessary services to the citizens and taking their applications and complain through the online portal (Dahiya and Mathew 2015). This system is known as e-governance. The implementation of the e-governance has made running of the government more flexible. Apart from that the citizens can reach out to the government at any time of the day.
The connected government defines the synchronization of the e-governance between the different governmental departments. UN has taken the initiatives through the connected government to rate the e-governance services in 2010 (Pulkkinen and Kapraali 2015). However, as it has been seen that the result of connected government is positive it can be implemented for the Australian Federal Government. In order to implement the e-governance along with the connected government, proper enterprise architecture plan is needed to be implemented.
Information centric design can be defined as the system that servers the citizen through the technology driven processes. The quality of the service is dependent on the quality and the correctness of the information (Alwadain et al. 2016). It can be said that for the proper implementation of the information centric design, the processing of data is needed to be done in a proper way. For the proper implrmnation of information centric design enterprise resource management plan is needed to be done in a proper way. The information is the main driving force of this type of designs. The proper processing of the information is needed for the delivery of the right outcome in information centric designs.
E-governance systems are the systems those are initiated by the government to help the citizens in different ways. The functions of the e-governance is operated through the use of mobile phones, internet and online portals (Trivedi et al. 2018). In this case, there is a flow of information through the internet for the functionalities of e-governance. In this situation, it is essential to implement an information centric design for proper functioning of e-governance.
The main benefits of information centric e-governance is that the information are generated at right time and in right way through the system (Dash and Pani 2016). The citizens can receive the right information from the government through this information centric design. Apart from that the security of the information can be managed in an accurate way.
Information Centric Design
Another benefit of information centric design is that the information and the data can be available for all hours of the day. Citizens can access the data at any time of the and from any places. This brings the flexibility in the e-governance system.
Information maturity model aims to improve the organizational aspects in the information centric design. There are different levels of information maturity model that ranges from zero to five. Here zero defines the lack of maturity and five defines the fully matured system (Dash and Pani 2016). Maturity level helps to define the gap between the current level and desired level.
The use of maturity level is accepted in both the industry and academic field. There are various maturity models like management maturity model. Two functions can be discussed using the information maturity model.
Function 1: Management:
Level 1: Management is not predictable. There is no definition of the hierarchy in the e-governance system.
Level 2: There is a concern about the existing system in the organization. Certain measures are taken care in order to manage the system in a proper way (Diaz 2017). Identification of the areas for the improvement is needed to be done in this step. However, policies are not defined in this step.
Level 3: The documentation of the policies are done in this stage. The planning of the implementation of new information system for e-governance is done in this stage.
Level 4: The organization, in this stage will monitor the right time for the execution of the documented plan for the implementation of then information centric design for the e-governance.
Level 5: Optimization is done in this phase. Best practices and the standard on the e-governance system will be applied in this stage (Diaz 2017). The main aim of the organization in this step is to make efforts for managing the certifications for the e-governance system. Apart from that through the different managerial procedures, continuous improvements can be done for the implemented system.
2.2 Function 2: Processes:
Level 1: Processes in the e-governance system are not defined in a proper way. All the procedures in the system are in the ad-hoc state.
Level 2: The procedures those are essentials identified. Apart from that, the processes those are supporting also identified in this stage.
Level 3: Dissemination of the processes is done in this stage. The content and sub processes of the processes are identified in this course (Hussein, Mahrin and Maarop, 2017). The planning for the execution of the processes are done at level 3. Description of the information and the objects needed to implement the processes are defined in this stage (van der Jagt et al. 2017). Planning procedures along with the data and information recovery plans are also carried out for this stage.
Enterprise Information Architecture
Level 4: The managing and monitoring of the performance of the system helps to measure the effectiveness of the system.
Level 5: The process monitoring performance is done in a proactive way so that the performance of the data can be done systematically and the optimization of the process can be improved.
Enterprise information architecture is an effective way through which the changes in the organization can be achieved. Enterprise Information Architecture defines the processes and the methods those are needed to be applied during the implementation of the changes in the organization (Diaz 2017). There are three components in the enterprise resource architecture (Saiya and Arman 2018). These are- business architecture, technical architecture and organizational architecture. The business architecture defines the processes needed to be followed in order to maintain the change from the business perspective. On the other hand, technical architecture defines the implementation or the adaptation of the technical components needed to be developed for the adaptation of the required change (Nawaz et al. 2015). Organizational architecture defines the changes necessary for the organization in order to adopt the necessary changes.
- Supporting the organizational goals: One of the main advantage of the enterprise information architecture is that it supports the processes those rare needed for the organization to achieve the goals (Anderson 2017). These can be the organizational goals or the departmental goals in the organization. Through the enterprise information architecture, the systematic implementation of the disruption in the organization is done. The implementation is done in different stages through the enterprise resource architecture.
- Supports business process reengineering: Each of the organization follows certain business processes. In order to make the changes in the organization, the changes in the business processes are needed to be done in a proper way (Urbanczyk and Werewka 2018). The business process reengineering can be done properly with the help of enterprise information architecture. Different ERP packages can be used for the redesigning of the business process engineering.
- Maintaining the flow of proper communication in the organization. With the help of the enterprise architecture management, maintenance of the proper flow of the information can be achieved. Through the organizational architecture, which is a sub process of the enterprise architecture, the hierarchy of the organization can be defined in a proper way (Hussein, Mahrin and Maarop 2017). Apart from that maintaining the proper hierarchy will help the employees in the organization to approach to the management with their concerns and issues in a proper way.
The e-governance system can be implemented through ERP. While the implementation of the e-governance system through the ERP system implementation of the certain things are needed to be achieved (Setiawan and Yulianto 2018). The implemented system should support collaborative services along the business operations. Apart from that it also includes the attributes like social inclusion (Shovon et al. 2018). Apart from that the services managed by the implemented system and the data or information used in the system should be citizen centric.
For the implementation of the ERP system for Australian Federal Government, the proposed project can be done through the five processes-
- Proper Documentation of the project
- Planning of the project
- Execution of the project
- Control and monitoring the performance of the implemented system
- Closing of the project
There are different types of r-governance services provided by Australian Federal Government. These are – government to government service, government to citizen service, citizen to government service and business to government services.
The proposed information centric ERP implementation for the organization will include the intermediate system for the automation and management of the processes for providing the e-governance system. The three main dimension of the proposed system are-
Legal Dimension:
The activities of the government is based on the legal rules and regulations. There is a law associated with each of the processes conducted by the government. There is a law model in the proposed system of enterprise resource management that would help the organization to abide by law during each of the processes and functions.
ERP System for E-Governance
Social dimension:
The main objective of e-governance is to provide the citizens with better service. This indicates that the government is trying to win the trust and the confidence of the citizens in a positive way (Dahiya and Mathew 2015). This can be done through providing services through the electronic medium. Apart from that this deployment is needed to be improved in a continuous way.
Technological dimension: In order to enhance the service accessibility and the process management there must be an execution engine in the system (Dang and Pekkola 2017). Apart from that this process engine should be integrated in the business system. In order to achieve this the modular architecture of ERP can be implemented.
Proposed system
In the proposed system, the initialization of the approach starts from examine the set of legal rules and regulations behind the process or the service maintained by e-governance. On the basis of this analysis, further steps are needed to be taken (Nawaz et al. 2015). Processes modeling used in this part is the business process modelling (Mohammed, Ibrahim and Ithnin 2016). This uses a graphical notation for the representations of the functionalities if enterprise architecture management. Two metrics can be used in this context- legal metrics and operational metrics. Both of them include qualitative and quantitative metrics.
Figure 1: ERP system for the e-governance
(Source: Dash and Pani 2016)
After the generation and execution of different modules in the engine, it is needed to be ensured that the integration of the system is done with the enterprise management system. There are different advantages of implementation of ERP system Australian Federal Government can get. Different departments of the Australian Government can be synchronized through the use of the ERP system. The government of Australia can deliver productive services through online to the citizens. Apart from that the business organizations can approach to the government for the funding and the permission for doing business. In this case, the forms and the tenders can be filled through the online portal of the website maintained by Australian government.
Conclusion and Recommendation
The discussion is regarding the use of the enterprise resource architecture in the context of e-governance. The e-governance is playing an important role for improving the government services provided to the citizens and organization. The use of emerging technology and the internet are the main features of the e-governance. The citizens can access the information and can keep in touch with the government body at any time of the day through the e-governance services. This system increase the communication between the government and citizens. Apart from that the government departments can also manage data and information along with the functionalities of the organization in a proper way. The concept of e-governance enhances the acceptability of the government to the employees. Apart from that the use of technology helps the government to synchronize the works from the different departments.
Level Metrics for Information Maturity Model
Some of the recommendations can be made regarding the implementation of the enterprise resource management for the Australian Federal Government. In order to implement the ERP in this government organization, there is a need for the documentation of the requirements in a proper way. Apart from that the involvement of the stakeholders are important for the implementation of the ERP in the system. ERP system can be implemented through proper software. The selection of the ERP software is needed to be done on the basis of the requirements. Apart from that the employees working the different department of Australian Federal Government may not be trained to handle the newly implemented ERP system. In this context, the synchronization between the different departments in the government organization may become a problem. In order to mitigate this problem, proper training to the employees are needed to be given for handling of the system. Taking all these initiatives can assure that the implementation of the ERP system in the Australian Government can be successful.
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