Conflict And Negotiation For Business Development Of Capabilities

Review of Literature

Describe about the Conflict and Negotiation for Business Development of Capabilities.

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The main objective of this report is to help the students to explore the existing capabilities to develop the key capabilities to manage the other’s capability in an effective manner. For this assignment, the topic of conflict and negotiation is selected. This report significantly discusses about the definitions, models and theories of conflict and negotiation to develop understanding towards the required skills for managing the situation of conflict during the processes of negotiation. Further, this paper will include the self-analysis that will be conducted on the basis of three diagnostic tools which help in determining two areas for further improvement. Again this report will introduce a development plan for improving two areas on the basis of investigated literature on self-analysis techniques. This plan will also include the actions to improve identified areas through the help of certain goals for measuring the progress of development.   

In the word of Noma & Crossman (2012), conflicts take place between negotiators due to the

incapabilities of the involved parties. Some time it takes place due to the differences in the viewpoints that restrict the team members to reach an acceptable result. There are three conflicts that are related to the relationship, task, and process, which takes place among the group members and affect the interaction between them negatively (Sarkar, 2010).

Thomas, Thomas & Schaubhut (2006) defines conflict as a situation, when parties are not disagreeing to reach an acceptable outcome. In this situation, the use of conflict resolving techniques is mandatory. In the similar manner, Tjosvold (2008) defines negotiation as a process between two or more parties to reach an acceptable outcome and address the interest of each stakeholder in an effective manner. Therefore, it can be stated that the negotiation is a process to handle the situation of conflicting effectively. Hence, managers of organizations use negotiation to manage workplace conflicts.   

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OECD (2012) defines the theory of CDA (conflict-related development analysis) that explains steps to manage and resolve the conflict related issues in a significant manner. As per this theory, the analysis of conflicts, evaluation of existing responses and effective determination of each response is key steps to address conflicts effectively but different competencies are required to execute each step.   

In the word of Atorough & Martin (2008). Thomas–Kilmann Conflict theory is another theory that gives five different styles to address the conflicts. These are given below:

Analysis of Self-Capability

In the context of this theory, an individual has to use different competencies to manage the situations of conflicts.  

Lebitso (2012) defines interest-based relational approach (IBR) as a tool to negotiate with involved parties during the situation of conflict. This theory clearly says that the situation of conflict can be reached at the negotiation table through the help of respect to differences and good relationship. It means the importance of the opinion and view of others are most important during the communication. Otherwise, conflict may take place. This theory focuses on the importance of interpersonal competencies to ensure the successful address of conflict situations. 

In the word of Ghorbanshiroudi, etal, (2011), there is the strong relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and conflict management, which lead negotiation between parties. In this context, Goleman has developed four domains of EI that are self-management, social awareness, self-awareness, and relationship management (Ghorbanshiroudi, etal, 2011). Self-awareness needs to competencies to make accurate self-analysis to maintain self-assurance. It needs many competencies for conducting self-management that includes self-control, flexibility, goal-oriented, realization, reliability and initiator. On the other hand, social awareness needs competency to apply understanding and maintaining the awareness towards the organizational issues. In the similar manner, relationship management needs effective communication, teamwork, coaching, collaboration, and mentoring (Ghorbanshiroudi, etal, 2011). This theory defines the skills related to social and emotional for addressing the conflict through the help of negotiating effectively.    

In the similar sense, Wood & Bell (2008) state that leadership skills, decision making capability are essential skills to address the situation of conflicts positively. As a result, an individual may be able to reduce or eliminate the root of the conflict during the negotiation effectively.

Daly, etal., (2010) say that an individual needs several competencies for making effective negotiation and management of conflicts. In this context, the self-awareness, adaptability of the situation, mutual communication, understanding, skills to hear others, self-actualization, acceptance, and positive viewpoint are most required competencies in the context of the negotiation process to manage conflicts within the team members. In accordance to Gwakwa, M. (2015), an effective negotiation always facilitates negotiating parties for finding the acceptable solution of each problem. In this context, effective communication based on verbal and non-verbal techniques, emotional intelligence, the capability of problem analysis, skills of stress management are some critical skills, which should have fllowed by a person or manager to manage the mutual conflicts significantly.

Thus, the above defined models and theories of negotiation and conflicts play a significant role in the development of required skills to manage the mutual conflicts effectively.

For conducting the analysis of self capabilities to analyze the capabilities of resolving the issues related to conflicts and negotiating, Belbin Team Inventory, Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI) and Thomas Khilman Conflict Questionnaire are three more effective diagnostic tools. As per the result of analysis, it can be stated that I am not capable to give support to other people and not able to work in a cooperative manner. Hence, there is strong need to make improvement in skills. The result of first diagnosis (Refer Appendix 1) defines that I use assertive style to address conflict, which defines I use unsupportive behaviour. It means I have to make changes in interpersonal skills to improve its efficiency.

I do not care about the view of the other during the mutual communication. The result of the above diagnosis also reveals the similar analysis that means I am poor towards the making of social relationship with others. It means there is a need to make improvement in the interpersonal skills. Above diagnosis also defines that I have to develop the communication skills that will help me to develop the understand towards the issues of team members, their views and attitude before making any decision.  In the similar context, the result of diagnosis reveals that there is a need to give the importance to the concerns of others. It means it gives value to self respect rather the respects of others. It means I have to improve this skill. The diagnostic test (Refer Appendix 3) describes that I am not able to manage the problem of the team members due to the less effective people management skill.

I do not find the quick solution of every problem due to the panic nature that also increases the stress level. It means I am not able to create the real frame of the problem to find the exact solution. In the same way, Appendix 1 defines that I like to ignore the issues rather finding the solution of each issue. It means I am less capable of analyzing the problems. Therefore, skills of situational analysis have to develop to find the solution of each problem within time.

 For instance, I get panic, when the member of my team takes leave without informing me. As a result, I do not find me in a situation to get the solution of any problem. Hence, this example clearly explains that there is need to make improvement in the skills related to problem-solving.

The analysis result (Refer Appendix 3) also reveals that I have no leadership skills because I am not able to perform a role of a team member, leader or coordinator. I also like to make the decision without listening other’s view effectively. It means I have to make improvement in the human resource to lead the team members in an effective manner. In the absence of this skill, I may not be able to develop effective workplace relationship with team members that restrict my team by achieving organizational targets timely.

Through the help of diagnostic tools, it is described that the capabilities related to problem solving and interpersonal relationship require some improvement for enhancing the conflict managing capability to negotiate with the other party effectively. Below is the development plan that can be used for empowering abilities and capabilities to resolve the mutual conflicts:




Required Time

Interpersonal Skills

To get the feedbacks of juniors and seniors through the help of regular practice on active listening

Listen to everyone before responding them actively

Within one month

New learning about the different styles and forms of communication for developing the level of understanding through the help of regular participation in group seminars and getting feedback from team members on communication abilities

To develop the understating towards the non-verbal and verbal communication

Within two months

Regular use of stress management through the help of mediation

Can able to handle the emotions during the analysis of other’s behaviour

Within Two Months

Skills for problem solving

Development of knowledge towards the techniques related to problem-solving from self learning through Internet

Be able for taking initiatives to offer suggestions to solve problems

Within one month

By improving the level of knowledge towards the effective techniques of problem-solving with the help of Internet based knowledge  

Can follow an effective way for managing the problems without stress

Within one month

By making the analysis of the impact of problem’s solutions to get new learning

Can be able for managing similar problems before the predicted timing

Within Three months


The above defined development plan will play an effective role to inform the actions for empowering required behaviour, attitude and knowledge level that will help to monitor the impacts of each executed action. The development plan is also an effective tool for making improvement in the personal competencies, which will support the professional and personal life of an individual. Above defined development plans clearly describes the actions, which have to use for making improvement in the interpersonal skills and problem solving skills that will help to manage the actions and behaviour of entire members of the team towards the objective fulfilment.

For making improvement in the interpersonal skills, the management of communication, emotion and listening is major areas (Riasi & Asadzadeh, 2015). In this context, the above define plan will help to develop the understanding towards the opinion, feeling and views of others that will improve personal behaviour of a person also. This improvement will also encourage the others to find the solution of each problem without affecting the mutual relationship. In this context, the comments of others in regard of listing and communicational skills will help in determining the other’s perception and impacts of others’ actions (Throop & Castellucci, 2010).  In the similar sense, the knowledge of different ways to address the problems during negotiation will also improve the problem-solving skills. It is a well known thought that the effective knowledge helps the individual to make the situation based decisions (Rob & Hammond, 2013). In the similar manner, the proper knowledge of problem solving techniques will help to select the alternatives as per the situation that will help to follow the situation based attitude for finding the solution of each problem within time. The knowledge of different methods related to the problem solving will encourage entering into every negotiation with the solution of each problem (Schlaerth, Ensari & Christian, 2013). As a result, it can be stated that the development plan will help to analyze the behaviour during the problem, which will also help to get the experience for it for future negotiation.

For an individual, the process of self-learning is an important term because it will empower the self-managing ability, which improves the responsive power towards the other people. As a result, the problem can be managed through the help of each stakeholder that will also increase the team performance (Ogunyemi, etal., 2010). Then, it can be stated the above proposed development plan may help to address the gap related to capabilities and conflict addressing capability and behaviour that will improve the negotiation skills also.


Above discussion reveals that the situation based competencies should be used by an individual to address the conflicts positively. As per the above discussion, it can be stated that interpersonal and problem solving skills are two effective skills for dealing with conflict and negotiation. These competencies help an individual to manage the negotiation without conflict therefore; individual should have to improve these competencies because of its direct impact on the thoughts, behaviours and actions of a person.


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