Concepts Of Project Procurement And Management

The operation of diverse and complex government and non-governmental project contractual arrangements relevant to a range of managed services, ICT, and build agreements

In this life, we come across many areas where we find ourselves engaging in different simple or complex projects. Organizations also have their projects most of which happen to be serious projects which need to be taken seriously and implemented as required for they influence the performance of the organizations in a great way. The knowledge of project procurement and project management, in general, is very important in our lives as we may find ourselves working with other teams in implementing some serious projects of various organizations where we must utilize the knowledge and the skills of project management to come up with the best projects which will help the organizations to prosper. This paper will discuss various concepts of projects procurement and projects management which are very important in our lives.

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The operation of diverse and complex government and non-governmental project contractual arrangements relevant to a range of managed services, ICT, and build agreements

We have different types of projects which vary due to many factors the main factors being the purpose and the objectives of the projects. These different types of projects call for different requirements to be implemented. The procurement of different projects is mainly determined by the benefits which the project is expected to bring to the government and to the people in general (Bradley, 2010). Among the most common projects in different countries are ICT projects, building and construction projects, some projects involving different services delivery, among other projects. Some of these projects may be initiated by the government while other projects may be initiated and owned by some non-governmental organizations or some private investors. For any of these projects to be commissioned or procured, we must have some discussions and some contractual agreements among the people partaking the project, some non-governmental organizations which may be involved in the projects, and the governments which in most cases are responsible of giving the regulatory requirements or the legal implications of the projects (Turner, 2016).

The government and the non-government organizations (NGOs) work in collaboration to ensure we have a successful implementation of various projects (Chan and Li, 2016, pp.47-59). The governments and the non-governmental organizations must make the necessary and the appropriate contractual agreements on the roles to be played by each of the parties to ensure we have successful implementation of the projects. The main roles played by the non-government organizations and the governments are funding the projects and offering a conducive environment to ensure the projects will be commissioned or procured and run smoothly in the implementation process as expected. Therefore, a good and a contractual agreement between the governments and the non-government organizations is very necessary and needs to exist for the projects to be initiated and implemented as required. Initiation and implementation of these projects benefit not only the governments and the non-government organizations but also the members of the general public where the projects are implemented and these members of the general public happen to be the main beneficiaries of the projects.

The common arguments using logic, persuasion, and influence as commonly applied to conflicting and/or competing stakeholder agendas

The common arguments using logic, persuasion, and influence as commonly applied to conflicting and/or competing stakeholder agendas

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Different stakeholders have different agendas some of which seem to conflict each other or compete with each other. These conflicting and competing agendas arise from the fact that these stakeholders come from different cultural backgrounds or have different cultures and different interests and therefore their agendas must be different (Rowlinson, Walker, and Cheung, 2008, pp. 277–310). Each of the stakeholders has a certain ego and believes that his/her agendas are the best and the most important agendas and should be given special emphasis when implementing various projects in their organizations. If not controlled, the ego of these stakeholders which make them over-value their agendas and feel that they are the best and the most important which should be prioritized by the organizations without considering the views and the agendas of the other stakeholders can make the projects to fail if not addressed accordingly. Organizations should come up with some ways to address the ego and so the conflicting and/or the competing agendas of the stakeholders especially by considering the “weight” and the relevance of the arguments and the agendas of different stakeholders before they can make their decisions on which arguments or agendas to implement in their projects (South et al., 2017). In solving these conflicting and/or competing agendas, the organizations should not just ignore or put off the stakeholders who have conflicting and/or competing agendas but they should apply logic, persuasion, and influence and reason together with these stakeholders in picking the best arguments or agendas to implement in their projects and this will make the stakeholders feel appreciated by the organizations as they become part of the team making the decisions for the organizations.

To start with the use of logic, logic is normally described as the reasoning which is mainly conducted or assessed according to some strict principles of validity (Dewey, 2018). In considering the agendas or the arguments of the stakeholders, the organizations should always consider the logical or the practically realizable, the most effective, and the most beneficial arguments or agendas and implement them in their projects and this will help the organizations and the other parties to enjoy the fruits of implementation of the projects.

Persuasion is another technique which can be used to address the conflicting and/or the competing agendas of different stakeholders. The organizations should always persuade some stakeholders to forfeit some of their agendas and embrace the most valid and the most important agendas even if they come from different stakeholders for the overall benefits of the organizations.

Different methods of project negotiation, conflict management, and stakeholder engagement across projects which consist different technology standards and asset lifecycles

Influencing the stakeholders is another important technique which can help to address the conflicting and/or the competing agendas of different stakeholders. The organizations should always influence different stakeholders to accept the best agendas regardless of their sources and work together with the organizations in implementing these agendas which will have some benefits to the overall performance of the organizations (Richet, Ngwenyama, and Rowe, 2016).

Different methods of project negotiation, conflict management, and stakeholder engagement across projects which consist different technology standards and asset lifecycles

In project management, project negotiation is the process which is undertaken to solve different types of conflicts or disputes which may arise at different stages of the project management lifecycle (Dorochoff, 2016). Conflict management, on the other hand, is the ability to identify and efficiently and effectively handle different conflicts which may arise in organizations during the process of project management (Rahman, Nasrin, and Akter, 2017, pp.30-34). There are different methods which can be used in project negotiation and conflict management in organizations. Some of the methods which have been proved to be very effective include having a dialogue (communication among the organization stakeholders) to solve the disputes or the conflicts which arise during the project management process and seeking for assistance from some mediators or other project management experts (Rahim, 2017). To start with communication or dialogue, communication among the stakeholders has been found to be the most effective method of project negotiation and conflict management as different stakeholders can come together have a talk and reason out on how they will solve all the disputes are differences among them. In most of the times, the communication method ends up being successful and helps to solve all the disputes or the disputes facing the project management process as the stakeholders take their time to reason out and come with some amicable solutions which solve all their differences (Wu et al., 2017, pp.1466-1482). Although in most of the cases communication or dialogue among yields some success, we may have some cases where the stakeholders fail to come into an agreement on how to resolve the disputes arising during the project management process and in such cases some mediators who can be seen as some external project management advisors can be called to come and help in conducting the project negotiation and conflict management and these mediators can help to resolve the conflicts or the disputes which arise in the process of the project development (Hennessy, 2017, pp.60-61).

In projects which have different technology standards and asset lifecycles, different stakeholders must be engaged in the projects where each of the stakeholders plays a different role in the projects. We have some stakeholders whose main role is confirming whether the appropriate technology which meets the required standards is employed as required by the project and offering some technological advice where required, we have some other stakeholders whose main role is to make sure the assets of the organizations are utilized as required and offer assistance related to assets management if required, among other stakeholders who have other different roles in the projects development.


From the discussion, we can say that the knowledge of different concepts of project management is very important in our daily lives and will continue to help us in our lives. The knowledge and the skills learned from project management will help us in our daily lives as we undertake some simple or some complex projects and will be even more helpful in the future when we’ll be working in different organizations where we have many projects which keep on being implemented regularly.


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Dewey, J., 2018. Logic-The theory of inquiry. Worcestershire: Read Books Ltd.

Dorochoff, N., 2016. Negotiation Basics for Cultural Resource Managers. London: Routledge.

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Rahim, M.A., 2017. Managing conflict in organizations. London: Routledge.

Rahman, M.M., Nasrin, S. and Akter, M.A., 2017. Illustrating Conflicts among Project Stakeholders in Sustainable Project Management. Business and Management Horizons, 5(1), pp.30-34.

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