Computer Crime: Theft Of Unprotected Data
The essay depicts the importance of data security in Information System (IS) in terms of ethical dilemma. Nowadays, the rate of computer crime is increasing at a rapid manner (Cameron 2013). In order to reduce the rate of crime certain sophisticated methodologies are needed to be adopted. Generally, unauthorized and unauthenticated users steal the unprotected data without the permission of the owner of the data. The aim of the essay is to frame different ethical issues that might occur in cyber crime and their mitigation techniques. The objective is to set an ethical as well as moral circumstance in computing technology. In other words, each and everything that opposed to public policy against the public welfare may disturb the public tranquility will be mentioned in this essay. From the above discussion two major hypotheses can be stated – Hypothesis 1: Cyber attack is an offensive approach and Hypothesis 2: Active and defensive tools are needed to be acquired to remove the security oriented issues.
Immediate access of protected data can be done with the help of encryption key (Campbell, Nelson and Simek 2015). However, if the data are not protected then those data can be easily theft by the hackers. Nowadays, this is termed as major issue in the field of computer study (Shimonski 2014). If a data owner does not protect its data then it does not mean that, the data can be theft by any unauthorized person. If the data steals by someone then, that will be an issue from the ethical perspective. Additionally, from the security aspect it can be said that the owner of the data should make keep his data protected with certain encryption key. The key must not be shared or public key all the time rather they should use private key for their data security.
The first hypothesis states that, cyber attack is an offensive approach that means stealing someone’s data without permission is not correct from the ethical perspective (Brumen et al. 2013). There are many reasons behind this statement. In case of cyber attacks, it generally targets big organizations and sometimes, someone’s personal data such as banking details and personal details (Slusky and Goodrich 2016). Not only this but also infrastructures, computer networking system, and personal data can also get theft by the virus attacks or worm attacks. In viral attacks, personal device can also get corrupted. The cyber attack can be ranges from the installation of spyware on the personal computer to spoil the complete infrastructure of the device. From the demonstration of worm recently cyber attack has become too sophisticated and dangerous (Tajpour, Ibrahim and Zamani 2013). There are basically, three factors such as fear factor, vulnerability factor and spectacular factor that contribute in cyber attacks.
While analysing the reasons behind cyber attack it can be stated that, it causes fear factors within groups and organizations. Attackers create frequent interruption in personal data of the users. It causes deliberate exploitation of computer information system. In technology department and enterprises cyber attacks uses malicious code to alter computer code, logic and data to disrupt the consequences of the system (Muthama 2013). Cyber attacks influences many consequences such as theft of identity, fraud and exploitation, snooping and spoofing. Denial of service is another form of cyber attack that socially and politically motivates attackers to carry out the fears. Cyber attacks generally targets the common public, national and corporate organizations. The main reason of cyber attack is to steal one’s data, for personal uses or sometimes for different misuse. The personal or banking details of the users are getting theft by the attackers and they misuse it. From recent news, that took place in the year of 2013 in New York, is named as crypto wall 2.0 (Rose 2014). In that case, an attacker attacks a particular website with certain virus attacks and the user’s personal files and images get corrupted for that virus (Schia 2016). Not only this but also, those files get corrupted by the attackers private key. The encryption key used by the attackers is not a shared one and therefore, in order to retrieve the data that particular key cannot be used by the victim at the same time. Additionally, it came to focus that the victim cannot fetch the corrupted files without any payment of bit coins. A similar case was found on the same year in Germany also (Choi, Scott and LeClair 2016). Where, the victim had to pay bit coins to decrypt the data encrypted by the hackers. The victim of the attack denied to pay the coins and the amount became doubled after a week. These situations are completely unethical as a hacker do not have the permission to steal someone’s personal data without his or her permission.
The second hypothesis states that active and defensive tools are needed to be acquired to reduce the security and ethical issues. Several tools are utilized by technology users and organizations to remove the ethical issues. Top 10 tools are used to reduce the rate of computer crime and ethical issues. According to Slusky and Goodrich (2016) information is a power which is certainly true when it comes to cyber crime. Unauthorized access to personal information gives a power to the hackers to tap into the personal account of the user. Additionally, through personal computer information hacking one can steal the banking details and accordingly can transact money without the permission of the users (Pfleeger and Pfleeger 2012). These issues can be resolved by adopting some tools. Hackers are not the only one who gains power from the information, whereas, prevention of hacking is another part of education that helps the victims to keep their data secured from the attackers. Another tool that can be used by the victims is known as firewall. Firewall is capable to monitor the traffic between devices and the network systems. Firewall keeps a system defensive more than a common one (Reyns and Henson 2015). If over any instant messenger a user is chatting or sending electronic mail to someone then that time, password and user identity keep the system secured from unauthorized users. The users should use strong passwords so that the data cannot get decrypt easily by the hackers. Again, comprehensive security software, updated operating system, safe network and secured control panel should be incorporated by the user’s devices.
The study of technology and computer systems hackers expands their mind in a broad range (Eck and Weisburd 2015). There is always a contradiction on the term hacking as it is glorified and at the same time it is undetermined by the common medium. In some cases it has been found that hackers help to detect the location of the criminals with the help of their hacking technology and software. Many ethical dilemma related to cyberage are evolving nowadays at a huge rate (Brumen et al. 2013). The right of the society to the security and the exploitation of personal information is another ethical issue. Hacking is termed as a brand of disobedience that expresses dissatisfaction within the system. Hacking helps to monitor illegal attacks also. Apart from this, the wide range of growth of the internet services computer security has become a major concern from the government and business perspectives (Masum, Ullah and Azad 2015). It has come to focus that professional ethical hackers possess variety of skills to complete the trustworthiness and security within the organizations.
Schia (2016) stated that, the need for information security practices is enhancing with each security breach. In order to reduce the rate of cyber attack hacking can be reversibly used by the organizations and computer users. The major challenges for the businesses are a complexity of security requirement due to the rapid changes of hacking technologies.
The code of the ethics generated by Australian Computer Society are- the primacy of public interest, professionalism, enhancement of quality of life, competencies, honesty and professional development (Shevchuk and Voronyak 2014).
From the overall discussion it can be concluded that, computer crime and theft of unprotected date is a major ethical issues nowadays growing in a rapid manner throughout the world. In order to reduce the rate of this problem several tools are adopting by different organizations and users. In this essay the hypothesis stated above mentioned that one of the most recent basis offensive approaches is cyber attack. Another hypothesis states that, active and defensive tools are required to be adopted by the organizations and other computer users to protect different crucial data. The essay also elaborated the clear explanation of the issues and one objection to computer crime that is theft of unprotected data. How ethical hacking helps to determine track criminals are also mentioned here. Apart from this, code of conducts generated by Australian Computer Society is also mentioned in this essay including the beneficial perspectives of Ethical hacking. The essay depicted that, in computer crime theft of unprotected data is one of the major issues
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